Card Alchemist

Chapter 26 Puppet Manufacturing

Hatred drives Starr so that he can't forget Cole's eyes that he refused to close his eyes all the time. Of course, he destroyed his friend's body with his own hands.

Based on this hatred, Star launched a crazy study of flesh and blood puppets. He has read almost all the books about puppets in the library. If there is not enough time, he will take these books to the fire mushroom forest to read.

The flesh and blood puppet does not have a strong body, and the only corpse is used as a weapon.

Because there is enough time and enough materials.

If you dare to have some eyeless monsters to disturb him, that's what Star wants. And the final result of those Warcrafts is to make Starr the puppet, and almost all the bodies of Warcrafts are used by Star. Even for a moment, the fire mushroom forest could no longer make Star's satisfactory Warcraft.

In just three days, Star has not only summarized the notes of all his predecessors in the library, but also made great progress in the experiments on the body of Warcraft, which has benefited him a lot.

Even in the early morning of the fifth day, Star had already stood in front of Sadek with a formed flesh-and-blood puppet, and the butcher was shocked at that time. He never thought that the servant could do this without the guidance of his mentor. Of course, except that it can't move, this puppet is no different from those ordinary flesh and blood puppets.

"Mentor." Starr put the made puppet on the floor, and his expression was extremely depressed at this moment. This is not what he pretended to do. Starr's heart is indeed extremely sad.

"Is there still no progress?"

Sadek looked at the body with a surprised expression. From the appearance, the puppet still looks like a rotten corpse, but he knows what is hidden in the corpse. Just from the muffled sound of hitting the floor when Star put the puppet on the ground just now, it can be heard that the body has far exceeded the weight of an adult.

"No, I transformed all the bodies as written in the book. But now there is only the last problem left. Star shook his head. I can't order him to move.

Sadek silently stepped forward and gently fiddled along the wound of the body with the scepter in his hand. Under the already stiff muscles, the metallic luster is exposed. The bones and muscles of ordinary human beings have a certain strength. Too much strength will damage muscles and even break bones. If it is replaced with metal, the strength will increase significantly compared with the previous one.

But metal is used instead of bones. After all, there are also shortcomings.

Among the strong human beings, there are many knights who can break metal with one punch. Even if such a flesh-and-blood puppet is strengthened to the top, it can't support the ability of a thorn knight.

As for the puppet in front of him, Sadek smiled twice, which is almost equivalent to a junior knight. Any two soul armors can be torn into pieces!

"The puppet also needs life, just as human beings need souls!" Sadek comforted Star, "A powerful alchemist doesn't even need a troublesome puppet like you to make a body. They only need the soul of a creature to make a more powerful puppet."

Just like those servants. Even if you die, you will imprison their souls in a cold set of armor. Star cursed fiercely.

"But how can the puppet created have a soul? Or let it move?"

"The flesh and blood puppet needs to use the soul as a traction. If there is no suitable soul, it can be replaced with the nucleus of Warcraft. It's just that this will make the puppet unable to move as smoothly as before, and when the nuclear energy is exhausted, it must be replaced in time. Sadek is indeed a madman who focuses on alchemy. If you can discuss alchemy with him, he can even talk about it day and night. So, my dear child, what do you think is the most magical thing in this world?

"Is it alchemy, mentor?" Star casually flattered a little flattery.

"No, alchemy can be studied and analyzed. No matter how profound this knowledge is, it can only be used as a tool by human beings at best. Sadek shook his head. The most magical thing in the world is life, which can also be said to be the soul. Even an omnipotent alchemist can't analyze his soul thoroughly.

"Is this the reason why the soul can replace the crystal nucleus?" Star nodded and pointed to the body under his feet. So, mentor, can you help me drive this puppet?"

"Of course. I happen to have the soul of a magic ape. Although it does not have human intelligence, it can also do some relatively simple and repetitive work. Sadek laughed, and the 300-pound flesh-and-blood puppet was easily picked up by him. Usually, we alchemists will engrave magic arrays on puppets and give the soul-driven arrays. However, this is usually engraved on the metal bones in the puppet's body, so that someone will not destroy the alchemy array... Of course, you can also do the same."

Sadek put the scepter under his ribs and opened the puppet's mouth with one hand. Star can clearly feel the magic of the other party and is slowly gathering to the fingertips along the meridians. Sadek's fingertips quickly scratched the puppet's tongue coating. At the moment of rapid movement, circles of magic lines were left on the tongue coating.

