armor demon

Chapter 20 Being captured

A year later, the life-and-death duel, the final test three months later, Grandpa's image, these agreements and goals made Qin Yu work harder.

After returning to his nest, he began to meditate again. Without the support of money, he could not practice in the practice room.

After three hours of meditation, Qin Yu began to meditate on the spell and feel the wind element. Because the essence of the wind element had been condensed yesterday, he felt the wind element without much effort. With the meditation of the spell, wind elements outside the senses poured into the meridians, but due to proficiency and time The reason is that the wind elements that the senses can feel at this time are still very small. Qin Yu knows that as long as he takes some more time to feel the wind elements, the wind elements that the senses can feel will definitely increase.

It's just a matter of time, so Qin Yu tried to recite the spell of wind magic. He knew that he could have more magic and was more confident in the enemy.

As time passed, the originally bright sky had darkened at some point, and Qin Yu was still working hard and still practicing boringly.

One day, two days...

Five days have passed.

In a remote and empty place in the slum, Qin Yu is training to fly against the wind.

With the meditation of the spell, he could feel two strong winds suddenly under his feet, but the direction of the wind was towards the ground, which produced the momentum that made him fly upward. With the strong wind gushing out, Qin Yu could feel that he actually rose to the air. Since it was the first wind flight, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous, and he still felt very unbalanced and seemed to be in danger of falling at any time.

Qin Yu had to carefully adjust the wind magic to keep the two strong winds under his feet the same strength to avoid imbalance caused by inconsistent efforts.

At this time, Qin Yu felt that this was also a delicate job, because the wind magic he controlled often appeared unevenly, which made him in mid-air shake left and right from time to time, and his heart was always hanging uneasily.

Fortunately, after continuous adjustment, he has finally mastered some skills on how to adjust the wind. As time goes by, he can master the balance at will without always paying attention to whether the wind is inconsistent.

However, this is a very mental work. Just as Qin Yu wanted to regulate the direction of the wind in order to fly forward, he found that his mental strength seemed to have been almost consumed.

I can only come back to training tomorrow, and Qin Yu thought helplessly.

The next morning, Qin Yu ran there again to train. Since he had mastered the balance yesterday, he began to regulate the wind to fly forward after being a little more proficient in balance.

However, this seems to be more difficult than yesterday. Qin Yu, who didn't fly far forward, fell from mid-air. Fortunately, when he was about to hit the ground, he finally adjusted the direction of the wind and abruptly stopped the momentum of falling. This shocked him with a cold sweat.

However, this difficulty did not stop his determination to practice wind magic, and he was still training enthusiastically. During this period, Qin Yu even fell to the ground several times and fell all over his body. However, a few days later, after experiencing countless risks, he was also suffering and happy, and finally was able to control the wind steadily.

Unconsciously, ten days have passed. Qin Yu is meditating, touching elements, flying in the wind and practicing a hundred steps of sweat every day. Although these things are so boring, he is not tired of it.

And in these boring homework, what makes him happy is the improvement of mental strength, the increase of sensory elements, the proficiency of flying in the wind and the gradually changing body.

On the morning of the eleventh day, after three hours of meditation, Qin Yu stood up from **, stretched out, then got out of bed, pushed open the window to look at the weather outside.

Now his mental strength has reached the level of the late level of the first level, and there seems to be signs of breaking through the peak of the first level at any time.

If others knew that in about ten days, he would have improved half a level of spiritual strength, and I'm afraid he would not believe it. If Zheng Yunan knew, he would definitely re-examine the duel with Qin Yu.

After all, everyone knows that spiritual power is more and more difficult to practice. If it takes a month to get to the first level, I'm afraid it will take half a year or even longer from the first level to the second level, and it will take more time after the second level. As for the spiritual power after the fifth level, I'm afraid not It is a problem that can be solved in time.

Qin Yu, who did not go to school for many days, naturally did not know that Zheng Yunan was depressed at this time, because the report submitted by Zheng Yunan to punish Qin Yu was actually rejected by the school, and the school's teaching office rejected his report on the grounds of insufficient evidence.

In this way, Qin Yu escaped the disaster.

At this time, it was spring. It was raining outside and the weather was gloomy, but this did not affect Qin Yu's mood. The improvement of his ability in all aspects made him a little happy.

** With his upper body, he looked at his body and saw that his bronze skin exuded a healthy color. His whole body was very well-proportioned and there were no protruding muscles. Like a healthy ordinary person, there was nothing to praise, but he knew that his body was inconsistent with the surface. If he wants to measure his strength, he feels that he can compete with a first-class warrior. Of course, it only refers to pure power, and the internal force is incomparable.

