armor demon

Chapter 340 Breakthrough

A burning smell enveloped the whole practice room. For the first time, he failed. Qin Yu couldn't help frowning, but after half a second of disappointment, he quickly devoted himself to the preparation of the next material.

Even the holy magician does not have a 100% success rate, so such a failure is naturally expected by him.

In his skillful movements, time still passed quietly. I don't know how long it took, and a fragrance of elixir permeated the whole practice room.

"It worked." Looking at the elixir in Xiaoding, Qin Yu couldn't help shouting happily.

The magic elixir in the small tripod is still as dull as ever, which is not much different from the defective elixir. However, looking at such a color, Qin Yu is much relieved. If he suddenly becomes the same color as the best elixir, he will be a little uneasy.

The elixir has been refined, but it has to be verified to prove whether it has the magic of the previous elixir. However, Qin Yu does not plan to take this first elixir for testing. Of course, he does not want to refine one more now. He has nothing else but to take this elixir immediately. Thought, so, after refining the magic elixir, he immediately swallowed the elixir into his stomach and opened the door of the practice room, but he was stunned when he wanted to walk towards his room.

Because he saw two beautiful women who were eating and chatting happily outside the door of the practice room.

"Why are you here?" Qin Yu was surprised that he didn't tell anyone at all when he came to practice the Dan room just now.

"Just now, Shirou saw you come to the practice room. I think you should have studied a result, so follow Shirou to have a look. However, have you refined the magic elixir? Although the time was a little long, Tang Ying was still a little surprised by the speed of Qin Yu's coming out.

Listening to Tang Ying actually mention herself, Qian Shirou's little face suddenly floated a few blushes.

"One has been refined." Qin Yu replied.

"Where is it?" Tang Ying immediately asked, and the joy on her face suddenly appeared. She really didn't expect that Qin Yu had been refined.

"I have swallowed it." Qin Yu was a little embarrassed.

"No way." Tang Ying and Qian Shirou shouted at the same time.

"Well, I won't say more. I have to go back to absorb the medicine quickly." After waving his hand at the two, Qin Yu quickly walked to his room.

It turned out that he was so eager to refine and make magic elixir to improve his spiritual strength. Tang Ying and his mind, but everyone is like this. In the case of having an elixir that can improve their strength, they want to take it as soon as possible to improve their strength as soon as possible, so they naturally don't feel surprised. They are the only The accident was that Qin Yu's action was so fast that he had taken it as soon as it was refined. They have only seen those who are anxious, and they have never seen those who are so anxious.

Unconsciously, a day and a half passed. During this day and a half, Qin Yu did not walk out of the room at all. He was absorbing the power of magic elixir all the time. At noon on the third day, Qin Yu, who had been closing his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes. At this time, his face showed joy, because he could feel He felt that his spiritual power, which had completely absorbed this magic elixir, had broken through the peak of level 3 and reached the fourth level.

Qin Yu took the elixir he refined for the first time. He really didn't expect that his elixir would have such a miraculous effect, which could directly improve him from three-level spiritual power to four-level spiritual power. Of course, Qin Yu did not know the fundamental reason for his improvement. It is because he can feel the elements in the air. While absorbing the power of medicine, he also feels the elements in the air from time to time that his spiritual power has been greatly improved. If he were an ordinary person, he would not be able to do this.

It can have such a great effect when taking it by yourself. It seems that there is no need to experiment with this magic elixir, Qin Yu said.

However, at this time, he was not in the mood to refine the magic elixir immediately. He wanted to show off his strength to the dark dragon.

Qin Yu, who entered the dark dragon armor, quickly found the soul of the dark dragon. Compared with the dark dragon that Qin Yu saw that day, the momentum of the dark dragon soul seems to be larger now, which can't help but make Qin Yu happier.

"You have been promoted to the fourth level of mental strength so quickly." The dark dragon who felt Qin Yu's promotion couldn't help but be shocked. Even the spiritual Warcraft had never seen anyone improve so fast at once.

