Card Alchemist

Chapter 201 Red-eyed Black Dragon

Star's eyes widened. Although the middle-aged man in front of him did not exude any pressure, the smile hanging casually on his face made people a little fright.

"Who is your Excellency?" Star's mind turned rapidly. He didn't remember seeing such a person. I can't find such a capable man in my impression, but why did he say that?

Jian Mang took a step back slightly. Although there was still a low roar of vigilance in the wolf kiss, there was also a timidity in his eyes that had never appeared. This scene fell into Star's eyes, which surprised him even more. From the time he first entered the abyss and appeared in the fire mushroom forest, he had never seen his partner look afraid. No matter how many times its strength is against its own strength, it has never been timid. But now...

Sta frowned slightly and bowed gently to the other party.

"Last year, the Temple of Death was full of blue rain. Although you are masked, I look at you. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would fall into the hands of that group of alchemists. The man said casually, with an extremely relaxed expression, as if the thing had not happened to him.

However, this word fell into Star's ears, but he couldn't help but be shocked. He opened his mouth wide and pointed his fingers at each other. I can't say a word for half a day.

"Yes, it's me." The man said with a smile. He was dressed in a black robe and black hair, but his two bright eyes were red. With a look that others dare not look directly at it. At the beginning, the alchemist grabbed my naked feet. Before that, I had exhausted all my strength to break free from the other party's bondage, but I didn't expect to let him escape in the end.

"Your Excellency..." Star swallowed a mouthful of water and took a deep breath. I didn't expect to see you here. Although I heard from other people that a red-eyed black dragon broke into the wind stream of the underground world, I didn't think it was you at that time.

Star tried to organize his own words, which was not too rude in the face of this powerful dragon clan.

It's just that what he said before. No matter what, he didn't expect that the one standing in front of him was the red-eyed black dragon who had escaped from the death forest. What's more, I didn't expect that the other party would remember me and wait for me here. Why are you here?"

Star quietly patted the slightly trembling sword man. It turned out to be the master of the dragon clan. No wonder the sword man was so out of state. Although they say that the sword is not a simple abyss warcraft, the gap between the two is still there. The sword nodded slightly and obediently fell at the feet of Star.

"Your buddy is not bad!" The red-eyed black dragon narrowed his eyes and nodded to the sword. In the past, no matter what kind of warcraft saw him, he had to lie down on the ground honestly and couldn't even straighten up. But this strange warcraft seems to have a strange abyss atmosphere.

The red-eyed black dragon shook his head and sat down with a wry smile. He glanced at Star and motioned him to sit down.

Star nod and sat everywhere.

"I escaped from the Death Forest and wanted to go to the Rainbow Star Dragon Valley. But those guys... Well, I never know when the black dragon has been regarded as a rebel by other dragon clans. When I arrived at the Dragon Valley, the other dragon clans actually attacked me. I didn't expect that there was an epic dragon among them. I couldn't stand it. I happened to find the entrance of the stream, and then I came here. The red-eyed black dragon couldn't help shaking his head. Blue-eyed white dragon... I didn't expect this legend to be true!"

"Legend?" Star couldn't help asking. As soon as he blurted out, he realized that he had lost his words and smiled awkwardly.

The red-eyed black dragon didn't seem to care. Star's behavior in the death forest undoubtedly saved his life. Although it was only aimed at Sadek's action, it made the Red-eyed Black Dragon remember his favor. The red-eyed black dragon nodded and said casually. In the festival of the dragon clan, the dragon god once issued a decree. If two epic dragons appear in the same era, the abyss demon will invade the main plane again. The outstanding king of human beings will betray the light and lead the demon army to slaughter the world. The Elf Empire will reappear on the main plane again, and the whole continent will be in deep trouble. Bimon will regain control of the mainland..."

The red-eyed black dragon was still muttering, but Star's body couldn't help but stagnate.

"The fear demon king will break through the cage of heaven with his beloved general. The three abyss demon kings will gather together, and the mainland will fall again..."

Star's eyes widened, and his hand on Jian Mang's head couldn't help trembling.

"Two epic dragons will join hands, and they will wash away the shame of the past. The people who betrayed the Dragon God will return to the arms of the Dragon God again..."

How could it be like this? Star asked himself over and over again. The red-eyed black dragon escaped from the death forest for only a year. As soon as he returned to the Rainbow Star Dragon Valley, he was driven into the wind stream. And the indigenous people in the underground world have never gone out, and they don't know the situation of the surface world. Even those ridiculous Zall thought that Bimon would drive the golden beast, so they moved their mind to subdue the dragon.

But I am different. I am a resident from the surface world. Fortunately, only I heard these words... If they fall into other people's ears, I'm afraid the consequences are not so good. Star took a deep breath and pretended to ask puzzledly, "But why did the blue-eyed white dragon drive you away? Did he turn his back on the Dragon God?

