armor demon

Chapter 4 Many benefits

Sweat, sweat.

On the eleventh day, Qin Yu, who trained hard in the fantasy, finally sweated, but the sweat was pitifully small, only one drop.

Feeling that drop of sweat, he couldn't help but have a series of questions in his heart. Will there be other visions in the fantasy, or has there been a little progress in the "striking element"? However, it was still the same in the fantasy, and he could not feel a trace of element at all.

With doubt, he withdrew from the fantasy.

Returning to the real world, when he was meditating, he found that somewhere in his mind seemed to be integrated, and his mental strength had expanded a little, which seemed to have reached the first level. There was nothing to do. What surprised him was that he found such an abnormality. After these days of training, although his body is as thin as ever, he can obviously feel the abundance of his spirit, physical strength and the increase of food.

But at this time, he obviously felt an abnormality different from these changes, that is, there seemed to be something like cotton wool floating between his breathing. Not only that, his eyes, ears and mouth also felt the same, but when he opened his eyes, he could not see anything around him. Is it an element?

Such an abnormality made his heart beat violently.

Although he had expected that he would feel the elements before, when he really felt the elements, he knew how excited he was. He knew that this meant that he could mobilize the elements more easily, use magic more easily, and improve his mental strength faster.

At present, he mobilized his mental strength and tried to get in touch with these elements around him. After these days of training, he also found that the flow of spiritual power in his mind and meridians seems to be twice as fast as before. Is it the reason for the hundred-step sweat drama? But no one can give him an answer.

He felt water, which is water, the most abundant element of water in the air. Now he is full of joy.

His current mind has been all focused on the touch water element.

The gentle cotton-like water element is obviously different from the feeling of touching it with his hand. The only regret is that there are too few water elements he can feel. It seems that only with improved mental strength can he feel more and more water elements.

It seems that Baibu Khan Opera is a skill specially used to feel elements. At the same time, it seems that it can broaden the vein and make the mental power run faster and smoother. Not only these two points, it also seems to improve the physique.

A hundred-step sweat play has given Qin Yu so many benefits that he can't help sighing at the magic of this ring, but what is the origin of it? At present, he only knows that this is the ring left by his grandfather.

But doesn't it say that it can make itself a holy magician? It seems that he may understand its ins and outs by that day, but it is impossible for a single hundred-step sweat play to make himself a holy magician, Qin Yu thinks so.

He just touched the stone house and didn't find anything abnormal at all. Maybe the time has not come.

In the morning, Qin Yu did not continue to meditate at home, but ran to the library to read magic books to learn magic. Because he was not familiar with the teacher, there was no magic in the fantasy, and he had never learned magic before, so he thought about it and had to go to the library to learn magic.

Pasta City Armor College covers an extremely large area of 10,000 mu of land. It is divided into two campuses, each of which has a very large square. Behind the square is many multi-functional and unique practice rooms. Behind these rooms is a magnificent library with countless precious books.

There are many books in the library, and anyone can enter and read them as long as they are students and teachers. However, Qin Yu naturally knows that although these books will be circulated and will make many people compete for it, in fact, they are just some basic things, that is to say, in the Monterey continent, after spending a certain price Basically, these things can be found. And the real books that are more valuable and have inheritance value will not be so decent.

showed the waist card of the magic apprentice of the Armor College representing his identity, and Qin Yu walked into the magic library.

Since you can feel the water element, let's learn the first-class water magic, and he naturally puts aside other magic, because it takes a long time to learn a magic on Montelie than the mainland. Some people have just learned such a kind of magic all their lives, even those who are praised as geniuses. Magicians generally only learn two or three kinds of magic, so Qin Yu naturally does not think that he is more talented than these geniuses.

After reciting the first-class magic spell, Qin Yu rushed to the school's practice room with great interest, but when he touched the poor Selcoin in his arms, he couldn't help hesitating. His little money was enough to practice in it for an hour, and more importantly, if he spent it With this money, the next meal will be a problem.

After hesitating for a long time, Qin Yu gritted his teeth and made up his mind to give his hot money to the teacher who collected the money. It seems that I can only go to Uncle Wen's to earn some money in the next few days.

In Armor College, teachers generally don't care how students practice, but just guide them, or if students have any questions, they can consult the teacher.

Many practice rooms with unique functions in the school are for students to practice. For example, some are suitable for meditation in it, some are suitable for magicians and warriors to practice in it without hurting people around them. Some are specially used to make a ring for learning kung fu. Of course, there will be teachers around. , to prevent accidents. Therefore, schools are generally very lively.

Pushing open the wooden door of the practice room, Qin Yu couldn't help but feel full of excitement. He has always dreamed of practicing in the practice room one day. Now when the scene in the practice room is really displayed in front of him, how can he not sigh with emotion?

This is a small and simple practice room, except for a magic stone used to test the strength of magic in the corner.

However, Qin Yu, who entered it, immediately felt the difference, that is, there are obviously more water elements in the air than outside. Although he can feel only those few places, in terms of feeling, the water elements he feels now are as big as a palm.

It is worthy of being a special practice room. He immediately meditated. Money and time are not something he can waste.

Quietly, he recited his familiar spell. With the meditation of the spell, his spiritual power began to slowly roll in his mind, then vaporized, and then followed the whole vein. The first-level spiritual power was just a drop of water droplet the size of a button.

What surprised him was that he could recite the spell very fluently at this moment, as if he had been leaning on the spell for several years.

