Card Alchemist

Chapter 175 Devil's Charm

There are many stubborn masters in the Holy See.

Their brains are like stones, and they never know that they are smart. And this feature is not just an image. Many new members of the Holy See seem to have become this virtue. Take the students who followed Star as an example. Among them, there are also many stubborn people who don't know how to be mutable. Not only in training, but also in life.

But the holy knights in front of them seemed to be extremely smart. After Staro rushed out of the coverage of the arrow rain, they did not choose to continue to shoot with crossbows. With an order, they did not hesitate to throw off the crossbow in their hands and took out their daggers to form a semi-circular formation.

Seeing this, Starr couldn't help but nod and applaud them. This behavior is undoubtedly correct.

According to the strength of the crossbow just now, the crossbow can only play the most significant effect within a distance of ten to twenty steps at most. Although continuous shooting of crossbows has great power, it still can't escape the drawbacks of slow arrows. Two rows of layered archery is undoubtedly the best choice, because the enemy still has enough time to change the arrow cluster in ten steps.

Once the enemy crosses this distance, it will outweigh the gains.

It is also extremely correct to discard crossbows and use daggers to fight in this kind of dense forest. The dragon gun and the sword are too long. Not only can they not be used in the coniferous forest, but they will fall behind. The most obvious examples are Deson and Rogge.

Derson's height is three-edged, and his weapon will naturally not be short. As soon as his long knife came out, he was immediately pinched everywhere. Whether it is cutting, splitting, crossing, sweeping or picking, his long knife will hit the tree trunk, so as to reduce its power. Even a knife that could not be avoided was cut. It was precisely because he accidentally cut the trunk that was inserted horizontally above his head. When his move stagnated, he was actually hit by the other party's backhand and pierced his shoulder.

And Rogge is not so good. His long-handled sharp-horned hammer was originally a big open and closed weapon. Only by spinting can he use the strongest power, but this damn needle tree can't even make him unable to lift the hammer. Fortunately, he was short and threw away the hammer in time, and the speed seemed to be extremely fast, so he was not attacked by the other party.

Sylvanas, who was originally the most suitable for jungle warfare, has been in a coma. If she were there, these people might not be worth mentioning at all.

On the contrary, Jianmang has taken the initiative in the crowd. It has lived in the fire mushroom forest in the abyss plane since childhood, and the terrain here cannot be compared with that at all. The sword mant has not even used a wind blade once. Even Star can only see its figure shuttling through the forest. Every jump must be able to pounce a holy knight to the ground, and then rudely bite their throats with his sharp teeth.

The poor holy knights had an absolute advantage from the beginning, and gradually began to fall into the disadvantage.

The three knights were chasing the old Rogge, and no four knights could stop Desen. The rest of the people originally planned to besiege Star, ready to kill him in one fell swoop. At the beginning, two of the more than 20 knights were killed by Star with a strong attack, and after three sneak attacks by Jianmang, the number dropped sharply.

In addition, Star is not a vegetarian. Although these little rabbits have reached the strength of the Thorn Knight, they are still not Star's opponents. First of all, let's not talk about the endless alchemy and magic, even the two rock puppets made them have to separate two people to deal with. As long as he is a little stunned, Star's sword is quietly like the sickle of death. Every time it passes, it will have the life of a companion.

Some people even want to give Star a blow to death, but whenever it's critical, his right arm can always block his key points in time, and even grab a sword that pierces his chest without hesitation. Moreover, his strength is surprisingly large. He is often the knight who is caught by the sword. He just pulls so gently that the weapon immediately takes off his hand, and even his whole body will involuntarily fall forward. And soon he will be pierced through the chest by a sword turned around.

The Holy Knights are going crazy. The people in the 20s didn't even stick to it for half an hour, and only half of them were eaten by this. Even the damage caused to the other party is insignificant, and even has no impact on their combat effectiveness. What's going on? They just came to be ordered to kill Star and catch Rogge or the Zhuoer by the way.

Who the hell is this!

This teenager with a smile on his face is not much older than himself, and some time ago, he was a model for all the new knights of the Holy See. If it hadn't been for the sudden arrival of that big man, I'm afraid I wouldn't know that he was really a demon. Can you really live by yourself?

