Card Alchemist

Chapter 5 Stone of the Sage

The black magic guide's turbid eyes seem to have been dizzy for a long time. He was just an old man, and he couldn't match the handsome look in the card at all. The white beard hung all the way to his chest, and the sharp magic hat on his head made him look a little funny.

For good, only Starr could see him. After sending Alice away on the pretext, Starr looked at the old soul. Dear Mr. Black Magic Guide..."

"Call me Old John. I prefer this name. Young card magician, did you wake me up? The old man's squinting eyes quietly flashed a trace of light, and he saw the changed card. I didn't expect you to be able to open the 'Gate of Heaven'!"

The light was quickly replaced by surprise. He obviously didn't know another problem - Star was not a person in this world at all. After the occupied body received the soul shock, the original stuck soul has disappeared. It was replaced by today's Star. This card will only upgrade with the enhancement of the soul.

Old John's words shocked Sta. The old man only used 'wake up', not 'call'. This is the most basic course for communication between the card magician and the card soul, but fortunately, there are still these fragments in the memory of the body, which can make Star quickly recover - it turns out that he only summons the consciousness of the black demon guide, not the ontology. So he can't instruct the Black Magic to do anything.

"Gate of Heaven?" Gently chewing this sentence, Star immediately reacted. Are you talking about the dark world that my soul just entered?

"What else can it be?" Old John asked, and the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes almost squeezed into a mountain. Young man, if you hadn't woke me up from this broken card, I wouldn't have bothered to talk to you so much.

"How can I summon you completely?"

As soon as he blurted out, Starr began to regret his impulse. But he understands that it is almost impossible to survive in this world with his current strength. If he can master the skill of summoning this chaotic black magic guide...

"Young man, I found that I'm starting to like your straightforwardness." Old John shook his head, and the turbidity in his eyes was swept away. He pointed to the card under him. Do you think you can summon me? If my sojourn card hadn't been broken, you wouldn't have been trying to wake up my consciousness even if you spent another three years.

"You should know that the price of calling me is life!" At the end, Old John didn't forget to whisper to the stunned Star. Everything in the world must follow the principle of equivalent exchange. Alchemy or magic, you can't get the strength of the application without paying the equivalent sacrifice.

Although it is impossible for Star to summon the Black Magic Guide completely with the existing power, a complete card is more deterrent than the broken state. There are too many annoying things, and Starr only deals with them one by one.

"Old John, can you tell me how to fix your card!"

"Repair?" Old John raised his iconic beard, "Only an alchemist can repair the magic card, and you are not even an apprentice."

Old John hit Star rudely, as if he didn't care about it at all. However, alchemists are also a rare profession. They are born with card magicians, but they are different from card magicians. Because card magicians are destruction, but they are creation. Only the alchemist who has obtained a senior title in the guild is qualified to repair the card, and the raw materials needed to repair the card are sky-high. This is not the price that Star, who has just passed the card apprentice, can afford.

"However, if you want, I can make you the top alchemist." Old John's smile is a little obscure.

When luck comes, you must be rational, because you also need to recognize whether there is still a flying disaster! Star is not a fool. This magic card is so hidden by Sadek, which must be of great importance to him. Maybe he has found that something in the secret room has been lost. So what Star needs most now is to maximize his strength in a short time. If he can't give himself strength, Starr will even consider sending the magic card back to the secret room intact.

"No, I refuse. Because I don't have that long to wait."

"Enter the gate of heaven, you can gain strength between life-and-death battles. But the price is still that you may pay your life at any time!" Old John pointed to the magic card under his outline, "I'll give you time to think about it and call me when you figure it out."

If there is no effort, there will be no gain. Star knows very well that there is a principle of equivalent exchange in everything. There is no such good thing in the world that you can make yourself stronger in a short time. Benefits are always accompanied by risks, and the greater the benefits, the greater the risks. Star's own magic card has evolved, which is his only support.

"I don't think I need it for the time being."

"I think you will come back to me!" Old John didn't care about the other party's direct refusal, and quietly hid his body into the magic card.

The thirteenth floor of the castle is always a forbidden area for servants, including Alice, who is not allowed to enter.

On weekdays, the servants will not go to more than ten floors, because the roar of the imprisoned Warcraft above the castle will make them afraid. Star walked in the carpeted corridor, and no other movement could be heard except the rustling sound of friction.

The night of the castle is always dark. The thick fog blocks the moonlight from the sky, and it is dark all around.

Under the action of the boundary, the light of the candle does not escape a trace, making it step out of the scope of the light and suddenly fall into the darkness.

