Kaeus's chess game

123 furnace field

When the warrior in a black mask came to the place yesterday, he was shocked by the scene in front of him. Around the ghost and Sen, the bodies of the animals were neatly arranged, as if the ghost sitting on the ground turned into a mountain god, and countless animals ran over to kneel to him!

The samurai gently twitched around the bodies of several black bear wild boars. After stepping on the bodies of several elk, he stepped on a few soft foxes. There were so many beasts around the ghost that he could not step on them. The warrior could only step on a beast corpse and walk to the ghost.

"I didn't expect you to come back to life!" Through the dark mask, the warrior looked at the ghost's tattoo curiously. After inspecting the ghost's whole body, he gently said, "I can't imagine that you have completely recovered!"

"Who are you?" Agui's eyes were calm and frightening, like snake's eyes, without any emotion.

"I'm the last assassin. If you are still alive by tomorrow morning, the dark assassin will not bother you again." The samurai's voice was calm and heavy, showing incomparable self-confidence.

"Since there are only you and me left, why are you still carrying that thing? Don't you feel uncomfortable hanging a mask on your face? The ghost sat motionless and looked curiously at the black mask on the warrior's face. To be honest, the mask was really rough and dull. It reminded people of a long-nosed monkey with a bulging big nose.

The samurai hesitated for a moment, raised his hand and slowly took off the mask. When the square face was exposed, the ghost was a little stunned. He actually knew this warrior. He was the martial master living in seclusion on Paradise Mountain! This Wuzun attended Fernando's banquet. Although he didn't know his name, he still remembered this face.

Wu Zun coughed gently and said a little embarrassedly, "It seems that you still remember me. My name is Ivan. Like Fernando, I live in seclusion on Paradise Mountain."

"I didn't expect you to be a dark assassin. With your skills, you should be a high-level man, right?" A ghost hung a sneer at the corners of his mouth. Wu Zun was indeed terrible, but he did not scare him so much that he dared not do it. On the contrary, Agui was quite looking forward to testing with Wu Zun.

"I'm not a dark assassin!" Ivan said firmly, "The dark assassin you mentioned should belong to Sewente's organization. I have nothing to do with them! This time I came to you purely to return a favor. People like me don't want to back on the back.

"Ha ha, human kindness is the most difficult to repay," Agui stood up and pulled out the bone mosquito needle on the trunk next to him, inserted it into his back, and then pulled out Sen's soft sword. After shaking it a few times with his hand, the sword has always been soft except for a loud noise.

"This thing needs some skills. I think you'd better stop playing with it. If you don't do it well, it will hurt yourself." Ivan didn't care about the weapons in the hands of the ghost.

Agui nodded and threw the soft sword, which Sen regarded as a treasure, into the grass next to him. Then Agui suddenly remembered something and turned his head and asked, "I seemed to have seen you before I fell into a coma yesterday. Were you there at that time?"

Ivan nodded, and Agui frowned slightly and asked, "Then why didn't you do it at that time?"

"Ha, will you do something to a dying person?" Ivan asked, he stopped, and then joked, "How can I give you a face after eating barbecue so many times? Originally, I also thought you were completely useless. Today, I came here to catch you back and be a cook for me.

"Haha, I'm not easy to raise a cook," A Gui smiled, then his shoulders slightly, stared at Ivan and said, "Well, let's do some business. You take action and let me try Wu Zun's power!"

"You were able to force Sen to break through the realm of Wusheng yesterday. You must be at the level of Wusheng." Ivan Wuzun hit his hands gently. After a crack, the surrounding environment suddenly became hot. "I practiced in a hot fire space. Although it's almost the rainy season, the forest is still very dry. Dry, very suitable for set on fire!"

As soon as Ivan's words fell, he rushed to the ghost like a leopard! The ghost, who had not yet run the purple pupil, didn't even see Ivan's shadow clearly, and felt a sharp pain in his chest and abdomen. His whole body was like a baseball blown away by a stick, and fell to the ground fiercely by a fierce fist.

A hot current penetrated into the ghost's stomach along the fist. The ghost felt that it had been set on fire, and all the internal organs burned as if they had been poured oil. Before the natural power and the dark divine power could react, the chaotic god power entangled in the blood rushed up to the cold water pocket and suddenly The hot energy is held, and in the blink of an eye, it devoured and transformed into mild chaotic energy and quickly dispersed into the blood of the ghost.

"Wow, it's so hot!" Agui suddenly spewed out a breath of hot air, and the grass in front of him was slightly yellowed by this hot air.

