Card Alchemist

Chapter 329 Loss

After walking about 500 meters of the secret underground road, the terrain seemed to go all the way down again, getting deeper and deeper.

Only then, the secret road in front suddenly became bent and was no longer a straight road. There was silence around, but the magic crystal lamps on the wall lit up one by one with Star's footsteps, and in the road he had just walked behind him, the lights that had just been lit by themselves were quietly extinguished one by one... It seemed that there were a pair of hands quietly controlling behind his back.

The design is really exquisite!

Star couldn't help admiring in his heart. Magic art like this is not only now, but also difficult to appear in the future.

I don't know if such a brilliant magic craft had the same glorious period in that era. I don't know. But he knew that this underground palace was obviously not simple. It seems to exist to defend against the enemy's attack, but what kind of enemy will scare the people who can build such a palace?

Star closed his breath and walked for a while, only feeling that he was getting closer and closer to the dark breath on Sethus. And the breath seemed to be standing somewhere and not moving forward. The curve in front of the meeting suddenly opened up, but when he saw the scene in front of him clearly, Star suddenly stopped. He took a deep breath, his eyes flashed, looked ahead, and couldn't help muttering, "What the hell are these things..."

In front of me, the corridor leading to the underground palace suddenly became more than three times wider. It's just that on the walls on both sides, the lamp is no longer in the shape of a lamp, but a stone sculpture hanging on the wall!

And those carved shapes are really a little scary!

I saw statues hanging on the wall, as if they were inlaid out of thin air. Some of them were like a person's head sticking out of the wall, but the skull was lifted off, with a magic crystal in the head, emitting light. But the not strong light can illuminate the man's face full of fear. He seems to be frightened and really struggling. There are clear traces of blood on the pupils protruding from the eyes, as if they were exactly the same as the real one!

Some carvings seem to extend a pair of hands from the back of the wall, and the fingers of these two hands are carved vividly. The thick big man's thick and old man burst out the blue veins and leaned forward. It looked like a desperate attempt to grab something, and his fingers struggled, and even every line was extremely delicate. In the palm of his hand, he firmly grasped a glowing gem, which seemed extremely strange.

All the way, the walls in the short 100-meter passage were all covered with this carving.

And more statues are strange and look chilling.

For example, some sculptures seem to be a normal human, half of which are in the wall and half of which are suspended upside down.

Some look like they are lively embedded into the wall, but half flesh and blood, half skeleton! There is a crystal in his big mouth.

There are also, like a woman's face, half of which is beautiful, and half of which is full of scars, ferocious and scary! And the light is designed in the eyes of a woman's face!

Along the way, the shape of the lights on the road is more and more strange, but one is more cruel and scary, and the other is more crazy. It seems that all of them are full of an extremely strong and cruel smell, which makes people feel unbearable when they see it.

This is not a palace, it is obviously a grave!

Starr kept wondering - where is this place, whether these statues were originally here or were they filled in by the Holy See later. Either way, they are extremely abominable.

At the end of the wall, the careful Star found a clue.

"Is it an angel?"

Star narrowed his eyes. In this wall surrounded by many alternative deformed statues, the two exquisite and rich angel statues are naturally very eye-catching. But Star did not stop and continued to observe.

Because the dark smell in Sethus has become smaller and smaller, maybe after a while, I will never be able to detect it. Perhaps Sethus has noticed that the matter has become more troublesome.

Star sighed and tried not to look at the horrible carved lamps on the left and right walls. I couldn't help but speed up and keep rushing forward.

I just walked forward for a while, but I had to stop again. Because Star suddenly smelled a disgusting smell of blood, not only that, there was also a strange smell and stench in the air, almost to the sky. It rushed head-on and couldn't help drilling into Star's nostrils.

This strong taste is simply comparable to the scene where Star once slaughtered those sunken demons in the passage.

It's so bloody... How many lives will it take?

It was just a turning distance, but Star had to stop. Although he has reached this point, he is still thinking in his heart. This palace is still located in the Holy See, which promotes peace, kindness and honesty everywhere.

Why, I saw all the seven sins in this Holy See.

Arrogance, jealousy, greed, anger, gluttony, lust and laziness... They are simply worse than demons. If it's those demons from hell, they are the original bad guys. Just at a glance, it will make the children tremble and forget to cry. So this group of people of the Holy See are some wearing hypocritical coats... In fact, they are worse than those demons.

Star wants to look up to the sky and laugh. Why can such a group of people become the largest religion in the whole continent? He also self-towns as the guardian of mankind!

The degree of its dirty decline is simply outrageous!

Star took a deep breath and turned the corner. On the road in front of me, there was a dense sword like an ocean. The sharp blade and the blade could not stop the cold cyan under the dim magic light. Star narrowed his eyes and looked carefully. These inverted swords were actually stone carvings. He stretched out his hand and touched it gently, with bursts of tingling pain. It seems that although it is a stone carving, it is also very sharp!

What's more terrible is that this area has blocked all the roads in front of it, forming a terrain like a sword jungle!

