armor demon

Chapter 34 Repair

Qin Yu, who returned to the room, entered his spiritual power into the broken armor with the only hope. With the penetration of spiritual power and the silence of spells in the armor control, Qin Yu could feel that his soul slowly entered the armor. The coldness in the armor gave Qin Yu's soul a Silk trembling.

After wandering in the veins of the armor for a long time, he did not find any soul power. Could it be that the soul of the broken armor of Warcraft has disappeared or died? He couldn't help sighing and seemed that he had to find the armor again. He knew that the soul of Warcraft would never leave its hidden armor, because if it left, it would disappear and no longer exist in the world. Since the soul of Warcraft will not leave by itself, there is only one explanation, that is, the soul of Warcraft in this armor has disappeared.

Just when Qin Yu was very disappointed, he suddenly found a gust of wind in front of him. Could it be...

At this moment, he immediately excitedly followed the dark wind, and saw a white fog not far ahead that seemed to keep struggling, saying that it was because there seemed to be a trace of white fog trying to get out of the white fog, and the white fog seemed to try his best not to let the trace of white fog get out of his control. As they pulled, the whole white fog kept shaking. Because the two sides seemed to have similar strength, the situation continued for a period of time, but then the situation turned sharply. The white fog that seemed to be struggling suddenly became more. With the increase of the white fog, the whole white fog seemed to be uncontrollable in an instant and would turn into zero at any time.

Qin Yu, who had one experience, knew that this white fog was the soul of the warcraft in this armor, and its current appearance seemed to disappear at any time.

The situation was not easy, but Qin Yu didn't know what to do, so he could only stare anxiously. Maybe he tried the soul communication spell, and a light flashed in his mind.

Time did not wait for anyone, and then he quickly recited the soul communication spell. With the meditation of the spell, he could find that the white fog opposite him stopped struggling, and then trembled and plunged into the whole white fog. With the integration of the trace of white fog, the whole white fog expanded a lot in an instant, and then trembled violently. During this period, Qin Yu kept chanting spells.

The spell seemed to have played a soothing role. After a while, the white fog stopped shaking and gradually stopped. After a long time, the white fog suddenly slowly turned into an animal.

The four feet slowly appeared, as well as the fangs and tails gradually appeared. Looking at the white fog that gradually revealed its shape, Qin Yu couldn't help but feel lingering. If he hadn't recited the spell in time, I'm afraid that the soul of Warcraft would have disappeared. He didn't expect that the soul communication spell would still have such a wonderful use.

Indeed, due to the serious damage of the armor and the lack of maintenance for a long time, the soul of the Warcraft was indeed at the critical moment of life and death. If Qin Yu hadn't come in time, I'm afraid it would have really disappeared.

But looking at the white fog that had almost revealed his true face, Qin Yu couldn't help but want to spit blood. Isn't this the lowest giant elephant pig among the low-level Warcraft? He couldn't help smiling bitterly.

In the end, a giant elephant pig condensed by soul stood in front of Qin Yu, but he found that the pig was staring at himself angrily with a pair of scarlet eyes.

It saved it but wanted to bite back. It was really an intellect thing. Qin Yu was speechless.

Suddenly, the giant elephant pig rushed towards Qin Yu's soul.

Seeing that his fangs were about to stand against him, Qin Yu quickly recited the soul communication spell. Dear cute giant elephant pig monster, please give your soul to me...

Just after the spell was pronounced, the pig fell from the air, and then trembled all over and kept trembling.

With the continuous meditation of the spell, the scarlet in the pig's eyes slowly faded, until it all disappeared, replaced by a pair of crystal bright eyes.

With the last scarlet disappearing, the elephant pig was no longer the original fierce image, but a cute look. Then it shook its tail, ran happily to Qin Yu, stretched out its long tongue and wanted to lick Qin Yu's face.

Well, it's similar to his domesticated Warcraft mantis.

Looking at the elephant pig that suddenly changed his appearance, Qin Yu suddenly thought about it. If, no matter how strong the spirit is, even reaches the level of a holy magician, can't it be domesticated even a spiritual warcraft? This armor control is really unbelievable.

It's just that I naturally don't know whether the spiritual Warcraft can domesticate Qin Yu now. Maybe even the president of the Magic Martial Arts Association may not know.

Since the soul of Warcraft is intact, the rest is to repair it. He said he would do it. At that moment, he immediately put the armor into the ring in the space, and then rushed to Uncle Wen's shop non-stop.

However, Uncle Wen was not in the store. Fortunately, Qin Yu had the keys to the store, and there were many broken materials in the store, so Qin Yu bulged up in Uncle Wen's store.

Pour the iron water on the cracked place, try your best to make it stronger, and then find arm pads, wrist pads, leg pads, and knee pads to connect their veins together. Then he rushed back to the room of the Qianmeng Hall.

The most important thing below is to see if the soul communication spell can connect the veins of new parts with the veins of old parts. If not, it will be a waste of effort. Generally, this kind of technical work is done by magicians, but now Qin Yu can only be a living doctor.

At present, he read the integration technique in armor control and let his soul enter the armor. With the appearance of his soul, the soul of Warcraft who regarded him as the master in the armor immediately ran up.

Then he held a try and killed the soul of the giant elephant pig to the junction of the old and new armor.

After I don't know how many times I read the soul communication technique and how many times I commanded the elephant pig soul to kill, the originally unconnected vein slowly appeared to merge, but the fusion seemed extremely slow.

I don't know how long it took, as long as a century. Finally, at some point, the veins were finally connected.

When he came out of the armor, Qin Yu felt exhausted, not only mentally, but also physically, and hunger was like a flood and beast.

For three days, Qin Yu finally calculated the time it took to connect the veins in the money drawn from the gold card.

But no matter how hard Qin Yu was, he thought it was worth it, because he actually successfully repaired the vein of the armor as not a magician. If this happened, I don't know how much sensation it would cause.

The next step is to use armor. Time has been running out, and the sense of urgency has always been pressing on him. Qin Yu knows that he can't stop.

It's just that as soon as this idea flashed through his mind, Qin Yu fell directly on ** like a piece of wood. He was so tired that he needed to rest. He never felt that sleeping was such a happy thing as at this moment.