armor demon

Chapter 253 Unprecedented Grand Event

"What's going on?" Early the next morning, Zhang Hai, who came to Meng's trading place before dawn, couldn't help but look at the scene in front of him.

I saw a long dragon of about 40 people lined up in front of the exclusive counter. Because the Montessori trading market was not large, such a long dragon suddenly accounted for about one-third of its area.

Zhang Haike in the Montessori trading market has never seen such a scene. He couldn't react to what was going on for a moment.

"I don't know either." A young man in his twenties who was doing chores beside him was also puzzled, and he also worked in this store for a long time.

Seeing that most of these people are about 17-year-old teenagers, and when he saw that most of them were wearing strong clothes embroidered with the logo of the warrior department of the Armor Academy, Zhang Hai, who seemed to have not completely dissipated the wine, realized that these teenagers probably came to buy that elixir. At present, he couldn't help but look excited and rushed to the specialty store in three steps. He really didn't expect that Kong Fei could really attract so many people. He didn't expect that the defective elixir could attract so many people. Thinking about it, there are so many people just now. If time goes on, come and buy it. There are more of that kind of elixir.

Even if Kong Fei was here, he must be very surprised. He also didn't expect that there would be so many people, because there were only about a dozen people who asked him for news yesterday. In fact, the reason for this is just that those students disclose the information. Although they are very reluctant to disclose the information, it is different if the person disclosed to their relatives, and if someone is willing to pay a large price to buy such information, it is even more different. And one to ten, ten to one hundred, which is also the reason for the large number of people.

There are only 30 elixirs, but now there are so many people. The elixir is obviously not enough to sell. Rare things are expensive. No, I want to raise the price again. Before I enter the counter, such an idea flashed in Zhang Hai's mind. After so many years in the trading market, he knows when to raise the price, and he knows that it is impossible to scare buyers away at this time. Of course, the price increase should not be too outrageous, and he must pay attention to methods. Only in this way can he arouse the buyer's desire to buy.

In the short time when Zhang Hai walked into the exclusive cabinet, several new faces appeared behind the long dragon, which made Zhang Hai even more confident.

Oh, my God, when I saw the long queue in the specialty counter, the staff in the store all looked unbelievable. When did the business of my store become so good? If it hadn't been for the regulations of the store, everyone would have their own duties and could not have disturbed customers casually. They would have rushed to ask the young people in long queues what they would buy?

The customers who came to the Montessso trading market in the store early in the morning were also surprised, but they did not have the taboos of the staff in the store, so they were curious and quickly asked such a thing from the teenagers in line.

These teenagers came here just to buy a defective bone-clearing elixir.

Such a thing quickly spread to every corner of the trading market.

Where is the bone-clearing elixir sold? They actually came here to queue up to buy a bone-clearing elixir, and I heard that the bone-clearing elixir they bought was still out of stock. In this case, those later did not choose to leave because they might not be able to buy the goods, and they were still persevering. I was at the back of the line, so that it was just possible to buy this kind of bone-clearing elixir.

Crazy, this group of people are crazy. They must have taken the wrong medicine collectively.

This is the first thought that flashed in the mind of all the people who saw this scene in the store when they learned what happened.

Soon, such an answer came out from the crowd. The fundamental reason why they are determined to buy this kind of defective bone clearing is that they can have the effect of the best bone clearing elixir.

Hearing such a statement, those experienced people all shake their heads and sneer. God, what kind of logic is this? Can the secondary bone-clearing elixir have the effect of the best bone-clearing elixir? These people are really crazy if they don't take the wrong medicine.

Looking at these well-dressed teenagers, they all sighed in their hearts, sighing that the flowers in the Kingdom of Basel died like this, especially those beautiful girl warriors with long legs made them feel pitiful. They didn't expect that they were destroyed by demons rather than in a battlefield full of murder.

However, they didn't expect it anyway, and the next thing completely shattered their weak hearts, making them feel that what they encountered this morning was like a dream.

"Dear students, I am Zhang Hai, the sales manager of the Montessori trading market. First of all, thank you for your support for this store and your enthusiastic support. However, what frightened Zhang was that Zhang was afraid that he was sorry for you today, because there were only five defective elixir in this store today, and I don't know if this elixir would appear in this store in the future..." After learning that these teenagers were all for that kind of defective bone-clearing elixir, Zhang Hai came Such an impassioned statement. Rare things are precious, and Zhang Hai, as a businessman, is naturally shrewd to use this to the extreme.

The matter was really as predicted by Zhang Hai. Before he finished his words, the information revealed immediately made the scene look like an explosion.

"What? Only five?"

"Oh, my God, how can we stand behind?"

"I'm a grass, anyway, I have to buy one."

All the teenagers ranked after five suddenly became excited. Although the elixir mentioned yesterday had rarely been prepared in their hearts, they did not expect it to be so rare.

Why can't I come earlier? It seems that they have to queue up in the middle of the night when such a thing happens in the future. They are all very regretful and regret why they slept late.

