armor demon

Chapter 102 Thinking hard

The crowd and the wolves began a close seesaw battle again, but in the subsequent defense, they found that these shadow wolves were obviously more ferocious and desperate than before. They rushed forward, as if the magic that hit them could not do any harm to them, but from them Judging from the old sad cry, the damage still exists.

As time passed, the wolves still kept hitting the end of the narrow stone road. They seemed to be never tired. On the other hand, on the human side, although the defenders of the stone road changed batch after batch, their faces showed a tired look, and the frequent use of magic made their heads seem to be pumped. It's empty. Mental poverty is fatal to magicians, because spiritual power is the foundation of their control of magic. Mental poverty means that they are no longer so free to control magic, but may not even be able to perform magic.

Of course, the main reason for this is that they are too tired. They have been fighting since they entered the magical boundary and have not received any effective rest. Even if they sometimes rest, they should beware of possible accidents.

If it goes on like this, I'm afraid that they may be broken through the defense line by those shadow wolves before the magic crystals are consumed. Looking at this situation, Liu Changsheng couldn't help but feel a little depressed. He has also rotated several times, and even he feels tired, not to mention these classmates who are less mentally powerful than him.

Liu Changsheng raised his head and looked behind the students who were defending with all his strength. There sat the unknown magician. At this time, the magician looked up at the whole stone mountain from time to time, frowned and loosened, as if thinking about something. This is the only person at the scene who did not participate in the defense except for the wounded, but Liu Changsheng knew that it was he who sat behind the defending students that doubled their confidence and was not afraid of those shadow wolves who seemed to be less and less afraid of death, because they knew that once a shadow wolf broke through the defense line, he must It will rush up and give a fatal blow to the shadow wolf who broke through the defense line.

That is to say, the unknown magician has become the sea god needle of the people present and their last line of defense. If he has an accident or leaves Shishan, the people at the scene will definitely collapse in an instant and die under the claws of these shadow wolves.

It seems that their luck is not bad that they can meet such a person in the mysterious magic boundary that suddenly became extremely dangerous. If they don't meet this unknown magician, he believes that they will definitely die in the mysterious magic boundary like Zhang Chaofeng's group. I don't know what other groups of classmates What? Thinking of this, Liu Changsheng sighed, but then smiled bitterly, but this smile looked so reluctant.

Go to talk to him, an idea flashed in Liu Changsheng's heart, and then he walked towards the unknown magician.

Qin Yu also saw how critical the current situation is for these students. If he doesn't want to come up with a solution to the problem, there are absolutely no more students here. Although he is definitely one of these, he still has a stable mentality. After this short relationship, he Some students who were very united with each other had a good impression, which made him feel a little when he stayed in the Water Magic Association. Although this favor is not enough for him to give his life, he can still pay for the dedication of providing a good ideas that does not consume any magic stones.

These dark shadow wolves with high magic defense will not be greatly damaged by the students' magic attacks at all. What should they do? Qin Yu thought hard that physical attack was the most effective means, but it was impossible to expect these powerless magicians to control weapons as powerfully as him to attack these shadow wolves. And he can't kill so many shadow wolves alone. Even if he can, he won't do such a stupid thing. If he really does this, he believes that he will have to die in the end. Qin Yu glanced past the stone mountain where he was, hoping to find inspiration from it, and then come up with a way to repel the wolves.

How can these magicians have physical attacks? Qin Yu is thinking about this problem.

While thinking, his eyes swept over a stone, which was a basin-sized stone, and the protruding corner above the stone was as sharp as a dagger. This discovery made his eyes suddenly focus on the stone.

Aren't these stones natural weapons? If these magicians can pick up these stones and attack those shadow wolves, can't they cause more serious damage to the wolves? Such an idea flashed in Qin Yu's mind, but the idea was immediately denied by him, because he could carry such a stone and throw it at the shadow wolves, but these magicians couldn't do it at all.

Qin Yu had no choice but to look away from the stone. At this time, he heard the footsteps behind him and turned his head and found that Liu Changsheng, with a wry smile on his face, was walking towards him from the slope. At this time, although Qin Yu was standing directly behind the defending students, because of the terrain, it was very steep. Slope, so Qin Yu stands taller than those students. Naturally, his purpose of standing like this is to better see the movements of the wolves. However, Qin Yu has never found the leader among the wolves. No leader has attacked in such an organized way. Qin Yu can only be extremely depressed.