Venerable Ivan blinked his eyes and couldn't help but be a little surprised. Although his molten fist did not exert all his strength, he would not have this power. Unless he was a cold warrior with the ability, even if Wu Zun of the same level was punched by himself, he would never solve it so easily.

"Hahaha, it's interesting. It seems that I really underestimate you!" Ivan Wuzun raised his hands slightly with a smile and looked at the ghost proudly and said, "In order to show my respect for you, I will try my best to launch my melting pot. If you can't stand it and quickly admit defeat, don't lose your life in vain!"

As soon as the ghost got up, he felt that the surrounding environment was completely different. He seemed to step into the furnace of iron. The vegetation around him quickly withered yellow, and the green trunk just now burst dry in the blink of an eye, and then burned with a shout!

"The furnace of heaven and earth condenses everything!" With Ivan Wuzun's voice, the ghost was immediately surrounded by flames, and the jubilant fire elements were gathered by Ivan from all directions to completely fill the space more than ten meters, instantly raising the temperature to the ignition point! The ghost felt that he was just a piece of cast iron, burning in a furnace!

"Damn it, you actually assimilated the whole space into a fire element!" The ghost howled miserably. Not only his clothes, but even his eyebrows and hair were stained with fire and burned!

"Haha, surrender, I won't kill you. As long as you surrender, there is no need to suffer this burning sin again..." Ivan stood in the fire and smiled. Countless fire elements actually formed a dazzling fire robe on him. He stood proudly in his field like a fire god and looked at the ghost.

"Don't think you can play with fire! Turn it around!" The ghost roared and emitted his spiritual power. At the same time, the green light flashed on the thorn rose on his chest, and a warm natural magic power instantly covered the ghost's body. The blisters burned by the high temperature and pieces of dark skin fell off. The ghost was like a bird that had just come out of its shell. It turned into a pink meatball without any hair.

"Oh, you still have such ability!" Ivan smiled in surprise and secretly reduced the fire element around the ghost. He really wanted to see what ability this boy had.

The light blue spiritual power rushed out of the ghost's spiritual sea like a flood. At this moment, the ghost did not dare to retain it. He almost suddenly released all the spiritual power he could mobilize, and immediately grabbed all the fire elements close to him according to the fusion technique he had just learned.

Ivan was already releasing water. When he felt the spirit of the ghost to grab the fire elements, he just gave up the control of those fire elements and let the ghost merge them.

A red fire snake rose from the top of the ghost's head like a whirlwind, and then wrapped the ghost tightly from top to bottom. The flame controlled by the ghost finally separated him from the fire elements around him, giving him a chance to breathe in this flame world.

The dark bone mosquito needle slipped at the ghost's feet. Although the temperature around it was enough to soften the steel, the bone mosquito needle eroded by the dark power was still cold and unaffected at all.

Agui stood in the fire and thought of a way quickly. His spiritual power seemed to be suppressed under a boulder. Every operation made the Agui feel difficult. Ivan's spiritual power tightly wrapped the Agui like a swamp. Although Agui was still struggling, he could never compete with the dense and viscous spiritual power around him.

After the thorn rose flashed a few times, the ghost's head grew like sprouting and sparse hair. The natural magic power can also protect the ghost's body from the collapse of this hot fever, but it is not helpful to resist Ivan.

Ivan looked at the ghost's fire snake turning slower and slower. He knew how difficult it was to operate his spiritual power in the field of Wu Zun. Just now, if he hadn't deliberately released water, the ghost's spiritual power would not have been released so easily. In this furnace-like field, Ivan is a well-deserved controller. !

Ivan didn't believe how much spiritual power the ghost could have to support the fire snake. He even lazily continued to put pressure on the ghost, but stood lazily and watched the ghost gradually consume his spiritual power.

The fire snake with thick thighs turned for a while and became only his arms thick. Agui was so anxious that he was about to break out in a cold sweat. Although he had a surprising recovery ability, it would still hurt to be burned by the fire. Agui didn't want to become a roast sheep in Ivan's field.

The stubbornness of the mountain people in his bones made Agui refuse to admit defeat. Seeing the fire snake around him getting thinner and thinner, and the hair that had just grown was curled by the high temperature again. Agui gritted his teeth and desperately extracted his spiritual power. What made him most angry was that there was a strong spiritual crystal as ten thousand feet of Xuanbing in the spiritual sea. But it just can't be controlled!

In the Dragon God Valley of Heaven, the elegant water dragon god looked proudly at the ghost in the fire with a pair of pure blue eyes. "If you want to get my strength, you can practice for tens of millions of years..." Finally, a comforting bad smile appeared on the dragon's face, which had been sad for a long time.