armor demon

Chapter 112 Narrow Stone Bridge

Then everyone filed in.


Looking at the situation inside, several people were stunned again, because it was actually a very wide cave. The whole cave was at least 300 meters long, 200 meters wide, and at least 100 meters high. When several people looked in the direction of their feet, they took a breath of cold air, because the middle was actually 100 meters wide. The cliff, and the depth, except for what seems to be foggy, several people don't seem to be able to see the bottom at all.

If you fall down, you will definitely fall to pieces. Four students who don't know wind magic are thinking.

The only way to reach the opposite is a stone bridge on the cliff, and there are no handrails on both sides of the stone bridge. The whole stone bridge is only 30 centimeters wide. If the person walking on it is not careful, he will definitely fall off the cliff.

Looking at this scene, some people couldn't help trembling.

"What is that?" Fang did not regret pointing to a stone bridge more than ten meters away from the opposite stone wall.

The rest of the people quickly stretched their necks and looked at it, but they couldn't see what it was at all. They just felt that it seemed to be a thin piece of things hanging under the stone bridge.

"That's a piece of cloth on the torn clothes." Qin Yu answered for them.

A piece of cloth on the clothes? Several people who thought so couldn't help but be frightened, that is to say, someone who passed in front of them fell off the stone bridge.

"How can you see so clearly? You're not lying, are you? Ma Wei, who felt that his eyes seemed to be better than ordinary people, questioned.

"Why did I lie to you? I can still see a button on that cloth."

You can even see a button, which is too powerful. Several people looked at Qin Yu's eyes even more strangely. They were really more popular than people. Their hearts were even more emotional. Unexpectedly, this guy named Shaobai was better than them everywhere.

"It's really scary." Looking at the bottomless cliff, Fang couldn't help cursing.

"Bear." Li Daring couldn't help contempt and then continued, "You see, I can walk over with my eyes closed."

"Blow up." Fang did not regret and was not convinced.

"Do you dare to bet?" Li boldly said unhappyly.

"If you bet, just bet. If you really dare to walk over with your eyes closed, I will lose you a thousand cels, otherwise you will give me a thousand. Fang said without regret that he didn't believe that this guy really dared to close his eyes and walk over, even if he was Li Daring.

"Okay, it's a deal." After saying that, Li Daring really walked up with his eyes closed and said, "I have loved to walk such a sheep's intestines since I was a child. My courage has been trained."

Looking at Li Daring to walk up like this, Fang couldn't help regretting a little.

Everyone didn't expect that at such a critical moment, the two would make a bet, and then Li Daring really walked up with his eyes closed like this. Looking at this result, Ma Wei and Liu Changsheng couldn't help looking at each other and then smiled bitterly. They had to expect that Li Daring could really walk over.

Soon, Li Daring actually walked ten meters, and he walked straight, and there was no deviation in the direction at all. They did not doubt that Li Daring would open his eyes and walk, because that guy's character is still worth guaranteeing. It seems that this guy has really practiced, and now their nervous hearts have been relieved.

10 meters, 12 meters, Li Daring, who closed his eyes, still moved forward steadily. There was no voice of those guys behind him, which meant that his direction was not wrong. Li Daringda, who thought so in his heart, couldn't help but be secretly proud. Humph, when I was a child, I was almost in such a small stone every day. It's naturally easy to walk on the road. Not to mention closing my eyes, even if I fall asleep, I won't go in the wrong direction. I won't regret it. You can honestly give me a thousand yen later.

Qin Yu also stared intently at Li Daring's direction, but the afterglow of his eyes was always paying attention to the situation around the stone bridge. He felt that the stone bridge was not as simple as it seemed, and there must be some mystery hidden in it.

Looking at Li Daring still walking steadily, was he more careful? Qin Yu, who thought so, withdrew his eyes. However, when his eyes moved to the stone bridge in front of him, he suddenly found that there seemed to be a slight change on the stone bridge five meters ahead. He quickly stared. Sure enough, there was an unexpected change in the width of the two palms on the stone bridge five meters away. The originally dark blue stone bridge slowly turned dark, then gray, and then black. Qin Yu felt a little puzzled about what was going on.

And when Qin Yu found that there was a slight change in the stone bridge. Several people around him cheered for Li Daring.

"Li Daring, you are really awesome."

"Li Daring, if you really go to the opposite side, I will reward you with 100 sel coins."

Li Dadan, who heard the applause of several people behind him, accelerated his pace proudly.