Two times in the ring, he won through this body, so he is more aware of the potential in his body, because as long as the other party is comparable to his magic, he is 100% sure to win.

But it's only limited to magicians. If you want to fight against warriors, you will definitely be at a disadvantage.

Qin Yu, who felt the benefits of his body, couldn't help picking up a dagger to compare it. He suddenly thought that if he could pull out and stab quickly without dragging, wouldn't he have a better chance of winning against the enemy?

Thinking of this, he excitedly found a dagger from his collection from the room and trained it seriously.

From this day on, this training has also become his compulsory course every day.

Five days have passed again.

In the morning, Qin Yu picked up the dagger and trained carefully. Compared with the first day, the time from pulling to stabbing was significantly shortened.

In the dark room, Qin Yu's legs were firmly tied to the ground, and the scarecrow leaning against the wall two meters away was his imaginary enemy.

Suddenly, he moved, leaned forward slightly, quickly pulled out the dagger at his waist with his right hand, and then suddenly took two steps forward. At the same time, his right hand drew an arc, and the dagger in his hand stabbed the scarecrow in front of him with a shining cold light.

The sound of the dagger sank into the wooden block in the center of the scarecrow.

After finishing all these movements, Qin Yu took a deep breath, but then he shook his head, as if he was not satisfied with the previous movements.

It seems that there is still a big gap with those soldiers who know internal strength, he muttered.

After a while, Qin Yu opened the door and walked out of his room. It had not rained for a long time, and the fresh air outside made him feel better.

I haven't been out for many days. Let's take a walk on the street and buy some good food to supplement nutrition. Qin Yu is worried.

With a relaxed pace, Qin Yu walked on the streets of the slum, a few streets between the vegetable market and his nest.

At this time, it was just dawn, and there was no one on the way.

Just as Qin Yu crossed a street, there was a sudden sound of rapid footsteps not far behind him. Just as Qin Yu was about to look back, the footsteps suddenly disappeared, and the next moment, a wind came out behind him.

Bad, Qin Yu thought secretly that he could feel that someone had come behind him. At this time, he still felt a strong wind coming towards him.

He couldn't help but be terrmented, so fast.

Qin Yu immediately wanted to rise up against the wind and reach out to his waist at the same time.

But how could the other party leave Qin Yu a chance?

Qin Yu felt a powerful hand clutch his wrist tightly, and then twisted it hard, and he lost his resistance. At the same time, the other hand suddenly pinched his mouth, and then a pill slipped into Qin Yu's mouth and then went straight into his abdomen.

After all this, the man ran all the way with Qin Yu, walked to a corner, and rushed into a private house that seemed to be uninhabited.

The private house was full of dust and spider webs. After entering the room, the man finally stopped and then took away the hand that sealed Qin Yu's mouth.

The room is extremely dark. Qin Yu can't see the other party's face at all. Is it Chen Sanxian or Zheng Yinan sent someone to deal with him? But think it should not be Zheng Yinan. He will not pull down and use this means to deal with him. Is that Chen Sanxian?

Just when Qin Yu was puzzled, the other party said, "Little brother, you have swallowed my hundred insect bone pills. You have to do what I said, otherwise you will know the consequences."

Hearing the name, Qin Yu couldn't help sweating coldly. He knew the virulence of this pill. If he didn't take the antidote in time, he would be gnawed at his bone marrow by a poison called Baichong in the pill. After a long time, the bones of his whole body would be gnawed clean.

Thinking of the scene where the bone marrow is gnawed away, he can't help but feel creepy.

"Are you afraid of the prosecution of the city's law enforcement team by kidnapping me in broad daylight?" Qin Yu said harshly.

"The law enforcement team of the Kingdom in Pasta is not as powerful as that of the Liu family." The man snorted coldly in the dark.

Qin Yu knows that what he said is the truth. Nowadays, the power of the Kingdom of Basel seems to be getting weaker and weaker in this city.

At this time, there were noisy footsteps on the street outside the house, and the words of several people also sounded.

"Captain Zhang, that man seems to have disappeared here."

"It seems that we have run away, and we continue to pursue." After a long silence, a voice said resolutely.

"Listen, everyone, continue to chase forward. Whoever catches him will be rewarded."

As soon as the words fell, the noisy footsteps continued to move forward and then gradually disappeared in the distance.