Card Alchemist

Chapter 241 Abyss Visitor

The temple of the Holy See is not as gloomy as the temple that Star had seen in the Death Forest.

Every dozens of steps in the long corridor and corridor, a row of oil lamps will appear. The perimeter of the column and eaves made of columns is illuminated. The cylinder is inlaid with many bronze shields decorated with gold, which looks like an antique from afar.

All kinds of literary decorations and exotic decorative objects on the desk on both sides are placed far away with the corridor. There are many patterns, but they are just right. After a closer look, I can't see the appearance of an upstart.

Star couldn't help sneering. The Holy See was indeed deeply rooted in the continent of Hastan. With the cost of this temple alone, I'm afraid you can buy the second half of the imperial capital.

The two walls are decorated with white marble panels, with a series of reliefs describing human mythology. On the word wall of the temple sky on the east and west sides, there is a chariot carved by two golden dragons. The paladin lying on his side carefully wipes the relief of his beloved weapons, and the relief of the goddess statue at the gate of the temple.

The main building of the temple is a hall and two side rooms, each with a six-fold prism standing in front of the entrance hall. Both foyers are tightly covered by huge swan downs.

Feigran led Star to stop in front of the hall.

"Well, this is the root of our Holy See."

As soon as he stopped, Feigrand couldn't help introducing the interior of the temple. The temple is unusually empty. In addition to the oil lamps of the twelve bronze buds in the corner, there is only a huge chair directly in front of it, which is the height of the twelve steps. There is nothing else in the huge hall... Of course, except for the stone pillars lined up along both sides of the huge seat.

"Is that the Pope's throne?" Star picked up the stairs and gently stopped in front of the stone chair. His hand slowly brushed the surface of the stone chair, and the slight coolness spread into his body along the palm of his hand.

"This is the papal throne that tens of millions of people want to ascend. Our Holy See has more than tens of millions of believers. 200,000 Holy See knights, fifty thousand thorn knights! Almost everyone wants to sit on it and taste the feeling of looking down on all sentient beings. But in the end, only I ascended to this throne. Although it is just a stone chair, there is a lot of knowledge in it! The material of this stone chair is taken from a meteorite from the sky. It is a gift from the goddess..."

"The omnipotent goddess just wants an obedient dog, but you are not obedient!" Star interrupted Fergland rudely. I'm curious. I thought you would have something important to say to me. If you just want an audience to listen to your show off, then I'm sorry, I think I have to get out of here."

"Wait a minute, don't you want to know why I pushed you to the position of cardinal?" Feigran changed his previous madness, and the light in his eyes was calm and terrible.

"The Cardinal? You just want to treat me as a pawn to deal with the imperial power. Do you need me to thank you? If so, I can only say: Thank you, my great Pope. Star said mockingly. The friction between the Holy See and the royal family has never been interrupted. You just want to lift a small person like me to a high enough position so that I can be your shield.

"Talking to smart people has always been my favorite thing to do, because you don't need to explain it at all, and the other party can guess your thoughts and intentions." Feigran turned around and put the huge scepter aside. Then he said loudly, "Star, if you want, you can completely replace me and become the land walker of the goddess. This power, this power... I believe he will fascinate you."

Star let Feigrand help and slowly sat down on the huge stone chair.

"If you promise to work for me, you will get the strongest support of the Holy See in seven days. You will enjoy the power, power and prestige on the mainland after me and Roland, and your name will go down in history! Think about it!" Fergland handed over the scepter. The royal family is not afraid!"

"Why should I agree?" Star laughed and jumped up from the chair. The Pope's throne is not as comfortable as I thought. In my opinion, it is just a prison, a beast with a big mouth, waiting to devour the person who dares to sit on it at any time. Power will make people lose their way, power will make people unable to see the road, and reputation will blind people's eyes... Why should I risk my life for everything that is not charming?

"Your Majesty, thank you for your hospitality today. I think it's time for me to leave... Seven days later, I will come to the baptism on time. Star put his right hand on his chest and gave a handsome breast caress. You'd better continue to do such a spring and autumn dream by yourself.

