armor demon

Chapter 184 Attack

After throwing away the umbrella-shaped plant, Qin Yu turned his eyes back to Han Fang. At this time, Han Fang lay on his back on the ground, motionless and died.

"Miss Su, I have avenged you." Han Fang muttered, but despite this, he was still melancholy, because Su Ruyue's situation was not optimistic, and she could only save her life for the time being.

After sighing, Qin Yu began to search for Han Fang's trophy. Qin Yu, such a mysterious person with many strange skills, did not believe that he had no treasures. Han put everything in his own space ring, and there was nothing else outside his clothes. However, at this time, the situation was urgent, and Qin Yu had to take Su Ruyue out of the mysterious magic boundary as soon as possible, so he did not check the items in Han Fang's space ring, but put Han Fang's space ring in his pocket and hurriedly turned back.

In the process of going back, Qin Yu released the little guy. As soon as he came out of the space ring, the little guy was very excited to take Qin Yu to the place where Su Ruyue was.

More than ten minutes later, the two arrived not far from the passage of Su Ruyue. The little guy chose not to walk directly into the hall, but still followed their first road to Su Ruyue's place, because this road was closer to go straight to the hall. In the process of running, Qin Yu suddenly thought of Ouyang Li, but what surprised him was that there was no movement along the way, that is, he did not find Ouyang Li's shadow at all. Generally speaking, Ouyang Li also cared about those two things. It was possible that he did not follow Han Fang, but lost in these groups of rooms. Qin Yu guessed so.

However, he doesn't care about Ouyang Li. If he meets Ouyang Li, he will never let Ouyang Li go.

Soon, they reached the passage on the right side of the hall. In the process, Qin Yu has been flying with wind magic, so he did not make much movement. Of course, some small sounds are inevitable, that is, the sound of wind blowing when using wind magic, and the little guy, although round, It is small, and the soles of its feet are soft, and its whole body runs like a spirit cat in the passage. Of course, this is on the basis of ignoring its appearance, so it does not make any sound at all.

When approaching the passage where Su Ruyue was, the little guy suddenly stopped moving forward and stood quietly in the garden, with a pair of small ears standing up as if listening to something.

Is there any movement in front of him? Qin Yu's heart can't help sinking. If Su Ruyue meets a warcraft here, it will be more and less auspicious. Although he hasn't encountered any warcraft after wandering in such a large circle in the whole palace, he doesn't think that there will be no warcraft in the whole palace. If there is one or two However, it was terrible to meet Su Ruyue at this time.

Because he was a few meters away from the little guy, Qin Yu did not stop, but slowly landed on the ground, because compared with walking, casting wind magic would expose his figure. In this case, when the situation ahead was unknown, he did not want to disturb the possible demon. Beast.

Looking at Qin Yu approaching, the little guy pointed to the left front, which was a little further than Su Ruyue's original position.

Looking at what the little guy found, Qin Yu was even more worried, because this showed that some changes must have occurred in front of him. There is no possibility of anything else except Warcraft, so there is no need to think about it and know that Su Ruyue must be in danger.

Thinking so, he immediately wanted to rush out. He didn't want to delay the rescue of Su Ruyue because of his hesitation. I hope Miss Su is fine. I hope that the warcraft has not begun to cause any harm to Miss Su. Qin Yu thought so in his heart. However, just as he was about to rush out, he suddenly stopped his footsteps as if he remembered something.

Because the quiet environment in front of him made him a little suspicious, because if it was a warcraft, it should make some noises, and the environment in front of him was quiet, but the little guy found something. Is it possible that there was a person in front of him? This idea immediately overturned his previous guess.

Who will be here, is it Ouyang Li?

If he is here, what is it for? For Su Ruyue? No, if it had been for Miss Su, he would have carried Miss Su and walked out long ago. How could he still stay here? Besides, his injury was not so serious that he could not walk. Qin Yu denied his own speculation.

Since this is not the case, is it that he stayed here to attack himself and then seize those two valuable things? Qin Yu thinks this possibility is very high.

Of course, the reason why Ouyang Li ambushed here, Qin Yu guessed that he should also bet that he might return here after defeating or escaping Han Fang's pursuit. Generally speaking, the strength difference between Han Fang and Qin Yu is too big, and the success rate of this bet is not open, but Ouyang Liming knows that he is not possible. It is reasonable to make such a choice when you grab those two things head-on. After all, it is better to have hope than no hope.

After thinking about it, Qin Yu carefully walked back a few meters before he used wind magic to fly towards the passage where Su Ruyue was located. Naturally, his purpose of doing this was to make a sound, and then let the other party know that he had actually found the other party's existence.

In this way, Qin Yu seemed to fly out defenselessly, but only he knew that he had spared his strength.

When Qin Yu just appeared at the entrance of the channel, a heat wave suddenly came to his face. Sure enough, there was a sneak attack. Qin Yu did not need to see that someone was carrying out magic to carry out a sneak attack. This heat wave was the airflow formed by friction with the air when the magic was exerted out.

As soon as his eyes turned, Qin Yu saw the fire magic shooting at him with the sound of "woo" wind, and a figure not far away suddenly appeared in Qin Yu's sight.