During the period when Zhang Hai revealed information, many people came into the store one after another. In detail, there were only more than ten people in the team that originally had only 50 people. This situation made Zhang Hai excited and inexplicably. There were only 30 elixirs. He must find a way to earn more money. There was only one left in his heart. Next such an idea. At this time, the students with a long queue were like lambs to be slaughtered in his eyes.

Although the information of only five elixirs quickly reached everyone's ears today, the teenagers in the back are not willing to give up the elixir to others like this. They firmly believe that as long as the elixir has not been sold, they have not yet cooked rice. There is a chance.

"I said Mr. Zhang, isn't there a statement in the store on a first-come, first-served basis?" Someone shouted loudly.

"The store is not a special toilet, so naturally there is no such saying." Zhang Hai pretended not to understand what the other party said.

"In this case, don't you have to queue up?" The man continued to shout.

"This..." Zhang Hai still looks very confused.

Most of the teenagers in the queue also looked at the teenager with some understanding and didn't know what he wanted to express.

"I said, are you really stupid or fake? Isn't the store just for profit? Isn't it just for those with high prices? What kind of queue do you need? Everyone said, didn't they?" The man continued to shout.

Hearing his words, the teenagers immediately understood what it meant, and the teenagers ranked behind the top five naturally agreed in unison. Because as long as Zhang Haiyi agrees with this statement, it shows that they still have a chance to buy the elixir, otherwise they may not even see the elixir today.

"Yes, the buying and selling market is originally obtained by those with high prices."

"Whoever has money is the ability, and whoever has the ability can buy elixir."

"Yes, what's the line?"

"Do you really think it's going to the toilet?"

The teenagers behind the first five people actually dispersed and desperately squeezed towards Zhang Hai's window. Although the teenagers in the top five were unwilling and opposed in unison, their weak voices had no advantage over the teenagers behind them, and their voices were quickly covered by the voices of the turbulent teenagers.

"Well...okay. Since everyone is opposed to queuing, let's accept everyone's suggestion at the store. The higher the price will get it. Zhang Hai seemed to say helplessly. Only he knew that his heart had been happy for a long time.

Zhang Hai's move to induce the teenagers to develop in the direction of auction, which can be said to be a very wonderful game. If he blindly bids, it will inevitably cause the disgust of these teenagers. Moreover, if it shouts too high, it will even have a counterproductive effect, scare these teenagers away, and let these few be guided by words. Forming competition is undoubtedly the best way.

Of course, Zhang Hai did not think of such a method in advance. This was just an idea that suddenly flashed when he made a generous statement. Of course, the most important thing is the student who took the lead in putting forward this statement.

An ordinary passage aroused such a reaction from the students, which shows Zhang Hai's ability in this position and shows that he is not in vain.

The boss of the Montessori trading market happened to come to inspect the store this morning. Seeing Zhang Hai's performance, he immediately raised Zhang Hai's salary to the entourage around him from today. Such a person is a talent.

Master, master, watching Zhang Hai turn the unilateral price increase into an auction mode of bidding and auction, the staff in the Montessori trading market sincerely praised it. Some people have even taken out pens and paper to write down the whole process, and they also wrote down every word of Zhang Hai. This Some languages are the top priority and the essence of the whole process of contributing to the flames.

"The reserve price is 150,000." Zhang Hai smiled and shouted out a price. Judging from the situation of these teenagers at the scene, the final transaction price will definitely exceed this value.

"160,000." As soon as Zhang Hai's voice fell, a round-faced fat teenager decisively shouted out such a number.

"Dong", Zhang Hai knocked down the broken hammer that people around him didn't know where to find it.

"170,000." Some people are not willing to lag behind.



Nima, these teenagers are really rich, and they are indeed students of the Armor College. Looking at the price rising by 10,000, the people in the store were stunned and dry.

They were just surprised, but they didn't understand. How could such a defective elixir raise the price so high? Is it really as divine as it just came out?


"300,000." It was the first teenager to call out this price. Seeing his bid stunned the people around him, he couldn't help smiling proudly. His lips are extremely thick, and this smile makes people feel very strange. Of course, his appearance can't attract too much attention at this time, because everyone's thoughts are on his bidding.

Nima, a broken elixir has been sold for 300,000 yuan, and the people in the store are all looking at each other.

However, just when the teenager thought that the first elixir was firmly in his bag, a crisp voice sounded again, "320,000."

I'm still rising. Listening to the sound, some people even have a feeling that they want to faint.

And those students with a strong family are all crying. They also didn't expect the price to be so high, which means that no matter how they sell elixirs, they have basically been insulated from these elixirs.

It was the fat man with a round face who shouted such a price. At this time, his face turned red and his hands trembled faintly. Such a high price seemed to be the extreme he could bear.

390,000." The thick-lipped teenager stared at the round-faced fat man fiercely, as if he wanted to stare at his fat face with blood.

