Card Alchemist

Chapter 2 Human Body Refining

"Ten years of mimosa powder half a milligram, sinking demon's blood three cup..."

Alice focused on the experiment and said without looking back. Star quickly handed the raw materials to the girl's hand and quietly looked at the transparent flask in her hand.

The messy table was replaced by transparent bottles and cans. Alice took the raw materials handed over by Star in an orderly manner and poured them into the flasks in front of her one by one. After each raw material is added, the ** in the flask will quietly turn into another strange color, with bubbles rolling from time to time.

It's like a poison refined by a witch.

And Alice's so-called assistant is to experiment with the prepared drugs for her and record the effect of the experiment. In addition to specific potions, alchemists must drink what they have refined.

Alice turned around and put the red medicine bottle in her hand in Star's hand as usual. At the stairs on the second floor, the third room on the left.

This is a 'instant aging' medicine. Star had seen the magic beast splashed with potion aging at a very fast speed. The strong and full muscles atrophied in an instant, and the high and fierce face turned into a skeleton in a blink of an eye, and the thin skeleton quickly stood up on the plump back.

This is the third day that Star has become this beautiful girl's assistant. In order to survive, he can only quickly familiarize himself with what he should do. And you need to quickly gain trust from Alice, but it's not easy. Her vigilance is so high that there is almost no gap.

At the stairs on the second floor, the third room on the left.

Inside is a mantis-like warcraft. It always likes to wave its sickle-like arms to make a sharp hiss to the people standing outside in the iron cage. Even standing outside, its harsh roar can be heard. Its strength is comparable to that of the Thorn Knight, and Star knows its strength. This aborigin who used to belong to the Death Forest, but now he is only destined to become an experiment.

The fourth room on the left is the forbidden area mentioned by Alice.

The knife arm is waved, and the magic barrier on the iron cage shines with white light from time to time. The giant mantis saw the flask in Starr's hand and cried in horror. It desperately wanted to jump out of the iron cage and tear Star to pieces, but every magic barrier can bounce it back. The huge rebound in the prison made the giant mantis bruise all over, but it still did not stop being crazy. It seemed that it hated this life that became an experiment.

Taking a deep breath, Star quickly unscrewed the medicine bottle. The red ** instantly covered the body of Warcraft. Like last time, the effect of the aging agent lasted only three seconds. This warcraft, which has tasted countless times of aging, has regained its adult strength again.

It looked at the Star outside the iron cage in fear and tried to lean behind the cage. The previous fierce and domineering appearance has long ceased to exist, and this powerful warcraft has become more and more feared of human beings. And half of the potion in the flask was secretly left by Star.

"How is the effect?" Back to the laboratory, Alice's first sentence was to ask about the effect of the experiment.

"It seems to be a little better than last time." Star said clumsily, trying to draw the gap between the two experiments with his own gestures.

"Didn't you time it?" Alice frowned. There is also a pocket watch in the pocket of Star's coat, which is the tool she specifically asked to record the effect to maintain the time. It seems that he forgot it again this time.

"No." Star lowered his head quickly, and he could even hear the fierce beating of his heart clearly. Alice's eyes made him a little scared, because he was betting on his life that what the girl needed was not a too smart assistant. If you lose, maybe the next second will be your death.

However, Star gambled and won.

Alice seemed to have a headache for such an answer. She casually pinched her sore temples and turned around. Go back. I don't need you here for the time being.

"Yes, Miss Alice."

Walking out of the laboratory, Starr breathed a sigh of relief.

This girl is absolutely weird. Almost everyone would choose a smart assistant, but at that time, Alice chose to be distracted. She deliberately chose a servant who can't read, can't use clock and watch tools, and even deliberately shows herself as a stupid person. Is there any secret she is afraid of being leaked and knowing?

In order to confirm his guess, Starr staged a scene where he had made a mistake before. Fortunately, my guess is completely correct.

If this can completely relieve her vigilance, it is not difficult to hold her little braids.

There is no doubt that the owner of this castle should be the old man named Sadek. Maybe Alice did this not because she was afraid that she would know about her, but that the owner of the castle would know.

No! By this time, Star could have completely guessed that the girl definitely had some unspeakable secrets.

The dialogue between Sadek and the Thorn Knights shows that they were not the first children to come here. A group of young people are transported through the famous forest of death, but they will all face the result of death.

And Sadek obviously didn't care too much about the teenagers brought in. Even after being killed by a thorn knight halfway, he didn't care. No matter what the answer is, it is related to affirming this castle! Or to be sure, it must be related to alchemy!

Maybe you should check what is hidden in the castle, but you have to find it from Alice's so-called forbidden areas.

The whole castle is divided into thirteen floors. The top floor of the castle is Sadek's laboratory. All servants, including Alice, can't step on it casually. The remaining twelve floors are divided into several areas, which are managed by their servants. Each area has at least ten forbidden areas, which contain more fierce monsters or other rare plants.

The second floor is the dormitory area of all servants. There are also many monsters in the area near Alice's laboratory, but there is only one forbidden area - at the stairs on the second floor and the fourth room on the left. This is the only room that did not explain what was inside when she introduced the restricted area.

But this is not the main reason why Starr chose to observe the room, because he had heard Alice talking outside the room. Are you talking to others or talking to yourself? This is what Star wants to know.

In the middle of the night, I am lonely outside the window.

The lights in all the rooms are out, but the candles in the corridor of the castle are still emitting dim light, and the crimson carpet in the aisle is like blood. The standing armor looks more and more fable in the silver moonlight. They are like a group of silent undead guards in this strange castle.

