armor demon

Chapter 66 Wind and Cold

After the little guy repeated so three times, the python actually did something that surprised them, that is, he suddenly gave up the little guy who threatened him with red fruit in front of him, and swam to Qian Shirou, who had not yet climbed up from the ground.

The huge and extremely ugly head, the spit out long snake letter reached Qian Shirou in a blink of an eye. No matter how hard the little guy shouted, he never turned back, as if he was determined to kill Qian Shirou and then clean up the little thing.

Looking at the saliva- salivating mouth that was about to have close contact with herself in the blink of an eye, Qian Shirou's face was as pale, but at this time, she was hurt and tired, and she couldn't even stand still. How could she avoid the head of a python like lightning?

The little guy looked at this scene pitifully and didn't know how to save the girl who loved it.

Seeing that Qian Shirou was about to die under the mouth of the python, Qian Shirou only felt a flash of shock in her eyes. The place where her eyes converged seemed to suddenly burst out a dazzling white light, and then the white light instantly turned into a seemingly lightning-like light, and then the light hit in her direction.

Leaving from the original place, the light quickly disappeared, and only a very fast black object remained in Qian Shirou's eyes. All these changes are very fast, a little less than Qian Shirou's blinking time.

The little guy who felt something abnormal also turned his head and looked at it.

Ju Mang also felt the abnormal situation. It stopped the big mouth that attacked Qian Shirou, and then quickly turned his head and looked back.

However, its eyes quickly froze and its movements stopped in an instant.

Time seemed to be so solidified that there was no time to react, and then a black object fiercely plunged into its seven inches.

" hiss"

The python looked up to the sky and roared wildly, but it did not produce any destructive power this time. Instead, its head quickly fell into the air and hit the ground full of dead branches and leaves, afuriated any dust.

After everything really returned to calm, Qian Shirou saw the dark shadow that pierced a long gun into the seven-inch python slowly struggled to get up. It was Qin Shaobai. She couldn't help but be full of joy, because he was not only fine, but he could kill the python in an instant with such a thunderbolt, but she did it anyway. I don't understand how this Qin Shao can be different from each other in a short time. Has he been hiding in front of him, or has he made a breakthrough after being stunned by a python?

Just now, Qin Yu, who had no time to think too much about the situation, used all his remaining strength to attack the python. Generally speaking, the energy he could exert could not have such a big offensive. What made him ecstatic was that the soul of Warcraft in the armor at that critical moment. He had a very deep communication with him, and then the soul of the Warcraft instantly consumed the magic crystal stored in the armor. Because of this, it was possible to make such a shocking blow, so that the python could not avoid it at all.

The skin of the originally extremely tough python is also as fragile as a piece of white paper under such a thunderbolt.

The huge python's body curled softly on the ground, and Qin Yu's long gun was also quietly inserted in the seven inches of the python. Qin Yu, who was injured all over, was already tired and powerless at this time. After pulling out the long gun from the back of the python, Qin Yu no longer had the strength to stand, but directly collected the armor. Slowly spread out on the ground, he needs to rest.

Qian Shi's situation seems to be even more unbearable. After seeing Qin Yu get rid of the python, she lay directly on the ground and slept, but Fortunately, she also tried her last bit of strength to remove the armor. If she hadn't faded the armor, I'm afraid she would have been crushed to death by the armor. Tao.

The little guy who looked like a ball could not lie on the ground after seeing the two fell with the python. It seemed to become anxious because it couldn't figure out the situation of the two. It ran to Qin Yu with the red fruit first. After seeing Qin Yu's eyes closed and seemed to be unconscious, it quickly ran to Qian Shirou's side is still the same scene.

Unwilling, he couldn't help running to Qin Yu's side again, and then scratched Qin Yu's chest with his furry claws. Although Qin Yu could feel that something was scratching on his chest, but he had no strength, it was impossible for him to explore what it was.

After he found that Qin Yu was still motionless, the little guy ran to Qian Shirou and scratched her chest vigorously.