At the moment when the magic pattern was completed, a weak and invisible outline followed the whirlpool produced by the magic pattern and was quickly elongated and integrated into the puppet's tongue like a tornado.

"Come on, Star. Put your hand here and walk the magic into the alchemy array. This puppet will belong to you forever!" Sadek let go of his hand. This puppet given a soul can stand on its own without support.

"But, mentor. I don't have any magic at all..." Star shook his head fiercely. This puppet has been tamped by Sadek, at least he will not approach it easily.

"It's okay. A drop of blood is fine." A trace of brilliance flashed in Sadek's eyes, as if he was a little chagrined. It's just that in this case, your control over the puppet will be weaker. If you encounter a slightly stronger magic interference, you won't even be able to control the puppet.

"You can't control me!" Star thought hard, but still pretended to be at a loss. Tutor, what should I do?

"My child, you don't have to worry. When you are as powerful as me in the future, the control puppet will not be disturbed by any outside world.

In this way, Star completed his first puppet, but he did not give up because of it. Back in the laboratory, Stamali opened the puppet's wound and carefully took off a layer of metallic tin foil. It's not as Sadek thought. His apprentice used all-metal instead of bones. This is the only corpse of a thorn knight, and its powerful muscles and bones have far exceeded the strength of synthetic metals. Although this puppet can't restore the original strength of the Thorn Knight, it is more than enough to deal with the soul armor in the castle.

Also, Star doesn't know the alchemy array engraved on the puppet's tongue. At the same time, it is also slightly different from the array engraved on the soul armor. But he did not relax his vigilance because of this. Maybe it is such a different place that will affect his future revenge. Taking out the kraft paper, Starr quickly reproduced the array on the paper. But this question can only be solved in the evening.

Starr really wants to surprise Alice before this, and he has mastered a ability to fight against Sadek! But he couldn't do this. If Alice knew, she would not forgive herself for any reason.

Forget it, just hide it.

Star really wants to have a good sleep. In the past few days, he has exhausted his mind by studying flesh and blood puppets. The eyelids are getting heavier and heavier, and the nightmare invades in an instant.

"Ah!" The sad and painful screams sounded in the laboratory, and one after another begging for mercy woke Starh from his dream.

"What's going on?"

Star looked at the servant who had almost collapsed to the ground in a panic, like a weak lamb hiding from Sadek, who was smiling at him. Twenty-four servants are here, including Alice beside him and the two thorn knights tied opposite.

The huge alchemy array was re-described in the laboratory. Everyone was tied to the pillar and stood on the edge of the array, with a strange magic pattern under their feet. With the deep and perniffing spells in Sadek's mouth, the magic lines under his feet slowly stretched out strips of silk threads and plunged into the bodies of the servants. With the beating of the transparent silk thread, Starr can clearly see that the blood in the teenagers' bodies is being introduced into the center of the formation with the silk thread.

"You butcher! You will go to hell!" The curse of the scar and the cry of the servants, and the voice gradually gathered in a miserable river.

"Will I go to hell?" Sadek heard the scolding and turned his head to look at Scar. No, my dear buddy. I'll take you to see Death first!"

Star's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe what he saw. The silk thread suddenly wrapped the scar, and the pointed head pierced into the strong body of the scar. As the transparent silk thread squirmed, the thorn knight quickly shrank down. He didn't even have time to shout out. His body was like a hollowed skin, weakly piled up on the ground, and turbid pus kept flowing in the layers of skin folds.

And with the sucking of the silk thread, a black object is slowly bulging in the center of the array.

"You idiot!" There was a trace of tears in the corners of Star's eyes. "If I had informed the knights earlier when I was in the Temple of Death, such a thing would not have happened."

The spell has been going on, and as every tone peak turns, a servant will quickly turn into a skin. Those timid teenagers were so scared that they couldn't cry, and the smell suddenly filled the whole laboratory.

"No, you bastard. Come to me in advance!"

The angry Star suddenly blurted out. At this time, the sound in the laboratory seemed to disappear in an instant. The rest of the servants widened their eyes and looked at Starr incredibly, as if he had said something he shouldn't have said. The spell was also interrupted by the roar. Sadek slowly turned his body and looked at Star with a kind smile.

"Bear, my dear apprentice, I almost forgot you! But I think before that. You should punish Miss Alice who dares to betray me first.

Sadek said, and his eyes stopped on the trembling girl.