Qin Yu's eyes moved to Liu Changsheng and then took it back.

Although Liu Changsheng's physical quality is better than that of ordinary magicians, he can't help but feel a little breathless to climb such a slope, not to mention that he is extremely tired at this time. Looking at the unknown magician still thinking about something after seeing him climb up, Liu Changsheng couldn't help but feel a little depressed. The strong people are really different, and even the place where he stands is so different.

"Ouch", just as Liu Changsheng climbed up with his waist, he accidentally stepped on a pumice, and then his whole body fell back unsteadily. The students who saw this scene couldn't help sweating for Liu Changsheng. You know, the slope was full of stones. His fall was bound to be injured, minor injuries were inevitable, and serious injuries may still be possible. If a commander was lost because of such a thing, how much it would not be worth the loss.

Fortunately, just as Liu Changsheng was about to roll down the slope, a lightning-like figure suddenly floated down from the slope, and then suddenly grabbed his clothes and lifted him off the ground and pulled him back.

The strength is so strong that several students who watched this scene couldn't help exclaiming in their hearts.

Liu Changsheng, who felt that he was in danger in an instant, couldn't help sweating coldly. If it hadn't been for this unknown magician, he would have rolled down the slope and fallen hard, but then again, if it hadn't been for this unknown magician, I'm afraid he wouldn't have been at all. This slope comes.

However, since others have saved him, he will definitely thank him back, so Liu Changsheng's first thought is to say thank you to the unknown magician after stabilizing his body. But before he could say anything, he felt that his body was light, and then he fell to a slightly flat place on the slope.


The students who watched this scene couldn't help but petrify. This unknown magician was really strange. After rescuing the person, he actually threw him to the ground.

Although the subsequent throw was not high from the ground, it still threw Liu Changsheng away. Although he felt that he had been insulted, Liu Changsheng, who was a little impulsive, put up with it, but he really couldn't figure out why this man threw himself down like this. Does this person look down on their group of students like this? However, when he saw the unknown magician's look, Liu Changsheng was even more angry, because the man's face actually showed a surprised expression that seemed to find a new continent. Is it fun to bully people? Of course, Liu Changsheng can only slander in his heart, but then Liu Changsheng left these ideas behind, because after thinking about it, he felt that this unknown magician would not be such a person, and the reason why he was so happy that he must have found something. Is it the idea of repeling the wolves?

Thinking like this, Liu Changsheng immediately forgot the pain as if the skeleton had dispersed all over his body, and then looked excitedly at the unknown magician standing beside him.

Qin Yu did come up with an idea, which is to use this steep and abnormal slope. If he takes advantage of the steepness and length of this slope and then puts some round heavy stones on the slope and rolls down, isn't it to attack these shadow wolves? Thinking of this, Qin Yu was so excited that he threw Liu Changsheng to the ground.

Of course, the key to the problem is whether the stones placed on it can explode in an instant. If they roll down one by one, it is undoubtedly a waste of strength and time. If enough stones are put on it, and then temporarily stop them with something, and take away the things that bind them when the wolves attack, can't it cause powerful destructive power in an instant? Qin Yu, who thought so, couldn't help but see light.

"This senior has thought of a way to repel the wolves." Looking at Qin Yu's appearance, Liu Changsheng did not doubt his guess at all, but he did not notice that he subconsciously called Qin Yu a senior.

"I thought of it." Qin Yu replied, and now he told Liu Changsheng what he had in mind.

Listening to Qin Yu's idea, Liu Changsheng was also excited. Indeed, this was the only way for them to defeat the wolves under the stone wall, but then he frowned and raised several questions in his mind.

Use something to bind these stones that can explode in an instant, and then attract all the wolves to attack. If they just rush up one by one like now, and there are only about a dozen shadow wolves on the whole stone road, they will burst down in an instant. The stones can't catch all these shadow wolves.

Indeed, this is also a problem considered by Qin Yu. If these two problems are not solved, this strategy cannot be implemented at all.

At this moment, the two of them sat on the steep slope and scratched their ears and cheeks.

Looking at Liu Changsheng, who seemed to have lost face and was thrown to the ground in an instant, discuss something enthusiastically with the unknown magician the next second. The students who had been paying attention to them couldn't help sighing that senior Liu was really able to support the boat in the prime minister's belly. If it were them, even if they would not have done a fight, at least It will give an embarrassing look. At the same time, they also sighed that in such a world, strength is supreme and the strong are respected.