"So do I have the ability to control you now?" Qin Yu ignored the surprise of the dark dragon and asked directly.

"Yes, but don't be proud, because the premise is that you have to help me, otherwise, hum, don't think about controlling this armor." The dark dragon doesn't think so.

"That's Brother Dark Dragon, naturally I need your help all the time, otherwise how can my weak magician control such a powerful armor?" Qin Yu, who understands the dark dragon's temper, complimented. A compliment can make the Dark Dragon help himself, so why not? Of course, Qin Yu is not naturally good at flattery, but in the face of such a dark dragon, it seems a little difficult not to flatter.

"Hmm, it's your acquaintance."

"Well, Brother Dark Dragon, how about going to the training room to practice when we have time?" Qin Yu got an inch.

"No problem, I'll show you the strength of our dark dragon and tell you that the data I hit is not something that can be tested by those magic crystal balls." Dark Dragon's eyes are still higher than the sky.

"I already believe you without testing." Qin Yudao. He is telling the truth. The dark dragon is a spiritual warcraft. If it can't even do this, it can die. Qin Yu mainly wants to see the strength of the dark dragon armor, but wants to control it with his own hands, so as not to be in a hurry when he is really in trouble and can't exert the real strength of the spirit-level Warcraft armor.

"Well, let's go to the training ground now. Do you have a training ground?" With Qin Yu's low mental strength, it doesn't believe that Qin Yu has the ability to have those ridiculously expensive training grounds.

"I have it in this place now. Can't you feel it?" Qin Yuqi Road.

"Your ring has inexplicable magic to block the oozing of my magic. I don't know what's outside." The dark dragon's tone was a little depressed.

"My ring?" Qin Yu was a little surprised. He couldn't figure out how Grandpa's ring had such a great ability to limit this spiritual warcraft.

"If you take me out of that ring, there is absolutely nothing to limit me."

"Forget it." Qin Yu shook his head. The dark dragon was a little arrogant. If it was found by the holy magician, it would be a blessing for him.

The dark dragon also seemed to see Qin Yu's mind, but its next words surprised Qin Yu. "Actually, I really don't want to leave your ring, because I find that its magic seems to moisten my soul, otherwise the spiritual herbs you used are unlikely to recover me so quickly. Original."

The ring left by Grandpa actually has such magic. No wonder the little guy likes to stay here so much. Qin Yu suddenly realized when he listened to the words of the dark dragon.

Thinking that the dark dragon might know the origin of the little guy, Qin Yu directly took the little guy to the jade platform, put the little guy on the platform, pointed to the dark dragon still sleepy in armor and said, "Do you know it?"

At this time, Qin Yu can already talk to the dark dragon through the armor.

"Oh, where did you get this little thing?" The dark dragon was surprised.

"It bumped into me in the forest of Warcraft, and then it came to my ass."

"However, I think it should be the reason for your ring, otherwise it will never follow you so easily." Dark Dragon analyzed.

"For a long time, what kind of warcraft is this?"

"Seriously, you are so lucky. As a magician, you can not only control armor, but also encounter such a spiritual beast. Of course, its intelligence has not been opened, and it is not as powerful as me."

"Do you think it is a spiritual warcraft?" Qin Yu was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that the little guy he accidentally met was a spiritual warcraft.

"Yes, but its combat effectiveness is not strong compared with ordinary spiritual warcrafts. Its main means is to search for herbs, and even spiritual herbs can't escape its sensitive nose."

"So it is." Qin Yu understood that it was his ability that the little guy could find nine mistakes and scattered grass. However, it's a waste to think that you have such a sharp weapon but have never used it. Instead, it's a waste of a lot of money on it. It seems that you have to squeeze out its ability in the future. On second thought, Qin Yu, who felt that he was not short of money now, quickly left such an idea behind him.

"No more nonsense, go to the training room quickly." Dark Dragon seems to be more anxious than Qin Yu.

At the urging of the Dark Dragon, Qin Yu sneaked out of the room and walked to the training room of the Ruyan Chamber of Commerce.