Card Alchemist

Chapter 297 The Field of Fire

Warcrafts are all over the continent of Hastan.

No one knows how these guys appeared in this world. Perhaps they are the masters of this continent. Therefore, when creatures break into their territory, these guys always show unusual ferocity. It's just that most of the monsters are just more powerful for human beings.

However, some of the territories inhabited by Warcraft have become forbidden places.

This part of the monsters may not be the most powerful, but they undoubtedly have the wisdom of human beings.

Take the dragon clan as an example. Their power and magic are not top-notch among Warcraft, but because of their super-high intelligence, the Thunder Mountain where the dragon clan lives has become a forbidden area for almost all creatures. This is the factor that affects wisdom!

The higher the level of Warcraft, the higher their wisdom.

And the wisdom of this star-tailed turtle has exceeded Star's expectations. In addition to being able to speak, it can even delay time.

Star turned around, and the water dragon made by himself with water was unspeakable. The manic fire element is attacking its body all the time. The original rhyming blue body has begun to turn red, and the materialized fire element is spreading crazily.

Star can clearly see that there are countless bubbles rolling in the body of the water dragon, and gradually become boiling.


The body of the water dragon suddenly disintegrated and fell down. The fire element controlled by the star-tailed turtle disintegrated Star's alchemy and restored the water dragon to its original state. Coupled with the continuous high temperature, the water that had just landed was also evaporated and then quickly disappeared.

The sharp-horned hammer in his hand became more and more hot, and the handle of the hammer that was not wrapped in the cloth had begun to turn slightly red. Star stared at the star-tailed turtle, and his hands holding the sharp-horned hammer were covered with sweat.

"How's it going? Are you scared? Human beings!" The star-tailed turtle shook its huge body and lay back on the ground again. The huge weight made the whole space tremble. People who come here have never been able to go back alive, especially the alchemist! There are fire elements everywhere, even the alchemists in the Holy Land... They can't compete with me for control of the fire element. Without elements, you are as fragile as babies.

"Is that right?" Star couldn't help asking. I'm not just an alchemist!"

"Oh, I'd like to see what you can do!" The star-tailed turtle said disdainfully that its sharp claws had touched the two giant hammers leaning in front of it.

Indeed, no matter how huge the spiritual power of human beings is, it is not as good as a warcraft that has lived for thousands of years. The alchemists who come here are powerful, but they are just simple alchemists, and our Star is not like this.

As early as when he came to this world, he was destined to be a card magician. However, he hasn't used it for a long time, and even he almost forgot it himself. If Roland's letter hadn't reminded Sta, maybe Sta wouldn't have remembered it so easily.

But before that, the star-tailed turtle must lose the ability to resist.

Star took a deep breath, clenched the sharp hammer in his hand, pointed to the star-tailed turtle and shouted. Come on, beast. No matter how smart you are, you are just a watchdog of Gle. I want you to see clearly the difference between me and the first two holy alchemists.

"Roar!" The big guy roared angrily. It didn't expect that Star would dare to provoke itself under such circumstances... Originally, it would have thought that the boy would kneel in front of him and beg him to forgive his life. It's just the result now, which is completely opposite to what it imagined!

The star-tailed turtle stood upright, and its strong arms danced in front of it. Four sharp blades of fire stroked the air in the air and cut at the Star.

At the same time, Starr also waved his arm, and four fire blades also went away in the screaming of the air.

The fierce fire blade knife hit in mid-air, rippling a magical ripple, like waves, sweeping in all directions.

"Is that all you can do?" The star-tailed turtle laughed contemptuously.

Sta didn't answer. He tried his best to save his magic in the face of the magic of the star-tailed turtle. Because this guy is just a stumbling block at present. After solving it, that's the main one - Greer!

The star-tailed turtle regarded Star's silence as a silent provocation, and it suddenly roared. A large red ball of light spewed out of his mouth and hit Star fiercely.

These red balls have even formed countless ripples in the surrounding air, and even the ripples are so hot. Although it seems that there is no deterrent, Star knows that once it is mixed into this whirlpool, the consequences will naturally be turned into ashes on the spot.

It's just that the preparation time for this trick is too long, and the long time has even made Star fully understand the internal structure of the red photosphere.

