Card Alchemist

Chapter 137 Decide to leave

A month has passed since the dry season of 932 in the continent of Hastan.

After a long time, the land of nectar greedily sucked the rain, Witherspoon regained its vitality again, and the Suprati River was as microwaved as before. The priest in a white robe sang the hymn of God in a loud voice in the church, and the harmony of the nuns spread to every corner of the city.

Whenever the carol sounds, all the devout believers will put down their work around the door of the church and sing in unison with the nun's harmony.

The farce a month ago seems to have passed, but no one can forget the last scene, the scene where Star announced his departure from the Holy See.

Time went back to St. Mark's Square a month ago. That day, the blood was almost covered with the lines of the slates on the whole square. Most of the people who died were the local indigenous people of Witherspoon, and they were killed by the Holy Knights of the Holy See. And these knights were also killed on the spot... Because of the order of the cardinal, those who dared to resist were killed without mercy!

Star did not choose to kill Kemesle. Because he knew that even Kemesr was crazy, he could not calm the cardinal's anger. What awaits him will be the torture of life and death.

"No, I want to leave the Holy See!"

Sta said silently. Although the sound was not loud, it seemed to spread all over the square in an instant. The cheers in the square suddenly stopped, and they turned their puzzled eyes to the upstart of the Holy See. The young man who became the head of the regiment at such a young age is almost equivalent to the position of a regional archbishop. Although he had been persecuted, the wise archbishop absolved him of his sins and restored his position.

But why did he leave the Holy See?

"Star, have you thought about it?" Leren was not surprised by Star's reaction, but asked in a low voice. No matter what you do, I will support you.

"Thank you!"

Star nodded. He didn't need to think more about leaving the Holy See at all. It was almost an instant idea. He didn't think that the cardinal who had never appeared would really prove his innocence. This situation was completely set up by him...

Who is it that has been delaying the reinforcements of the Order of the Holy Church, which led to the death of Scar?

Who is the title of Star as the head of the Knights of Judgment?

Who asked Starr to lead the rookie students to the Death Forest on the same day?

All this was done by the cardinal himself. There is no doubt that the archbishop and Kemesle absolutely belong to the cardinal's faction. If nothing happens, Starr will definitely die this time. However, Kemesr, a fool, used the wrong charge and was overthrown one by one by the Alchemist and Magic Society that came to make trouble. Kemesr, who has gone, not only did not reflect, but has always been superstitious that as long as he kills Star, he will win this battle. In fact, it is true!

But a large of civilians were slaughtered in the chaos!

The power of the Holy See is the believers from the common people, and the slaughter of civilians is equivalent to destroying the foundation of the Holy See. If the cardinal does not severely punish Kemesle for this matter, even his reputation will be affected.

That's why the cardinal decisively abandoned Kemesle in this situation. Anyway, there is a lot of this kind of waste... There are many people in the Holy See who want to follow him. Then, as a matter of course, the crimes imposed by Kemesr on Starr were all pushed down on the unlucky man.

Starke is not stupid enough to think that the cardinal wholeheartedly gives back the power of the head of the regiment to himself, which is just a stopgap after all. If you are still in the Holy See, sooner or later, the Lord in Red will take back what it has received today and will deal with it twice as much. My future will even be worse than Kemesl! Therefore, it is completely correct to leave the Holy See at this time.

"I want to follow you!" Leren showed his plan without hesitation. No matter where you go, I will follow you!"

Star squeezed his lips and looked at the remaining temple knights and the students who had been following him. This is not good news for them. After all, they have killed these sacred knights just now. Since the cardinal has restored the position of the Holy See, he is also exempted from all the crimes they have just committed.

People are always impulsive, and it is also normal to be unable to consider the consequences of events in anger. Once there is an opportunity to repent, everyone will reconsider. If you follow Starr, you will have to face the pursuit of the Holy See's law enforcement team... After all, not everyone is willing to die. Star has given everyone the opportunity to choose.

The Knights of the Holy Church stood behind Leren without hesitation. They have all experienced the edge of life and death, which is not comparable to those rookies. They all know the conspiracy behind it. Even the planning of the whole thing. They clearly knew the difficulties they faced after returning to the Holy See... Anyway, they were involved in this matter today. The cardinal will never spare the once rebellious team.