Star almost couldn't help laughing.

He didn't expect that he would deliberately intercept Tony's carriage this time, but let Star understand his ambition. As mentioned before, power can make people lose their way. Fergrand, who ascended the papal throne, was not satisfied that there was a tiger beside him who could swallow himself at any time, that is, the royal family. Therefore, over the years, the battle between imperial power and theocracy has never come to an end.

Star watched Feigrand's face from red to blue, and from blue to red. He maliciously guessed what a funny scene it would be if Roland and Fergland knew that Glear was still alive. Thousands of years ago, Greer's reputation exceeded that of the two most powerful rulers in the main plane. Will they, who know all this, be eager to erase that history?

The flames on both sides of the corridor beat more and more fiercely, as if they were laughing at Fergland's ambition. They danced hard, and the roaring wind was like their disdainful laughter. The inexplicable darkness spread quickly, and the darkness spread quickly like a plague, swallowing up the unprepared bronze lanterns.

The cry of " quack" makes the already empty temple of the Holy See more and more strange and fendors.

The red flame in the bronze lamp is also quietly changing, and the turquoise flame head quickly spreads down. With the last high jump, the flame in the twelve lamps has become a deep hellish color.

A dark crow flew in without both of them being aware of it. Its eyes were extremely red, as if it had been stained with blood.

The crow hovered over their heads and finally stopped on the white swan down. The holy white set off the deep darkness on the crow's body more and more obvious... In a trance, the two even felt that the crow was like a ball of ink dripping in the clear water, quietly with the ripples.

The crow's red eyes stared at Star, which seemed to be hatred and appreciation. Star couldn't help frowning. He didn't understand why the crow showed a human-like look.

"Well, take care of yourself." Feigran said angrily. If you don't promise me, you will be baptized in seven days, and you will turn into ashes like this crow!"

Fegrand raised his scepter. The white jade scepter, and the milky white gem at the top of the scepter suddenly emitted a white light. The light quickly swept through the air, rippled in the air, and quickly bombarded the crow.


The crow seemed to have been aware of it for a long time. At the moment Fergran raised his scepter, it had spread its dark wings and flew up.

The white light hit the swan's down, and suddenly the white feathers all over the sky fluttered down.

"I didn't expect that His Holiness, who had been promoted to the Holy Land, would also miss!" Starr burst out laughing. If I am really like this crow after seven days of baptism, then I really want to thank you for your good words!"

"Well, let's wait and see! Seven days later, I will definitely turn you into ashes under the dimation of holy water. Fergrand also wanted to take power, and the crow suddenly quaked twice and flew out of the gate leisurely.

"Since you say so, we have to wait for that day to come!" Star narrowed his eyes slightly and nodded slightly. He looked at Feigran, who wanted to stop him, and then said. His Holiness doesn't need you to see me off anymore. Naturally, I have my own removal.

"You bastard, you will regret it. I will pull your soul out of your body and lock it on the 'punishment rack' forever.

Until Star walked out of the door of the temple, he could still hear Fergrand's angry roar. The smile on Star's face disappeared from his face the moment he stepped out of the door, replaced by caution and worry.

The goddess statue still maintains a graceful posture and pours the white jade bottle in her hand. Only Star until those holy water will cause much harm to herself. He didn't expect that Fergrand had also reached the Holy Land, and he could release the magic of the magician's level between his hands and feet. If he wanted to secretly tamp and foot in the baptism, I'm afraid that few people in the Hastan continent could see through it.

How can I avoid baptism after seven days?

No matter how powerful the 'Sage Stone' is, it can't help you resist the harm from the inside of your body, unless the holy water can't be poured on your body... I'm afraid it's not appropriate to make such an action in full view of the public.

Taking a deep breath, Star shook his head vigorously. He doesn't want to think about these annoying things again. Let's talk about it seven days later.

Follow the high and towering steps of the temple and go down. Starr soon noticed that there was a carriage parked at the door of the temple, which was inlaid with his familiar emblem. The dark crow closed its wings and stopped on the roof of the carriage, carefully combing its feathers.