Card Alchemist

Chapter 39 The Day of Rebellion

The castle of the ruler Death Forest ushered in its riot for the first time and the last change.

When the first warcraft broke free from the cage that ran out of magic energy and rushed out of the forbidden area, it roared angrily. The roar almost shocked the earth, and suddenly filled the whole castle. Everyone was shocked by this, and no one understood what was going on!

A large number of synthetic beasts broke away from the restricted area and gathered into the interior of the castle.

A large number of monsters that were regarded as experimental products also rushed out of the prison, and the narrow corridor was suddenly crowded. A thick fishy smell on Warcraft came from time to time, and the unpleasant smell was suffocating

This time, it is no longer like the Warcraft escape a few months ago.

The last time Starr just released the giant mantis in a planned way. He mainly wanted to know the characteristics of Sadek and the thorn knights. But this time, even Star did not expect that all the monsters in the forbidden area in the whole castle were released together. Of course, it also includes those synthetic beasts subject to Sadek. Such a powerful alliance is enough to make Sadek burnt. If he is lucky, it is even possible to kill Sadek here.

And when a large number of monsters gather together, they show a kind of crazy, terrible, and even super horrible destructive power. The giant monsters roared and frantically vented their anger that had been regarded as an experiment. In the corridor, even the entire restricted area has been damaged, and the whole castle has become a mess.

There are hundreds of locked monsters in the castle. There are all kinds of magic birds flying in the sky, and the sharp sound is intertwined with an exciting musical instrument. The carpet was full of tens of thousands of magic insects, and the sound of grinding the tentacles converged into the prelude to death. Along with the monsters of different sizes on the ground, they also looked up to the sky and roared, making a deafening roar.

This is a spectacular scene rarely seen in the Death Forest for thousands of years. No one has ever encountered such a scene, and the madness of killing suddenly tilts out.

The explosion sounded endlessly, and flames gushed out from the corner of the castle. The thick black smoke rushed straight to the sky, swept by with the wind, and the smoke column suddenly formed a dark cloud.

Iron feather eagles, roc dishes, and blood-sucking bats hovered and danced wildly. Their wings converged into a brilliant rainbow in the process of flying, waving their wings into a large wind. Purple-beaked foxes, blue-eyed wild bears, and black-skinned pythons are everywhere.

Even a large number of Warcrafts have rushed to the open territory of the castle, and almost everything you can see is occupied by Warcraft in a few moments, and you can hardly find a place to step.

The castle is full of flying flames and thick smoke. All monsters release their own magic abilities at the same time, flames, ice rain, wind, mud and sand, raging crazily in the castle.

With the wailing of the servants and the sound of asking for help, it almost became a piece. No one in the castle would have thought of this situation. They were still dreaming about today's experiment, and they were not even prepared to die in their sleep. The two thorn knights desperately resisted the raging monsters, but with the power of the two, they could not fight against so many monsters at all.

And after a long career as a prisoner, many intelligent high warcrafts have hated everyone in this castle. When they have the opportunity to resist, they will never hesitate to defend freedom and dignity with their lives.

The huge shock and the shocking roar woke up Sadek, who was still asleep. He didn't even have time to wear his clothes, so he hurried to the window to look down. The spectacular scene in front of him shocked Sadek with earthy face.

"How could this happen?!" Sadek shouted angrily, but no one could tell him the answer. What answered him was the roar of Warcraft and the wailing of the servants.

Scar hurried to the top floor and shouted at Sadek, "My lord, it's not good. All the monsters have run out, and the whole castle has become a pot of porridge!"

"I saw it. You don't need to tell me. I want to know who did it!" Sadek was furious. In his sleep, he thought it was killed by the Holy See. But as long as they don't catch the handle, they can rely on their identity as the elder of the alchemy guild to be alone. This is by no means an ordinary mistake. Where is Star's people? I swear he must have done it!"

"He blocked the warcraft that came up with Lailen below!" Scar said in a hurry. Those monsters are so fierce that we can't resist them at all!"

"What?" Sadek was stunned by the scar words. He thought that Star would take advantage of the chaos to escape. Does he have any other conspiracy? Let him come to see me!"

"Forget it, I'll go down." Sadek quickly shouted at the scar that turned around and left, "I want to see what's going on down there!"

Sadek hurriedly put on his coat. Everything happened today is so disorganized. Isn't Starr afraid of making trouble for him? If he didn't release those monsters, who else could be there? But if it weren't for him, who would it be? All the servants are under their control, only two thorny knights and undead wizards!

And the undead wizard hasn't returned to the castle for at least seven days. Is it him? Sadek glanced at the scar and suddenly looked like dead ashes. He thought that he could rest assured by holding the handle of the wizard, but he didn't expect that he would dare to do this!

