armor demon

Chapter 344 Estimate

After entering the practice room, Qin Yu began to refine magic elixir non-stop. He set himself the task of refining ten magic elixir today. According to what Lin Yifan said, ten can earn 100 million. 100 million is enough. Don't be too greedy. Qin Yu thought about it in his heart.

Liu Zishou was still sent to help him. Of course, this is largely due to Liu Zishou's strong demands. Liu Zishou is naturally eager to stick with Qin Yu when refining elixir every day, so that he has a better chance to learn from Qin Yu.

Liu Zishou, who was excited, soon found Qin Yu's unusualness, that is, Qin Yu's process of refining elixir seemed to be much faster than before.

What's going on? Liu Zishou was a little surprised, but looking at Qin Yu, who put his mind on alchemy, naturally did not dare to disturb him.

How did he know that this was the reason for Qin Yu's spiritual improvement, so it would naturally take less time to use magic than before.

While preparing materials for Qin Yu, Liu Zishou also looked at Qin Yu's refining steps with wide eyes. Because of Qin Yu's fast movements, he did not secretly remember the steps different from ordinary magic pills until ten times.

Unconsciously, a few hours have passed, and after these hours, Liu Zishou, who suddenly turned his eyes on the magic elixir on the table, was quickly surprised, because it was not until then that he found that the success rate of the teenager in front of him had exceeded 30%, reaching 40%. Terrifraness.

Break through 30%. What kind of concept is this? Even those holy magicians may not have such a high success rate. What's more, this teenager not only has an amazing success rate, but also the efficacy of the refined elixir is not comparable to that of the holy magician.

Oh, my God, what kind of person is this guy? He can reach a level that can't be reached by a holy magician as an ordinary magician. Liu Zishou, who was shocked, once again looked up and down at Qin Yu. He tried to find out any flaws from Qin Yu, but Qin Yu was still the same Qin Yu. He also With two eyes, two ears and one nose, he is no different from the people in the Kingdom of Basel. No, he looks even more ordinary than ordinary people. If he is thrown in the crowd, Liu Zishou will definitely never see anything amazing about this teenager, but such an ordinary teenager did it. It's a stunned thing.

"Liu Zishou, how many have been refined?" While Liu Zishou was meditating, Qin Yu, who was immersed in the condensed, asked.

"Uh... five." Qin Yu's words brought Liu Zishou back to his senses, and he replied.

"Oh, there are still five left. I'm afraid it's time for dinner."

"It's really amazing that ten elixirs can be refined in one morning and one afternoon." Liu Zishou couldn't help praising.

"Is it?" Qin Yu replied without any sigh, because he felt that he had made progress. If he reached the level of the holy magician, the elixir and the success rate refined at the same time must be much higher than now. Of course, the most important thing is that he, who usually doesn't know much about the success rate of alchemists, does not know the general magician. Success rate, if he knew that even the Holy Magician only had such a success rate as him, even he himself would be shocked.

Qin Yu's plain tone made Liu Zishou speechless for a while. The master is a master. He has achieved such an achievement and is still so favorable. It's really convincing. Liu Zishou couldn't help sighing in his heart.

When ten magic elixirs were finally refined, Qin Yu couldn't help stretching his waist. Such a relaxed action made Liu Zishou can't help envy and jealous. It's really more popular. People refining ten magic elixir is just stretching. If it were himself, I'm afraid it would be absolutely within a month. I can't do it.

It took an hour to make ten magic elixirs earlier than expected, and it was precisely because of this that Qin Yu found that the success rate of refining elixir had increased by ten percentage points.

It seems that it should be the reason for the improvement of mental strength, and Qin Yu thought about it.

Tang Ying and others had already prepared meals for Qin Yu, so as soon as they left the Dan room, the staff directly called Qin Yu and Liu Zishou to the restaurant.

At the door of the restaurant, Tang Ying and Lin Yifan and others who got the news have been standing at the door waiting for Qin Yu. The grandeur of the two couldn't help but make Qin Yu a little ashamed. He quickly said, "Brother Lin, Chairman Tang, we are all a family. Don't be so enthusiastic. This will make me unsistful. I can prepare the food myself in the future. ." Seeing such a person sitting on the table for a long time, he quickly changed his words and said, "Even if we eat together, you can eat first. Don't be so polite."

"It could have been like this before, but it can't be done now. You know, you are a money-making machine now. If you accidentally refine the elixir, you can make hundreds of millions. If we don't be attentive and let you run away, it won't be a big loss." Lin Yifan is not happy. In his opinion, those who have the ability should enjoy the treatment and hospitality they deserve.

At this moment, a vague voice came from the table, "Brother Lin, why are you polite to him? As I said, it's good to give him a stool to sit down."

The people who followed the reputation couldn't help but petrify on the spot, only to see Qian Shirou eating at the dinner table.

Of course, it's not that Qian Shirou is rude. She just feels that she doesn't need to be polite to treat Qin Yu at all, so she can't stand Lin Yifan's behavior and eats in full view of the public.

Qian Shirou's words naturally made Qin Yu find the steps. At that moment, he quickly walked towards the dinner table and greeted him at the same time.

Although Qian Shirou made Qin Yu a little afraid of the dark dragon, he believed that even if Qian Shirou knew that he was Qin Shaobai in public, she did not dare to do anything excessively.

In this way, the original grand ceremony disappeared invisible under Qian Shirou's so mess. Of course, this is mainly because Lin Yifan and others have long regarded Qin Yu as a family.

At the dinner table, in addition to eating and drinking, the most talked about by Tang Ying and Lin Yifan is naturally the magic elixir that will be auctioned tomorrow.

"I don't know Zhang Hai, what do you think of tomorrow's auction?" Tang Ying said to Zhang Hai that the success of the Huamaidan auction made Tang Ying look at Zhang Hai differently.

"I believe that in tomorrow's auction, the unit price of magic elixir will definitely be higher than that of Huamai elixir, and there is even a possibility of nearly 20 million." Zhang Hai said. Although Tang Ying valued him for the first time to participate in such a major dinner, he was naturally not afraid of the stage.

"20 million?" Although he had a genealogy in his heart, Lin Yifan couldn't help but be surprised to hear the price Zhang Hai said.

Others also looked at Zhang Hai with a surprised face. Even the fast-yed Qian Shirou put down her chopsticks. An ordinary magic elixir could be sold at such a high price, but she had never thought about it.

Looking at everyone's eyes, Zhang Hai confidently said his reason.

Listening to Zhang Hai's reason, everyone nodded and agreed. At this time, although they were in the restaurant of the Chamber of Commerce, their minds had already flown to the scene of auctioning the magic elixir tomorrow. They were expecting the magic elixir to break the miracle created by the magic elixir.