Opening Era

Chapter 7; Rescue Brother Ma Plan

Don't allow others to sleep soundly on the side of the couch!

In this fertile land of the Western European Union, Pope Nuska has spoken more than once in public.

"In this bright area, only one voice is allowed!"

Although the Helia family is contrary to the Holy Alliance in doctrine, it is ultimately from the same origin. Even if the Holy Alliance wants to destroy it, it must take into account the pressure from the gods in the Holy Spirit.

But the Buka family is not. This is a fierce lion lying prone in the mountains and forests. In the bloody dusk war, the strength shown by this lion has deeply threatened the status of the Holy Alliance.

There is no doubt that the Buka family can help the Holy Alliance soldiers take down the dark parliament without blood. One day, this giant will lean towards the Holy Alliance against the cube. Even if Pope Nuska is strong, it is impossible to withstand countless armies. Moreover, in this bloody dusk battle, Nuska clearly realized a terrible thing. At least 40% of all the supplies of the tens of thousands of holy knights in his power came from the group of the Buka family.

In such a situation, the Holy Alliance has a special paranoia about the dictatorship. Even if the Buka family shows a unique posture and does not have a clear statement, the Holy Alliance does not mind destroying this force that has just been an ally and is kind to itself with the momentum of sweeping away the fallen leaves in the autumn wind.

In this way, after the later battle of darkness and light in the name of bloody dusk, as the victor, Pope Nuska of the Holy Alliance invited all forces to attend a century banquet in the name of the Holy Emperor, one of the twelve strong men.

Of course, as the strongest foreign aid of the two sides in this battle, the Helia family and the Buka family participated in the century banquet as top guests.

And it was this banquet of the century. Driven by one thing, the two unrelated children became an inseparable group. Even Mosaic and Noah did not expect that a well-arranged banquet was finally completed ten years later, today, the Helia family and the Buka family. The life-and-death alliance of the clan.

To be honest, Pope Nuska's recognition of his Helia family is a high recognition that the two have never been recognized since their establishment. At the same time, the Buka family is deliberately accepted by Nuska, and some talented young children of its clan have been included in the senior management level by the Holy Alliance. If this honor continues, perhaps the Helia family's impression of the Holy Alliance will be greatly improved in the next hundred years, as long as there is no doctrinal conflict. , it may form an alliance of the same hatred, including the Buka family, and will slowly submit to the Holy Alliance in the slow penetration.

But at this time, one of the forces was unhappy, and it was the St. John family.

In the eyes of the world, the St. John family may be regarded as a branch of the vassal under the Holy Alliance. Only the three major families and the Holy Alliance know that the St. John family, whose real strength, is completely equal in status and the Holy Alliance.

It may be because Nuska was too eager to make quick profits and desperately contacted the forces of the Helia family and the Buca family in the Holy Alliance, but neglected the St. John family.

At that time, the first heir of the St. John's family, a 12-year-old named Johnson, saw all this and did not value for his family.

Johnson is a great figure.

In the East Asian League, I'm afraid that this teenager's luck and talent can only be comparable to Yun 13 for Yunzong's millennium luck.

Johnson, a well-deserved genius in Western Europe, is also recognized by Pope Nuska that his strength will definitely surpass his own peerless strength in the future.

Yun 13 was born and naturally condensed into vitality, and on the day of Johnson's birth, the sun was shining all over the sky, and the holy sound of the whole city of heaven was endless. An angel with six wings on his back broke through the air and attached to Johnson's body, who was still in his baby. The eldest son of the St. John family showed his uniqueness at the age of three. He completely inherited all the power of the six-winged angel and completely integrated the divine deity and became a real angel.

Johnson, who became an angel, is almost a strong man who has just entered the sanctuary according to the hierarchy of human holy land, but you know, at that time, Johnson was only three years old.

What is more terrible is this child with an angel's body. He can communicate with the Holy Spirit and absorb the spirit from that world, which is a more powerful force than the human world. Under the irrigation of the Holy Spirit, the 12-year-old Johnson has touched the peak of heaven.

At that century banquet, Pope Nuska's favoritism attracted Johnson's great dissatisfaction, and his heart was stained with a trace of over the Helia family and the Buka family at the same time. If it's just like this, it's okay, but then, the most ** of the whole banquet ignited the lively atmosphere of the guests present and also detonated Johnson's endless resentment.

Since Pope Nuska announced in public that he would give the highest blessing "Praise of Light" to the temple of Light for the eldest son of the Buka family, who is now mosaic, at dawn when the bell of the banquet rings.

Praise of light, which is the highest blessing of the Holy Alliance that only the Pope can pray for. His fate will be closely related to the angel family of the Holy Spirit from now on. Johnson has more than once longed for the blessing of light praise from Pope Nuska to sublimate his fused gods. In this way, Johnson's strength will progress more and more rapidly in the future practice path.

But for some reason, Pope Nuska has never met Johnson's prayer. First, under the persuasion of his family, Johnson simply thought that giving "bright praise" would cause difficult to heal vitality damage to the caster. However, when Pope Nuska announced such a message to the guests at the banquet of the century, Johnson was struck by lightning. He knew why Nuska was unwilling to give him a "bright tribute" because in the eyes of the pope, his value was not as good as the Buka family's group of stinky mice.

The anger made Johnson completely lose his mind. At that century banquet, he humiliated Mosaic, the eldest son of the Buka family, with the strength of the strong man of his sanctuary.

"A rookie is not qualified to receive gifts from gods. A rookie, rookie, and ant-like existence will always be the lowest creatures of the pyramid. Being able to stand on the stage of the century banquet is already the mercy of the gods to you."

This was said by Johnson looking down at the mosaic as a strong man. At that time, as Johnson said, the mosaic was a rookie, an ant-like rookie, nine years old, but there was no sign of power fluctuation.

At that time, under the regretful and contemptuous eyes of all the guests, Mosaic and the family behind him stood in the huge temple of light, ashamed.

In the face of this dispute, Pope Nuska, as the host, has a complete obligation to resolve the entanglements inside, but he kept a deep silence under the viciousness of the situation.

Later, the matter was very simple. Everyone stood more or less on Johnson's side and looked at the mosaic with pity. Noah stood up. At that time, Noah's talent was also very favored, but it was far from being compared with Johnson's sanctuary strength.

It's just a move. Twelve-year-old Johnson easily removed Noah's limbs, three years younger than him. If he hadn't been afraid of revenge after the incident, Noah would have died at that banquet. After that, the century banquet fell under a strange atmosphere. Although the Pope later fulfilled his promise and gave bright praise to the mosaic, just a month later, Noah recovered and was released from his father's ban. He had his first friend in life and the most affectionate friend, Marseille. Gram.