The round-faced fat man finally lost the courage to raise the price again. He seemed to suddenly become depressed, but he soon cheered up again, because there were four elixirs below.

"It's a deal." Seeing that no one raised the price further, Zhang Hai, who never thought that he would sell at such a price, quickly knocked on the broken hammer in his hand.

The elixir that was originally sold for 30,000 yuan was sold to 390,000 yuan at once. Looking at such a result, the people in the store were all dumbfounded.

A group of crazy people, looking at these teenagers who are desperately trying to raise prices, and looking at those teenagers who have no money to compete and are depressed, the people around them are more puzzled than shocked. Of course, if they knew that Ye Fang, who had the efforts of the first waste of the warrior system for five years but could not improve his internal strength, was because such an elixir suddenly broke through the hurdle in front of his fate. If they knew that in the same period, many soldiers who were difficult to break through had also improved like that waste, he We will never have such an idea again.

Ye Fang and those students with ordinary qualifications undoubtedly made a good advertisement for Qin Yu's elixir. It is also because of their improvement that such a grand situation appeared in today's Montessori trading market, which made these students who have not tried the effects of these elixir so firmly believe Ye Fang's words. Of course, these students are not 100% sure that this elixir is effective. In fact, they just hold a mentality that they would rather lose than miss it. For them with general qualifications, as long as any elixir is likely to be effective, they are willing to try it, even if they lose it.

And the reason why those teachers deny Ye Fang's words is only that they have not experienced the process of these students. How can they feel the pain and despair in the hearts of those students who can't improve their internal strength anyway?

Although the price of the first defective bone-clearing elixir sold is so high, those students with a strong family are not willing to leave. They expect that the price of the elixirs behind them will decline. However, what disappointed them is that the price of the elixirs later did not fall but rose, and the highest one actually reached 5110,000. The reason is very simple, because many people came later. It turned out that many new faces appeared in a crowd of only 50 people, and most of the elixir behind them were bought by these new faces. The good man counted carefully and found that the number of people was half more than before, that is to say, it reached about 100.

The original students all looked grim when they saw the appearance of these people behind them, because these students were all the sons of the famous rich family in Pasta City. Their poor money could not compare with these rich families at all. The poorest thing was the fat man. He even had one of the last four. I can't buy it, because their price is more than 400,000.

The rich man has a sense of superiority over those ordinary students, so they are not as diligent as those students who come to the store early in the morning to queue up, which is also the reason why the people behind are richer than those in front of them.

Although he has been working in the Montessori trading market for so many years, when did Zhang Hai experience such a scene? Therefore, when the last elixir was auctioned, he couldn't help sighing. However, his feeling was quickly squeezed into a remote corner by the huge net profit. Five earns 2.34 million selcoins, which he has never thought of. According to the price set yesterday, he can't make a net profit of 600,000 yuan. Now there are so many more at once. Zhang Hai really can't believe it. If the rest of the elixirs can also be sold at such a price, it will make a lot of money. Pen, thinking of this, Zhang Hai's heart suddenly jumped up. Thirty, according to today's profit, he can definitely make a net profit of more than 12 million.

This is a profit that Zhang Hai has never dared to think of. The elixir made by Qin Shaobai is really a money-making machine. Zhang Hai couldn't help sighing that at this time, he did not think about the quality of the elixir at all, because for him, the elixir that can make money is a good elixir, just like a cat that can catch mice, regardless of the white cat. Black cats are all good cats.

However, thinking about his difficulties with Qin Shaobai for the first time, Zhang Hai suddenly felt embarrassed. He really didn't expect that the elixir brought by the teenager, which looked no different from the defective bone elixir, could be sold at such a good price, and the supply was in short supply. However, if he turns back time and goes back to that time, he feels that he will make such a choice.

Zhang Hai's mind quickly returned to reality. To his surprise, the teenagers who had not bought the elixir did not leave. They still surrounded the window of the counter and looked at Zhang Hai's eyes to them. They quickly said one after another.

"Mr. Zhang, will this elixir still be sold tomorrow?"

"Do you have it?"

Looking at these pitiful eyes, Zhang Hai suddenly felt a little unbearable, but this pity was quickly overwhelmed by the huge wealth he expected in his eyes, "Tomorrow? This is not clear yet. I heard from the buyers that they encountered a storm on their way here today. I don't know how much of the elixir they brought is intact. If there is still a good elixir, I don't know if they can arrive safely tonight. If so, I will definitely take it out and buy it tomorrow. Don't worry. Speaking of the best, Zhang Hai suddenly became sworn. In fact, all the staff knew that he was just a guy full of lies. They believed that if they revealed the care of 25 such elixir in the store, these students would definitely tear Zhang Hai to pieces in absolute anger.

Listening to Zhang Hai's words, those disappointed teenagers walked out of the Montessori trading market with a glimmer of hope.

The situation at the scene and the look of these teenagers cheered Zhang Hai. He felt that he could still make a lot of money if he continued the auction tomorrow.