At this time, the fire magic was only a few steps away from Qin Yu. If it hadn't been for Qin Yu's preparation in advance, if he had rushed out recklessly just now, he would definitely have taken the other party's words.

When he saw that the fire magic was about to hit Qin Yu, he suddenly dodged. The virtual shadow dodged the inevitable fire magic, and then the whole person still flew forward. His goal was the figure in front of him, and as he guessed, that person was the previous He injured Ouyang Li on his arm.

Ouyang Li was a little stunned. He didn't expect that the inevitable blow would fail like this, and Zhang Shaobai actually flashed his magic like a ghost. Damn it, this reaction is too horrible. You know, he is a sneak attack, in order to increase the chance of hitting. Rate, he even shortened the distance of the attack, which may lead to Zhang Shaobai's fatal counterattack after the failure of the sneak attack, but in order to hit it with one blow, he decided to risk such a big risk, but the fact disappointed him.

Looking at Zhang Shaobai flying towards him, Han Fang suddenly panicked, but thinking about the chips in his hand, he quickly calmed down. At this moment, he ran to Su Ruyue lying on the ground in two steps and shouted at Zhang Shaobai, "Stop quickly, otherwise don't blame me for being rude." In his voice, he took out a dagger from his arms and put it on Su Ruyue's throat. He was injured once, but he was extremely afraid of Qin Yu, who made him feel horrible by a close attack. In order to deal with Zhang Shaobai, he could only hold a dagger against his beloved woman's throat.

At this time, Qin Yu was only one or two steps away from Ouyang Li. If Ouyang Li had been slower, he would definitely have been knocked to the ground by him. Looking at Ouyang Li, who took out a dagger against Su Ruyue's throat, Qin Yu couldn't help stopping his footsteps.

Looking at Ouyang Li, who threatened Miss Su's life, Qin Yu couldn't help saying angrily, "Ouyang Li, what are you doing?"

"Zhang Shaobai, please step back immediately." Looking at Zhang Shaobai, who stopped, Ouyang Li breathed a sigh of relief, but the other party's proximity to him still made him feel great pressure. His right hand holding the dagger couldn't help shaking, so he naturally forced Qin Yu to retreat. For him, Zhang Shaobai was as far away from him, the better.

Afraid that Ouyang Li would really hurt Su Ruyue, Qin Yu still took a few steps back according to his words.

Looking at Zhang Shaobai, who retreated far away, the stone hanging in Ouyang Li's heart finally landed, and then said, "Zhang Shaobai, you are really awesome that you can avoid Han Fang's pursuit." In Ouyang Li's heart, he naturally thought that Qin Yu could not kill Han Fang. You should know that Han Fang is a magician whose spiritual power has reached level 5.

"I didn't escape, but killed him."

Qin Yu's plain words couldn't help making Ouyang Li tremble. At this time, his side seemed to suddenly float past ten thousand years of iceberg.

"What, did you kill Han?" Ouyang Li's voice trembled slightly with an unbelievable look, "How can you kill him?"

"If you want to know how he died, I can let you experience it." Qin Yu's tone was still plain, as if it was just a trivial thing.

"You devil!" Ouyang Li stared at Qin Yu and said that he didn't expect this guy to be so horrible. Although he was the son of the Ouyang family and usually did his best, he did not say that he would kill whoever he wanted. Thinking about having been with Zhang Shaobai for so long, he couldn't help but feel scared.

"Since you know it's powerful, put down the knife in your hand." Qin Yudao.

How is it possible? Do you think I'm an idiot? As long as I put down the knife, you will definitely kill me. Ouyang Li sneered.

"Don't you like her very much? Why do you do this to her?"

Qin Yu's words stunned Ouyang Li, but he quickly came to his senses and said, "She likes me, hahaha, joke, she likes you. So it's all because of you." After roaring, he returned to his original look and continued, "However, as long as you hand over those two things, I will return them to you." When Su Ruyue took his life to save Zhang Shaobai, he had already seen Su Ruyue's thoughts. It was precisely because of this that he put the dagger on her throat without mercy, although he still seemed to like her in his heart. Of course, there was a more important reason for him to do such a move, that is, the two prices. Worth the city.

The preciousness of the spiritual herb is self-evident. Even as the son of the Ouyang family, he has never seen the appearance of the spiritual herb, and he didn't expect that the black object was also a precious thing. From Han Fang's behavior just now, he saw that the black object was unusual, which were two extraordinary things. Ah, so Ouyang is bound to get these two things. Even if he exchanges his beloved woman, he seems to agree, not to mention that this woman does not seem to love him.

After listening to Ouyang Li's words, Qin Yu was also stunned, but he did not agree with Ouyang Li's words. From Su Ruyue's previous actions, he could see who Su Ruyue liked.

Perhaps, this is the fan of the authorities.

Under his own determination, he was not in the mood to entangled with Ouyang Li on this matter. At present, it seems that the only way to save Su Ruyue is to give him those two things, because from Ouyang Li's behavior, it is impossible to convince him verbally.

Do you really want to give him two hard-earned things? Such an idea flashed in Qin Yu's heart.