Qian Shirou also did not have the strength to find out. In her confusion, she vaguely felt as if someone was touching her chest. She couldn't help but be ashamed and angry. At this time, she didn't even have the strength to look up and open her eyes, and because at the bottom of this big crack, there was no one but Qin Yu, so she However, he pointed the spear to Qin Yu.

Poor Qin Yu was inexplicably wronged.

Looking at the two people who did not respond at all, the little guy sat helplessly in the middle of them, but it did not leave, as if waiting for them to wake up.

Holding the red fruit, the little guy's eyes turned back and forth between the two and the red fruit, but it seemed to be making some major decision.

For a long time, the little guy suddenly stood up, then quickly ran to Qin Yu's side, then climbed to Qin Yu's chest, and then the little guy gently bit the red fruit. Suddenly, a little transparent sticky ** appeared in the gap of the red fruit, but the little guy did not inhale ** into his abdomen, but actually moved the red fruit to Qin Yu's mouth, and then squeezed it hard. The little sticky ** then dripped into Qin Yu's throat. In an instant, the red fruit swayed half.

After doing all this, the little guy looked at the half-embritted red fruit with a painful face, and then he suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed all the red fruit into his stomach.

Poor Qian Shirou can't even enjoy a drop of **.

After swallowing the remaining half of the fruit into his stomach, the little guy touched his round stomach contentedly, and then his body crooked and fell asleep against Qin Yu.

In a daze, Qin Yu felt that there was a drop of ** dripping into his throat. He instinctively wanted to refuse, but he was unable to stop the ** dripping into his throat along his tongue.

Only after ** dripped into his throat and reached his chest and lungs, Qin Yu suddenly felt a fragrance all over his body, which made him feel extremely comfortable. After that, the fragrance all over his whole body seemed to make his tired body full of vitality. Not to mention that the fragrance put his internal organs in an extremely comfortable state, as if a skilled masseuse was massaging him.

After a long time, the fragrance gradually dissipated, and Qin Yu, who was confused, had a feeling of rebirth.

After this feeling, Qin Yu slowly woke up, and then stood up and felt full of strength. He couldn't believe it. He knew how tired he was in front of him and why he suddenly became a person now. Is it because of that ** that Qin Yu remembered his confused feeling.

What the hell is that? Did Qian Shirou give it to herself? However, Qin Yu denied the idea when he found that Qian Shirou was still lying on the ground.

It's not Qian Shirou and who it is. Qin Yu can't figure it out when he breaks his head. You know, there are only two of them at the bottom of this big crack at this time. However, at this time, it is not the time to figure out this problem. First, we need to find out whether Qian Shirou, who is still lying on the ground, has something to do.

Just as Qin Yu was about to go to see if Qian Shirou's problem was big, he suddenly tripped over something under his feet. When he opened his eyes, he was actually the round guy, but the little guy in front of him seemed to have changed. His hair seemed to become whiter, and he seemed to be a little fatter, which made him less It is conceisable that there seems to be a faint light in its eyes at this time.

And when Qin Yu moved so big that he tripped it around, the little guy still slept comfortably, and his mouth closed from time to time, revealing the two big teeth that didn't match him.

What a strange thing, Qin Yu muttered.

However, Qin Yu put it aside first, and then took a few steps to Qian Shirou.

What's going on? Why does the body seem to be much lighter? Qin Yu looked at his body in disbelief.

Seeing Qian Shirou's slightly trembling chest and slightly trembling nose, as if she was sleeping, Qin Yu's hanging heart finally let go. Fortunately, the young lady was fine. However, what worried him was Qian Shirou's fiery cheeks and her words of "so cold" from time to time, and her body that seemed to be very cold.

Is she sick?

Touching her forehead, it was really hot. Qin Yu suddenly became helpless. Although he didn't like her very much, she was always a friend of the little boy Qian Xin, so Qin Yu would not leave her anyway, not to mention that she seemed to be just cold in front of him. Although wind chill is a small matter, it is a headache for Qin Yu, who does not know medical skills and has no medicine to treat wind chill.

What should I do? Qin Yu, who is usually very calm, seems to be at a loss.