Kaeus's chess game

116 Make money

Dog San soon found a suspicious trace. This guy's footprints were clear, and he did not dodge when he encountered shrubs or something. He even found a few small trees that were cut off by knives. Even the arrogant beasts would avoid the trees, and only arrogant warriors would do this in the jungle!

"Your Excellency, I think I have found his traces!" The dog pointed to the traces on the ground, and a series of traces were like a clear arrow, pointing directly to the depths of the jungle.

The samurai didn't expect to find the ghost so easily. He frowned and nodded and followed the dog three to the jungle.

Dog San did find the right one. After advancing less than a miles, they found a more obvious mark! A lonely poplar tree was cut off a section of bark, and someone carved a ferocious face with a dagger on the trunk.

The samurai suddenly laughed. This ghost who can make barbecue is really arrogant. He knows that an assassin is chasing him and dares to deliberately leave traces!

"Your Excellency, this mark was engraved two days ago!" Gou San touched the tree trunk and said affirmatively.

"Well, let's go on!" The warrior nodded and continued to move forward. He didn't know when he picked up a palm-wide dagger in his hand!

Following the guidance of the mark, Gou San and the warrior have been walking five or six miles. If it weren't for the grimace carving that appeared from time to time, Gou San couldn't believe that a warrior from the inner city could run so far in two days!

The mark took the two people to the edge of a basin with a radius of only one mile, and a huge tree that four people could hold was clearly engraved with a big killing word!

"Your Excellency, he must be in the basin. It's less than a day!" The dog touched the juice that was still oozing from the trunk and said.

"Well," the warrior nodded and looked at the basin. This is a pine forest more than ten meters high. There are many intertwined roots and shrubs on the ground, which is a good place for ambush!

"You don't have to go in. Wait for me here. If I don't come out three days later, you can go to the inner city and find a few pubs to publicize this matter. Naturally, someone will pay for this news." The samurai smiled and pulled out a gray silk scarf to cover his face, and then slowly walked into the basin with his dagger.

After a few steps, the warrior suddenly turned around and said to the dog three standing under the tree, "You remember, this news will be sold for 20 gold coins!" Otherwise, I will lose!"

The dog nodded stupidly and watched the samurai turn around and walk lightly. Then a light arrow flew over from nowhere and shot neatly on the samurai's chest!

The dog rubbed his eyes and couldn't believe what he saw in front of him. A warrior who had just been in contact with him for two days actually died in front of him less than ten steps away!

"Oh, my God!" After taking a closer look and making sure that the man lying on the ground was the samurai who had just talked to him, he sat on the ground in fear. He didn't know how powerful the warrior was, but someone could shoot him to death as easily as a bird in the dense jungle. This incident itself made Gou San, an old hunter, on the back of his head. It's cold.

The dog's three-string sound does not hear, which means that the other party is at least dozens of meters away. This is not a plain. There are towering trees and branches everywhere. It is difficult to see the target more than ten meters away. So hitting the target with an arrow from dozens of meters away shows how powerful the archer is!

At the thought that he was exposed in front of the terrible archer, the dog's legs and stomach began to turn. Under the big tree was an open space, and the low weeds could not even cover his feet. The dog sat on the ground and looked straight at the strange basin in front of him, waiting to shoot at him. Only an arrow...

"Remember his words, get out!" An angry scolding came from the basin, and Gou San came to his senses, jumped up like a frightened rabbit, turned around and got into the jungle with his hands and feet!

Agui hung the strong bow of the fifty stone dome on the tree beside him, proudly looked at the dog's embarrassed back and looked at the warrior on the ground, "I hope you bring me some good prey. I don't even have the interest in doing such a clumsy guy!"

The frighted dog San ran back to the village and drilled directly into his dog kennel before stopping. The mother-in-law who gave birth to him two children quickly closed the rough wooden door when she saw Gou San like this, and then whispered to the gasping dog San, "What's wrong with you?"

Seeing that the dog was empty-handed, the mother-in-law couldn't help but be anxious: "Where's the salt you changed? Did you get robbed?"

"Shh! Shh...shh..." The dog put three fingers on his mouth and made a gesture, then pressed the mother-in-law's mouth and whispered, "Don't shout! Don't shout! Do you know! Let me take a breath, I have something to say!"

The mother-in-law nodded, opened her big hand that almost suffocated her, and then sat honestly next to Gou San and watched him gradually gasp.

