Card Alchemist

Chapter 192 Refining Agents

After three days of real exploration, Count Green has collected all the deeds of Feigrand's coming to the underground world.

On that day, the cardinal saw a wind dragon forming in the fog, and saw that Star and Alice suddenly joined hands and attacked him regardless of death. Although he tried his best to stop the attack of the two, he could not resist the attack of the wind dragon.

Then when he woke up, he appeared in Zall's territory.

However, his treatment is very different from that of Star's. In addition to being murderous and cruel, Zalls also bear the reputation of ** blasphemy. All the males who dare to have sex with them will turn into a mummified corpse. Therefore, most of Zall spends his life in 'emptiness and loneliness'.

Although the Cardinal is not very handsome, his temperament as a superior is unmatched by male elves in Zall. Although he is a human, he is more than twice as good as substitutes as pillars. Zhuoer's mistress fell in love at first sight, and immediately came a bully.

It is said that the bishops in the Holy See have been elected to the Holy See since childhood and have been promoted step by step from the priest. Fergland is naturally influenced by the dogma of the Holy See... But since he can say such rebellious words that he has never believed in God before entering the wind stream, he is naturally a little different. In addition, Droer's mistress is so strong that he has never even resisted.

Although these things are extremely secretive, they have been passed on for a long time.

Star couldn't help sneering. Positions such as priests generally require abstinence, and what's more, he has been a yellow-flowered guy all his life. As Fergran, if this kind of scandal is spread, I'm afraid he will be discredited.

However, the Earl of Green was very interested in this kind of boudoir and frowned at what Star said. Even the tone of Feigrand and Zhuoer's mother Yunyu was imitated vividly, just as he had seen these things with his own eyes.

"Look, I still have a hand-painted book here." The Earl of Green secretly took out a yellowed booklet from his arms and handed it over.

Star took a look, and it was full of some dirty pictures, just like the yellow comics he had seen in his previous life. Even some small words are specially added to each picture. Star smiled and put it away. If Fergland can still return to the surface world alive, it will be the most effective handle for him to blackmail the other party.

"Bear by the way, do you know?" Feigrand pretended to be mysterious and poked his head around and whispered. After having sex with Zhuoer, there will be some patterns on that thing. I can't wash it in my life!"

Star nodded, and he remembered all these words in his heart.

Count Green laughed for a while and his face turned straight. Star knew that he was starting to get to the point and couldn't help taking a deep breath.

"According to our detective's return, the bishop you mentioned really turned to Zhuoer, but there was no news about the other woman you said. It must have been turned into a spider elf or blown into a pool of meat in the wind. Count Green took out a scroll of notes from his arms. That guy has now become a cronin of Lord Zall's mother, and it's not so easy to deal with him! Unless..."

"Unless what?" Star frowned and then asked.

"I'm just a count. If I want to launch a large-scale attack on Zall's main city, I must have the permission of His Royal Highness. But His Royal Highness will not agree that we will use the lives of the soldiers to launch this meaningless war. Earl Green shook his head and said. We are not sure of winning..."

"I have it!"

Star said without hesitation. The intention of Count Green's words was not obvious, and his curvature words immediately showed something. Without contempt, they will not attack Zall... But how can they be sure of winning?

Moores have always wanted to get some good weapons and armor from Old Rogge, and the drawing of the 'Shenwei Cannon' has changed the balance between the two races.

"Actually, it's very simple... Please count the count and give me the role of all the plants in the underground world. In three days, I will increase the power of the 'Shenwei Cannon' tenfold." Star said resolutely.

As early as before, Starr had planned to help the Moores improve the power of these cannons. Now Count Green has taken the initiative to propose... Star can also sell a favor to the other party by the way. Why not?

As soon as he heard that Star was going to help improve the power of the 'Shenwei Cannon', Count Green looked even more happy. However, in three hours, the list of more than a thousand species of plants in the underground world had been densely written on a piece of paper, and both hands were sent to Star's hands.

Star stagnated, and he didn't expect that there were more than a thousand kinds of plants in this seemingly material-poor underground world. Although its species are completely different from that of the surface world, most of them have become extinct on the surface. Presumably, when these elves migrated, they also brought in the seeds of these plants.

Star casually twisted the goose pen and quickly drew it on the paper. There are only four or five kinds of plants used as gunpowder, and they are rarely matched. But Starr did not hesitate. With a big stroke, he almost scratched more than half of the plants on the paper.

"The warbler is essential. And these crying grass, flint flowers..." These plants have disappeared in the early world for thousands of years. They are rich in magic elements. Whether they are ground into powder and mixed with plants to make magic weapons or make some potions, they are essential raw materials.

Star's eyes swept through the dense children on the paper like electronic eyes, ice grass, obsidian vines... so much! Star had never felt that he had lost his temper like this, and he tried his best to suppress his excitement.

Just like the ice grass just now... It is the most important plant for making 'slow potion'. As long as the magic fused inside is strong enough, even a giant dragon can be frozen into ice in an instant. It's just that there has been no ice grass in the surface world, so it has to be replaced by some other plants. But the power has greatly decreased... At the beginning, in the alchemy castle, Starr turned to a thick prescription list. If many plants hadn't disappeared, Sadek's strength would have been unmatched.

"So much?" Green saw Star's hands scratching, and when he took it, he couldn't help but be shocked. Five thousand pounds of flint flowers, seven thousand obsidian vines, ice grass..."

The more Green looks back, the more he can't stop the twitching muscles on his face. These are originally scarce plants on the mainland. They just brought some seeds, and the amount they have achieved over the years is not even as much as Star. Green slapped the recipe sheet on the table fiercely, "Mr. Star, I need an explanation. Even if you empty the inventory of our and Zaur's two tribes, you can't make up so many things.

Star looked at Green's ugly face and couldn't help raising his eyebrows. He knew that he had done too much, so he had to bravely say, "You can't do without flint flowers, ice grass, obsidian vines... Try your best. Although the effect will be worse, it should not be much worse."

When Green heard this, his face slightly recovered. He twisted the paper casually and quickly took it out.

Looking at Green's disappeared back, Star couldn't wait to look up to the sky. He has been carrying the formulas of 'slow potion', 'aging potion' and 'burst potion' in his arms... If he can really get a large number of plants from Moore, he has the confidence to create a second underground world even if they don't need it. Star quickly sorted out his excitement and took out the matching crucibles from the space ring one by one.

Since he escaped from the alchemy castle, he has never been exposed to pharmaceutical manufacturing. Now the crucible is lined up, and it seems that she has returned to the alchemy castle... but she is no longer there. The girl with the same name as Alice was afraid to die in the wind. Star shook his head and threw out all these messy thoughts one by one. Among them, Rogge came once. After asking Star's thoughts, he nodded and promised.

Anyway, these battles between Moore and Zall have been started since before the underground world, and it is not possible to stop all this with the strength of them. I'm just afraid that Sylvanas will complain because Star is on Moore's side, so he will speak out against it. But Sylvanas unexpectedly did not react at all. He visited Silver Moon City every day, as if the Zhuoers had nothing to do with him.

That night, Count Green sent half of the raw materials, which were full of three rooms, and then Star never went out. The count was secretly ordered by the prince and mobilized a whole squad of soldiers to stay in Silver Moon City all day, for fear that the cardinal would appear again.

But in the next month, everything will be fine. Just like the sea when a storm comes, it will always be calm, but no one knows the storm under the sea.

Until Star pushed the door open.