Card Alchemist

Chapter 169 Two Teams

"Master, look. That's our village. I think you'll like it.

Little Abby jumps all the way. Although he is only thirteen years old, he is as old as an adult human. Star can't stand such a big man acting coquettishly to him, especially a 'friend' knight like Leren! However, this bastard has been holding his hand shamelessly since he came out of the City of Thunder.

Sylvanas bent down all the way and didn't know what he was talking to Rogge. He always kept staring at him with a trace of laughter.

"Sir, you are really a strong warrior. There are many children of my age in our village who want to experience in human society!" Abby tilted her head and said loudly, with two garlic sprouts inserted in his short and thick nose. I almost won't see you."

"What's going on, little Abby?" Leren took out an apple from the space ring and handed it over. Abby took it happily and touched Abby's head. He looked like a satisfied girl... Star gritted his teeth.

"Thank you, sir." Abby took a sip with the apple in her arms. A few days ago, several groups of human teams passed through our village. They used a lot of gold to invite the warriors in the village as employees.

Star stagnated, and the smile on his face suddenly pulled down. How many groups of human teams? Can you make it clearer?"

"The first batch of human beings who came to the village were all wearing a cloak like the guy just now. Their hoods were big and they couldn't see their faces at all. And they also take those iron guys with them..."

Everyone couldn't help looking at each other for a while, and Star didn't expect to get such important news from the child.

"It seems that those are alchemists!" Rogge paused for a moment and looked at Abby. Go on, we really want to know what they have done in the village.

"They sprinkled a lot of gold in the village and wanted to recruit the strongest warrior. I also saw it at that time. Those gold coins covered all the land in the village, and I picked up a lot. In the end, only one Doug was selected... They seemed to say that they were going to the foot of the mountain. It's right there!"

Abby pointed to the continuous mountain range on the right.

"Thunder Mountains!" Several people shouted at the same time. It seems that the other party's intention is very obvious. They are aiming for the 'Sage Stone' of the underground world. So is the alchemist who just appeared in the wheat field also theirs?

"Little Abby, did the person who appeared in the wheat field before also appear in the village?" Star asked.

"It seems so... Their cloaks are decorated with strange star patterns." Abby answered.

'That's true!' Starr muttered. By the way, little Abby, can you show me the gold they gave me?


Abby groped from her pocket for a while and took out a square gold nugget. Star frowned at the moment he saw the gold. There is an obvious magic fluctuation from above, and it is not difficult to judge according to the law of elemental beating. This gold is likely to be just a pile of stones. In less than a month, the gold will be turned back into stone.

"Damn bastard!" Star scolded fiercely. So can you tell me who the others are?

"They..." Abby licked her lips. They all rode tall horses, pure white horses. They are also wearing bright silver armor, and there are beautiful dragons painted on them. Those hateful human beings... Lord, I'm not talking about you again."

Star waved his hand and motioned him to continue.

"Those hateful knights gathered all the Bimons in the village in the open space and let us stand up for a strong warrior and accompany them to the foot of the mountain. At first, Bi Meng was willing to agree, and then they began to kill Bi Meng... Finally, they left.

The Holy Knights of the Holy See! When it comes to the decorations of their armor, Starr thought of this. And he is never soft on infidels, which is also the style of a knight of the Holy See.

"Did the person who attacked you that night, attacked Sadek, and Sains was from the Holy Knights?" Laren couldn't help asking. Until then, everyone began to recall the situation of that night and couldn't help nodding slightly.

The first person who ruled out the sneak attack was the Holy See. Because their moves are more or less indelible traces of the Holy See... And they seem to be trying to hide the flaws in their moves. Starr just thought that those people were deliberately trying to divert their attention and blame the Holy See. But I didn't expect that it was really them... This extremely shallow scheme actually cheated Star.

Star couldn't help narrowing his eyes. It seemed that the new leader was quite deep. Then his strength will definitely be more than that... Presumably it will become more difficult this time.

"What about the other people who pass through the village?" Star continued to ask. After all, the deeper you understand the enemy, the more beneficial it will be to you.

"The others are some very few passers-by, and they all seem to want to go to that mountain range. But the people in the village have learned to be obedient... Since the knights left the village, as long as human beings appear, they will immediately hide in the cellar of the house. As Abby spoke, he looked at Star. Sir, do you also want to go to that mountain? But I don't know how many times the old Bimon in the village has talked to us. We can't go there... There are monsters. They can not only eat Bimon, but also eat human beings.

"He said that the three beasts of hell, a high-level warcraft, is comparable to a Templar knight. I'm afraid it's a dead end for people who don't have the strength of the Templars to go in. Old Rogge explained in a low voice. I don't know where these guys came from. I remember that the first time I went in, there was a hell of three beasts guarding there. I worked hard to kill him. I didn't expect it to live again when I came out.

"There are many things on this continent that cannot be explained." Star took a deep breath. In fact, almost everything seems impossible for him to explain. In the original world, who would have magic? Who will have a fighting spirit? Legend has it that there has always been a way to turn coal into gold, but who can do it? Who has ever seen a talking animal?

"Well, let's take a night off and leave tomorrow." Star said. But before that. Old Rogge, you have to tell me everything you know. If I remember correctly, Glele said that I have the right to know everything.

"In fact, I don't want you to know everything about you. As I said before, knowing all this is not good for you at all. Seeing Star's resolute eyes, Old Rogge sighed faintly. Since I knew how to make the 'Sage Stone', I planned to hide it from you... But since you are determined to do so, I will still tell you. As you said, everyone has the right to know the facts!"

During the conversation, several people have arrived in the village. As Abby said, there is no Bimon in the village. It seems that they are frightened by what those Holy See knights have done.

"These two rooms are empty. You can stay here for the time being. I'll go back and dig out my father's treasured wine..." Abby turned his head and drilled into the starry room.

Star looked at this lonely village and quietly clenched his fist. Damn, the smell of blood is so strong... Can you deceive yourself in this way?

"Star, I don't understand. You know that this village is a trap, why do you want to get into the trap? Sylvanas frowned and asked doubtfully. Since I came to the surface world, what I have seen has always been a intrigue between people... And you are the first to fall into it. It seems that as long as you are there, there will be conspiracies and traps. Although you are very disgusted with these, you always want to avoid them all the time... But why is this trap so obvious?

"This is what you don't understand." Star smiled. Human beings are not as ugly as you think. Although the 'original sin' has never been eliminated, those are the most fundamental desires in people's hearts. These desires cannot be eliminated, at least I think so. But I want to ask you a question? What is the devil?"

"Demon? Killing, cold-blooded, cruel, greedy and selfish are the demons..." Lelan said, but he quickly reacted. No, these properties seem to be owned by human beings. So Star, can you tell me what the real devil is?

Several people turned their eyes to Star at the same time. This question seems to have been raised by everyone. Although they have sought the answer more than once, the answer they get doesn't seem to convince themselves.

"Once people have obsession, they will become demons." Star said with a smile.

"So what are we going to do next? Did the boy just come out and ask what was going on here? De Sen was so reckless that he was about to walk to the place where Abby had just disappeared with a long knife.

"No." Star stopped drinking Desen in time. We don't have to do that at all. Soldiers come to block the water and cover the earth... We are not familiar with this place. Instead of spending a lot of energy to find them, it's better to keep up now. Anyway, they will come to us by themselves... And the only thing we need to do now is to stay here and adapt to everything.

"Yes, old Rogge. Next, you have to tell me what's going on, right? To be honest, I'm very curious!"

"No problem, I know everything, and I will say everything." Rogge nodded.