Kaeus's chess game

088 Mr. Kong

His face suddenly changed from anger to panic. The thing stuck on his leg seemed to have suddenly turned into a greedy leech, desperately absorbing his own strength. In just one or two seconds from the bone mosquito needle to suddenly lowering his head to hold it, the fierce life energy was 70% absorbed by the bone mosquito needle!

The most terrible thing about bloodthirsty magic is its absorption of blood. Once the bone mosquito needle is stained with blood, it can immediately stick all the blood, and then quickly absorb it into the blood and extract the source of life from the blood and store it in the elements!

"FUCK!" He suddenly vented his anger in a hoarse voice, and his two-handed swords had already fallen to the ground. He concentrated his last strength to hold the bone mosquito needle in one hand and pulled it out, and the other hand slapped the ghost's head fiercely with the strong murderous intention accumulated in countless fights!

The spiritual power back and forth in the bone mosquito needle has begun to transmit back to the source of life. Agui then excited this trace of foreign aid power. Unfortunately, one shoulder was severely patted and half of his arm could not be raised, and the other hand and the bone mosquito needle were also held fiercely. Facing the other party's gnashing palm, Agui I could only endure the pain and turn my head off, so that this palm slapped on the injured shoulder again!

With a plop, he fell softly on the ghost as if there were no bones, and the ghost was injured and sprayed out a mouthful of blood. His shoulder was originally slapped with a sword, and then he was pressed by the fierce body of two or three hundred pounds. Even a steel bone is now pressed to roll his eyes!

The blood and life of the whole body were absorbed by the bone mosquito needle, and then along the ghost's arm, a stream of life flowed into the ghost's body like a brook. At this time, the ghost was close to a semi-coma state. Although the fierce sword hurt his shoulder, it did not break him. The bones, but the murderous palm sent a relentless force into the ghost's body. Before several divine powers could be protected, the countless murderous intentions accumulated by the shadow assassin had begun to be wantonly destroyed in the ghost's body!

"Let's go and see if he is dead!" Ma Laosan's exclamation awakened the family warrior who was still stunned. In just a few seconds, several warriors who had already died watched the killing god being pricked down by a long needle!

Several warriors who escaped from death immediately rushed up with their swords. First, they stabbed a few knives on their necks and limbs, regardless of whether they were dead or alive, before turning them over to check whether they were dead or dead.

"Third young master, this man seems to be dead!" A warrior said to Ma Laosan with a strange face.

"Dead?" Ma Chang, with a brown face, couldn't help but be shocked and said to the warrior who supported him, "Help me over and have a look!"

When you walk to Ma Laosan, you can be sure that this person can't die anymore. The arrogant and domineering face is full of frightened expressions at this time, and the big eyes that had just been fierce are like two turbid bird eggs at this time, and there is no trace of brilliance.

The fierce skin seemed to be blown by the wind and sand, and it was so dry that it showed wrinkles. If it hadn't been for the fact that he had just died in front of him, Ma Laosan would have even suspected who pulled a mummified corpse from the desert!

"Master, his blood seems to be gone..." A warrior beside him whispered to Ma Changfa. He stabbed the body a few times just now, but he didn't see any blood.

"Is this bastard a puppet of the dark mage?" Ma Laosan remembered a legend in his heart, but he also knew that it was not the time to discuss this matter, so he quickly asked someone to pull out the ghost under the corpse.

"How is he?" Ma Laosan leaned against his men and gasped. Just now, it was obviously the ghost who dragged the assassin, otherwise it was them lying on the ground now!

The samurai carefully tried it at the ghost's mouth and nose, and then definitely said, "He is still angry!"

"Third young master, shall we go back first?" The warrior holding Ma Laosan asked in a low voice. At this time, the warrior in the restaurant also found the situation and was rushing this way.

Ma Changfa looked at the nearby restaurant and his hurried men. He gritted his teeth and shook his head and said, "Go to the restaurant now!" Take the injured to the restaurant, and you two send two to find a doctor for treatment! The dead are all in place and stay still, leaving two waiting to explain to the city guard!"

Many people were killed and injured on the street in the inner city. This matter must be explained to the city guard. Ma Changfa took a look at many passers-by who fell to the ground around him. These were accidentally injured when the assassin rushed over. Fortunately, there was still a measure at the beginning, otherwise this street would have been stained red by blood.

Agui was put into a restaurant by two warriors and put in a clean private room. This time, he was the only one who was injured by the warriors around Ma Changfa, and all the others who had fierced with him died.

The injured passers-by were also sent to the restaurant by Ma Laosan. Soon, several subordinates who went out to find the doctor called the nearby doctors. The passers-by were all minor injuries such as contusions and fractures. The doctors treated them directly in the hall downstairs.

