Kaeus's chess game

101 Positive Conflict

"You!" The young knight grasped the hilt, but his companion next to him pressed his hand faster.

"You can't draw your sword here!"

"Well, I'll kill you with my fist!" The knight gave his sword to his companions, raised his hand and put on his gloves. After all, this thing was woven with wire, and it was punched like a small hammer.

"Come on, let's fight on the stage..." Agui walked to the wooden platform with a smile. In fact, if you want to clean up the knight, you don't have to go to the wooden platform at all. Agui can solve him by standing in place for a few strokes. However, since he wants to hit morale, the more people he sees, the better the effect.

When he saw the ghost walking to the stage, the guests next to him immediately became lively. With the ghost's skills, it was useless for the knights to go up to a few. The young knight did not find that many people had looked at him with pitiful eyes.

"I'm from the Cool Summer Knights..." The young knight was stopped by the ghost as soon as he wanted to introduce himself.

"I don't care who you are, and I'm not interested in knowing you. What do you want to say? Let's talk about it after you beat me..."

The knight, who was already full of fire, blushed with anger. In the face of this civilian who did not follow the rules, he felt that one more sentence was an insult to himself! The young knight suddenly took a step forward and clenched his fist to hit the devil's cheek!

Orthodox knights must be proficient in seven aristocratic skills, which are the seven popular knight skills in the aristocratic circle. They must be proficient in horse riding, swimming, shooting, swordsmanship, hunting, poetry chanting and chess to participate in the knight selection, so the knights of the whole Knights of the Light do not master boxing and bows. Door technology.

Boxing was considered too rude by them, and bows and arrows were too sinister, so after losing their horses, they really didn't have much ability to fight with ghosts.

The young knight waved his fists purely by instinct. Without fancy skills and fierce techniques, he tried like a child to hit his two fists in the face with a sense of sharpness.

"It turns out that this boy can't do anything..." The lively audience shook their heads one after another. They thought it would be a good test, but in front of him was obviously a stunned young man who could do anything. The ghost was lazy to counter, just casually dodged a few times to make the knight tired and gasp.

"It turns out that your knights can't do anything without horses and swords!" The ghost leisurely dodged the knight's fist while teasing his anger.

Ah~ The knight shouted and suddenly shook his leg and kicked the ghost. This move is not learned in the knight's seven skills, but that when they disembrange from the horse, the knights have to shake their legs back hard to jump off the horse. Over time, it became the only move to shake their legs.

"This trick is still a little interesting!" The ghost's eyes lit up, and his knee pushed towards the knight's knee joint. The armor made of thin steel was made of large hard boards, and only the joints of the knee elbow were soft joints woven with fine wire. The ghost did not fight back for a long time and was lazy to hammer the big hard plate armor, but now the knight has thrown a beautiful leg. Naturally, he also wants to return the color!

The knight's armor limited his inability to see the situation behind him. The young knight only felt that his thrown leg suddenly shook, and then there was a piercing pain from his knee. When his leg was withdrawn, his knee had been deformed, and even the angle with his calves was different.

"Ah! My leg!" As soon as the foot fell to the ground, the knight fell down in pain. The fierce top of the ghost's knee had damaged his knee horizontally. Now even a few muscles of the kneecap have been torn. No one wants it to continue to stand.

Immediately, two knights came and carried the injured person to the side. The sacrifice had already been waiting there to prepare to save people. Bai Todd and several other captains learned from the sacrifice that the boy on the stage was also very powerful in close combat. He once killed several fighting masters empty-handed!

At this time, Pasak just ran down from upstairs. Just now, a knight started with Agui. Naturally, his subordinate had to ask Captain Anthony for instructions.

"Captain Anthony said he couldn't do anything with this boy!" Pasak whispered, "His fists and feet are so powerful that several people are useless at the same time!"

"Why didn't you say that just now? Do you judge people like to be slow down by half a beat!" A captain angrily questioned Pasak that the injured boy was his subordinate.

"Captain, please pay attention to your words!" Although Pasak is only an adjudicator, he is not afraid of the captain of the Knight of Light. If Captain Anthony hadn't been here, Pasak could have thrown out any charges and directly cleaned up the captain!

Birtod and another captain also came to persuade him to fight. After all, those who annoyed the verdict would not have good results.

Several people were whispering infighting, and the sacrifice next to him who treated the wounded raised their heads and said, "This child's leg has been saved, and he can't be a knight anymore!"

"What! Why!" Several captains walked to the wounded and looked at the red and swollen knees.