And those students are also a little hesitant. But the students who followed Star to the Death Forest did not hesitate at all. They all witnessed Kemesle's arrogance at that time and knew that even if they returned to the Holy See, they did not have a place to accommodate them. The students who escorted Bimeng seemed to be more determined this time. Since they shouldered the title of deserter, they have vaguely vowed that there will never be a second time.

Therefore, under Star's eyes, everyone's opinions seemed surprisingly consistent. Although Starr really wants them to stay, when he provoked this scene, these people may not have a good day to return to the Holy See.

"Sir, there are a total of sixty-three people in the trial order, actually sixty-three people!" Leren shouted loudly.

Sta nodded, and his eyes drifted to Agarish and Doriel.

The two looked at each other and came to Star's side with a tacit understanding. Because they know that this young man has something to say to himself.

"This is the badge. You gave it to the Bull." Doriel put the badge in the palm of Star's hand. When we found him, he died on the grassland, and the badge was held in the hands of the bull.

Star trembled all over and couldn't help tightening his lips. I joined the conservatives of the alchemy!" Star remembered what the bull said in front of him, which was also a wish for him.

"Son, I'm not in a hurry." Doriel shook his head with a smile. You can stay in the Alchemy Guild is my greatest support, and I will support your behavior without hesitation. I will try my best to persuade other factions to put pressure on the Holy See and give you the right to walk in the sun.

"Thank you!" Star said from the bottom of his heart. Then he turned to Agarish and put the badge in his hand. This is yours... I think Miss Disa's illness has been cured. Please allow me to send her my most sincere blessings.

"No, it's still yours." Agarish smiled and returned the badge. If you have any difficulties in the future, you can still take this badge to the magic guild, and they will do their best to help you. At the same time, I will do my best to persuade the Holy See to cancel your charge.

Star nodded. He felt that this was exactly what Agarish should do, and he was not as grateful as Doriel. Because the two have always been contacted by the exchange, Agarish is not unhappy about it.

"You can't pass through the big city before the Holy See solves this matter. Only this wind has been avoided... But where are you going in this period of time? Doriel has completely made an elder identity, and he just points out Star's current predicament. After all, he announced his separation from the Holy See in public, and took away such a group of elite troops, completely with a firm slap in the face of the Holy See.

If the Holy See does not lose face for this matter, it will undoubtedly be a great blow to the Holy See!

Rogge and Sylvanas also came at this time. The three terrible spider elves made everyone consciously get out of the way. These aborigines from the underground world are so disgusting that everyone can't avoid them.

"I think I will leave here for a while, but the underground world is a good place to go. It's just a pity that I'm not strong enough now. I'm afraid I can't pass through that wind. Star shook his head.

That's true. He looks a little confused now and doesn't know where to go. The Holy See's wanted can be found in almost the whole human society, which makes him invisible at all. As for the 'Stone of the Sage', although it has been made clear that it is in the underground world... it is not strong enough. If you want to avenge Sadek, even if he stands in front of you, you can't kill him. In a word, it's still the same sentence, the strength is not enough.

If you are alone, the world is big, how can you have your own place together? But now with so many people, Star has to think about these people who follow him.

"Seriff, why don't you go to our Bimon tribe? It's a good place. We will definitely treat you as a relative..." Caesar shouted loudly. You can also improve your strength there and wait until you can.

That's a good idea, and Star couldn't help nodding.

"It's okay to go to the capital of Azeroth. My father wants to rebuild the guardian mercenary regiment. He said that only you can take on this important task." Anna whispered. Moreover, the power of the Holy See in the capital of Azeroth is very small, and they have no right to deal with you.

Anthony? Star still remembers the old gentleman's demeanor at the party. This is a seductive proposal. But I'm sorry, I can't agree."

Sta shook his head. Because Anthony has been paying but has never asked for it, this is not in line with his theoretical 'equivalence exchange'. First, Star does not judge a person's good or bad from his first impression, so his impression of Anthony is limited to being a shrewd old man. Second, Star doesn't want to show the Rex family favor anymore.

"Well, let's leave for the Bimon tribe."