Card Alchemist

Chapter 23 Dark Dragon

The sudden explosion plunged the whole castle into panic.

All the monsters roared hard, and all the servants trembled helplessly. The powerful elements produced by the forbidden spell are surging, like a wave of huge waves sweeping the whole forest of death. Large pieces of bone crows soared into the sky, and the birds all over the sky flew out of their nests. All the monsters in the forest ran around, and the fleeing ones hit the corroded ancient trees in front of them.

Star was stunned at the window. His body can clearly feel the disorder of the residual elements in the air. If nothing happens, the residual power of the forbidden spell can even cover the whole death forest for a month. In this way, Sadek's experiment had to be postponed.

But Star was not happy because of this.

He didn't understand what kind of difficulties a strong man like Agarish had to release such a powerful magic. Is the Temple of Death really not disgraceful?

"Old John, what do you think?" Star looked at the card soul. It was he who was the first to notice this matter. What kind of powerful existence will there be in the Temple of Death? How can you let a magician work hard?

"'Hradic Magic Box'!" Old John shook his almost transparent head, and it seemed that the remnants of the forbidden spell had some influence on him. You can't unlock any magic box without alchemy.

"Any piece? Are there a lot of magic boxes?" Star was a little flustered. Those crazy elements almost disturbed his mind.

"No, there is only one magic box. But it is divided into seven pieces... There will be questions about alchemy on each magic box. If the answer is wrong, there will be unpredictable consequences. I don't know what this consequence is. Maybe it's a permanent annihilation in this world.

So that's how it is. There are still many puzzles in this world that human beings can't solve, but who will be curious about those things to the point where they can't even be sure about their survival?

"Lord Star, Lord Sadek, please go upstairs."

The servant knocked on the door. Since being promoted to apprenticeship, the servants have also called themselves with the word 'adult'.

"Do you know what's the reason?" Starr said he already knew it. Did Lord Sadek let anyone else go?

"I'm not sure. It's probably because of the explosion just now." The servant shook his head in timidly. But Miss Alice and the two knights are also on it. By the way, there is also a wizard."

"I know."

Star nodded, slightly tidied up his clothes, and walked to the penalty area.

The lingering power produced by the forbidden spell still exists. The wind sweeps through the hall, and the candles in the corridor make a 'creaking' sound. ** Star found that the soul armor in the corridor also seemed to have lost the previous sense of oppression, and the strength of the whole castle was in a precarious position.

But now I still can't do anything. Even if the castle shrouded in the forbidden spell can't release magic, Star can't be the first person to stand up and resist. There are many synthetic beasts in the forbidden area, and it is not easy to deal with them.

The trap in the restricted area has long been removed. Star stepped on the smooth slate, and the footsteps were loud.

"Your excellency, are you looking for me?"

The laboratory has long lost the mystery of Star's first visit. When all the fuzzy gauze was faded, the room looked extremely spacious and bright. Sadek lingered impatiently at the table and saw the arrival of Star, his eyes suddenly lit up. You can go to the Temple of Death with Scar now. Of course, you don't need to go deep. If you see the returning master and servant halfway, I will kill them on the spot.

"Why me?" This is Star's first reaction. Standing in the laboratory, in addition to the scar, there is also the thorny knight Leren, and even the undead wizard with unknown strength. Does Sadek already know that this is the weakest period of the castle's defense and wants to use it as an excuse to send himself out?

But why is the scar also among them? Not another thorny knight, or the undead wizard.

Star looked at Sadek doubtfully. Out of caution, he still agreed. My lord, what if we don't meet the master and servant?

"Then tell me every word about what happened there."

Such a reply suddenly made Sta speechless. He understood that Sadek paid more attention to the master and servant than the damn 'human refining'. But what is there in them that Sadek is so unforgettable, or what kind of fear that Sadek has for them? But it is obviously illogical to send an apprentice and mercenary to complete such an important thing.

Do they have anything more important to do?

"Learlen, I need four servants. In these three days, I have to see them, no matter how much it costs.

"Alice, you replace all the crystal cores of the magic prison to avoid another accident of Warcraft's escape."

