armor demon

Chapter 109 Strange and True World

Qin Yu carefully used the wind magic to move forward, and there was no sound in the whole empty scene except for the slight friction of the airflow. And the little guy was also received by him in the space ring again. He didn't want to take care of the little guy's safety after encountering Warcraft.

After flying 500 meters, there is still no resistance from any warcraft. Can this little guy really feel that there is no danger and can distinguish the smell of those warcrafts? Qin Yu thought about it in his heart.

However, just after the idea flashed, a few sounds came from a huge stone.

At this moment, Qin Yu quickly landed on the ground and carefully stared at the boulder and around the boulder. The sound here meant the appearance of warcraft.

Sure enough, after a long time, three strangely shaped monsters flashed behind the boulder.

Fortunately, seeing that there were no more warcrafts after the boulder, Qin Yu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. If it were a group of warcrafts, he would have to flee.

The attack power and agility of the three warcrafts seemed to be similar to that of the shadow wolves, so Qin Yu's first idea was to solve them and then step on their bodies through this path.

Looking at the fierce warcraft in front of him, Qin Yu quickly launched a water ball to attack them. However, after exerting this magic, he turned around and ran to those places where the boulders were dense.

Qin Yu knew that if he had a head-on confrontation with these monsters, it would take a lot of effort and even be possible to get injured, so although he took the initiative to attack, it was just a false shot. His magic attack just angered them even more.

Sure enough, a warcraft that had not suffered any harm after Qin Yu's blow suddenly became furious, and then stared at Qin Yu with a pair of scarlet eyes, and the two warcrafts on both sides were naturally unwilling to lag behind.

At present, three fierce beasts and Qin Yu are playing hide-and-seek in the boulder, but they don't know that this is just Qin Yu's trick.

After spending a lot of energy, Qin Yu finally destroyed these three monsters one by one.

After confirming that the three monsters had no use value, he continued to move forward in front of the path.

Soon, he reached the end of the path.

Flashing from behind a boulder, Qin Yu found that his eyes were suddenly enlightened. The paths connected to this path were no longer those paths with different directions, but a straight fork in a vertical angle from the path.

You don't need to look at Qin Yu to know that the right side of this fork must be connected to the main road, and the left side is naturally the boundary to the second floor.

To the left or to the right, facing this only road, Qin Yu's mind turned straight. He didn't expect that there was another road to cut across besides the main road, that is to say, even if he went back and chose another path, he would definitely go to this fork in the road. Moreover, the direction of this fork is not straight, although this fork is obviously much smaller than the main road.

Of course, he can also walk in a straight line, but if he walks in a straight line, he must climb mountains, which is small for him, but for those magicians, it is undoubtedly difficult to climb to the sky, and if he wants to climb over those stone mountains or slopes, he will definitely encounter a large number of monsters. In this case, there are only two choices, but if you go to the right, you will definitely reach the main road. At that time, you will inevitably encounter a large number of monsters, and if you go to the left, you will inevitably get farther and farther away from the entrance of the third floor.

According to this situation, those magicians could not enter the third floor at all, and Qin Yu couldn't help smiling bitterly.

At this time, Qin Yu suddenly smelled a smell of blood, and he couldn't help but be stunned. It's really strange. How can there be a smell of blood here? Are the Warcrafts killing each other? From the situation in this paragraph, this is impossible at all. That is to say, someone arrived here and killed the warcraft here. Otherwise, how could he not see a warcraft on such a wide road? But who will arrive here, the group of Ouyang Li and Su Ruyue? Qin Yu felt this possibility, because among the so many groups mentioned by Liu Changsheng, only their group was the most powerful.

It's just why they walked in this direction? Looking at the traces on the ground, Qin Yu couldn't figure it out, because the further to the left they went, the farther they were from the entrance of the third floor. Is there something to attract them? Thinking so, Qin Yu walked to the left along the traces on the ground.

The road on both sides was quiet, and there was no movement at all. Qin Yu thought that the monsters on both sides had been killed.

Sure enough, after bypassing a huge stone, he found some warcraft corpses under the stone mountains next to him, but he was a little surprised when he took a closer look, because the corpses of those high-defense warcrafts were suddenly inserted with new and abnormal arrows stained with their blood. These arrows were obviously just bought, and those who shot the arrows did not take them back, which means that those people prepared enough arrows.

Do those people of Ouyang Li know that there is such a change in the mysterious magic boundary, and then they are ready before entering?

From the slightly neat pace on the ground, Qin Yu could see that there was no danger to those people, which made him subconsciously feel a little relieved.

Qin Yu walked a kilometer forward, but the traces on the ground of those people still did not disappear, that is, those people were still moving forward. Why did they keep walking in this direction? Curiosity made him keep following their traces.

Just after Qin Yu continued to walk for a kilometer, he suddenly found that there was a dead corner 100 meters ahead, which made him laugh bitterly when he thought this road led to the second-level boundary.