"I exchanged my prey for two gold coins in the city two days ago, but before I could buy salt, I met a warrior," the dog's three heads quickly turned left and right to confirm that no one was eavesdropping outside the broken dog kennel, and then fell to her mother-in-law's ear and whispered, "He gave me 20 gold coins!"

"What!?" The mother-in-law's voice made the dog trembling. Before the dog scolded, the mother-in-law had already pulled his leather clothes and cried: "You should have sold me for 20 gold coins. I have made two kinds of gold coins for you! What did I say when I usually serve you in this broken dog kennel? You actually sold me with 20 gold coins..."

The exiles in the outer circle will not have any large transactions except for buying and selling wives. As soon as the mother-in-law heard that there were 20 gold coins, the first reaction was that Gou San was going to sell herself!

"Hey! Hey! What are you talking about!" Gou San was so angry that he covered his mother-in-law's big mouth again and cursed in a low voice: "I only spent five gold coins to buy you!" If you don't look at your death, will the city people spend 20 gold coins to buy you? Dreaming of you!"

The mother-in-law sobbed and blinked her eyes several times and felt that it was impossible, so she whispered, "You have nothing. Why did he give you so much money? The most valuable thing in your dog kennel is me. I thought you were going to sell me..."

"Bah! Are you also worth the price?" The dog took a hard bite.

The couple laughed for a while, and the dog three completely calmed down. Only then told the mother-in-law what happened in the past few days. The mother-in-law also came to the hands of the dog three and came up with a lot of good ideas over the years. She proposed to go to the city to find a restaurant to sell wild things, which at least doubled Gou San's income!

When the warrior was killed by an arrow, the mother-in-law couldn't help grabbing Gou San with her sweaty hand. Although she knew that Gou San had returned safely, she was still nervous about the situation at that time!

"He said 'Remember his words' and let me get out. What do you mean?" Gou San frowned and finished talking about the matter, and then looked at his mother-in-law honestly and asked.

"That's because he is not interested in killing you at all!" The mother-in-law said affirmatively.

"Nonsense! He just raised his hand to kill me, and then he can let me run back," the dog went to the kang, and then said slowly, "On the way back, I thought of something. What he meant was to let me do as the warrior said and go to the city to spread the news!"

"Yes!" The mother-in-law slapped the dog three on the thigh, "He asked you to be bait and lead those who wanted him to go to that basin!"

"You stinky bitch, you can't be gentle!" Gou San rubbed his thigh and sat up, and the mother-in-law almost slapped him to death. At the root, but his attention has been attracted by gold coins: "Do you think I will do this? To the dead warrior, this news can be sold for 20 gold coins?

"I think the guy in the basin must have spent a lot of money, so he would rather spend money to find him!" The mother-in-law slowly analyzed: "You are just a leading person and have nothing to do with both of them. The one in the basin can let you go, which shows that they are not afraid of being looked for by anyone at all, so you can do this! And I have to go back to the city immediately!"

The mother-in-law pulled up the dog Sanqiang who was still relying on the kang: "Go back to the city now! If they hire other hunters to find that basin, your news will be worthless!"

Thinking of this Guan Jiegou San also suddenly gained strength. He took out a money bag from his arms and threw it into her mother-in-law's arms: "I'll take care of them this time. You collect these 20 gold coins. If I can't come back, you can raise my two cubs. If I'm fine this time, I will take you in the future. Eat delicious and drink spicy food!"

"Bah! If you dare to die, I will remarry tomorrow!" As she scolded, she took out five gold coins from the money bag and stuffed them into the dog's hands and told them, "You go to find a pub to eat first. I guess someone will ask you to take them there as soon as your news is sent out. Don't be afraid. You are the only one who knows this basin now. Just go to a few more pubs and sell more people. Anyway, if you don't enter the basin, you can go as many people as they want.

Seeing Gou San's hesitation, the mother-in-law comforted him and said, "Don't worry about this. The one in the basin dares to let you go is to let you hook up with people. Maybe he will be happy if you hook up more!"

A ghost never thought that his premeditation would make an old woman guess correctly!

Gou San rushed to the city before dark according to her mother-in-law's suggestion. He first wandered to a familiar tavern in Nancheng and had a full meal, and then boldly chatted with a few familiar friends about the strange things of the past few days. Then the matter became interesting. First, a common clerk in a pub spent 20 gold coins. After asking about this, various characters kept appearing around Gou San to buy the news. Even Gou San returned to the hotel and slept until midnight, and was dragged out of the quilt and sprinkled a handful of cold gold coins on his body to ask about the news.