Star stopped at the stairs on the second floor, in front of the fourth room on the left.

Three hours ago, he had made sure that Alice had returned to his room and fell asleep. No one will come to this room again.

With the uncertainty of his death, Star chose a more radical approach.

The door was pushed open, and there was a squeaky moan in the quiet night, which made Star's heart sink suddenly.

The room was dim. Like the room related to Warcraft, an iron cage with a magic barrier blocked his footsteps, and there were unfinished cakes in front of the cage.

"Is it people here?" Star couldn't help slowing down his breathing. If another person is really locked up here, then Alice will know about this behavior the next day.

Through the microcosm of the corridor, Starr can see the creatures in the iron cage curled up around the corner. Obviously, it also found Star and made a 'woo-woo' warning sound.

Sulandi Bulldog?

Star's heart beats twice. This is a common dog in the Bimun tribe. They got their name because they are good at herding cattle. It is the size of an adult calf and is a famous carnivore. Even if you encounter wild wolves, you will not be timid. Since it was domesticated, it has gradually integrated into human society. Even human aristocrats have a precedent for raising such dogs to take care of their homes, and even ladies will lead them on the street.

But why are these common dogs locked in the restricted area? And it was also emphasized by Alice that the servants were not allowed to enter?

You should know that all the forbidden areas are locked with strong and bloodthirsty monsters without exception. The cold sweat soaked its back in an instant, and the eyes of the bulldog looking at Star were full of hatred and hatred. Star believes that without this iron cage, he will definitely be torn to pieces on the spot. There won't even be any bones left!

But after seeing the bulldog in the cage, Starr only felt that the heart in his chest seemed to be crushed, and he couldn't help but be excited. But at this time, he had to continue to pretend to be safe and retreated outside the house.

The door was closed again, but the corners of Star's mouth rose quietly.

Because he saw that the Surandi bulldog had a man's face. You should know that this kind of dog only likes to eat raw meat, which is the kind of meat with a strong smell of blood. By this time, Starr already had a plan in his mind. Perhaps it is not a luxury for me to successfully escape from the castle.

For seven consecutive days, Star has secretly come to this room every night. Unlike before, he would bring some cakes in front of the iron cage every time he came, and also said a few words to the bulldog in the cage.

"I made another mistake in my experiment today, and Alice scolded me."

"You know, another boy went missing today. It seems that no one in the servant pays attention to this matter except me." Star looked at the cage, took a bite of the cake and continued. But I'm sure that he must be dead. I began to doubt whether the owner of the castle was experimenting with these teenagers, because it was full of the unpleasant smell of decay.

The expression of the bulldog looked a little strange. It tilted its head and looked at Star.

"To be honest, I don't want to die here. I want to escape, but I don't have the strength. I don't have a companion, and I don't know who to trust.

At this point, Star stopped. He stared into the eyes of the bulldog, and the bulldog looked at him doubtfully.

"Am I wrong?"

Star frowned. It seemed that he had spent seven days in vain. Taking a breath, the moon outside the window looked more and more red, as if it were stained with blood. In just ten days since I came to this castle, four of the fifteen teenagers were missing. I don't know when this fate will come to me, or in what way!

Shaking his head in frustration, Star stood up. It's time to go back to your room, or tomorrow's experiment will go wrong again. And Alice seems to have reached the limit of her tolerance. Maybe it will be self-defeating if it continues like this!

"Wait!" Suddenly, a man's low voice came from behind him. Do you know the taboos of alchemists?

The taboo of alchemy?

As early as the moment she became Alice's assistant, the girl had told herself these things clearly.

But these are not the main ones. What Star really expects to do is achieved. The Sulandi bulldog behind him finally began to speak.

"Do you know the taboos of alchemists?" The man's face of the bulldog looked extremely sad in the dim light. It tilted its head and looked at Star, staring at it.

"There are a total of 23 articles. Which one are you asking?"

It worked! Starr was shouting in his heart.

This bulldog itself is full of many doubts! Because common dogs can't be locked in the forbidden area for no reason, and it likes to eat raw meat, it is more inclined to human food. The most important thing is that Starr really heard Alice talking to people last night instead of talking to herself. So the source of all the secrets points to this bulldog.

This is a world of swords and magic, and anything can happen. So Star put his hope of survival on the human-faced collie, which is why he came here for seven days in a row. Because Star wants to live!

After a pause, Star turned around. The bulldog could speak as he expected, so he didn't look so surprised. What you are saying is that any alchemist apprentice must know, but the most important thing is that there are two points.

"First, alchemists are forbidden to refine gold. Because alchemy can even turn a whole ton of coal into gold, which will have an impact on the gold market of the whole continent. Star walked back and slowly pushed the pastry with the plate to the cage.

"What else?" Now that he has spoken, the bulldog doesn't seem to be going to disguise it anymore. It skillfully clamps the pastry with its claws, throws it into its mouth, and chews it.

"Second, it is the so-called human body refining. Legend has it that it is a kind of magic that can resurrect people, and it can also synthesize human beings and monsters!" Speaking of this, Star suddenly stagnated. He looked at the bulldog in the cage in horror, and the man's face was very tender. Are you..."

Star did not dare to go any further. This speculation made him feel hairy!

"My name is Edward. To be precise, that's my name three months ago." The bulldog's claws kept scratching the ground, and every time it seemed to scratch on Star's heart. He used alchemy to make me like this. Maybe I'm lucky, because I survived, and all the other boys died. Maybe I'm unfortunate again, because I've become like this.

It was as if a muffled thunder exploded in Star's mind.

"Tell me, what should I do?"

(There is another chapter in the evening! Ask for red tickets and collections)