Card Alchemist

Chapter 85 Alternative Teaching

Nearly a hundred students flocked to it.

Smart people don't follow stupid rules like conservative knights. Instead of choosing a duel, it was a group fight.

But even so, it can't reduce the fists they get. In their words, Starr was like a stone man. The fist that hit him was only like a hammer on a stone, and it was hard and swollen.

To tell the truth. These knights and cadets are absolutely several times more proficient in all weapons than Star, and even the use of fighting spirit is one level higher than him. It's just that the martial arts of the former are performance, while the latter is a killing skill.

Of course, the final result is that these students, without exception, can't escape the black and blue face.

"Who just said that a gentleman is always better at fighting than a hooligan?" Star glared at the students who kept wailing on the ground, and his expression was unconcealed pride. Since you can't beat me, do you admit that you are hooligans?

"Nonsense!" The students argued weakly for their failure: "The enemy we have met before has never been as... cunning as you." The student paused for fear of angering the evil star again, so he racked his brains to finally think of a more compromise word to describe Star.

"Cunning?" Star raised his eyebrows unhappily and asked rudely. So tell me, what about the enemies you met before? The person who spoke just now, please show me."

The bruised student got up from the ground aggrievedly. He stared at Star fiercely and shouted loudly, "When we fight, we never kick people there..."

He glanced at Sta's ** with his eyes, and his expression was a little angry. Thinking of Star's foot just now, he looked a little cringe.

"So I said you are just a group of hooligans, a group of mob. I can't even fight!" Star said. Anyway, he was determined to make trouble with Kemesl. That guy dares to play with himself, so Star will naturally not be polite. Since these little bastards are not easy to discipline, they can only change the direction of guidance. Fool, pick up your sword. Imagine your enemy standing in front of you and stab him hard.

The named student picked up the sword in his hand aggrievedly. He didn't dare to linger. His companion just was just a little stunned and was rudely rewarded. He fell down hard, and even two of his teeth were broken.

He imagined the damn officer standing in front of him, piercing his heart fiercely with a sword.

This is a standard Holy See attack. Not only the power, speed and even accuracy of the sword can meet the requirements of first-class knights. The martial arts of the Holy See have reduced the gorgeous and fancy fake moves through the research of successive knights. Even the simplest sword condenses the wisdom of several generations.

When the student stabbed the sword, all his companions couldn't help slapling him. They looked at Star provocatively to see what he would say next. Coley is the most serious student among them, and he is also one of the few candidates for the Holy Knights. His trick is that even the most senior pity knight can't find any flaws and can't pick out any thorns.

Even Star couldn't help nodding. However, he soon began to regret, because such a good seedling like the Holy See was about to be destroyed in his own hands.

'Bang!' Star took two steps forward and slapped him fiercely. Even if there are no bones in the egg, Star has to pick it!

"What kind of swordsmanship are you?" Star asked fiercely.

"The most authentic Holy See swordsmanship!" Coley replied loudly.

"Bullshit! Why are you stabbing someone else's chest?" Star grabbed the trainee's sword and patted his armor fiercely. Look, those rich knights and nobles, which armor inlaid on the chest is not the largest and hardest? Even you rookie's armor is an inch thick. Do you think your sword can pierce other people's hearts?

Everyone was stunned. They, who have been receiving formal education from the Holy See, have never heard such a distorted theory, but it doesn't seem to be wrong.

"But sir, where should I stab?" Collie asked in a low voice.

"The crotch of the trousers!" Star's sword came out and stopped in front of Coley's two trembling calves. No one can protect all parts tightly, so that place is fragile and stabbed wherever it is! Don't hesitate to use your strength decisively.

"So, sir, where should the knee be?" The students asked again.

"Top crotch!" Star replied without hesitation.

This kind of alternative teaching quickly won the support of this group of rookies. The formal teaching of the Holy See for ten years has already made them disgusted. Now Star has broken the conventional training method and has tame these little rabbits.

When teaching martial arts, Star usually asks this group of students to demonstrate it by themselves, and then tamper with the martial arts of the Holy See.