While scratching the injured's knee with his hand, the sacrifice explained, "The other party's leg is very fierce. You see, the two main muscles here and here have been torn, and the muscles that control the calf here are simply broken!" Although I helped him connect the muscles, I can't work harder with his leg, otherwise those muscles will break!"

The wounded have been hypnotized with sedation. In a world without anesthetics, hypnosis is the best way to deal with pain.

Several captains looked at the knight's young face and gently sighed and found several knights to carry him upstairs. It seemed that everyone really got into a big trouble this time. If there were horses, they could still fight with this dark believer, but now, everyone seemed to have become his prey.

Seeing that there was no movement on the part of the Knights, the ghost shook his head and walked down from the stage. Spader and the little Particle prepared some wine for him, and now they are waiting for him at the table.

How's it going? Do you want me to do this?" Spadel's eight feet are like eight natural spears. If he kills with his feet now, it is not a bad thing to the rules of the safe inn.

"The game has just begun..." The ghost picked up the wine glass with a smile, and the three of them gathered together to drink.

In the early morning of the next day, Pasak ran to Anthony's room again, "Your Excellency, that dark believer has gone out again. Shall we chase him?"

"The horse is gone, how to chase it!" Anthony lay in ** and sulked. There used to be an old man Lyudmila, but now there is only one ghost left. A group of knights on his side still have nothing to do with him.

"Your Excellency, the child who broke his leg yesterday committed suicide and martyred. Let's report this matter. More than a dozen bright knights have died, and we can't bear this responsibility!"

"Damn guy!" Anthony lifted the quilt and sat up and shouted angrily, "Let those idiots get up. If we can't catch him today, we won't come back!"

Soon the remaining knights formed two teams and followed Anthony out of the safe inn.

"He is really persistent. Is that ghost really so important to him?" Jiawa leaned against the chair and watched the Knights of Light fish out of the gate.

Beckman sat opposite her with a smile. "You don't know how important dark believers are to those people of the light religion. Without darkness, there is nothing to rely on light. Like Anthony, this ghost will be the best ladder for him to rise to power. Dark believers usually take decades to produce one, so Anthony would rather The knight team came to kill him and refused to report the news in order to swallow the credit alone.

"Do you mean that the God of Light doesn't know about the ghost yet?" Jiawa didn't expect Anthony to be so bold. "If he can't catch the ghost, he will lose so many people. The Light God knows how to punish him..."

"Cut, his little calculation is good. What's wrong with losing some knights? Later, as soon as the news of the dark believers is reported, maybe they can get some rewards or something. Beckman smiled and said, "You don't know much about these bloated and corrupt religious institutions. There must be some shrewd people in Light God, but more of them are mediocre!"

The sky was slightly white, and the ghost stood quietly outside the safe inn with an axe. Last night, the ghosts wiped the skills of the bright knights. The ghost suddenly found that they were not as powerful as they thought. A group of clowns who could not even punch and feet had no obstacle at all except for a divine guardian who could block the attack. The means to stop the ghost!

So the ghost didn't even bring the wooden crystal core. He only carried an axe and dared to block the door and wait for them to come out.

"How dare you not escape today?" Anthony looked at the ghost in surprise, and then suddenly laughed and said, "Well, it seems that you are also a samurai and finally know the battle openly!"

"Ha ha, I really want to fight with you openly today. Yesterday, I was too careful and overestimated your strength. Now think about it, you have nothing but more people," A Gui pointed to Anthony and said, "You are the only one of these people who makes me a little scrupulous. Your move. I was very impressed by the sword!"

Anthony laughed and said proudly, "Don't worry, as long as there is a chance, I will let you taste it again..."

While the two were talking, the two teams of knights had wrapped up like swallow wings and surrounded the ghost in the middle.

A white light rose one after another, and half of the light knights have opened the sacred guardian in a while. Now the ghost is completely surrounded. As long as he does not break these guardian apertures, unless he can fly, he can only be squeezed in the middle and passively beaten!

The people of the Knights have hated this boy. Without saying a word, several knights with protective apertures raised the knight's sword directly from above is a vertical split!

Agui laughed, and the axe in his hand drew a beautiful circle. After a sound, several knight swords with an outstretched aperture were swung back by the axe.

"Eat my axe!" Several knights were still numb, but the ghost snapped an axe at the knight in front of him. Although the axe captured from the bandits was not made of fine steel, it was full of materials, and even the handle of the axe was made of the vine of a century-old tree.

The big axe played in the hand of the ghost, and it was unstoppable. It was strong enough to split a cow in half!

How dare the knight on the opposite side to block it with a slender knight's sword? He gritted his teeth and put the sword across his chest to make a defensive posture, and used the protective aperture on his body to pick up the axe.