armor demon

Chapter 129 Three-Year Plan

When Su Ruyue and Qin Yu fought side by side, it was the sunny time outside Pasta. Although it was still spring, the weather was a little hot.

Although it was noon, there were not many guests in the small building in the forest. There were only two people sitting, both of whom were wearing the most ordinary black coarse cloth clothes.

Since the guests who come to the forest are all ordinary people, and they usually solve it by themselves at noon, there will only be more guests in the evening. Lin Xiaojian, the owner of the small shop, has long been used to this and doesn't care about it.

Although they are sitting in a small shop and will not be exposed to the sun, the two guests still wear hats. Although Lin Xiaojian is a little curious, he will not deliberately inquire about it. He knows that these people value their privacy very much. If a person accidentally causes a murder, it will not be worth the loss. Moreover, He has already seen many of these people.

Pastar City is close to the Warcraft Mountains, and there are many mercenaries who come here or those who want to make a fortune in the Warcraft Mountains. Therefore, although the small buildings in the forest are not in the villages next to the Warcraft Mountains, nor in the most prosperous streets of Pasta City, but in a remote alley, they come here every day. There are still many strangers, especially at night, and there will be more or less some of them.

Although he did not deliberately observe the two mysterious guests, he still knew their approximate age from their voices and the skin exposed on their wrists. The one sitting against the front door was obviously old, and the one sitting opposite the door was obviously a teenager in his twenties.

After the two asked for a pot of tea and ordered a few dishes, they stopped calling Lin Xiaojian to do anything. Lin Xiaojian had to sit at the counter doing nothing. Because there were few guests during the day, he let everyone rest, leaving him, a bare boss to take care of it. Although it was not far from the two, he didn't hear anything except that he could hear a word because they seemed to deliberately lower their voices.

Although there was only one person doing things in the store, the two people in black wearing hats still lowered their voices for fear of being discovered by others.

"Master, can Brother Dingyuan really come back with the nine scattered grass and the mysterious ring safe and sound?" The teenager wearing a bucket hat was a little worried and said. In addition to admiration, he admired the Dingyuan brother in his mouth. He knew how much effort and how much effort he had made and sacrificed to enter the true demon realm of the Pasta Armor College this time. If it hadn't been for entering the real demon realm, his spiritual power would have even reached level 5, and it would not have been in the late stage of the second level, and he could not even reach level three, and he has now reached level four, more than him. The teenager who thought so couldn't help but look forward to his brother Dingyuan coming back safe and sound with the booty in a day.

"If you move far away, you can rest assured. For this matter, you and I have been preparing for three years. We have considered all the details, and there should be no mistakes. Coupled with your brother's meticulousness, the success rate of this matter is at least 95%. The voice seemed a little old, but the tone was indeed unquestionable. Nevertheless, although he was sure that his apprentice could complete the task, the old man was still a little worried. He was worried that the 5% chance would happen.

"Is it only 95%? Does that mean that there is still a 5% chance of failure? What do you say?" Hearing the old man say that his brother would have the possibility of failure, although the possibility was relatively small, the teenager became anxious.

"Don't worry about moving far. The 5% failure rate guessed by the teacher is just that there will be changes that can't even be predicted by the fragments in the real demon world. Otherwise, with your brother's meticulous mind, it is not a good idea to deal with those children who are not deep in the world. In addition, your brother has already had a half-year understanding of the top magicians in the first grade of the Department of Magic, and naturally he has mastered the weaknesses of these students. What worries him is only two people. One is Ouyang Li and the other is Su Ruyue. Su Ruyue is just a girl's family. Naturally, your brother is not afraid, and Ouyang Li is one of the best in the first grade of the Department of Magic, but his practical experience is pitifully few, and he is not your brother's opponent at all. Therefore, these people are not enough to stop your brother. Your brother can definitely take these two things back. Speaking of the last two times, the old man's confidence suddenly soared.

As soon as he finished speaking, the old man picked up the teacup in his hand and drank the tea. The tea was slightly bitter. After entering his throat, the bitterness instantly spread all over his spleen. This bitterness reminded him of the pain of the past, and his stable right hand trembled slightly. However, the bitterness quickly disappeared and was replaced by a trace of sweetness, which made him quickly wake up from his painful memories.