"It is constantly compressed with excessive fire elements and arranged in the way of a positive hexagram. Coupled with the confinement array attached to the positive hexagram, the fire element inside the photosphere cannot escape. The periphery is also equipped with a reverse six-pointed star, and the accompanying summoning array can absorb the outer fire element to the maximum extent to supplement the power of the photosphere. Star couldn't help saying loudly. It's a very good magic, but it's not worth mentioning to me.

Sta slowly stretched out his hand, and the spiritual power that had already been released quickly wrapped the ball of light flying in mid-air. The magic quickly extended along the spiritual route and penetrated into the most critical structure inside the photosphere like a tarsophrod maggot.

With a soft crack, the powerful red ball of light was annihilated in the air.

Countless fire elements are released outward crazily. Without the guidance and control of magic, even if they are concentrated again, magic will not be formed.

"Are you a lawbreaker?" The star-tailed turtle asked in surprise.

"What do you think?" Star smiled and narrowed his eyes. That's the only way he can answer! Whether in terms of alchemy or the control of elements, I will not be more powerful than the first two holy alchemists who came here, and of course, they will not be more powerful than this star-tailed turtle.

And the other party is in the environment suitable for the fire element. It is impossible for Star to rely on alchemy to beat the other party. And the only way is to make the other party think that its magic has no effect on him, and force it to fight with him... Only in this way can he approach it.

The star-tailed turtle couldn't help narrowing its eyes. "For those who break the law, they can't eliminate my magic at all. No wonder you are so confident! But I forgot to tell you. Similarly, before you, several breakers have broken in. Unfortunately, they can't even see me. It really made me excited. Finally, someone who could fight with me appeared. After staying here for too long, my bones are almost crispy. I hope you can get it longer!"

The star-tailed turtle rushed over. He rushed over at a speed completely disproportionate with its body shape. The speed was so fast that after Star only heard the impact of the chain, the star-tailed turtle had reached in front of him. The square hammer held by the star-tailed turtle was almost even bigger than Star, and it hit it so easily. The momentum from the top down is almost irresistible.

And behind the star-tailed turtle, it set off a huge wave late. This hurricane, which was completely blown up by speed, simply made it impossible for Starr to stand firm.

With a 'Dang', the two square hammers collided.

The thunderous sound almost shocked the whole alchemy guild. The boundless fire elements quickly flooded the entire battle area. It's just that in the ladder, no matter how permeated the wind and clouds are, no matter how deafening the roar is, it can't affect people outside the boundary.

The heat brought by the accumulation of fire elements swept the whole area, and the air ripples caused by high temperature made the line of sight blurred, and only faint sparks could be seen. Occasionally, you can hear the angry roar of the star-tailed turtle, like thunder.

After the 'bloody rage', Star took the hammer of the star-tailed turtle, but the huge power of the star-tailed turtle made him almost unbearable. Even how strong the knight's body was, it made a surge of air in Star's chest.

Three huge chains extend from the neck of the star-tailed turtle to the end of the darkness, making it unable to take a step forward, which can avoid the fall of the other party. It's just that this blow of the star-tailed turtle has shattered all the stone slabs under Star's feet and smoke and dust.

Taking a deep breath, Star looked at the star-tailed turtle again. He suddenly waved the hammer in his hand, but the other party quickly returned to the original place. It seemed that it had never moved a step. However, from the chain that was still shaking around its neck, it told others that everything just now really happened.

The arm couldn't help trembling slightly, because the blow was taken just now, and the blood vessels on the arm burst in an instant. However, the blood did not fall down the wound. Instead, it slowly stopped in front of the arm, like a spirit snake ready to hunt at any time!

The star-tailed turtle looked at Starr coldly, looking at Star with the eyes overlooking the ants.

The hammer in his hand was quietly lifted by it again!

However, Star is not a soft persimmon that can be kneaded by the other party. The power of the devil is vigorous in itself, and the horn of the devil quickly extends from the forehead and winding behind the head. Although it is not as huge as Kemesle, the sudden increase in momentum still makes the star-tailed turtle slowly cautious

Two giant hammers were swung out by the star-tailed turtle and quickly crossed the air, with a harsh whistling.

Star was as steady as a mountain and greeted him with a more fierce posture!