"Young master, Mr. Kong Da of Huichun Hall came," a warrior brought the famous old man to Ma Changfa. At this time, Ma Changfa, who endured the severe pain, quickly complained to several merchants in front of him and followed Mr. Kong Da to the next room.

"My little nephew was accidentally ambushed by the assassin, and I have to ask Mr. Kong Da to take a look." Ma Laosan first endured the pain and respectfully saluted Mr. Kong, and then sat down for the old gentleman to be treated.

Huichun Hall is an old-fashioned medical hall with a blue sign. Just now, his men took Mr. Kong from the hospital directly from the hospital by horse-drawn carriage. When it comes to treating internal and external injuries, Mr. Kong can be regarded as the first master in the inner city! Even many of the doctors downstairs wanted to greet Mr. Kong, because many of them were separated from the Huichuntang Hospital.

Mr. Kong Da is tall and thin, with his hands as thin as chicken feet, but a few fingers are thin and powerful. As long as he gently put them on the pulse, he can detect the patient's symptoms.

"You have some internal bleeding, either hit hard or fall from a high place, and have some damage to the internal organs..." Mr. Kong said while touching the goatee.

"Yes, I was hit on the back just now, and now my chest and abdomen still have a faint pain." Ma Laosan raised his hand and stroked his chest and abdomen.

"Well, turn around," Mr. Kong Da pinched Ma Laosan's back a few times before stopping. "For good, the bone is not injured, and the internal organs are not serious. Here is an injury medicine that you can take first. When you come back, I will go back to Chuntang to boil a few pieces of medicine and drink it for a few days. It's all right."

"Oh, thank you, Mr. Kong!" Ma Laosan quickly took the pills handed over by Mr. Kong.

"Don't be angry recently, let alone do it again, and you have to quit drinking and meat. I think it's okay as long as you keep it for a month." Mr. Kong clapped his hands and finished the diagnosis and treatment.

"Mr. Kong Da, I have a friend here who is seriously injured, and I have to ask you to help treat it." Ma Laosan quickly took Mr. Kong Da to the ghost's room.

At this time, the ghost's eyes were closed and lying on the soft collapse, his injured shoulder was high and swollen, and a lot of blood spots oozed from his clothes. Mr. Kong Da went over and pulled one of the ghost's arms to check the pulse. He also ordered people to carefully tear the ghost's clothes and carefully look at the wound on his shoulder.

"He was injured much more seriously. It's easy for this shoulder to be injured, but it seems to be used to a destructive force here, which is troublesome to cure," Mr. Kong pointed to the ghost's shoulder, on which there was a huge red handprint slowly bleeding.

"This brother saved my life, so Mr. Kong, please let go of the treatment. All the phone bills will be borne by our Ma family!" Ma Laosan immediately had some strength after taking the pills and spoke a little hard.

"Well, I'll use the ancestral needle to control his injury first. Later, you can send him to the Spring Hall." Kong Dafu opened the small medicine box he carried with him and took out a brown cloth bag from it. After opening it on the table, there was a row of hair-thin golden needles inside!

The four unique skills handed down by the ancestors of the Kong family, among which the needle ranks first, known as the needle to lock the life needle. It is said that with one needle, you can lock the dying lives and slowly save people back through other means. This unique learning is only inherited by the Kong family, like those doctors separated from the Huichun Hall downstairs, also Just learn some of the skin of medicine and the two unique skills of real needles and pills, and they won't do it anyway.

Mr. Kong Da twisted a golden needle tremblingly to look at it, and then slowly pierced the long golden needle into the ghost's shoulder. Ma Laosan looked aside a few times and went out. On the one hand, he still had guests waiting to deal with it. On the other hand, watching such a long needle slowly plunge into the meat, Ma Laosan also felt heart It's a little uncomfortable.

After a needle was pricked, Mr. Kong Da turned around and twisted another one. According to his expectation, he could seal the external force with five needles. Later, he thought about pulling out the strength, so that the young man's shoulder could move for a few months.

The most troublesome thing for external force to enter the body is its wanton destruction. No matter what bone and flesh it is, as long as it can toss, the external force will destroy as much as possible. Therefore, the Kong family adopts the method of circling and pulling out when treating such diseases, first control the external force within a certain range, then removes it, and then recuperate the external force. Destroy this piece of flesh and blood.

After the second golden needle also plunged in smoothly, Mr. Kong Da heard a soft sound as soon as he twisted the third golden needle. He looked back and saw that the first golden needle actually fell to the ground!

The golden needle is a little soft, and sometimes it can be broken. Mr. Kong Da pressed the ghost's shoulder with his thin fingers, like determining where the broken needle tail was pierced. After pressing it a few times, he could not find the end of the needle, and the second golden needle also snapped off. Such a strange thing made Mr. Kong Da couldn't help it. He frowned.