All the knights couldn't help trembling. Although they have accepted the brainwashing of the Holy See in the face of pagans and demons from an early age... It may be better if only a companion dies in front of their own eyes, but no matter how hard they try, they can't do any damage to the devil. This kind of thing can't help but make everyone's beliefs move.

Finally, there is only one knight left. He stood still trembling, and his hands holding the dagger were still trembling. He looked at Star with a frightened expression without any fighting spirit.

Roger has also solved the knights who chase him. His body is full of blood, and he can't tell which are his own and which are the young knights. When he saw the last knight standing in front of Starr, he couldn't help laughing loudly and quickly ran here.

"Run, why don't you run for your life?" Star was not in a hurry to kill. Instead, he put the sword on the knight and said in the smallest voice.

"Ah!" The knight's eyes widened, as if he had been evil in an instant. He swept away Star's sword and ran wildly to the depths of the jungle.

"Chasing! Don't let him run away. We have to get news about the Holy See from him. Star shouted eagerly, "Derson, where are you looking at Sylvanas? Rogge and I are going to chase him."

In fact, if Star didn't say hello, Rogge would have rushed out by step. His short body was like a cunning rabbit. He quickly passed through the needle tree in front of him and jumped out. Seeing this, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth and chase him with his sword. There is a way to heaven, but you don't go, and there is no way to hell.

The frightened knight ran forward crazily. He looked back behind him in horror, wanting to know if anyone had caught up with him.

Is that really a human? His mind is constantly filled with this idea.

What a deep pair of eyes, as deep as the sea. It seems that as long as you look at him, it seems that your whole mind is going to be lost. Those eyes can talk... But why did he let himself run away? The sword was obviously on his neck just now. Why didn't he kill me?

"Kid, you can't run away." Suddenly, there was a gloomy laughter behind him. I don't know why the old Rogge behind him had caught up.

The dwarf is too short... The knight was shocked to find that the old Rogge had been hanging not far behind him. Those tall and thick trees covered their vision so firmly that they did not find the dwarf at all.

"Run, why don't you run for your life?"

The knight's eyes widened, and this sentence kept echoing in his mind. Just like a nightmare, there is no way to get rid of it. Suddenly, a hot breath came from the shoulder, which was an unstoppable itching. That's Star's sword, the position just set.

The knight scratched desperately... But the hot breath and the itching feeling seemed to have spread all over his body.

Old Rogge suddenly stopped, and he found that the knight was a little strange. First, he stopped and didn't say anything, but now he actually pulled off his armor and scratched his shoulders desperately with both hands. He could clearly see that a thin black line slowly penetrated into the heart from the knight's shoulder. This is a very slow process. The slow Rogge can even tell how many veins the black line has gone through to reach the position of the heart.

Then, the thin black line suddenly came out of the heart. Almost in an instant, the thin black thread almost covered the skin of the knight's whole body. It's like the strange decorations in the description. Before that, the knight was still shouting heartbreakingly, and the harsh roar almost spread throughout the coniferous forest.

He pinched his throat desperately with his left hand, as if it was not pinching himself, but a father-killing enemy. And his right hand clasped his heart, as if to dig out the beating heart in his chest. But just after the moment when those black lines exploded from the heart and covered the whole body, the knight seemed to have changed.

A beautiful red hair turned black in an instant, sharp nails suddenly grew on his rough hands, and the bronze skin suddenly turned dark. The thin black lines on the body quickly melted, and then emerged from the inside of the body, but it was replaced by a fiery demon pattern.

"It's so happy... Is this the power of the devil?" The knight looked at his body, which was no longer humanoid, as if he was asking back, or as if he was asking Rogge.

"Is this the devil?" Rogge frowned. He subconsciously took the sharp corner hammer hanging behind him, but his hands were empty. Only then did he remember that he didn't wear a hammer just now to chase the boy.

"Yes, he is the devil." It was neither Rogge to answer, nor the knight talking to himself. Someone behind him had already answered. I gave you the power to the devil to do what you want before the end of your life.

Rogge heard the voice and turned around in horror. The teenager's face still had a confident smile.