Sadek accidentally came out of the castle today. Maybe he is trying to solve the situation of the secret room in the daytime. But there is no doubt that he gave an opportunity, so Star dared to sneak into the laboratory on the thirteenth floor.

It's different from Star's imagination. Not all alchemists must be accompanied by flasks, raw materials, and crucibles. Many alchemists themselves have certain magical cultivation, and their research directions are also different. For the production of articles such as pharmaceuticals, crucibles, solvents and other items are naturally indispensable, but some are not needed.

For example, the research that Sadek is engaged in now does not need any such thing at all.

On the empty laboratory floor, a huge six-pointed star pattern is covered with all kinds of strange symbols. There are still six decomposed corpses lying in the corner of the six-pointed star, and in the center of the array, there is a red stone the size of a broad bean.

The red stone squirmed gently under Star's gaze, like a living life. Every time it moves, the body outside the magic array shrinks.

"What is this?" Star almost shouted out.

"This is the stone of the sage, the alchemy prop specially prepared by Lord Sadek for human refining!" The voice behind him was like the whisper of death, but the chill wrapped around the soul from Star's spine. In order to escape the principle of 'equivalence exchange' of alchemy, only the stone of the sage can be used for experiments. Such a stone of a sage requires the souls and bodies of at least 360 people.

has been found! The chill filled the empty room almost instantly, and Star had to turn around mechanically.

Standing behind him is a lion with wings. Although it looks like an ordinary beast, he has a human face like Edward. Then there is no doubt that he is also a human who has been refined by the human body!

"I'm sorry to scare you." The lion made a funny salute, "I'm a synthetic beast on the thirteenth floor. Of course, I prefer you to call me Nika. I think the mouse that Lord Sadek said is you. You should have stolen what was put in the secret room. Otherwise, you won't want to come to this layer to see what's going on with human refining. But it's a pity that I've been guarding here, and now you should pay for your curiosity.

Star felt that he had begun to feel dizzy.

He doesn't see much and doesn't know much, but this alone is enough.

Sadek is treating every servant as an experiment. Living people should be used for experiments, and even corpses will not be let go. But there are still people who will follow butchers like this!

"What on earth did he give you?" Star is not angry, and he will become more and more calm when he is in danger.

"Are you talking about Lord Sadek?" The lion habitually wanted to lick his front paws. "He promised that if the experiment was successful, he would help me restore my original appearance and accept me as his formal apprentice."

"You go to dream!"

As early as when talking to the face lion, Starr had already walked his magic around the magic array on the back of the magic card. It doesn't make sense to talk to this kind of person with unrealistic illusions. The only way is to wake him up!

The outline of the card soul appeared in front of Star in an instant, and the card soul with a huge sword quickly met Nika.

Synthetic beasts are really powerful. They have human wisdom but also have the power of beasts. In the face of the rushing Kahun, Nika did not timidly hit the giant sword with her front paws. But after all, it's just a one-star card soul, which does not cause much obstacles to synthetic beasts. After a burst of golden stone strikes, the card soul and Nika are staggered.

"Ky, I've never killed a card magician. But I've changed my mind, and I've decided to hang your ass on the fireplace as a souvenir. Nika licked her front paws, and her dark green pupils shrank to the extreme, which was replaced by provocation.

The answer is the sword that is directly waved by the soul. The noisy frog has bored Star, and he is ready to let the synthetic beast suffer a little.

In the face of the offensive, Nika did not dodge. Competing with synthetic beasts, has the card practitioner's brain solidified? The lion's strong hind limbs exerted strength at the same time, and he wanted to tear the soul in half.


The card soul was repelled a few steps, and the huge sword in his hand was also knocked out of the gap. The strength of this synthetic beast was at least comparable to that of the thorn knight. Star's hands were slightly numb, and the tiger's mouth was almost cracked. Although the card magician is powerful, it also has its most fatal weakness. As long as you summon the card soul to fight, you must consume a certain amount of magic. Once the card soul is damaged, the card magician is bound to bear the same consequences. And no matter how powerful the soul of the creature summoned in the card is, as long as the person who uses the magic card dies, the card soul will disappear immediately. The vulnerability of the card magician is no different from that of a magician.

However, Nika also saw what the other party was worried about, and he was ready to tear it into pieces with Kahun and Star.


As every time the huge sword waved out by the card soul was bounced back, this has made Star a little trance. His magic and physical strength have been consumed to the limit, and even a gust of breeze can blow himself to the ground.