Once, twice...

When he meditated for the tenth time, he unconsciously stretched out his right palm, palm facing up, and grasped the palm. At the moment when the action was completed, the water element in his touch continued to move to the palm, and then a drop of water appeared on the palm out of thin air, and then the drop gradually became bigger until the most Then it became the size of a fist before it stopped.

"Go." He shouted, and the water mass suddenly turned into an arrow-like shape, and then hit the magic stone fiercely.

With a crack, the water arrow hit the hard magic stone and finally became invisible.

Destructive power 50.

Looking at the words flashing on the magic stone, Qin Yu couldn't help but be a little stunned, followed by excitement. He really couldn't believe that he could use magic.

From the beginning to the use of magic, it was only a few minutes, but in such a short time, he actually learned the first-class water magic. If this disappeared and spread out, he dared to believe that people on the whole continent would be shocked, because such a fast cultivation speed could only appear. It's just in a human dream.

At present, he is even more amazed by the effect of the hundred-step sweat opera. He knows that the reason why he can practice so fast is definitely the reason.

He has never heard of such a magical skill on the mainland, and even the ancient and present "Mainland Anecdotes" does not have a description of this aspect. He only remembers describing an unknown continent. Could it be that such a skill came from a certain continent, and such an idea appeared in his heart?

But he doesn't care about it for the time being. At present, it is still important to quickly improve his mental strength, he thought.

At present, he continued to recite spells, and what surprised and made him happier was that with the proficiency of spells, the destructive power of his magic was gradually increasing.

Destructive power 60, 70......

Finally, it didn't stop until 80.

In fact, because his original mental power is basically zero, he doesn't care about the destructive power caused by first-level magic, so he doesn't know how far his destructive power is. He only vaguely knows that the destructive power of 80 seems to be good.

An hour later, he walked out of the practice room and planned to go to Uncle Wen's shop to do some odd jobs.

Uncle Wen is an uncle recognized by Qin Yu. He opened a small and dilapidated armor repair shop in Pasta City. Qin Yu often went to work for him to earn some money and subsidize his living expenses.

What he didn't know was that the data on the magic stone was transmitted to the school's database at the moment he went out, so that those rankings changed slightly.

As he walked to the school gate, a clear and pleasant voice suddenly came from behind him, "Brother Qin Yu."

Hearing this voice, a gratified smile suddenly appeared on Qin Yu's faint face, but the smile flashed away, and then it was replaced by a colder expression. No, it was really like a glacier.

He slowly turned around.

In front of him, a girl of his age was walking towards him timidly.

If someone sees such a girl's look, they will certainly be surprised, because when did the girl, who is usually as cold as frost in their eyes, have such expressions and movements?

The girl's name is Su Ruyue. She was 28 years old with a bunch of ponytails, a young melon seed face and a pair of big watery eyes. The slender figure and a moon appearance are really like a sudden blushing peach blossom, which makes people feel pity. Her beautiful appearance and outstanding strength made Su Ruyue the dream lover of many young men in the school, but she was usually cold and unreachable.

Although the expression on Qin Yu's face was extremely cold, the girl's originally faint face still showed an undisguised joy, and then accelerated her pace to Qin Yu.

"Is there anything wrong with Miss Su?" Qin Yu frowned abruptly.

Looking at Qin Yu's expression, the joy on the girl's face faded in an instant, but she twisted her lips and said, "Well, it's nothing. I just want to chat with you."

"If nothing happens, I'll go first. Time won't wait for anyone." Qin Yu's expression was still cold. After saying that, he turned around and wanted to leave.

Looking at Qin Yu, who turned around and was about to leave, the girl was a little anxious. She quickly took out a notebook from her arms and walked two steps forward. "Brother Qin Yu, this is my notebook, which says the difficulties I encountered when cultivating my spiritual strength. I hope..."

I didn't finish speaking, and suddenly there was a ouch, as if I had stepped on something under my feet, and then...

Listening to the movement behind him, Qin Yu's cold face suddenly showed a trace of worry, and then he quickly turned around.

It didn't matter when I turned around, and I saw a weak and fragrant body rushing towards me.

subconsciously opened his hands, and then he held this soft and boneless body in his arms.

At this moment, the girl's body fragrance, her slippery little hands, her slightly raised chest, and her exhalation...

All this made the teenager's heart jump wildly, and then a blush suddenly appeared on the teenager's face.

Time is so static, one second, two seconds...

It's just that the teenager seemed to suddenly think of something, and then he pushed away the girl's body and said with a cold face, "Miss Su, I'm sorry." After saying that, he left without looking back. In fact, it can also be said that he fled, leaving only a stunned girl.

"Brother Qin Yu, notebook..." The girl still hasn't forgotten.

"Thank you, I don't need it." The sound came from afar.

Thank you, but how can my identity be worthy of you? Long pain is not as good as short pain. In addition, the promised exchange must be fulfilled... Qin Yu couldn't help thinking of the bald middle-aged man. Hey, he sighed.

Why is Brother Qin Yu always like this? I just care about him. Looking at the faraway lonely figure, Su Ruyue is a little heartbroken and a little unclear.

However, at the moment of physical contact just now, the teenager's heart beating violently and his rapid breathing made a trace of sweetness surge in her heart.

At this time, she couldn't help but remember how a little boy with the same cold face helped a lost little girl walk back to her home step by step in the winter many years ago.

Maybe his coldness is just a mask.