No, it's not black. Qin Yu, who still focused on the two big palms, couldn't help sweating. Then he quickly moved his eyes up along the stone bridge. There is also a small change in 20 meters, and every time it increases by 15 meters, a small stone bridge is undergoing a strange change.

Qin Yu quickly turned his eyes to Li Daring and found that there was also a small piece of bridge that was undergoing subtle changes half a meter in front of him.

"Stop, stop quickly." Qin Yu shouted quickly.

Listening to Qin Yu's sudden shouting, the three people around him couldn't help looking at him inexplicably.

"Well, you don't regret it, do you?" Li Daring, who thought it was Fang Buhui, couldn't help but be a little dissatisfied, and then he continued to move forward.

Looking at Li Daring, who didn't know whether he was alive or died, Qin Yu couldn't help but say more anxiously, "Stop, stop."

It's just that Li Daring ignores him at all, because Li Daring knows that his direction is right, and he doesn't feel any change around him, which means that there are no monsters to attack. Naturally, he can walk to the opposite side without a warcraft attack. Humph, several liars, Li bold snorted coldly in his heart.

In Qin Yu's words, Li boldly walked forward, and his foot was two or three steps away from the bridge with minor changes. That is to say, if he walked forward, he would definitely step on that part.

Looking at Li Daring like this, Qin Yu had no choice but to get up. At this time, he was far away from him. Even if he used wind magic quickly, he could not save the other party.

Listening to Qin Yu's eager voice, several people around him quickly opened their eyes and looked at Li Daring, but there was nothing around Li Daring. When they moved their eyes half a step away from Li Daring's feet, their faces suddenly turned pale.

"It's empty, it's empty there." Fang did not regret pointing to the place under Li Daring's feet and said in shock.

Sure enough, a hole the size of two palms suddenly appeared at Li Daring's feet, that is to say, if Li Daring goes further, he will definitely step on this hollow and fall under the cliff.

However, Li Daring didn't listen to their words at this time. He still walked forward. He thought that those people were lying to him at all.

Looking at the foot raised by Li Daring, everyone couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat. If his foot falls, it's time to say goodbye to them.

"Li Daring, stop it." Ma Dawei howled, and his voice was full of eagerness.

"Stop it quickly." Fang's unrepentant voice was full of crying.

"Stop, stop, stop", several people's eager voices sounded behind Li Daring, like stir-fried beans.

Li Daring's footsteps are still rising, and when he reaches the highest point, he begins to fall.


Looking at Li Daring's movements, several people couldn't even say anything, but nervously looked at Li Daring's foot that was about to step down not far away.

Why did you even use pretending to cry? The performance is too realistic. No, these people are not actors. How can they act so similar? Is there really a situation? Li Bold, who has pressed down his raised foot, subconsciously lifted his feet back and then opened his eyes.

This... Looking at the time when he broke a rectangular one and could see the opening in the dark space under the cliff, Li Daring couldn't help but look pale. His originally bold legs couldn't help shivering. If he hadn't listened to their advice just now, he would definitely step on it and fall to Under the cliff.

"My God." After a long time, Li bold howled and fell on the stone bridge. Fortunately, after this fall, he still sat on the stone bridge intact.

Looking at the safe and sound Li Daring, those people couldn't help but have lingering fears. If it hadn't been for this little white discovery, Li Daring would definitely have fallen into the cliff.

"You'd better be careful not to do such a stupid thing in the future. You should know that there is danger everywhere, and a careless word is buried in this real demon world." Liu Changsheng said in a low voice.

Listening to his words, several people next to him also nodded silently. Huang Ying's injury and Li Daringe's almost falling off the cliff sounded the alarm for them.

At this time, several people had time to observe the stone bridge carefully. After a closer look, they couldn't help but be shocked. At this time, a rectangular cavity was formed on the stone bridge basically every 15 meters. After a long time, these voids slowly disappeared and replaced by intact. Bridge.

Looking at this strange scene, several people couldn't help but be speechless.

", come here quickly. I'm so scared that I dare not go any further." Li boldly trembled in his voice, and at the same time, his hands grasped both sides of the bridge tightly, for fear that another hole would leak out of the bridge and swallowed him. The whole Li Daring was scared into Li Xiao timid.

"We remember every loophole of this bridge, and there should be no problem walking there now." Looking at Li Daring, who was scared to death, Ma Wei said.

"Well, let's go there." Liu Changsheng said to several people next to him.

