Kaeus's chess game

005 Assassination in Chaos

"Can you send a letter to the marshal?" The blue spider stood among the soldiers and asked loudly.

"There have been messengers to send letters to the marshal, and several division commanders will soon know the news!" The knight asked again, "I don't know if Master Wei is in Gaoshan City. We have to send him a letter to remind him to beware of the assassin's attack!"

The blue spider thought about it for a moment, and then said to the messenger, "Give me his letter, and I'll go to Gaoshan City to meet him!"

The knight riding on the horse did not sell the bill. He shouted, "Thank you, my lord. I will send it to Master Wei in person!" Wei Yiyan and Tieya's soldiers are mostly real bandits left behind in those years, so they don't like other troops at all. Besides, in addition to informing Tieya that Tieya was stabbed, the old bandits of the Third Army are still waiting for Wei Duan to give an idea on what to do next.

The blue spider snorted coldly. No one saw when he took the bow and arrow on his shoulder in his hand. With a soft string, the knight who had just run out a few steps fell down under the horse!

"Your Excellency, you are..." Another messenger looked at the blue spider with armor inexplicably. Although he could not see his expression, he could feel a trace of coldness in the helmet!

"Cut it!" With the order of the blue spider, several soldiers did not hesitate to cut down the messengers who had driven all night to the ground!

A soldier ran over and found an emergency from the dead knight and gave it to the blue spider. The soldiers trained by the black elves obeyed in addition to obeying. The order to the blue spider was simply ridiculous. Although they did not hesitate to cut down the friendly army, since it was the order issued by the blue spider, they were actually a little suspicious. If there is no confusion, it will be implemented!

After reading the urgent mail, the blue spider smiled ferociously and just wanted to throw away the letter. Then he hesitated for a moment, and then carefully stuffed it into its inner armor and put it close to its body.

"Sent two fastest runners back to transfer a group, block all the mountain roads for me, and don't leave alone!" The blue spider rushed to his hand and ordered, "Now, you will divide into ten teams to go up the mountain for me, and kill them as soon as you find a suspicious person!" Let's go up from the bottom of the mountain and gather in the mountain city!"

"Yes!" Five hundred soldiers roared and immediately changed from zero to 50 teams full of the foot of the mountain. Then they passed to the top of the mountain like an impenetrable mannet. On the contrary, no soldiers could be seen on the relatively busy mountain road, but the blue spider, a strange man wearing armor, was walking slowly up.

On the wall of Gaoshan City, the unconscious Wei's one-eyed man was talking boringly with a group of old bandits.

"Head, what's the fun here? Look at the yellow and thin death of these mountain girls, and the brothers don't even have their desire..." An old bandit squatted beside Wei's one-eyed eyes and pointed at the busy slaves. The sadness of the subjugation of the country and the heavy labor have long tortured the mountain people to death, even the once rich woman, now It has also become as dull as dried dates.

"The superior order is not allowed to leave the army too far away, or I would have taken you to be happy. I will take you for a few days. If there is no order in a few days, I will take you to a town for Lele..." Wei Duyan and the old bandits laughed badly. In fact, after becoming Jadedett's soldiers, except for some things that must be implemented Outside the mission, they are still the bandits who robbed their homes, but now they have become Marshal Afnerius as the boss.

Agui, holding a wooden crystal core and carrying a section of logs and slowly followed the slaves transporting materials, walked into the mountain city. A dilapidated earth-colored cloth sheet covered his body. Otherwise, even if he was mixed with a group of yellow and thin mountain people, he would have been recognized long ago. As soon as they entered the city, there were hard-working mountain people and supervisors with whips everywhere. They waved whips desperately like a group of animals, as if they could not work without hearing the howls of slaves.

Agui looked around with a blank face. Except for the four supervisors who beat and scolded, there was no soldier nearby. He didn't care about those bullied slaves. He had already seen more miserable exile slaves on Zuoer Island. The new city is not small, and it is not so easy to find a goal. It was the ghost who hit the idea on these arrogant supervisors!

Because of the shortage of manpower, Jadet can only mobilized manpower from other places to be supervisors. Who would have thought that these abusive supervisors were still humble farmers walking barefoot in the mud a year or two ago?

"Hey, that fool, what are you doing?" A fat supervisor came over with a big whip and raised his hand to shine a whip on the ghost!

With a crack, the whip pulled down a few pieces of bark on the log, but the ghost hid on the other side. Before the fat supervisor could react, a dark sole kicked him fiercely on the chest and directly kicked the 200-pound fat man into a ball rolling around the ground!

The three supervisors who were beating the slaves next to him stopped at the same time and scolded together to teach the disobedient slave a lesson. It was not so much a lesson as murder. The slaves around them looked at the ghost with sad eyes, because none of the people who dared to resist the supervisor could see tomorrow alive. The sun.