The upright martial arts of the Holy See knights are hidden by Star, mixed with countless ingenuous moves that completely deviate from the chivalry. If you don't pay special attention to these obese moves, you can't see them at all. Moreover, this kind of martial art, which was originally derived from the challenge between knights, soon became a must-kill move. These moves quickly became synonymous with despicable and vicious.

These are purely similar tricks of street hooligan fights, which are not only put on the table by Star, but also handed over to these young men who absorb knowledge like sponges.

"You know, many times, the enemy is unwilling to fight with you one-on-one. And not every time, you all have the absolute upper hand. Star said loudly. These little guys sat on the ground honestly, staring at Star. They look like a group of obedient babies. Only Star knows what kind of butchers he will train.

The sword light lying in the sun kept ringing its nose, as if it was disdainful.

"shir, what should we do if we are at a disadvantage?" Coley, who used to be the most formal knight, has now become the most modest and want to learn. He always seems to have endless questions. Is it running away?"

Star nodded with satisfaction. The results of this kind of teaching are almost beyond my imagination. The word escape is basically a 'taboo' in the mouth of the knights of the Holy See. The Holy See has always had only warriors who died in battle and no coward who escaped.

"You can escape, but that's at an absolute disadvantage." Star smiled and said, "If we have no equipment, no weapons and no companions, we can only take advantage of our own advantages. Only by training our joints into steel can we beat all the people who look down on you all!" The hardest parts of a person's body are fists, knees and elbows. And the softest places are the eyes, throat and crotch. When facing the enemy, don't hesitate to hit the most vulnerable part of them.

"Yes, sir!" The students replied loudly.

"When dealing with the enemy, don't believe in tolerance and forgiveness. Because they are enemies, and they are poisonous snakes. Spare them, and they will bite you when you turn around and go deep into the bone marrow!" Star said solemnly, "Don't be soft in the face of the enemy. You should always choose to kill with one blow. In the future, when fighting, apply the strongest poison on your weapons and install the sharpest inverted hooks on your joints!"

"Do you understand?" Star asked sharply.

"Yes, my lord!" The students replied with one voice.

During the period when Star took over the group of knights, Kemesle was still sitting in the room with his legs crossed and drinking coffee. He had been waiting for the good news that Star would quit, but he was stunned when he saw all the students standing neatly into a phalanx. He knew that the nominal leader was a fierce character, but he didn't expect that he could be obedient to the group of kids so quickly.

But when he saw that all the students were blue and blue, all his doubts were solved in an instant. Before that, he had thought that Starr might use force to restrain this group of unruly guys, so he was already prepared. Can you explain what's going on? You are just an honorary leader. Who gave you such a right? You know, hurting them rashly like this will bring you a lot of trouble!"

Kemesl deliberately bit the word 'honor'.

Star narrowed his eyes. He had long thought that Kemesle would do this. He looked at the students, not as nervous as Kemesle imagined. Guys, tell you, my dearest Lord Kemesul, have I ever hit you?

"No!" The students answered loudly.

"So what's the matter with you?" Kemesr frowned. Answer me!"

"I fell by myself!"

Star dares to swear that this sentence was definitely not taught by him. He even wanted Kemesle to remove his title of honorary knight because of these little kids, so as to get rid of this thankless job. But these little kids actually said such things that even he didn't believe it.

Kemesl coughed fiercely twice to cover up the embarrassment of the expression change after suddenly showing joy just now.

"Then as their officer, you can't let your students get hurt and sit idly by!" Kemesle turned the spearhead and pointed straight at Star. You should pay for your negligence!"

"If the officer must be responsible for everything, then Lord Kemesl - should you also be responsible for the injury of your subordinates on the night of my trial?"

"What did you say?" Star's sophistry made Kemezton furious. He stretched out his hand to Luo Luo and said word for word, "I think you should pay for your wording, but before that, we should get to know each other. I want to know if you have the ability to teach this group of students!"

A strong smell of gunpowder suddenly burst out. Almost everyone knew what happened to the chief judge on that night, and Kemesle made it an unforgettable humiliation on the spot. Now being proposed by Starr on the spot is tantamount to slapping him in the face.

"Well, that's what I mean." Star said with a smile.