Card Alchemist

Chapter 316

A dozen pieces of armor ran quickly as Rhodes hit the ground regularly.

These three alchemists have their own strengths. Rafael is proficient in fire elements, Keride is proficient in wind elements, and Rhodes is proficient in iron elements.

Even if there is no restraint array on the armor, Rhodes' magic can be attached to these iron cans, turning them into controllable puppets. Although it is not as convenient as the real puppets, the movements of these armors are also so smooth. The neat pace made them form a steel wall in front of the three people.

"Hey hey, is this something interesting!"

The fake Glele sneered twice, and his fingertips made a clever stroke in front of him, and a silver light immediately flashed. The air seemed to be cut directly by him by his hand. A high-jumping armor suddenly stagnated in mid-air, and then suddenly split into two pieces from his waist.

However, at this time, the moment the fake Gle looked up, he suddenly saw countless fires flashing in front of him!

The dense rocket, like a rainstorm, almost fell from the air in an instant. The whirlpool of flames that is always spinning in the sky, almost every time it rotates, countless rockets will fall.

Hundreds or even thousands of such rockets are sprinkled from the air.

With a bang, the rockets all over the sky were scattered above Greer's head like a meteor shower.

However, the rocket has not stopped, and countless rockets in the whirlpool of flames suspended in the air seem to sweep endlessly towards the fake goods close at hand.

Before that, the three of them just communicated briefly with their eyes. The strength of this fake is no less than that of any of them, and even more than that. So they are going to use this tactic to kill the counterfeit goods here... so that he can only resist and have no chance to fight back.

Although rocket art is only the lowest-level spell, the advanced white flame can cause greater damage. Just the first wave of fire and arrow rain has destroyed the ground within nearly ten yards of the feet of the counterfeit goods. The granite ground is quickly melted and turned into hot magma.

However, this is only Rafael's attack.

Then Keride's attack also arrived, and the fire took advantage of the wind to make these white fires rise again. The white flame head is almost going to the sky, and every roaring huge wind blade can cut off these flames...

This is not an ordinary wind blade. The wind blade that condenses countless wind elements can break gold and rift stones. Even the magic shield is just a thin layer of paper for these wind blades. In the blink of an eye, countless wind blades had plunged into the flames, and then a dense explosion sounded like thunder.

Then the armors also arrived.

The frenzied heat has burned them all over, but with the protection of Rhodes' magic, they can still maintain the appearance of armor, and their actions are not affected at all. The three nearest armors rushed into the flames with extremely skilled knife drawing!

At this moment, the dense explosion stopped in an instant.

The sound of a series of front and back Thunderbolt and the now dead silence make people feel unusually abrupt.

Everyone present held their breath and stared at what happened in the flames. However, at this time, the firelight suddenly transformed into a blue glow. Countless water elements are so crazyly absorbed by this cyan glorious whirlpool... Everyone has grown up. In such a high temperature, there are very few water elements, but this fake can gather so many water elements. His magic is shocking!

Then the sound was endless, and Greer was shrouded in this water curtain. He shouted loudly, and the water curtain expanded crazily, quickly swallowing up all the fire around him. However, at this time, the three puppets had rushed to the front of the fake. The red blade penetrated the water curtain without hindrance and pierced straight into the chest of the fake.

Star's eyes widened, and he was about to see hope.

But the next scene makes people have to regret it. Just where the blade was less than an inch away from the fake's chest, the armor suddenly stopped moving. On the water curtain, I don't know when countless small baby-like arms stretched out and firmly grasped the three armors.

Immediately after that, these countless babies' arms quietly penetrated into the armor. Then I saw the fake fingertips, and the three struggling armors suddenly stopped their fierce movements.

"Go!" Fake Glear grinned.

While being surprised, the three armors rushed to the three people at a faster speed than before.

There was a sound of gold and stone, and nine armors collided with each other fiercely. But the bright-eyed man can see at a glance that the armor attached to the blue water curtain is obviously better.

"He controls my armor!" Rhodes shouted loudly.