But this does not make Star choose to give up. Because once he gives up resistance, he will either become an inhuman and non-animal monster like Nika, or he will become a thoughtless armored warrior who only knows loyalty.

"Look, our respected card magician has now become a docile kitten, and I have a hunch that this battle is almost over." Nika said with laughter that Star's attack did not cause any substantial damage except that he was a little annoyed. I think you should honestly hand over your ass and let me hang him on the fireplace as a decoration, at least that will reduce my anger.

The tone of the synthetic beast reveals that it is not good. According to his idea, any enemy should choose to kneel under his feet.

Star did not answer, and it took his last energy to stand here now. Will I really die here? Star was a little sad and melancholy.

However, it was at this moment that the opportunity was captured by Nika. The strong body of the synthetic beast is mixed with a roaring wind, and its sharp front paws are comparable to the sharpest sword.


With a roar, the soul in the air was torn in half.

The blood rain all over the sky fluttered on Star's body, and the fierescent red was stained with the ground painted with magic arrays. The broken giant sword fell at Nika's feet, and the powerful synthetic beast looked at his opponent who had fallen to the ground with his unique eyes.

The damage suffered by the card soul instantly devoured the card's body, and the pain of ** extended from the spine to everywhere. Star only felt that his body was torn alive, and the hysterical feeling made him unable to shout. The cold sweat soaked his back in an instant, and his pale face made Starr like experiencing several reincarnations between life and death. However, even if he wants to get the power of moaning, it is a luxury.

"How about it?" Nika is very satisfied with this result. For him, the card magician is very fragile, and even the card soul of Samsung will be torn to pieces by him. Nika even liked the pleasure of tearing his opponent's body with his claws, because it made him unable to stop.

"It's over!" Nika smiled twice and put his front paws in front of Star's throat.

But in an instant, a blue halo emerged from the seriously injured Star. The blue aperture expanded rapidly and covered the whole room almost in an instant. All the items in the room turned into ice sculptures under the grand aperture, and even Nika was no exception. It seems that this arrogant synthetic beast can no longer realize its own ideas.

Relying on the support of his last breath, Star almost climbed into Alice's room.

"Oh, my God!" Alice looked at Star, who was covered with blood, and covered her mouth in horror. But intelligent, she still chose to quickly carry Star back to the house, which was her only ally in the castle who could help her fight against Sadek. Don't talk yet. Let me see where your injury is?"

When Alice gently took off Star's clothes, she was surprised that there was no scar on Star's body.

"I'm not hurt. I went to the thirteenth floor just now, and my soul was torn to pieces. Star said with difficulty that the anger in his heart did not weaken because of this blow, but became stronger and stronger. There I saw the synthetic beast and the stone of the sage!"

Alice instantly understood what was going on. Star broke into the top floor and fought with the synthetic beast there. As a card magician, he suffered the most fatal blow. The card magician will suffer the same damage as the card soul, which is also the reason why there is no scar on his body, because all the damage is concentrated in the soul. But if that's the case, Starr can't live until now. But the most critical problem is not here. Sadek will come back tomorrow. When he sees the blood stains along the way, he will definitely pursue the two of them.

"Will you kill me to clear myself?"

Fortunately, Star did not quickly fall into a coma, and he saw Alice's hesitation. When occupying this body, Star's soul has undergone high-intensity exercise, and when the door of heaven is opened, the soul has been strengthened again, which avoids Star's sudden death on the spot.

"I don't deny that I have this idea." Alice didn't hide her thoughts at all. In order to restore Edward's original appearance, she paid a little bit. It was not easy to find the key to the refining of the human body, but she didn't want her efforts to be wasted. But I'm not a butcher. I won't hurt my allies to achieve my goals, so I will still choose to save you.

After saying that, she quickly walked out of the door. I'm going to clean up the mess you left behind! If you can't recover as soon as Sadek comes back tomorrow, I think I will hand you over to him without hesitation.

Star was stunned.

He understands that Alice's ability to do this is already the bottom line of the other party. If she doesn't have the ability to protect herself in this cruel reality, then don't expect others to protect her. Maybe he should choose to believe in old John at this time, and he may give himself strength.

"I knew you would come back to me!" Young card magician." Old John was not surprised by Star's call again, as if everything was what he expected. However, he soon frowned again, and the elderly chaotic black magic guide could no longer see the magic card belonging to the other party from Star's soul. But the card soul that should have disappeared seems to have integrated into Star's body again!

"I want to enter the gate of heaven!"

(The new book is on the list... Dude, leave a ticket... This book has been bought out, and the update is guaranteed)