"Don't worry." At this moment, Qin Yu spoke and paused. He continued to say, "Observe first." The reason why Qin Yu said this is that he found that after the voids disappeared, the bridge four meters below his feet suddenly changed again. Will those loopholes change from time to time?

Listening to Qin Yu's words, Liu Changsheng and others stopped, and then stared at the stone bridge in front of them, hoping to find something. After the incident just now, they had already believed in Qin Yu's words. Even if Qin Yu said that there was a warcraft under the bridge, they would probably believe it.

"Why, did Shaobai find it again?" Liu Changsheng asked while observing.

"The bridge has changed in different places." Qin Yu pointed to the bridge four meters away.

Because several people's eyes are not as good as Qin Yu's, they naturally can't find the slight changes in the bridge surface without looking carefully, but after careful observation, they still found the changes in the bridge surface from the subtle silky changes.

Under the gaze of several people, the dark blue bridge surface changed from dark to gray. At this time, everyone realized that after the bridge surface turned gray, it was not far from turning black, and the black was not really black, but the void under the black cliff seen after the bridge surface leaked.

Since the leaky bridge surface has moved one meter later than the original, are other leaky bridge surfaces also moved two meters back? If so, isn't the bridge surface where Li Bold is located preparing to leak? The people who thought so quickly went to Zhang Dadan in a hurry, but they naturally could not find the small changes that may occur on the bridge under Li Dadan's body in the distance.

In a hurry, they had to look at Qin Yu for help, hoping that he could find the problem, and then remind Li Bold in time.

Looking at Qin Yu, where Li Daring was, Ma Wei asked anxiously, "How's it going, Shaobai?"

Qin Yu's face is solemn. If he doesn't really find the problem, if the changes in the leakage of the bridge surface do not all retreat one meter, he dare not infer that. If the inference is wrong, it may cause Li bold to fall under the bridge.

Li Daring still sat on the stone bridge with lingering fear. Compared with the beating of his heart just now, his mood has eased a lot, but he did not realize that he was about to face danger again.

Although Qin Yu tried his best to look at Li Bold, he didn't see anything, mainly because Li Bold's whole body had blocked the bridge, so that people could not see why.

Looking at Qin Yu, who looked solemn and silent, the people beside him couldn't help but become more nervous, but they knew that no matter how nervous they were, they couldn't help at all.

What should I do? Looking at the two palm-sized bridge that had turned gray at four meters, Qin Yu couldn't help but be a little anxious. He originally wanted Li Daring to stand up, but he was afraid that the empty bridge surface would be irregular. If the place where Li bold stood up was about to leak, he would not save people, but become harmful. It's human.

Of course, the reason why Qin Yu didn't see it at this time was that it was not so obvious when the bridge surface turned gray. Only when it became obvious black could he see the law of leakage in the whole bridge deck.

If the leakage of the bridge surface is irregular, then there is a possibility that the place under Li Bold will leak at any time. What should I do? Qin Yu racked his brains to think. However, with the passage of time, he didn't come up with a way, and the gray bridge four meters seemed to have begun to turn black.

The bridge will leak at any time.

Of course, if the leaky bridge surface appears under Li Daring's body, he will not necessarily fall on the bridge surface, such as under his curved knees, but Qin Yu is afraid that the leaking bridge surface will appear around his buttocks. At that time, Hou Li Daring will be scared to death even if he does not fall off the bridge, and he is so nervous that he can't do it. It will be panicked. At that time, a careless person may fall under the bridge.

In fact, Qin Yu can also ask Li Daring to observe the situation on the bridge by himself, but just now, he was afraid that Li Daring was nervous. If he explained to him, he would be more and more nervous. Now, there will be leakage on the bridge at any time, and it is too late to explain.

That can only take risks. Qin Yu made a secret decision, and then shouted to Li Daring, "Li Daring, lie down, come on."

Li Daring, who had been scared once, dared not listen to the people behind him. Even if he didn't understand why he lay down, he would do it. At that moment, he quickly lay on the bridge, and his heart jumped up violently. Could there be a void on the bridge?

Since the leaky bridge is just as big as two palms, Qin Yu knew that if Li boldly lay down, he would never fall under the bridge. Although Li Daring found that there was a leak somewhere under him, he would inevitably be very nervous, but this was the only way.

Looking at Li Daringly lie down quickly, Qin Yu's hanging heart was also relieved.