"Hey hey, it's more than that!" As soon as the fake Glele's voice fell, his figure began to blur in place. In the blink of an eye, there was only a faint outline left.

Looking at it again, I don't know when this fake has broken into Rhodes. The three of them exclaimed and hurriedly dispersed around. Several of them were masters of alchemy. They suddenly flashed in place and appeared ten yards away. But at this time, the fake's fingertips were empty, and Rhodes, who had already appeared in the distance, was pulled back abruptly.

"It seems that you are an alchemist who controls metal elements!" The fake said with a smile, and the smile on his face became more and more cold and strange. So you know, the human body is also full of a lot of metal elements!"

After saying that, the fake's hand quickly reached out to Rhodes. Even if Rhodes used alchemy to escape, he still couldn't avoid the thin and dry palm of his hand, so he had to watch the hand firmly pat on his chest.

Rhodes's face suddenly changed, but suddenly found that there was nothing wrong with him. He touched his clothes and hair, looked at each other strangely, but found something that made him extremely afraid.

Your own body is completely out of control!

He almost watched his body slowly float into the air, and then watched his palm break. The white skeleton seemed to have been cut open by a sharp kitchen knife, removing the meat and blood vessels, and then drilled out by itself.

Everyone who saw this scene was timid and unconsciously took a step back. A casual slap can separate people's bones and flesh... Such strange spells actually belong to alchemy?

However, only the body knows more about this. Most of the bones of the human body are formed by calcium, and it contains a variety of metal elements. However, there are not many metal elements, but it is really frightening that they can be so cleverly used by this fake freight.

"Save me, he controls my body!"

Rhodes was so scared that he shouted in a hurry. No one can watch his bones pulled out of his body, and the shock in his heart is greater than the physical pain.

Rafael is in a dilemma. Yan series spells are extremely lethal and have a wide range of influences. Even if he disturbs the mind of the fake with attack at this moment, I'm afraid it's useless. With the performance of the other party in the previous battle, he can definitely protect himself from harm in time. On the contrary, Rhodes, who can't move now, can't protect himself. Maybe his attack will kill Rhodes.

In the midst of this hesitation, the fake Glair has found Rafael.

After a sneer, the fake Gleer's figure rippled in place, and then appeared in the air. He pointed so emptyly that he didn't even see any strange spells... Rafael's body flew over uncontrollably. Fly in front of the fake!

"I forgot to say that in addition to metal elements, the human body also contains more water elements. I think you should also taste the taste and feeling of your old buddy!"

These words made Rafael's mind almost collapse in an instant. Similarly... Rafael's body lost control in an instant, and he could only watch his palm break. Then the almost atrophied muscles were pulled out by an invisible force.

The two hostages are in hand, and now Kerr is also facing Rafael's previous problems. It's not that he didn't take action or that he didn't take action. He was in a dilemma again for a while.

" Stop it!" Doriel shouted out.

A moment later, the fake Glear let out a laughter. He slowly passed by Rafael and Rhodes. The bodies of the two alchemists had been separated, and their breath was sealed, but they could still see the struggling expression from their faces.

The fake stood in the middle of the two controlled alchemists and swept the square with his eyelids. Does anyone else want to try it?"

The whole audience is shocked!

Is this the strength of the legendary alchemist?

At this moment, no one dares to doubt the identity of this Gler. Because he defeated three powerful alchemists with his own strength... And it seems that he is far from showing all his strength. He looks like a cat playing with a mouse!

If it weren't for Greer, who would have such strength?

Doriel took a deep breath. Now he is the only alchemist in the alchemy guild who has entered the threshold of the holy land, and he also knows that he is not actually the opponent of this fake.

'Damn, I know he's fake, but there's nothing I can do about him!'

"Master Doriel, Master Rafael and Rhodes will be handed over to you!" Star clenched his fist and walked along the cyan slate ground. Didn't you just say who wanted to try it?

Star smiled fearlessly with a smile on his face, and then pointed to his nose: "I, I want to try! And I can also prove that you are fake!"