For many years, he endured humiliation and burdens for many years. Finally, today, the old man seemed to suddenly burst into a vitality, just like a dead wood in spring. He couldn't help but be happy when he thought that his apprentice would bring back the nine wrong grass and the mysterious ring.

The hatred of the family is unforgettable. Thinking about more than 20 years ago, their family was also a big force equivalent to the magic martial arts union in the Kingdom of Basel. However, a sudden disaster, under the impact of a mysterious force that had just emerged from the mainland, their strong family actually fell down. Then he was left alone in the blink of an eye. If his mother hadn't hidden him well, I'm afraid he wouldn't have been spared. The carefree food and clothing of a big family like him fell to a helpless level in a blink of an eye. He will never forget the name of the enemy he heard that night. One day, I will take revenge. With such hatred, he began to wander on the continent of Monterby, and after so many years of hard work, he has become what he is now. However, this is far from reaching the level of revenge, because the enemy is too powerful. Just when he was cold, he got a fragment from the mysterious magic boundary of Pasta City from a student.

This fragment gave him hope. With unremitting efforts, he finally made the content of the film clear, and then he couldn't help but be ecstatic. Because the fragments can't help describing all parts of the boundary in extremely detailed, and also write several pieces of knowledge that do not exist on the whole continent. The most important thing is that Shajinli stone can decompose the soul stone, and he has no doubt about the feasibility of this information. This is because from the material of this fragment, it is very old, so it is impossible to fake it. Moreover, after careful analysis, he found that some of the materials in Shajinli stone seem to be spiritual. The material of the soul stone is exactly the same. If this information is revealed, he believes that it will definitely cause a sensation in the whole continent. But the only trouble is that if you want to decompose the soul stone from the sand and gold stone, you must have nine scattered grass, and such a spiritual-level herb is simply the legendary unattainable thing. However, he quickly became excited, because there was such a herb in the real demon world of the Armor Academy.

In order to get nine mistakes and scattered grass, he made a three-year plan with his apprentice.

As long as there are nine mistakes and scattered grass, he can decompose the soul stone from the hardest sand and gold stone. At that time, he will not only have the possibility of avenging the blood of the family, but also cause a big earthquake in the whole Monterey continent. Although he seems to be old at his age, he still has apprentices. , and he is also a talented and filial apprentice.

Thinking of Zhiyuan, he couldn't help but feel a trace of relief in his heart. The apprentice's perseverance and qualifications made him sigh. He could have broken through the level of level three three years ago, but in order to enter the real demon world this time, he abruptly stopped his cultivation at this stage for three years, and resolutely looked at the whole I'm afraid no one in the mainland can do it. It is difficult for magicians to improve their spiritual power. Every magician strives to improve their spiritual power. How can anyone want to suppress their spiritual power?

You should know that suppression will not only make your mental strength progress more slowly in the future, but also cause the serious consequences of mental strength to stop at that stage, so no one will be an idiot to do such a thankless thing. But Lai Zhiyuan did it, and how could he not move the old man?

Everything will be fine. As long as Zhiyuan can come back with those two things, even if Zhiyuan's mental strength is really stagnant, he can find a way to help him recover, because at that time he may become another magician with a soul stone on the mainland, and also have an armor whose power cannot be understood for the time being. Thinking about it, the old man couldn't help pulling his thoughts to the mysterious ring.

For the mysterious ring, the explanation on the fragment is vague, only saying that it is a ring containing some kind of Warcraft soul armor.

Although it is not exhaustive, this is enough for the old man to be excited. He does not believe that the armor that exists in such a mysterious boundary is an ordinary mainland product.

is definitely a high-level armor, and may even be spiritual armor. Although this possibility is very low, the old man can't help but look forward to it in the middle of his heart.

Everything is in their calculation. If they put aside the changes that will happen in the real demon world, their chances of getting things can be said to be 100%. However, they all miscalculated a person's existence. To be precise, this person rises so fast and hides so deeply that they can't see his existence at all.

This person is Qin Yu. Qin Yu's strength may have caught up with Ouyang Li and Su Ruyue, and even has exceeded it. Will his existence reduce Lai Zhiyuan's success rate?