armor demon

Chapter 131 Public Obscene?

Soon, the Naruto Bat temporarily stopped attacking after a period of attack. The flame on its body seems to have weakened a lot compared with just now.

And the moment Naruto Bat stopped attacking, Qin Yu said to Su Ruyue, "Let's start."

Su Ruyue nodded confusedly. Now that this is the case, there is only a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

The combined attack is not as obscene as it is literally. The world can't figure out why the two admirable magicians who created this move gave such a refreshing name to an originally pure action. Maybe the two magicians are a couple with deep feelings, and the world can only give such an explanation.

For combined attacks, the students of the Magic Department of the Armor College are also familiar with it, and even the obscure magic spells can be recited. Each of them fantasizes that one day they can have a partner and practice such a magic attack, because it can not only increase the feelings between each other, but also Increase the destructive power of magic. The dream is beautiful, and the reality is cruel. Because of its harsh requirements, there are few magician couples who can practice such a magic move. Even the place where many heterosexual magicians such as the Magic Department of the Armor College gather, no couple can practice successfully. This shows how difficult the combined attack is to practice. Refining.

Moreover, combined attack not only requires a high degree of tacit understanding, but also pays attention to its talent. For example, even if you let a chicken keep flying and how to experience various difficulties and hardships, in any case, it still can't fly to the sky in the end. The reason is very simple: it has no flying sky. fen. Although this article is not recorded in the magic book, it is recognized by magicians on the mainland. In magic practice, sometimes talent is more important than diligence.

While the Naruto bat was breathing, when most of the students still looked at Qin Yu and Su Ruyue, they actually turned in their respective directions and sat on the ground. Then, their palms were quickly raised and fit together.

The girl's palm is very slender, white and red, as if it were carved with jade. It was really beautiful. The coolness from her palm made Qin Yu's heart ripple. Since that unexpected contact, this is just Qin Yu's first real physical contact with her. It was a long time ago, but at that time, they didn't seem to realize the difference between men and women.

Although his mood fluctuated a little, Qin Yu quickly pulled his consciousness back to reality, surrounded by a group of monsters, which could not allow him to distract him.

Feeling the body temperature from the other party's palm, Su Ruyue trembled slightly, and a little face floated a few blushes, and a heart jumped up like a deer. It was the first time that she was close to each other's skin with a man in public, and she actually showed only How can a tacit couple cultivate a combined attack that does not make her feel embarrassed and ashamed? If it had been another person, she would have shaken her hands and ran into the crowd. At this time, the reason why she was able to abandon her apocket was that the other party might be Qin Yu.

No, it's definitely Qin Yuge. The familiar breath from the man in front of her made her make a judgment in an instant.

So, although she felt a little embarrassed, she resolutely stretched out her little hand and put it on the warm palms. However, the post was pasted, but her heart had long gone, and she didn't put it on the combined attack they were going to perform.


Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned. In an instant, the original noisy voice disappeared in an instant, and everyone stared at the two people in a daze. Even a magician who was exerting fire magic was surprised to manipulate the wrong direction of the magic, so that a bat broke through the defense line and attacked him. If the magician around him hadn't been in a hurry and quickly manipulated his fire magic to help him resolve such a crisis, otherwise he would have to die.

How can it be? How can the goddess, who is known as an iceberg beauty, be in public? Not long after she was in full view of the public, a man with extremely weak mental strength put his hand close to her hand, and everyone couldn't believe her eyes. So they all wiped their eyes hard and then looked hard. They hoped that what they had just seen was just an illusion.

However, no matter how they think it is an illusion, the facts in front of them can no longer be changed.

So, when it was confirmed that Su Ruyue really put her little hand on Zhang Shaobai's palm like this, they all collapsed.

Is Su Ruyue forced to comfort herself in their hearts? However, judging from Su Ruyue's blush and her wishful expression, this was just their wishful thinking.

Looking at the extremely lucky and weak magician's hands close to the goddess, envy and hatred flashed in everyone's eyes. They thought that he must have played something, otherwise how could the goddess who had always been pure and jade be in full view of the public and a man What about people close to their hands?

"Good Zhang Shaobai, you actually molesed a girl in public. What on earth are you thinking?" If Su Ruyue's whispering beside Qin Yu had stimulated Ouyang Li just now, then the current scene made him furious. Before Wang Chao had figured out how to scold Zhang Shaobai, he had jumped out angrily.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ouyang, we are conducting a combined attack." Qin Yu said calmly, as if his palm was close to an inanimate object. In his heart at this time, even if the word combination attack was a little obscene, he did not think about anything else. All he thought about was how to defeat the Naruto bat without revealing his strength.

"Ouyang, it's not obscene to put your palms together. There doesn't seem to be such a thing in the Constitution of the Kingdom of Basel." As soon as Qin Yu's words fell, Ma Wei immediately jumped out and watched Ouyang Li and his party swell, which was the happiest thing for him. However, what he didn't expect was that his aggressive words did not attract strong opposition from anyone.

Because everyone has been attracted by the four words of combined attack, and they don't realize what he is talking about.

Combined attack? Is it true that the two are already lovers? Isn't it just that they just met? A series of problems appeared in their minds, which seemed to stop their thoughts in an instant.

Ouyang Li was completely stunned, but he didn't believe that the two in front of him were lovers, because after entering the college, he was fascinated by Su Ruyue and stared at Su Ruyue's whereabouts every day. He knew that she was almost at two o'clock every day. She had never practiced any combination attack magic with anyone. Since this is impossible, how can this young white say that they want to use a combined attack? Does he bully the pure Ruyue who doesn't understand what a combined attack is, and then fooled her in order to eat her tofu? Ouyang Li felt that this was the only reason that could be justified.

Thinking about it, he said indiscriminately, "Zhang Shaobai, you still can't help it. You want to take the opportunity to eat Ruyue's tofu. Don't think I don't know. Let go of your claws. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude." There was a lot of anger in his tone. In any case, he couldn't figure out how this guy dared to lower his eyelids and be so shameless. Isn't he looking for death?

Listening to Ouyang Li's words, Qin Yu couldn't help but show a wry smile on his face, but now he doesn't have time to argue and explain to Ouyang Li. Moreover, whether he deliberately wants to eat tofu, he can naturally answer with facts later. At that moment, he immediately said to Su Ruyue, "Miss Su, I don't know if you remember the spell. If you remember, then we will start?"

Hearing Ouyang Li's angry scolding, Su Ruyue also woke up from her shy state and frowned gently as if she thought of something, but then she replied softly, "Okay." The spell of combined attack has been made into a song, so it's easy for her to remember it.

So, the two ignored Ouyang Li's anger, but silently recited the magic spell.

Ouyang is so angry that he doesn't want to give up like this.