The two racked their brains and thought hard.

Soon, they solved the second problem, that is, let the wolves taste the sweetness and put them in. Imagine that once they find that the narrow channel that they have been unbreakable for a long time can pass through, they are bound to rush to the stone road as before. However, it is very dangerous to let the wolves in, because after passing through the narrow place, the terrain will instantly become larger. At that time, all personnel must besiege on both sides behind the narrow passage, but even if all the wolves are surrounded on both sides, they may not be able to stop the wolves rushing left and right. This is another difficult problem, but the two soon found a way, that is, to surround the stone wall on both sides. These less intelligent shadow wolves will certainly not think of the role of these boulders, and they will definitely flock straight up. At that time, the danger will be much reduced, and they can also catch turtles in an urn.

But the first question puzzled them. Block stones with wood? This seems feasible, but where to find wood on this bare stone mountain, it is difficult for a skillful woman to cook without rice. Dig a pit and stone on the slope? However, this is obviously another idiot's answer. Not to mention these stone mountains that are too hard to dig, even if you can dig a hole, you must be able to release these stones at a critical moment, and this pit obviously can't do it.

Look for some highly resilient ropes in the space rings he has searched. At present, Qin Yu, who has no choice but to place his last hope on several space rings he has searched. Liu Changsheng, with a sad face, can only collect the wisdom of everyone to see if they can solve such a problem that seems impossible at present.

However, after turning around, Liu Changsheng frowned more tightly, because those students obviously couldn't think of any way and had no rope.

Qin Yu found a total of six space rings. Er, looking at these space rings, he considered whether to sell them to make a lot of money, but this was not the time to consider these problems, so Qin Yu focused on these space rings.

The space ring of the black-faced man has already been emptied by him, and he has little hope for the space ring from several students. His hope is concentrated on the two space rings under Fan Jian's two men. From his observation that day, the two usually seemed to do something to steal chickens and dogs, so some ropes and other things seemed to be normal.

Qin Yu really felt a rope-like thing from one of the two space rings, and this discovery immediately made him cheer with joy.

But he seemed to be too happy too early. If the quality of this rope is very poor, everything is empty talk. Now he quickly examined the quality of this rope carefully.

After discovering that this was a black rope, Qin Yu was happy as if he had been splashed with cold water. You know, the quality of the dark ropes on the market is generally the worst. Only those ropes that look like a transparent material from Warcraft are full of toughness.

Qin Yu, who was a little disappointed, put this rope on the ground, which was more than 100 meters long. Although he did not require the length of the rope at this time, it also had the advantage of length, that is, it could be circled several times to make up for the lack of toughness.

Watching Qin Yu find a rope magically, Liu Changsheng ran over with excitement.

Although he was a little disappointed, it was better than nothing. Qin Yu then pulled his hands on the black rope to interview its resilience.

Qin Yu's hand is much more powerful than that of an ordinary magician, so he easily lengthen some part of the rope. Of course, he carefully experimented with one end of the rope. If the quality of the rope is not good and the middle part of the rope, it is easy to pull a rope into two pieces.

Well, the rope has been doubled and there is no sign of deformation or tearing off, which can't help but make Qin Yu a little curious and excited. Is this a very special rope? Qin Yu, who observed carefully, soon found the clue, because from the pulled rope, the closer it is to the middle of the rope, the black seems to be lighter and lighter, and sometimes even makes Qin Yu feel that it is transparent. Is this rope made of pure natural rope, and its black is just painted the day after tomorrow?

In order to prove his inner thoughts, Qin Yu popped up his fist and scraped the surface of the rope. Sure enough, the paint that was so subtle that it was difficult for others to observe with the naked eye fell from the surface of the rope under Qin Yu's scrape.

is really a pure natural rope, which means that the two problems mentioned earlier have been completely solved at this time.

"How's it going?" Liu Changsheng said next to him.

"We are saved." After sett down, Qin Yu said, in fact, he can say that those magicians who don't know wind magic are saved.

Everything is available, and then Liu Changsheng mobilized all the students who are not defending for the time to move the stones of the stone mountain. What they need is round and heavy stones, and only these stones can give a fatal blow to those shadow wolves. If it is those fist-sized stones, they can only tickle these shadow wolves. .

"At least a stone as thick as a male classmate's waistline." Liu Changsheng said to the students while measuring.