Card Alchemist

Chapter 255 Two Birds with One Stone

From the silver bottle poured from the sky, the holy water came like a tide.

The turbulent waves rolled over the temple, but when they arrived in front of the Star, they quietly separated. Then it reunited behind Star.

The flowing ground suddenly made a 'cry' sound, and the granite floor specially renovated for the baptism ceremony suddenly melted as if it had been burned by sulfuric acid.

The holy water flows through the stairs of the temple, which seems to be continuous, but it quietly dissipates. It came so suddenly, but it also went so quickly. The holy water didn't even realize what was going on with Feigrang, who knelt in front of the Star.

But since it is a miracle, it is not what mortals can guess.

Feigran stood up with a gloomy face. No one dared to look up in the scene just now. Naturally, he didn't know what the holy water flowed from Star. He is the only one who knows, so what can he do? There is no evidence for words! Unless there is another miracle.

"Etiquette officer, sort it out!" Feigran took a deep breath and said coldly. Next, prepare for the coronation ceremony!"

Star quietly raised his head, and the clouds in the air were already quietly dissipating. If it hadn't been for the corroded ground as proof, the miracle just now seems to have not happened at all. He didn't expect that miracles would fall, let alone that Dios would appear.

In fact, Star had already figured out a countermeasure as early as before. He would also use the 'Holy Water Flow' to avoid being directly burned by the Holy Water. And the granite on the ground was also tamped by him, which was mixed with a lot of demonic smell. Once the holy water is diverted, it will inevitably pass through these granite slabs. At that time, you can bite back... say that you are sheltered by the goddess and avoid the baptism of 'poisonous holy water'.

However, the tack in the middle turned Star's preparation into useless work.

In fact, Star doesn't know that this is not just a simple miracle. At the same time, it is also a confrontation between the abyss plane and the heavenly world. The goddess has a goddess who gets believers, and the devil also has its own followers... In this aspect, the abys plane never gives in!

Although the granite on the ground has been damaged, it is no longer a matter for others. Because the next coronation was in the temple, the unbeknown people who knelt outside the temple were not qualified to watch the cardinal's coronation ceremony at all.

The coronation ceremony is much simpler, but after Fergran's nonsense, the crown and python robe that must belong to Starr will end.

But I don't know why, Starr's heart began to have an ominous feeling. Everyone kept too calm, as if they really came to visit the coronation ceremony.

"Hence." Roland shouted loudly, and Feiglan's hand holding the crown stagnated slightly and stopped in the cold air.

"Your Majesty Roland, is there anything you want to say?" Feigran asked in a kind tone as much as possible. But everyone can hear the impatient tone and anger contained in his words, because there are too many changes today, which caught him off guard!

"The crown given to the cardinal by His Holiness is too shabby! This is a little bit of what I donated to the Holy See. I hope you can pass it on to Cardinal Lan for me.

Feigrand narrowed his eyes. Is Roland sarcastic?

Roland didn't seem to notice the cold expression of the other party. Instead, he slowly clapped his hands. Tonis, who had been standing behind him, took out a delicate gold box from the space ring, which was extremely luxurious from the appearance. The hollowed-out pattern can see the inside of the gold box, which is an extremely shaped crown.

"This is a little bit of my meaning." Roland said with a smile.

Tonis quickly took two steps forward and opened the gold box.

This crown is actually made of a combination of mithril and fine gold, which is not too bulky, but also extremely luxurious.

The center of the crown like a gun vertebrae is also inlaid with a ruby the size of a pebble, and there is a trace of green in the center of the ruby. It looks like a cat's eye stone, but it's not. This is a real obsidian, a gemstone famous for the purest and richest fire elements in nature. Even the Holy Land is difficult to get a precious gem the size of a nail cap, which is the size of a pebble.

Who can visit the coronation ceremony is not a famous aristocrat in the imperial capital. They can't help but take a breath of air when they see this crown.

Except for the obsidian on the crown, only the crown itself can buy a city. Refined gold and mithril are not common ores. The total amount that has appeared on the market so far is not the size of an adult's fist. What a luxury to use these two kinds of ores to make crowns!