However, there was no human figure in the dead corner, and there was no abnormal sound. Did these people turn over the tall stone mountain in front of them and look at the stone mountain in front of him, Qin Yu was a little stunned, but as magicians, are they so easy to climb over this stone mountain and look at the empty stone mountain except for the huge stone? Qin Yu really felt that he couldn't understand.

However, after reaching the dead corner, he quickly calculated that those people did not cross the stone mountain, because the mark of their footsteps suddenly disappeared at the foot of the stone mountain.

Looking at the disappeared traces, Qin Yu was stunned again. Is it possible that these people could not be captured by the monsters in the sky? However, judging from the absence of traces of fighting on both sides, this calculation has no possibility of being established. Is there any secret passage behind these stones at the foot of Shishan? Qin Yu felt that this was the only possible reason why they disappeared out of thin air.

Thinking about this, Qin Yu pushed hard the stones in front of the place where the group of people's last footsteps were left, but what made him frustrated was that these stones were extremely hard and could not be pushed away at all.

What's going on? Qin Yu was unwilling to give up like this. Instead, he groped on those stones and carefully searched for any clues that might be left behind. He believed that it was absolutely impossible for that the group of people to disappear out of thin air. There must be a mechanism for them to pass through these stones. Head.

At this time, the sky was dark, and a crescent moon quietly emerged from all over the sky. In such an empty scene, only Qin Yu was groping around.

The faint light of the moon allows Qin Yu to faintly distinguish the differences on these stones. Of course, this is also thanks to his training in the training ground in the fantasy. If he were an ordinary person, he would not be able to do this.

While Qin Yu kept groping, the little guy he released for ventilation seemed to be very comfortable around him, as if he could not see Qin Yu's anxiety. While swaying, he still smelled those stones from time to time, as if these stones were very delicious food, but No matter how its nose keeps flapping, but it doesn't have the thought of swallowing these stones into its abdomen, which makes Qin Yu unable to hit its head with such a hammer. I am so hard, and you are still so leisurely to show off.

While groping, Qin Yu knocked on these stones with his hands from time to time, because he felt that if there was really a hole behind these stones, the sound of knocking would definitely be different. From the left to the right, the whole span was 50 meters, and it took him half an hour. Even his hand was numb, but he still didn't find anything.

How is that possible? Did these people really disappear out of thin air? But it doesn't make sense.

Qin Yu had no choice but to kick out a stone on the ground with his feet. Under Qin Yu's anger, the small stone flew quickly to a huge stone in front of him that was not connected to the stone mountain.


A strange noise suddenly sounded.


Qin Yu suddenly became excited after being stunned, because the sound showed that the huge stone was definitely a hollow stone, that is to say, those people may have entered another different space from under the stone.

At present, he can't help regretting why he didn't pay attention to the place outside the stone mountain just now, and wasted so much time.

After feeling that the boulder was abnormal, Qin Yu immediately groped on the boulder.

This boulder is at least as big as a small house, so even if there is a hole in it, it makes sense.

Qin Yu groped on the boulder very carefully, and he did not let go of every tiny crack and every depression or protruding place.

Kungfu pays off. Soon, he touched a piece of abnormality. This is a slightly concave place the size of a palm, but Qin Yu can clearly feel that this palm-large place is obviously much less dust than other places, that is to say, this place has obviously been touched or wiped. Over.

This discovery immediately cheered Qin Yu. At that moment, he pressed the sunken place with one hand. Sure enough, after pressing, the change occurred.


After a loud noise, a stone gate more than one person high on the boulder opened.

And Qin Yu, whose face was almost stuck to the stone, was accidentally bounced away by the stone door, but fortunately, his physical fitness was so unusual that he naturally did not suffer any harm.

In front of Qin Yu, there was a stone ladder going down, and there was a faint light below.

Where on earth does this lead to? Is it leading to the third floor? I don't think so. Obviously, there are two different locations from the third floor. Which is a mysterious place in the mysterious boundary? Qin Yu felt that only this reason was reasonable.

But will it be more dangerous? Will there be more advanced herbs? Qin Yu, who thought so much, quickly walked down.

Since someone has gone down first, he is naturally not afraid of encountering danger here, because if there is, he is bound to be eliminated by those people.

The lower it goes, the brighter the light is. The stone ladder has a turn. After passing the corner, the situation in front of it is suddenly bright. This is a hall as big as the classroom of their school. The difference is that it is empty and there is nothing.

But these did not attract Qin Yu's attention, because his mind has been attracted by the stone wall of this space.

The whole stone wall shines with golden light. Are they all made of gold? Qin Yu's heart can't help pounding. How precious gold is. On the continent of Monterley, a basin-sized gold can be said to be of great value. However, the whole stone wall here is golden, which shows how much gold there is. If all the gold here is sold, can even the whole Kingdom of Basel be bought?

Qin Yu, who thought so much, couldn't help but be very excited, but then he thought of something and pressed the excitement in his heart, because he thought that if these were real gold, wouldn't those people who entered it have dug here long ago and wait for him to come in? Thinking of this, he hurried to the stone wall and observed it carefully.

