Card Alchemist

Chapter 30 Metal limbs

The spread of metal limbs is not limited to alchemists.

This kind of expensive and cumbersome technology is often used more on mercenaries. Therefore, the mechanic industry is also extremely popular.

Those who are used to licking blood on the edge of the knife can easily lose their arms or legs in battle. Once they become crippled, the mercenaries who love fighting can no longer get tasks from the union, or even pick up their beloved weapons for the rest of their lives. Therefore, many people are willing to take out all their savings in exchange for such metal limbs. Gradually, the metal limbs have also become the medal of bravery for mercenaries.

But even the strongest mercenaries are equipped with metal limbs, it will take half a month to dare to use these cold limbs.

Because at the end of the metal limb, it is connected to the spinal nerve. Before you are not used to it, even if you move a little, you will be rolled all over the ground in pain. It takes at least half a year for ordinary people to operate it skillfully. Otherwise, this thing will become a physical burden. It is very easy to die in battle, not to mention the way. But if you can operate this thing skillfully, it is not much different from the real arm.

It even far exceeds the limbs of human beings.

The metal limbs on Sadek's body are made of a special metal. This metal can not only make the magic run freely, but also has no hindrance to the circulation of fighting gas. And Star's right arm is also this material.

Sta, who was robbed of his right arm, wants to gain more power than ever, especially after Sadek's words. After you skillfully manipulate the metal arm, come to the laboratory to find me. I will teach you 'the refining of the human body' and 'the stone of the sage'.

The day after installing this thing, Starr got into the 'Gate of Heaven' despite Alice's obstruction. The fastest way to familiarize yourself with this arm is to withstand the threat of death again. Because in the face of death, people can inspire infinite potential!

The day after Sadek announced that he would accept all the servants as apprentices, the whole castle was filled with an extremely strong atmosphere of magic learning. As soon as it got dark, the servants who had finished all their work gathered in the library. The tall bookcase is almost full of the whole library, where there are many magic books, which record almost all kinds of magic. The disturbing discussions of more than 20 servants suddenly made the quiet castle lively.

They are so excited that they want to learn magic and want to be the only lucky person who can inherit Sadek's mantle. The motivation of dreams and the comparison between them make the servants even crazy. They are making rapid progress, and some people even learn how to successfully enter the meditative state on the first day. But not everyone has the talent to practice magic, and Sadek did not make these servants who are insulated from magic lose the motivation to struggle. He let these servants, who could not feel the magic element at all, practiced fighting spirit. To this end, Sadek specially made several empty rooms for these servants to practice. He doesn't want these idiots to inadvertently burn their library.

"This is such an interesting scene that I can't believe my eyes." The undead wizard cracked his white teeth, and the hoarse laughter was as unpleasant as scratching on the glass. He wanted to find a familiar figure in the hustle and hustle. Unfortunately, he failed. Why didn't I see the teenager named Star? Have you killed him, my lord?

Sadek shook his head. He excitedly raised his newborn arm, which made the undead wizard under the cloak envious.

"I also lost my arm because of the failure to arrest the black dragon. And the Holy See has been wary of what happens to you in the whole Death Forest, and those bastards make it impossible for me to get servants from the outside world. I don't want to slow down the progress of the experiment again. Because of excitement, Sadek blushed with a smile. Moreover, I can't bear to execute that cute little mouse like this. His acting skills are so clumsy that he knows the truth, but he dares not resist in order to survive. Do you know how painful it was when he saw him lose his right arm? That expression almost made me fall in love with him.

"That's a pity. I didn't see it." The undead wizard shrugged his shoulders helplessly. But how is he now?

"I installed a metal arm for him, and he didn't want to get out of bed for a month. I can't wait to see his painful expression immediately!" Sadek curled his mouth and said, "But the progress of the experiment has to slow down again. I have to wait for his body to fully recover before I can continue my experiment. Otherwise, my future body will not be so perfect. Before that, I'd better go and see the materials you brought back for me.

The two turned around and walked upstairs, and the servant's discussion was left far behind by them until it gradually disappeared.

The fire mushroom forest has returned to its previous heat, and the light blue flames are burning. As soon as Sta's feet stepped on the ground, the strong wind blew in the mushroom forest, and a dark shadow came straight to his face.

"Swordmang!" Star shouted.

