Kaeus's chess game

154 assassins around

The biggest effect of a sniper is not how many people he has shot, but how much impact he can have on the enemy.

The death of the old goat made 30 infantry shrink to the roadside and dare not dare to move forward. A dense diffuse and accurate shooting made more than 50 soldiers only shrink behind the shield and dare not move. Agui completed his task excellently as a sniper archer.

Seeing that the two groups of people were suppressed by himself, Agui packed up his things, shot all the arrows in the barrel, and turned around from the mountain forest to chase the direction of the team.

"Well, do you think that archer is still staring at us?" There was no movement outside for a long time. A soldier whispered in the shield array and asked his comrades-in-arms who were holding the shield next to him.

"I don't know!" The knife and shield soldier raised the shield for a long time, and his temper was unusual: "If you want to know, just stand up. I'll give you a place to rest..."

"Oh, don't, don't, brother, don't joke, let me help you lift it for a while." The infantry quickly took the shield and raised it up, so that the people next to him still stared at him. Everyone knew that the archer staring at them was unusual. The ordinary white arrow was surprisingly accurate in this archer, and as long as there was a gap occasionally exposed, it might get in!

The big boss sat under the shield and silently counted his breath. Just now, the old goat was shot alive not far away. He really wanted to jump out and kill the archer, but looking at the frightened eyes of the brothers around him, the big boss could only suppress his anger and sit under the shield and wait.

The infantry in the distance was not sniped for a long time and began to slowly move forward under the cover of trees. It was not until they confirmed that the archer had left for a long time before they dared to walk out of the woods and set foot on the business road tremblingly.

"The big head, it seems to be all right." A man whispered. At this time, everyone saw that the eyes of the big master were red. At first glance, they were angry by the mysterious archer, and no one dared to talk nonsense.

"Withdraw the shield!" The master said fiercely, and the shield that had been covered above his head was suddenly removed, and the afternoon sun blood was thrown on everyone's head.

"You damn archer!" The big owner looked at the dense forest cliffs on both sides and suddenly scolded loudly. From being trapped in the shield array in the afternoon to the sunset, they were actually trapped by several archers for three or four hours!

The great masters did not know that there was only one archer who sniped at them, otherwise he would have to spit blood!

In one episode of the two teams, the big leader found that his 20 bow and arrow team was completely clean! Ten swords and shield soldiers also died, and now they are still complete by the long spears and the infantry that came later!

"What should I do next?" Several captains gathered around the big leader waiting for his decision.

"What can he do if it's all like this?" The big owner stamped his foot: "Chasing! Keep chasing!"

He grabbed a eloquent subordinate and said, "You boy, run back to the camp and tell those bastards that dozens of valuable goods are running back. We have eliminated more than half of the mercenaries and are chasing them. Let them all come over quickly and run slowly without money!"

After a while, Maddie threw the soldiers' bodies into the mountains, and there was nothing left on the road. Then they lined up again, and the swords and shield soldiers opened the way and continued to chase.

At this time, the ghost had entered the defensive position prepared by the fire lark. A commercial road hanging halfway was full of aggressive mercenaries. Even a weak female mercenaries in red were serious at this time, and everyone kept looking back with weapons.

The mountain road is not wide, which just limits the charge of the Maddie people. Although the tower shield has been abandoned on the battlefield, the Maddie people have completely lost their archers. Now everyone is waiting for the Maddie people to catch up. With the superb personal ability of the flame fighters, they are confident that they will completely consume the Mady people on this narrow mountain road!

Sleste, who should have run away, was actually with everyone at this time, but beside him stood a small man wrapped in iron armor.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry now, but I'm looking forward to the bandits, but I didn't expect that it was still an army of a certain country! The most hateful thing is that these idiots have hundreds of soldiers who have to block the way!

Wendebanls has been a bandit with Afnerius. As long as he ambushed people on both sides and waited for the convoy to rush out to kill and unload the goods as soon as it arrived. Is this method of fishing in a net? How can there be no bandit who still learns to set up cards to charge for officials?

The Maddie cavalry did catch up with the convoy, and they killed the driver of Wendebans with a knife. At that time, Wendebans was still sitting in the carriage. When the unattended carriage hit the tree, Wendebans, who had been huddled in the carriage, had to jump out, and the two resentful arrows resulted in the cavalry.

The tin man who suddenly jumped out of the carriage made the surrounding flark mercenaries nervous. No one knew that there was such a monster hidden in his motorcade!

Although Wendebans shot the cavalry, the girls of the fire lark surrounded them with weapons hostilely.

It's a dream to kill the eldest prince in this situation. Wendebans, who can only shoot arrows, is now not even possible to escape. Fortunately, this guy has always been flexible, and the armored Wendebans immediately made up a set of words: "I'm Jester's soldier, secretly protecting His Royal Highness!"

Because Wendebanes had been hiding in the car, this time he did solve the two pursuers, and his lies were reasonable. When Xileste personally came to confirm that he was Jester's bow and arrow battalion, the mercenaries of the fire lark released the weapons in his hand.

"Did Afnerius let you come?" Sislet asked smartly, because when he went to the bow and arrow camp, he also saw the archer of Wendebans training soldiers. In addition, he had always thought that Afnarius would not refuse his call, so he preconceived that the archer was a secret guard sent by Afnarius to please him.

But Wendebaners, who heard this question, changed his face. Has the assassination of the eldest prince been revealed this time? He couldn't help thinking of Afennaeus' cold methods. If it hadn't been for the completely enclosed helmet, Xilest would have seen the fierce light in his eyes!

"Very good, you can follow me in the future..." Sislet saw that Vande Baners didn't say anything and thought he had guessed right, so he nodded gently and turned back to the car, and everyone continued to rush.

What does he mean? Let me continue to follow him?" Wenderbans looked at the back of Sirester doubtfully. He really didn't understand what the eldest prince was thinking, but as soon as he saw the carriage moving again, the lame Wenderbaners quickly jumped on the cart of the eldest prince's carriage, and now he could not do it. He could only obediently follow the eldest prince first and then Say.

In this way, Wenderbaners, who was supposed to assassinate the eldest prince, had to temporarily become the bodyguard of the eldest prince.