armor demon

Chapter 32 Qianmeng Martial Arts Arena

The next morning, a man wearing a tiger-headed mask and blue clothes appeared in the magic transmission array of the welcome hall of the Qianmeng Martial Arts Arena on the West Street of Pasta City.

The welcome hall of the Qianmeng Martial Arts Arena has more than a dozen magic transmission arrays, which connect magic transmission arrays in various parts of Pasta City, and may even connect magic transmission arrays in other cities outside Pasta City. The reason why Qian Meng set up these magic transmission arrays is to allow soldiers who do not want to reveal their identities and addresses to unknowingly enter the competition ring through these transmission arrays.

Setting up a magic transmission array in Monteribe mainland requires a lot of money and material resources, and there are these magic transmission arrays in a hall, which also connects many external magic transmission arrays, which requires not only financial resources but also rights.

This big creator is Qianmeng, whose strength is said to be among the top ten of all forces in the Kingdom of Basel. But Qian Meng is mysterious, because no one knows who the leader of Qian Meng is, a person or an organization? All this is still a secret.

The welcoming hall in the martial arts hall is spacious and bright, but people outside can't see inside, because the surroundings are sealed with dense materials, forming a wall with a wall more than ten meters high. Of course, there is still a main door, and the teleportation array is in the inner hall of the Yingbin Hall, that is to say, people who enter from the main door can't see the teleportation array. The light comes directly from the top of the hall, because the top is all transparent glass. The interior of the whole hall is painted with glittering gold, and there are more than a dozen golden dragon pillars supporting the hall. Everything is so magnificent that you can see how rich Qian Meng is.

The man in blue seemed to have come to the hall for the first time. From time to time, he turned his head curiously and looked around and saw a young lady standing not far in front of each transmission array. Looking at a masked man in blue appearing in the teleportation array out of thin air, a beautiful welcome lady quickly came over with a professional smile, with no surprise on her face, as if such things were commonplace. She said to the man in blue in a pleasant voice, "Hello, sir, are you here for the first time? Are you coming to watch the martial arts competition or come to the martial arts competition?" She can see that the people in blue are unfamiliar with this place.

The man in blue said in a plain tone, "I'm here to have a martial arts competition. Do you have it with you*?"

"Yes, sir, please go this way." Miss Yingbin made a gesture and took the teenager to the front counter. She could hear the slightly immature voice of the man in blue. She should be a teenager, she thought.

Miss Yingbin's whole buttocks shake from time to time, and the smooth and white thighs exposed under the cheongsam are so sexy and sexy.

I don't know how many guests have been fascinated by such a sexy body, and some people even come here just to witness their sexy body.

Miss Yingbin still knows her own advantages very well, but she doesn't feel any fluctuation at all. He always looks directly at her and never stops looking at her for a moment. What a boring person, she thinks so.

After arriving at the counter, Miss Yingbin continued to smile and said, "Sir, please sit down and write a name on the counter. Of course, you can write a pseudonym but make sure not to be the same name as others before, and then you need a drop of blood. This is used to verify your identity, that is to say, You will only use this name in the future, and you will only use this name in the future. Of course, you can also disagree. But if you don't agree, you can't enter the competition. You can think about it. Oh, if you're just a spectator, you don't need to be so troublesome."

After listening to Miss Yingbin say so much, the man in blue nodded in agreement, as if he was familiar with these regulations.

Qin Shaobai, the man in blue wrote down the name. After writing, Miss Yingbin took out a thin needle and quickly stabbed a needle in the man in blue, and then gently squeezed out a drop of blood dripping into a small bottle.

After finishing these welcome ladies, she handed the bottle to the staff at the counter, and then smiled and said to the man in blue, "Sir, please wait a moment. It will be ready in a minute."

After receiving the bottle, the person on the counter quickly handed the bottle into a small hole behind him, which looked dark.

The man in blue was still silent and not afraid when he saw such a mysterious thing, as if he trusted them very much or he was not afraid of what they would do at all. He knew that this should be the use of magic to identify blood.

It didn't take long to hand out a half-sized brand from the small hole.

After taking the sign from Miss Yingbin, the man in Qingyi looked carefully and saw that the bottom picture of the brand seemed to be a dragon that was about to fly, but it was not very real, and there were three small words Qin Shaobai written on the bottom. The sign against the light did not reflect any light. Instead, the man in blue saw his tiger from it. Head mask, er, he also saw a coin from the deeper part of his image, on which the word Qianmeng was extremely clear. And on the back of the brand is his number, 817.

Seeing that these people in blue still didn't say anything, they just grabbed the sign in their hands and then looked up at Miss Yingbin.

Miss Yingbin's smile was even more, and then she said, "Sir, please pay 1,000 sel." She knew that she was not a poor man who could sit in the teleportation array, so she didn't have to worry that the people in blue couldn't afford it.

The face under the mask of the man in blue was expressionless and didn't seem to feel any heartache about spending 1,000 yen, but he quickly took out a golden card from his pocket and handed it to Miss Yingbin.

Gold card? Seeing this gold card welcome lady was obviously stunned, and then replaced by a spring breeze smile. If she just said that her smile was professional, then now it was mixed with an emotional smile.

This is no wonder this welcome lady. Because the gold card symbolizes the rich, and the deposit is limited to 100 million yen. Even people like Chen Sanxian do not have a gold card. You can imagine how valuable the identity of the person with the gold card is, not to mention such a young teenager.

It must be the heir of a big family or a rich man. Listening to the slightly immature voice of the man in blue, Miss Yingbin thought that if I could climb on such a teenager, I would jump into a phoenix and struggle for a lifetime, but she couldn't figure out why such a precious young master would come to the ring. He didn't know. Will people die in such a place at any time, huh, or come out to practice, it must be.

"Sir, you need to pay 300 celcoins for a fight. If you can make a reputation and win popularity for our museum, maybe we will reward you, but this depends on the actual situation. Of course, these were paid before the war. But with Mr.'s money, he may not care about this little money at all, right? Miss Yingbin still had her professional habits, but her slightly flattering voice suddenly became soft, which made the people in blue shiver.

The man in blue reached out to hold his mask and did not say anything.

"Is your husband going to enter the ring competition now?" Although the teenager is very indifferent, Miss Yingbin has always maintained enough enthusiasm.

The man in blue nodded.

Seeing the Qingyi man nodding, Miss Yingbin hurriedly took the teenager in and introduced some matters about the ring competition to the Qingyi people as she walked.