The silver wolf could hardly be recognized by him. After a few days, his body was as big as a calf, and his eyes were full of fierceness. If it hadn't been for the miscellaneous hair on its forehead, Star would have almost recognized it. The sword was spread on Star, and his wet tongue made his face drool.

"Man, stop playing." Star patted Jian Mang on the head. The little boy who was able to act coquettish in his arms a few days ago has become so strong. This situation can only occur in the 'Gate of Heaven'. I still have something to do."

Jian Mang licked Star's right hand. The metallic body made Jian Mang's eyes full of doubts.

"Go and help me catch a demon."

The strong sword light has long become a strong man in the fire mushroom forest. Wherever it goes, flocks of bone crows are blown away, and low-level monsters run away desperately. Star stood outside the forest, and his left hand strangely left a magic array on the black soil full of spider silk cracks. This is the "Stricken Beast Array" he learned specially for the skilled use of his right arm, which can trap creatures whose strength is more than several times different according to the strength of the alchemist's magic.

Until this time, Star could not feel the presence of his right arm. He now has to rely on the extreme threat of death to break through the limits of his potential.

Soon, Jian Mang came with a demon. The cowardly demons trembled in the mouth of Jian Mang. They were timid by nature and would not have the idea of resisting when they met powerful enemies. It took him three days to kill the first demon.

The demon was thrown into the magic array. It looked at Star warily and shrank desperately to the foot of the array. It was not until Jian Mang's figure disappeared in the open space outside the mushroom forest that the demon spirit began to observe the enemy in front of him. If the enemy is weaker than itself, it will be extremely ferocious.

Warcraft is wise. Star firmly believed this, and while the demon was observing himself, he was also secretly guarding himself.

The demon pretends to be short and licks the front paws like scissors with his tongue. This seemingly leisurely action is actually a standard blindfold. Between the electric flint, its back legs, which also have strong muscles, pedaled, and the demon's whole body stretched in the air to form a jumping and attack.

Star can clearly see that the demon's body even has an obvious lag in the air. The whole body is stretched in a streamlined stretch, just like a big bird, and four blade-like claws on its forelimbs are rushing towards him. On the big mouth, the rough and sharp canine teeth are aimed at his own throat.

Star dragged his right arm and retreated quickly.' The battle of trapped beasts was limited by himself to escape space, so he had no space to deal with demons.

There is still no feeling in the right arm. It is like a pile of broken copper iron connected to the body.

"Wo..." There was an unpleasant tearing sound, and the magic spirit's sharp teeth bit on Star's right arm, and suddenly there was a harsh sound of metal friction. The demon was tearing desperately, and his body, which was as flexible as a monkey, twisted a few times in the air, trying to pull the arm off Star's body through this violent tear. Suddenly, there was a strong tearing pain in the place where the metal limbs were connected to the shoulders, and the feeling of being peeled off by silk came back to the body again.

Star hit the demon's head with his left hand desperately. This agile thing can avoid its own knife every time.

The white cuffs have already been bitten to pieces. It seems to find that it can't bite the arm with its own teeth. In the long and narrow eyes, the ferocious red eyes turned, and it aimed at the throat again.

Star drove his right arm desperately, and the bone-scraping pain had already been numb. He understands that in a narrow space, fast and small demons really pose a fatal threat to him. If there is no way to move his right arm, then this timid guy is the only one who can get out of the array alive.

Suddenly, he almost had the general illusion that the extinct volcano had erupted again. A flash of lightning burst along the spine and quickly spread all over the body. Star only felt black in front of him, his head was dizzy, and his heart seemed to be blocked by something. His throat was sweet, and he almost opened his mouth and vomited.

The shiny right arm brush with metallic luster waved in front of him, bringing a sound of wind, and hit the head of the demon who rushed up impartially.

This poor little thing, without even making a miserable cry, fell to the ground so quickly. Star only felt that the surface of the earth trembled violently, and the demon's body hit the ground like a cannonball. A deep depression was smashed on the hard black soil, and in the center of the depression was a pool of corpses that had turned into broken meat.

Star did it on the ground. Listening to his gasp like a bellows, he smiled proudly. His right arm could at least move, and he just broke through the shackles and reached the intermediate knight. Feeling the gradually recovering power in his body, Star turned up with difficulty.

The metal limbs can only move. Star wants to make it as flexible as a real arm!

The Warcraft in the fire mushroom forest has once again suffered annihilation!