The two hurried out of the laboratory and just rushed out of the gate. The roar of Warcraft almost deafen their ears! The overwhelming monsters came one after another, like a tide.

"Mentor!" Star saw Sadek rushing down and shouted loudly. We can't hold on any longer!"

As soon as the voice fell, a blue-eyed bully bear rushed forward. The huge body came overwhelmingly, and the short but thick claws waved frantically in front of him. Seeing this, Leren immediately rushed forward, and the thin sword in his hand went straight to the throat of the bear.

Although Leren is also a thorny knight, he is still much inferior to dealing with rough-skinned and thick blue-eyed bears.

"Roar!" The storm bear blocked Lailan's thin sword with his front paws, and the rock-solid front paws actually bent the thin sword. With the sound of cracking, the sword body was broken in an instant.

Star's shortness of breath was almost stunned by the life-and-death battle in front of him, and the action of preparing to rescue Leren also stopped. The ready-to-go tyrant raised his neck and let out a hoarse, dull but thunderous roar. Leren waved his knife, and the brilliant fighting spirit quickly covered his palms, and he cut the bear's neck without hesitation. The knife was like a big mouth with thorns that bit the festering neck of the tyrant bear and refused to let go at all. The thin blood sprayed like a volcanic eruption, hissing out through the cracks of his fingers.

"Save me!" When Lailan saw the people after her, she couldn't help shouting loudly.

But at this time, the bear's left limb made a seemingly struggling movement and hit the thorny knight who tore his wound very clumsily.

There was a thunderbolt, and the sound of the explosion was like a mountain cannon, roaring! The whole corridor trembled like **, and the candles on both sides of the corridor swayed crazily. The blood suddenly shot out and smashed down like rain!

Star, standing behind Leren, only felt the surface trembling violently, and he almost had the illusion that he was in the range of volcanic eruptions. The loud noise made his eyes dark, and he only felt dizzy, and his ears were 'buzzing'.

When the dizzy Star woke up, he suddenly found that the thorn knight who had just been patted by the head, only the lower half of his body appeared in his vision at this time, and half of his body had been knocked out of the wall, and the huge force abruptly smashed the corridor. A big pit on the strong is still emitting fog-like dust.

The lower half of Leren's body was inserted horizontally in the middle of the road, and most of his body was also exposed on the outside of the castle. His head was directly smashed by the palm of the tyrant bear, and his brain and blood were mixed on the ground. Sadek's eyes widened, and his once shining eyes were full of unbelievable.

"What a lot of strength!" Starr thought it was horrible! If you don't see it with your own eyes, you absolutely can't believe it! At the same time, he was a little lucky that he didn't rush out to rescue. If he was careless, maybe he would be slapped to death by the tyrant bear.

Stasch stood up straight, holding an iron gun that had just been pulled out of the wall in his hand. The bully bear is not dead yet. Although the blood overflowing from his neck has formed a shallow pool of blood on the ground, he absolutely does not dare to rush forward. He didn't want to be regarded as a leading bird by Sadek, but died in the hands of these monsters.

"What's going on with these monsters?" Sadek quickly recovered from the short shock, and he grabbed Star's collar.

The chaos in the castle is getting worse and worse. A large number of monsters were madly breaking free from the imprisonment given to them by Sadek and rushed to the top of the castle. Although Sadek has mobilized all the soul armor in the castle to quell this disaster, because of the large number of monsters, those iron cans have already been squeezed at the foot of the wall, unable to move at all, nor can they suppress these irritable and fierce beasts.

Blood and crying tore the peace above the death forest. At this moment, the death forest is worthy of its name and becomes a purgatory on earth.

All the monsters are roaring crazily. After gaining the long-lost freedom, they wantonly destroy any building they can destroy with their ability, and see all the life they can see. Warcraft with magical abilities keep spitting flames, creating ice and rain, raising strong winds, raising mud and sand, and creating chaos in the castle.

The chaotic scene, the violent scene, the servants shouted in horror and helplessly, and everyone fell into a helpless state. Scar is directing the synthetic beasts in the laboratory to start a life-and-death battle with the monsters, but after all, he is just a small mercenary, and he can only retreat constantly under the continuous counterattack of the Warcraft.

All areas of the castle were destroyed at this moment.

Some rare plants have completely disappeared in the whole Hastan continent, and from then on this creature will become extinct. All the monsters are venting their anger in their hearts and their deepest hatred for the alchemy castle.

Sadek looked at all this like ashes, and his heart was already cold. He grabbed Star's collar and roared loudly. Tell me, what the hell is going on?"