Card Alchemist

Chapter 70 Destruction of the Wasteland

People's understanding of the abyss plane comes from the demise of the land of Gelug, which is known as a thorny hell and borders the fire mushroom forest.

Flames burst out everywhere in the demise wasteland of Gru's land, and even sweat will evaporate in an instant. Even the wind here will bring a dry heat, which is simply driving people crazy. There will always be a broken and dilapidated gods on the endless wilderness. Perhaps, this land is not necessarily cursed by God - no, I'm afraid it's more appropriate to forget than curse? On the boundless wilderness, there are dilapidated gods scattered, and there is no emotion on the indifferent face.

The statue is covered with spider silk-like cracks, stretching continuously. With a slight touch, it will instantly turn into powder.

Two rock puppets rushed out along the edge of the forest. Star did not expect that there would be such a horrible residence outside the fire mushroom forest. In the center of the infinite wilderness, it is the source of evil in the whole wilderness. From a distance, one end of the horizon is separated into two sections by a huge minaret. With the spire as the center, the bloody clouds spinning like a whirlpool cover the whole earth, completely dividing the light from the world.

This wilderness itself is evil - and that tower is the root of everything.

The whole wilderness was silent, and only the flames gushing from the cracks in the earth were roaring like a ghost. With the slow cohesion of clouds in the sky, the center of the tower is a deep black center, reminiscent of empty eyes. Looking from afar, large thorns full of sharp thorns are all around the tower, like a natural barrier!

Star took a deep breath. Judging from the traces of footprints on the ground, the group of people left here not long ago. Some of them were injured, and their footprints were deep and shallow.

By now, he has known the reason for the whole thing, the reason why the group of alchemists stepped here. They come from the third-party forces of the Alchemy Guild, and they are also the people who helped old Rogge make the 'Sage Stone'. And their purpose is the black tower!

Two rock puppets strode forward. In this unknown area, Star must be very careful. Although this is still the periphery of the abyss plane, there may also be powerful demons.

Two dark shadows flashed and quickly swept across the ground, bringing a hot wind!

The walking corpse-like humanoid fell to the ground, and its limbs stretched out like spiders. The two monsters crawled intertwined and knocked down the walking rock puppet.

The roar suddenly broke the silence of the destruction of the wasteland.

Star narrowed his eyes, and the two monsters slowly approached him. Their bodies are extremely thin, just like newborn babies. It's hard to imagine that such a thin body would have such a powerful force. In the place where they just lurked, there was also a skeleton - the skeleton of the synthetic beast.

It seems that the two little guys killed each other, which is not good news for Starr.

The ghoul-eating demon is the strongest next demon. Their strength is comparable to that of the Thorn Knights. If there is one, Star may have some confidence, but when two ghouls rush at the same time, he has to start to retreat.

The corpse-eating demons are thin and small. In the hot wind like purgatory, their skin and flesh melt, revealing abominable white bones. They are not undead but like undead. Their bodies are also stained with the blood of the remaining temperature of synthetic beasts, rubbing the thorny earth and dissolving the blood into the land. And the remaining bones will be quickly blown into powder by the wind!

The fallen rock puppet quickly hugged, and a huge stone wall suddenly rose from the ground.

The sudden barricade quickly blocked the way of the corpse-eating demon. Because the speed was too fast, a corpse-eating demon directly hit the stone wall. The stone wall half a foot thick suddenly split apart, and the gravel burst out for a moment, and the sound was shocking. And the corpse-eating demon also tasted the bitterness. The huge power directly made it lack half of its head, and the white brain splashed out, and the smell so bad!

With a 'squeak', the ghoul fell hard in the stone. The trembling body tried to stand up several times, but it quickly fell down.

But the other one reacted. It quickly bypassed its companions and its limbs ran crazily on the cracked ground. After running, the ground left a shocking blood path, and there was a string of footprints in the mottled marks. Although it was not big, it was extremely deep!

As early as the moment the stone wall collapsed, Star knew that the little thing was extremely powerful, and now he couldn't fight with him.