Seriously, from the perspective of coloring and reflectance, there is no doubt that it is gold, but why didn't those people take them away? Are there more rare treasures in it? The moment he just came in, Qin Yu could see a door directly opposite him, but he was quickly attracted by these stone walls, and naturally he was not free. Go and study what is behind the stone gate.

Qin Yu, who couldn't figure out, popped up the fist stab on his fist sleeve, and then dug it up on the stone wall. With the hardness of this fist, it is not difficult to dig a hole in gold.

It's just that Qin Yu was soon stunned, because the fist in his hand could not do even a little damage to the stone wall.

How is that possible? Unwilling Qin Yu stabbed the stone wall again.

The fist stabbed towards the stone wall like lightning.

"zheng, Zheng, Zheng"

The metal-like impact sounded from time to time, but what made Qin Yu very helpless was that his fist could not stab a trace on it at all.

What's going on? Is it a blessing of some kind of magic?

Thinking like this, Qin Yu quickly used his magic to hit the stone wall, and then stabbed it with his fist. However, after a while of drumming, he finally gave up, because the stone wall was still motionless.

Forget it, it seems to be the reason for the mysterious magic boundary. Qin Yu, who thought so, calmed down and then put his mind on the stone gate.

This stone gate is the only difference from the whole space, because it is made of complete stone and is not golden yellow at all.

There are three palm-sized words on the stone door. Because his attention was all on the stone wall just now, Qin Yu's eyes just swept away and did not see what the word was at all. At this time, when he calmed down, he could clearly see what the word was.

These three words are "True Magic Realm".

Seeing these three words, Qin Yu was stunned, because if he entered the third floor, he would also see these three words. It's just that this place is obviously different from the third floor. How can there be such three words? It's really strange. The reason why this is completely different from the third floor is that it is impossible for this golden stone wall to touch such a stone wall when entering the third floor.

Qin Yu did not rush to push the door. When he calmed down, he carefully observed and explored the whole space. He was afraid that there would be organs hidden like the huge stone above. It's just that the whole stone wall has nothing other than those cold golden objects.

However, he still found some clues in this hall. From the objects left from Pasta City, he can be sure that these things were left by those who came in before him. And these things made him firmly believe that those people were Ouyang Li's group.

After there was really nothing valuable, Qin Yu walked to the stone door and pushed the stone door hard.

Unlike the heaviness imagined by Qin Yu, this stone gate seemed to be extremely light, which made him almost fall into the stone gate after the stone gate was opened. After stopping staggering, Qin Yu found that there was an empty place inside, but the size was obviously half smaller than the space outside. It was a small living room, Qin Yu thought.

It is still the same shining golden stone wall, but Qin Yu, who has suffered a loss, will naturally not foolishly pry those stone walls again.

Although this is a small hall, Qin Yu suddenly found three stone doors scattered on several stone walls. The size of the door is half smaller than the stone gate outside. There are no words on it, and there is a picture on each door.

On the left is a flame pattern, the middle is the water pattern, and on the right is the wind pattern, and each pattern is actually consistent with those on the magic book that represent the three kinds of magic.

What these represent, Qin Yu thought about it.

After making sure that there were no hidden organs around him, he walked to the stone door on the left and gently pushed forward. However, to his surprise, the stone gate did not open. Is it small? Depressed, he then used his strength, but Shimen still did not respond.

What's going on? Qin Yu was confused.

Can't this door be opened? He had no choice but to walk to the middle door.

But then he was even more helpless, because the door could not be opened either.

The same is true of the third door.

What's going on? However, Qin Yu believes that these doors can definitely be opened, otherwise how could those people disappear out of thin air?

However, how can I open it?

Did using magic to look at the pattern on the door, such an idea flashed in Qin Yu's mind? At present, he used wind magic to attack the stone gate with a flame pattern, but after a long time, the stone gate did not respond. Can the stone door with a flame pattern be opened with fire magic?

After thinking of this, he went to the middle door and then used water magic to attack. Sure enough, after the water magic attacked the stone gate, the stone gate suddenly opened.

Qin Yu, who couldn't help looking up quickly, but before he could see what was behind the stone door, the door that had just opened a crack creaked and closed again.

What's going on?

Unwillingly, he used magic to attack the stone door with a wind pattern, but the result was still the same.

Naturally, this small setback would not let Qin Yu give up, so he used magic to attack these stone gates again and again in an attempt to open them, but what made him extremely depressed was that the two doors were still closed after opening a crack, and he could not see the scene behind the stone gate at all. The other one painted He didn't open the flame-patterned stone door at all.

Do you need three magicians with different magic to hit these doors at the same time to open them? Thinking about it, Qin Yu felt that this was the only reasonable reason, otherwise those previous people would not be able to pass at all.

Forget it. Since there's nothing we can do, let's go back and try again when we come tomorrow.

Then, Qin Yu left the mysterious place with the little guy.