Card Alchemist

Chapter 89 Training like this

The next days are simple and monotonous.

During the day, Rista will comprehensively guide the training of the group of rookies to make them stronger and accumulate a team for themselves. At night, he will begin to meditate and improve his magic, so as to deepen his understanding and control of the aura.

As for the teaching content of those students, Star intends to adopt the university's sheep-style teaching method. Bad teachers and good students can also produce good grades. Then the courses they are about to face are what Starr said before: weight-bearing long-distance running, air-turning training and boxing training.

"Ah!" Everyone couldn't help shouting. Everyone thought that what Starr said to himself yesterday was just a joke. Originally, they were looking forward to those amazing training. They wanted to learn to solve Kemesle's martial arts skills easily with the gap between the three titles, but no one thought that the training they had to face turned out to be this virtue.

"Shir, you're not joking with us, are you?"

"Yes, children in crotch pants can run."

The students immediately quarreled, and they couldn't believe their ears. Although the previous training received in the Holy See is monotonous and unchanged, it will not be as strange as this. Naturally, this situation is also expected by Star. This group of rookies who think they are elite don't care about this kind of training at all.

"Rookies, listen to me! In fact, running is not simple. It not only needs to pay attention to the cooperation of breath and body, but also requires the cooperation of physical strength and perseverance. Seeing that the students were still careless, Star couldn't help laughing and said. Hey, rookies! Let's be happy first. It's too late for you to cry later.

Everyone is in a row according to the instructions. They are eager to challenge Stasta's upcoming arrangements for them.

"Ajutant Nick, you lead the team. Let everyone run 20 laps around the station. Before I call for a stop, you can only continue to run. Never stop until you faint. And you absolutely can't use fighting spirit!" Star shouted loudly.

"It's only 20 laps..." The students shouted disdainfully. I thought it would take at least 100 laps.

Sta didn't say anything, just responded with a smile.

Although the students' residence is not big, it takes at least a thousand yards to run around. These 20 laps are not a small amount! It is not easy for people who have not been specially trained to complete the journey.

Nick rushed out first, and he ran around the periphery of the station. All the students also followed, and they also had enough strength to eat milk and chased Nick in front of them desperately. Everyone wants to break through the end at the first time and complete this seemingly simple task.

For a while, the whole team was in a mess.

Because almost every student wants to see how his officer is spleened, and they want a better training method. So after every lap, he shouted loudly at Star, who was watching, "Side, we've finished another lap."

It's just that they were disappointed that their officer didn't say anything about it. Gradually, the shouting sounded down and was replaced by a heavy gasp. And all this was seen by Star.

Gradually, someone began to fall down, until after ten laps, the people who could barely stand could count with one slap, including Wolf Caesar. To Sta's surprise, Nick fell down on the fifth lap. It seems that human physical strength is never as good as Bi Meng.

"Stand up. Aren't you going to run a hundred laps?" Star proudly walked to the physically weak students. This is the extreme training I arranged for you. This is just the beginning, and I will increase my training from tomorrow. Those who have not completed the training are not allowed to eat for a day.

From dawn until noon, these students reluctantly completed the task.

"Shir, why do we have this monotonous training?" At lunch, Nick, who was pushed as a representative, couldn't help asking. We all think it should be some handsome martial arts or the use of fighting spirit.

Star smiled and didn't know how to explain it to them. Can you just say it so directly - your officer can't do any martial arts skills, and even the use of fighting spirit is not as proficient as you. All people have great potential. But this potential is usually difficult to tap out. Only when it reaches the limit of personal endurance will the potential be slowly developed.

"But I don't know what's the use of this?" Caesar shrugged his shoulders. You know, I used to play this when I was in the tribe.

Bimon has no fighting spirit. The only thing that supports them to fight against human beings is the strong strength and superhuman physique. This kind of training is just pediatrics for them. But it's different for human beings. Humans with fighting spirit, magic and more means of attack ignore the strength of the body and choose to put the cart before the horse.

Star said with a smile, "For the time being, it doesn't work."

The jumping training in the afternoon made the rookies complain. Until the end of the day's training, they didn't even have the strength to hold chopsticks. Among them, Kemesl also came once. His regular knight scoffed at these trainings and didn't care at all.

Even more ruthlessly sneered that this group of elite students were destroyed in the hands of Star. He even declared on the spot that two months later, even half of the regular knights could get rid of these rookies.

"You're farting!" Caesar responded to him fiercely by pounding his chest.

"You know, he has always been like this." Nick added another sentence.

The angry Kemesr grabbed Caesar's skirt. He wanted to raise his fist and knock off the teeth of Bimon, who was known as barbarism, but he was soon surrounded by a group of passionate students.

"Okay, okay. I don't know how you scum fooled them, but if you lose the friendly match in two months, I will cut off your damn honorary title from the top. Our presiding judge said angrily. In fact, he was sure to knock down the group of rookies to the ground, but he didn't want his beautiful face to be hit by a few more fists.

"This bastard, when I saw him for the first time, I felt like I was stuck in my throat." Mana drooled at Kemesr's back.

"His martial arts skills are good, and his strength is ridiculous." Star said the truth. His shooting skills are not bad, and even his skills about the knight's charge are not bad. People like them, born in aristocrats, are really good at it! At least I can't compare."

Star may laugh at his opponents, but he will never despise them. It's also very easy to deal with them. This group of dogs fighting for profit can crack their fragile alliance as long as a bone is big enough.

Star was just a little uncomfortable to see the presiding judge at first.

However, Kemesul's words made him more energetic. He never wanted to make this group of rookies into his own team as he did now.

The next day's training was even more cruel, and all the students were required to be fully armed for long-distance running.

The Holy Knight Reserve has a lot of equipment. Although more than half of the one-in-one metal armor has been hollowed out, it will take at least 50 pounds. In addition, the tedious weapons such as war guns, giant swords and daggers have exceeded 100 pounds. When it is forbidden to use fighting spirit, the students' bodies are undoubtedly very weak.

Star understands that it is easy to cause a situation under this kind of extreme training. Especially in places like Witherspoon, although it is close to the water, there is a good chance of sudden death in very hot places. He must keep the students safe.

For this reason, he specially moved his alchemy place to the station. The first plants in the manor soon matured, so Star did not choose to be lazy. He almost completed the same amount of exercise with the group of students during the day, and he had to make some potions non-stop.

As for 'physical medicine', it is not a good choice. Although it can enable students to recover their physical strength quickly, it does not reflect the value of training at all.

Star wants to develop a new drink, which can not only allow students to maintain sufficient water and salt in the body in hot days, but also enhance their physique at ordinary times. Fortunately, it's not difficult. Through Doriel's hand, he bought another batch of seeds and planted them in the manor.

With the nutrients provided by Star, the effect of this extreme training is also very obvious, and the rookies quickly get used to this exercise.