And after several people beside him saw Li Daring lying down, they naturally understood what Qin Yu meant. At present, several people admired Qin Yu's urgent wisdom. At this time, they had already subconsciously regarded Qin Yu as the backbone.

"Li Daring, do you feel that there is a leak somewhere under your body? If there is, don't panic, don't move, it's no problem. Watching Li Daring lie down, Qin Yu continued to shout at him.

While Qin Yu finished speaking, several people also found that a rectangular black hole had appeared on the bridge four meters away from them.

"Yes, there is one under my ass." After a long time, Li boldly said trembling. He didn't expect to form a black hole under his buttocks. If it hadn't been for the little white reminder, he would have fallen off the cliff and felt the cool breeze from his buttocks. He couldn't help sweating coldly. Fortunately, the weight of his whole body lying at this time was not on his buttocks. Despite this, he knew that a hole was leaking under his buttocks, but his hands and feet were still weak again.

You should know that he was on the cliff at this time, and there was a black hole under him. The stone bridge was smooth and there was no place to grasp. If he was not careful, he would definitely fall off the cliff. In order to prevent accidents, he quickly retreated to avoid the black hole, but in the process of retreating, he still carefully tested whether there was a black hole behind him, because if there was, if he was not careful, he would fall into another black hole. But what reassured him and the people behind him was that he safely escaped the black hole.

The black hole in Li Daring is one meter back, and the same is the same here in front of him. Look at other places, so Qin Yu is sure that these black holes are regular, that is, they move back one meter every time.

Qin Yu, who came up with such a regularity, talked about his guess with several people around him and was also recognized by them.

In this case, after this time, the loophole will be moved back another meter. We have mastered its rules. As long as we avoid the place where the loophole will be formed, we will safely reach the opposite side. People who think so will step on the stone bridge after those black holes disappear.

In order to prevent everyone's lives from being protected in the event of an accident, Qin Yu also took out the black rope and let everyone hold it in their hands. If someone accidentally falls off the cliff, they may also rescue people through the black rope.

And after this guarantee, the originally uneasy people stepped on the stone bridge.

Although they mastered the leakage law of the stone bridge, several people couldn't help trembling when they looked at the bottomless stone bridge, especially those who did not know wind magic, and their faces were even more nervous and white.

However, in order to gain something, they still grit their teeth and move forward step by step.

Fortunately, there were no accidents along the way, and the Warcraft that everyone was most wary of did not appear. It seems that it was wiped out by the group of people in front of them.

Several people finally arrived at the opposite side unharmed. Except for Li Daring, who was frightened, there was no damage to everyone.

Seeing that Li Daring was scared into Li Xiao timid, Fang couldn't help laughing at him.

"Well, isn't it just a thousand sel coins? I'll give it to you." Li Daring couldn't stand the ridicule and angrily took out a thousand sel coins and handed them to Fang No Regret.

"Well, forget it, I'm just kidding. Don't take it seriously if you are bold. In fact, to be honest, without you to explore the way, maybe whether we can come safely is a problem. Fang didn't regret and quickly stopped laughing.

"Forget it, it's all a joke." The rest of the people quickly persuaded them. They knew that if it hadn't been for Li Daring to explore the way, some of them might have fallen off the cliff. Of course, the most important thing is that they had an unfathomable magician named Shaobai around them. His unfathomableness is his skilled control of magic and his strong body almost comparable to that of junior warriors.

Listening to everyone's words, Li Daring felt a little better, and then took back his own Selcoin.

After several people walked through the stone bridge and passed through a two-wide cave more than one person high, their eyes suddenly opened their eyes.

This is a cave about the same size as the front, but the difference is that there are no cliffs and stone bridges here. It is a very flat place. It is said that it is flat, but it is just the ground. There are also some boulders floating on the ground, but the number is relatively small. The cave was quiet, and there was no sound except for the sound they made, but everyone soon found the difference, that is, there were many bodies of warcraft on the ground. These warcrafts were all black and looked like cats, but they were obviously larger than cats.

Looking at the bodies of Warcraft, several people walked forward carefully.

Soon, they found some stone pots around that seemed to be specially used to cultivate herbs, but no herbs were found on these pots, which means that the herbs had been taken away by the previous group of people.

There are still stones in the stone basin, that is to say, those herbs live among these stones. Although it is very strange, it is natural that several people who have already seen more are not surprised.

Everything went well. Several people here did not encounter any monsters or organs, but quickly reached the innermost part of the cave.

Then they saw another stone door.