"You see, in order to highlight the noble identity of the Cardinal. Twenty-four obsidians are also inlaid around the crown, and the edge is set with diamonds. Roland introduced it casually, as if the crown was just a toy he was tired of.

But Fergrand couldn't listen to Roland's words. His eyes were completely attracted by the obsidian on the crown. No matter how big the obsidian is, I'm afraid it is not more precious than refined gold and tricin. What really makes this stone a priceless treasure is the light green in the center - that is Shui Yao. The color of the stone.

In nature, these two ores never grow in one place. Even in the veins with a radius of 500 miles, another one will not appear at the same time as the obsidian.

The theory of elemental conflict does not only exist among magicians, but also applies to nature. But this silky green broke the routine... Roland noticed the eyes of everyone and couldn't help laughing. Look, a ray of green in the middle of this obsidian will not affect its use at all. It can not only provide a large amount of water elements like a single obsidian, but also have the effect of 'calming' and 'calm'. Whether it's releasing magic or in battle, it's the best!"

Star looked at the crown, but he couldn't laugh or cry. Others looked at him with extremely envious and jealous eyes, but he knew that it was a hot potato. Strangely, this crown is so precious that it is even much more precious than the crown on Feigran's head. And this also means that his status is higher than that of the Pope... Roland completely makes himself play the role of an explosive bucket in the Holy See, and someone will impeach himself to the Pope because of this crown at any time. While impeaching yourself, it will cause chaos within the Holy See.

This move is undoubtedly the best way to stone two birds with one stone.

"Your Majesty Roland, your gift is so precious. Our Holy See is just spreading blessings and faith for the goddess." Fergran withdrew his reluctant eyes and said against his will. So please take it back. Our clergy should always follow the hard and simple style. We can only drink clean water and unfermented bread! What is too precious outside the body will only make us degenerate!"

Feiglang said righteously. His expression has never been as firm and solemn as this moment.

"Since the Pope refused, I have the right to give it to my people... Dear 'Duke of the Stars'!" Roland waved his hand and deliberately aggravated the last name for Star.

Tonnis signaled and quickly walked to Star. His strong body quickly blocked Feigrand behind him, and even his rude movements, almost knocked away the crown made of pure gold that Feigrang held in his hand. Tonis took out the crown, went straight into Star's hand, and then quickly stood behind Roland.

However, just before everyone could react, Star had already put the crown on his head.

He knew that this was Roland's trick, but now he can only take one step at a time. At least I don't need to worry about the long coronation ceremony. In the long coronation ceremony, Feigland once again targeted his own trap. Instead of being passive, it's better to let the coronation ceremony end like this.

Star smiled and took the red python robe handed over by Tonis and put it behind him in the almost dull Fergland eyes.

This python robe is also extremely luxurious, even comparable to the one on Fergland. It looks like it is made completely based on the status of the Pope.

"Your Holiness? Your Excellency the Pope?" Star shouted softly, and his right hand loosened from the sword and leaned forward slightly.

"Oh? Is the coronation consciousness over? Feigran can't wait to get into the crack in the ground. Star, who thought he couldn't get through the baptism at all, has now put on the crown and the python robe... The two items that originally belonged to him were awkwardly placed in the hands of the ceremonial officer.

It's ridiculous that he originally thought that Star would not use these at all, so those items that should belong to the symbol of cardinal identity are unusually shabby than usual... Now they are even more insignificant under the background of royal treasures. Feigrand couldn't wait to slap himself in the face. This time, he lost all the face of the Holy See. Most of the people who attended the coronation ceremony today are the upper social circles of the imperial capital. In a matter of one night, they will spread today's events all over the imperial capital.

On the contrary, he got an unexpected good start in the secret battle between the royal family and the Holy See.

"No, you seem to have forgotten to give me the cardinal's scepter." Star said with a smile that Feigrand had eaten enough today, and even had a state of tiness that the Pope should not have had.

"Etiquette officer, bring the scepter!" Feigran frowned and shouted loudly. He just wants to throw the scepter to Star now. Although he guesses that Roland will take out a better scepter... It's enough to lose face today, and he is not afraid of losing face again.

"Your Holiness, the scepter is in your hand!" The etiquette officer whispered a reminder.