"Maybe he doesn't know the revelation of the Dragon God. This revelation has existed as early as tens of thousands of years ago. At that time, every dragon was remembered in his heart. But when I returned to Rainbow Star Dragon Valley this time, no one was more than 3,000 years old except the old guy. Maybe it's reminisible that they don't know about this. The red-eyed black dragon shrugged his shoulders helplessly, "And only the old man in the clan seems to have reached the fifth level, and there are only a few other four-level dragons. It's ridiculous that there are more than four hundred dragon clans, and less than five are in the fourth level. There are only 38 people in our Black Dragon family, but more than half of them have reached the fourth level.

Star was stunned.

He naturally knows the strength of the dragon clan. Only the fourth-order dragon can become a humanoid, and their strength has reached the peak that human beings can achieve - and the strength of pity knights. And they are not afraid of magic and hand-to-hand combat... This is not comparable to a pair of magicians and knights of the same strength.

And the strength of the fifth level already belongs to the holy level. It is only one step away from the legendary god.

Even if the rainbow star dragon valley is more than four-order dragons are only a few, the other hundreds of dragons are not enough to be underestimated. Just the name of 'Dragon Valley' has suppressed other races on the mainland. Who knows that the Rainbow Star Dragon Valley is now a strong one. If the red-eyed black dragon has an evil heart, more than 30 hell black dragons can completely occupy the Rainbow Star Dragon Valley.

Star couldn't help sighing. Now he has guessed most of the words of the red-eyed black dragon. Although it contains shock, the revelation from the Dragon God still makes him secretly vigilant.

The two epic dragons are undoubtedly talking about him and the blue-eyed white dragon. According to the words above, according to the revelation... When the two epic dragons work together, the whole continent will fall into darkness. Fear that the demon king will follow the two brothers and lead his love into the main plane. But who will his love refer to? Is it yourself?

Star frowned slightly.

"That's why I'm waiting here. The revelation says that I will fall into the plain where I will never see the sun. A human being will appear in front of me with his partner and let me see the sun again! I think this human being is you!" The red-eyed black dragon said. I have tried it several times. The wind stream is easy to come in, but it is extremely difficult to go out. It's just that I'm curious about how you will take me out.

"Of course, you can say it if you don't want to." When the red-eyed black dragon saw the difficult color flashing in Star's eyes, he couldn't help laughing and saying. So where do you want to go next?

The third floor! I want to get the 'Stone of the Sage'. The three beasts of Hell say that it can send us out of here. Star took a deep breath and gritted his teeth and said.

"'The Stone of the Sage'?" The red-eyed black dragon's eyes widened and repeated Star's words again in disbelief. Are you sure you're right? Is that really the 'stone of the sage'?

It was not until Star nodded that the fifth-order dragon fell into memory. The Stone of the Sage is the exclusive item of Death Dihas. All creatures in the main plane will be called by him when they reach the end of life. Even our dragons are the same. All dragons will enter the dragon cemetery before death and wait for the call of death. And the 'Sage's Stone' is a strange thing refined by those souls that can respond to the call of death.

"Have you seen it?" Star asked in a hurry.

The red-eyed black dragon shook his head and then continued. I found these things in the code of the dragon clan.' The Stone of the Sage may be called a magic item... but it doesn't have any magic. It seems to respond only to the law of 'equivalence exchange', which can provide infinite soul power. Many creatures on the main plane will exchange their souls in order to gain strength or longer life from death. However, this is a conspiracy!"

"Conspiracy?" Star's eyes widened. He never thought that he would know the cause and effect of this matter from the mouth of a dragon clan. If the red-eyed black dragon could speak more clearly, he would no longer be in a difficult situation.

"That's true!" The red-eyed black dragon looked at Star and then said. Only the soul of the creature that can respond to the call of Dihas can be refined into the 'stone of the sage'. Dihas wants to refine the whole world... So he must have more 'the stone of the sage' in exchange. However, the creatures that can respond to the call of death are all powerful creatures on the continent. The Titan Giant, who once proudly regarded the main plane, once killed tens of thousands of people overnight, which gave the elf empire a chance to rise. But the more frequently he acts, the more he will attract the attention of other gods.

"What about after that?" Star took a deep breath. He found that the conspiracy he was involved in was probably not that simple... But what happened to the revelation of the Dragon God? Is it the hint left by the Dragon God to his children?

"The behavior of death has aroused the anger of the gods, but the main plane cannot lack a god in charge of death. So the gods sealed most of the power of death, and then pulled out half of his soul and sealed it in the magic card. The Dragon Clan also participated in that World War I, but it's a pity that I was sealed in the magic card in the first battle..."

Is it sealed in the magic card?

Is it him? A figure flashed in Star's mind, an old man who also knew how to make the 'Sage' Stone'. No wonder I can't figured out everything by myself. It turns out that the Lord is here!

"So what can the 'Sage Stone' made from the souls of ordinary people?" Star asked.

The red-eyed black dragon looked at Star strangely, "That thing is just a prey... But the intelligent creatures that have used or come into contact with the fate will become a mobile 'stone of the sage'!"