Two steps of rapid retreat, dodging the oncoming claw of the corpse-eating demon, and the front claws of the blade almost brushed the tip of Star's nose with the roaring wind! Lowering his waist, Star supported his hands and pulled out a huge axe. The body straightened quickly, like a pressed spring, jumping up suddenly.

There was a trace of cold light on the double-edged axe and cut off the head of the corpse-eating demon.

With this blow, Starr almost used all his strength. As long as he could cut it hard, even the calf would be cut in half.

The corpse-eating demon in mid-air had an obvious stagnation in the air. He couldn't avoid the smashed axe and hit it abruptly.

'Bang!' Starr's hands were numb, and the axe almost came out. No one thought that the ghoul-eating demon's head would be so hard that he resisted an axe, and there was a small crack in his head. But this did not seem to be a fatal blow to it... The cracked ground was smashed into a small human-shaped pit, and the ghoul shook its trance head fiercely, and its almost skull-like face stared at the stare.

At this time, another ghoul demon also recovered from dizziness. The two guys, one left and one right, surrounded Star in the form of horns.

Super fast speed, strong defense, horrible attack... The ghoul demon is indeed the strongest subordinate demon. At the same time, Star also realized that these things are just one of the more common creatures in the abyss plane. What would happen if they drilled into the main material surface through the transmission array?

Star slowly took two steps back. He couldn't drag down with these guys anymore. He had to fight quickly. The two ghouls are already very tricky for him. If they summon their companions again, they may not even be able to get out of this destruction wilderness!

Immediately, the murderous intention suddenly appeared!

Star clenched the hatchet with both hands. He was ready to concentrate on killing a corpse-eating demon first to avoid being attacked by the enemy.


The flame suddenly sprayed a fire snake from the cracks in the cracked earth. Star's eyes stared, and his magic was quickly exerted. The flames scratched a brilliant trace in the air, quickly connecting the beginning and end, trapping the corpse-eating demon on the left like a prison. The rising wall of fire roared and immediately blocked the sight of both sides.

Star roared and ran out with an axe.

The ghoul demon also made the same roar, slapped his limbs on the ground fiercely, and rushed quickly.

'Dang!' The sound of the golden stone hit instantly, and the ghoul demon actually grabbed the axe. There was a crack in its baby-like six fingers. Although it was not deep, it was still found by Star. His hands suddenly exerted force, and the six bamboo-like fingers were cut off by the brush, and hit the ground one after another.

But this time is enough, and the other paw of the ghoul has come out. Star only felt that his chest seemed to have been hit by a sledgehammer. He immediately took a few steps back, and there was a burst of blood in his chest. Immediately, a mouthful of dirty blood spewed out!

Blood splashed on the body of the corpse-eating demon's skin and bones, and the pale skin instantly sucked the mottled blood in. Staring at Star's round eyes were suddenly full of greed! The big mouth with a grin reveals white and sharp teeth, and the sharp teeth are like an upside-down dagger. His legs stepped on the ground fiercely, and the huge force made it bounce high, like a vicious dog rushing hard.

With a 'bang', Star's axe waved out.

The ghoul demon was smashed to the ground, and the huge force hit it far away, suddenly stirring up a large amount of dust.

With his hands around, two ice cones shot out fiercely, piercing the head of the corpse-eating demon. However, its head is really as hard as a rock, and the ice slag splashes, just a small hole.

Sta couldn't help frowning. The gaping axe in his hand quickly turned into a square hammer, and Star was determined to smash this guy's head into meat sauce!

The arrow rushed out, and Stargo raised the hammer in his hand.

However, at this moment, a dark shadow rushed out of the wrapped flame. The shadow rushed over and bit Starr's neck.

is the ghoul who was previously trapped in the wall of fire. Star was stunned and was caught off guard. However, the hammer has been raised above his head, and it is impossible to take it back at this time. Suddenly, a strong wind came behind him. Unconsciously, the other party had arrived behind him.

Star's heart suddenly sank. Originally, he planned to kill a ghoul-eating demon when he was injured, but it seemed that he had to die with hatred this time! After wiping his cheeks, he quickly bumped into the rushing corpse-eating demon.

It was a silver figure, which was as strong as an antelope and threw the corpse-eating demon to the ground.

Staring looked at it and almost shouted excitedly!