Unfortunately, they are destined to see many surprises today. The young man in earth-colored cloth alone waved the wooden stick in his hand and easily hit the three large-waisted supervisors to the ground. They all spit blood and were seriously injured even if they did not die! But the young man did not stop, and every fall of the seemingly thick stick brought out a bang and hoarse cry!

"Ouch, little bud, run quickly. There are soldiers in this city who know that you beat the union and cut your head!" An old man waved his hands full of mud and persuaded the ghost to leave quickly. Unfortunately, his kindness was destined to be ignored. The wooden crystal core was still pounding, and the shouts of several supervisors were like a little girl who were raped, and they were immediately a little higher!

Several supervisors were attracted. As soon as they saw that someone dared to beat their companions, they immediately picked up the wooden sticks around them and rushed up. Unfortunately, the ghost was not farmers who could only farm. Mu Jingxin waved gently, and these supervisors immediately became the targets of abuse. They lay on the ground and pulled their necks to participate in the howling chorus. .

Finally, several soldiers with knives ran over and scolded and waved knives like a ghost. How could the ghost, who was fighting desperately in the demon world and the cruel orcs care about the kung fu of this three-legged cat? Several times, the soldiers lay on the ground without moving. At this time, a young slave carrying raw materials finally couldn't help carrying A stone beside him rushed up in a few steps and smashed a soldier's head. Just two days ago, the soldier cut his own brother in two pieces in front of him!

The mountain people were barbaric. The young man's actions were like putting a torch into dry wood, and the slaves around him immediately rushed up. Some guys fucked the guys. If they didn't find the guy, they simply used their fists and feet. Dozens of slaves rushed to the soldiers and supervisors like collective violence for a minute. That's how to beat these dozen unlucky bastards into a pile of mud!

There was a loud alarm on the wall, and Wei, who was bored, immediately received the report. He smiled and said to several old bandits around him, "His grandmother, there is a group of slaves who rebel. It's boring to stay. Let's go with me to cut off people's heads!"

A group of soldiers and bandits immediately pulled out their sabers and followed them. In this shabby place where they had to eat or drink, it was difficult to find a decent woman. The only fun left was to kill slaves...

The slaves fought together with the suggested tools and the soldiers who came. Although the slaves were only holding wooden sticks and stones, it was really difficult for the soldiers without shields to subdue these furious mountain people. By the time Wei's one-eyed arrival, a small square full of raw materials had been made into a mess, and there were fighting everywhere. Soldiers and slaves, there are still many dead and dead lying on the ground.

"Haha, they are really lively. Brothers, don't be idle, kill me! Kill all these lowly slaves!" Wei shouted with one eye and rushed in first and cut down several slaves one by one. The soldiers and bandits behind him also shouted strangely and rushed over with their swords.

The ghost, who had been dodging in the crowd, stared at Wei's black eye mask at a glance. He immediately turned into a cunning swimming fish and quickly rushed through the gap. With the help of the chaotic crowd, he leaned towards Wei's eye. The ranger's sword faintly flashed cold under the yellow cloth and was ready to kill people at any time!

"Die! Go to hell! Go to hell!" Wei Duanan shouted excitedly while swinging his knife. He didn't know whether he had been bored for too long or had a poor sight in one eye. He actually cut people without distinguishing from me. Two soldiers were also cut to the ground by him because they inadvertently blocked him!

The chaotic square became more chaotic because of the addition of Wei's one-eyed people. No one found that the ghost rushed to the vicinity of Wei's one-eyed eyes like a local mouse. When a tall and thin mountain dancer was beating a soldier with a single knife with several brothers, he suddenly felt that his belt was tight, and then he did not touch his feet. The ground flew up and rushed to Wei with a sharp crowbar like a surprise knight!

Maybe he was always wandering between life and death, Wei one-eyed suddenly felt that the stupid thin man who rushed over was a little strange, but the hardwood crowbar in the other party's hand did not make Wei one-eyed panic at all. He cut off the crowbar with a knife, and then turned his hand and lifted the knife. The sharp knife opened the bold mountain man from the bottom up!

The surprised and painful expression of the mountain people's face flashed in Wei's only eyes. Before he could think about the smell, a silver light suddenly pierced from the mountain people's armpits. Wei's eyes were suddenly shocked and quickly stopped the knife and retreated desperately. This knife was really too sinister and fierce, even Wei's one-eyed. The old bandits are shocked!

Unfortunately, he is facing a ghost who is ready to go. Even if Wei's one eye is already a senior warrior, he still does not avoid this knife! The silver knife light quickly disappeared in his chest. If his eyes were sharp enough, he could still see the silver light flashing a few times in an instant!

Wei's one-eyed eyes trembled a few times like touching the TV. In an instant, his heart was stabbed by a ghost! The ghost who completed the task jumped out of the back of the mountain people who had been opened and squeezed out of the crowd in a few steps. He climbed up the bluestone sticks piled up on the edge of the wall, and then jumped out of the unfinished wall and quickly disappeared into the woods on the mountainside.