"Wizard, there are still some necessary ingredients left in the experiment. After you finish collecting them, I will start to prepare."

Sure enough, as Star imagined, Sadek gave three orders in a row. And what made him even more frightened was that Sadek increased the demand for servants. Does he have any new moves?

Or his goal is the Temple of Death?

"This is a 'perception improvement' pill, which can improve your perception of the surrounding environment and allow you to escape from the death forest safely." Sadek took out two pills and handed them to the two. Let's eat now."

Without any hesitation, the scar grabbed the pill and threw it into his mouth. Star had no choice but to do it.

After seeing the two people take the pills, Sadek nodded with satisfaction.

"This is the 'strength increase'. After eating it, you will become stronger in a short time, but there will be strong side effects. Don't use it unless you have to. Also, you must come back within three days."

Star knows the meaning of this sentence. Alchemists always know more about poison than anyone else! If he wants to escape, he will definitely die of poison in three days.

"Yes, my lord."

Even in the daytime, there is no light in the forest of death after the forbidden spell. The dust covering the sky and the sun covers the gray sky, and the scene like day oppresses everyone's head. The dense and corroded ancient forest was probably the most innocent of the explosion. Their bodies fell radioactively without exception, and some were even cut off.

How many Warcrafts that didn't have time to escape were killed by fallen ancient trees, and the corpses everywhere were in a mess.

As it deepened, the sleeping white bones under the ancient tree disappeared, but were replaced by some broken bones. It seems that the undead can't escape this disaster.

Originally dead, there are heavy fire elements everywhere in the forest full of cold, which makes it extremely hot and unbearable. The forest, which was difficult to see living things, actually bred worms, 'buzzing' around the rotten corpses, like thick dark clouds.

Scar and Star looked at each other helplessly. They found a familiar corpse, an ogre who had become a scar mount.

It was hit by a big tree that had been scraped down, and its head was smashed into the dry ground and turned into a pool of mud. Two tree branches obliquely inserted into its gray-silver body, and the remaining internal organs sprinkled all over the ground.

"Let's go." The scar glanced at Star. Don't think that you can do whatever you want in this operation that saved my life. I warn you that if you want to escape, I will still break your neck without hesitation.

"Why did I run away?" Starr asked rhetorically. I don't want to become a cold body in three days.

"It's good that you understand this."

Scar nodded. They pulled out the huge sword behind them and approached the hinterland of the Death Forest from here. They had to be extremely careful. The statue became more and more clear in the eyes of the two people. It was a statue of a god standing with both hands on the sword. Although the appearance is extremely damaged, you can still faintly see the prosperity here from above. The surrounding buildings surround the gods like stars and moons, and the huge reliefs reveal the mottled years. There are still some residual gold foil on the lifelike reliefs, and there are even traces of being pried in the eyes.

Needless to say, this must be a stupid thing done by grave robbers. Only the kind of person who is greedy for money will be ruthless to destroy the ruins so simply.

The Temple of Death is located just below the statue, leaving traces of time on the arched roof. Although there have been cracks in many places, they have even collapsed.

"It seems that this is the place where the curse exploded!"

The scar felt the remaining fire elements here and couldn't help frowning. The Temple of Death seemed to be guarded by an unknown force. The temple at the center of the explosion was just a rock on the edge that was melted. He also knows that there must be a great danger hidden in the strength of such a powerful magician who can make such a desperate act.

Are there any powerful monsters lurking in the death forest?

In the holy place of death that can make people on the whole continent so afraid, why can't there be a top-level warcraft living there?

A huge momentum suddenly emanated in the depths of the jungle. Star felt a roar coming in the depths of the jungle, and the huge footsteps trampled on the ground, like an earthquake setting off a large ripple on the ground. All the trees trembled again!

The next moment, the sudden fog in the air quickly condensed. Under the strong pressure, the fog did not dissipate, but became thicker and thicker.

The thicker and thicker fog almost completely blocked the sun, making the already gloomy jungle more and more blurred and darker.

With the high and loud sound of the dragon, a red-eyed black dragon flapped its wings and hurriedly passed in front of the two people.