More frightening is certainly not just these. When Star looked forward again, he was finally stunned. Above this stone-carved sword jungle, there is a figure that has long stopped struggling. When being penetrated by a stone sword, the action of struggling for help seemed to be still in the previous moment. These are not stone carvings, these are living people!

Sta almost stopped breathing. But even so, he could still feel the unquenchable anger that kept bursting out of his chest.

These people seem to have been dead for a long time, but the blood flowing on the ground tells Star that the truth is not like this. In terms of the freshness of the blood, these dead bodies inserted in the sword are only three or four days before the real time of death. But what is presented in front of Star is a completely different situation!

Under the threat of death, I had to stay with the dead body for three days to learn how to refine puppets. Until now, Star can clearly remember what the dead body will look like in three days. The stiff body, the bloodless skin, and the corpse spots that keep emerging from the skin. But these people seem to have been dead for several years.

None of the corpses penetrated by the sword are yellow-brown, and the skin on the outside has been corroded, revealing dark and unelastic muscles.

"My God!"

Star sucks the air conditioner upside down.

Everything you see in this palace tonight will become a demon after that. Star thought again, what would it be like if something in this palace was known by the outside world?

Boiling? No, I'm afraid it's not just that. At that time, the Holy See will disintegrate in an instant.

Withsturing nausea and anger, Star walked through the 'forest' with corpses and walked to the next room.

If the forest of knives and swords you just saw hit Star's heart like a fist, although it will hurt, it will not be fatal. But now the scene in front of him is like a sharp sword, fiercely inserted into Star's chest.

As far as you can see is a beautiful and luxurious pool.

The goddess statue carved by white jade is gentle and elegant, and a layer of tulle half covers her delicate and weak body. A silver water bottle was rested on her shoulder with a smile on her face.

And there are several execution racks around the pool...

Time seems to be still.

Star was stunned at the door of this door and walked into it in disbelief.

The pool paved with white tiles is not a clear and sweet spring water, but a fishy smell and full of dazzling red blood. On the calm surface of the pool, bubbles kept rolling. With the explosion of bubbles, another smell rushed out. The original smooth and charming goddess statue that people can't help admiring has also been covered with a layer of blood, which makes people dare not look at it!

But it is such a place. In this kind of blood pool, there are still three or three smooth people, as happy as lying in a hot spring.

Even that extremely enjoyable expression is extremely disgusting.

When these people saw the Star standing at the door, the smile on their faces suddenly stiffened.

Even Star's smile stiffened.

Star, who was stunned, seemed to be unable to control himself, and the ghost moved his eyes away.

However, it's okay not to watch this scene. After watching it, Star's heart suddenly became extremely cold!

There are prisoners lying on all kinds of torture tools without exception, with internal organs, brains... disgusting scenes unconsciously reflected in Star's mind.

"Ah! Damn bastards, are you still human beings!"

Star shouted out of his voice, as if he had exhausted his strength. An angry and desire to kill everyone, accompanied by an uncontrollable impulse, emerged from the soul. Like a tide, waves after waves stimulated Star's heart.

"Rock puppet!"

Star's hands closed, and the smooth and greasy floor stained with blood was crazily high and high. This time, the rock puppet was bigger than before. Including Star's anger, he rushed to the group of stunned people.

Every time with a heavy sound, the huge fist will fall fiercely and smash those people. There is no chance of reaction...

"These hateful guys! They are not human beings at all, but a group of demons in human skin!" Star gritted his teeth and looked at the people fleeing around and scolded fiercely. No, they are not even as good as demons. Demons are real villains, and they are hypocrites. Damn the Holy See, damn bastard!"

Of course, these people belong to the Holy See, and Star doesn't have to think about it. I won't even consider whether there is anyone to blame at all... Because the decorations here without exception show the atmosphere of the Holy See.

On the side of the pool, neat clothes are placed. It is clearly printed with the badge of the Holy See, silver trimming and beautiful workmanship...

Star clenched his fist.

After a brief loss of distraction, these inhuman guys finally reacted. They went crazy and howled, picked up their weapons and rushed to Star. There are also several magician-like guys who are protected by several companions and are already singing spells loudly.

"Who are you?" Someone in the crowd shouted loudly to Star. This is the forbidden place of the Holy See!"

Before he finished speaking, a sharp, cold spear penetrated his throat. The huge force nailed the noisy guy to the wall. The cracks like spider silk on the white jade wall spread out crazily around, one piece together.

This guy's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe his eyes. That man dared to take action on himself.

His trembling hands slowly touched his neck, hoping that he could breathe more air. But then, the spear inserted in his throat suddenly cracked, growing like an inverted thorn, bursting out of his head, mixed with red blood and white brain plasma, and slowly left.

"So your blood is also red!" Star sneered and said in a very sarcastic tone. I thought it was like a devil or green!"

"Who the hell are you?"

I have seen Star kill his companion mercilessly, either with fear or strong curiosity. This underground maze is not only this place. This is the prison, but also the most disgusting and dirty place in the whole underground palace. Usually, even if someone passes by here, they will deliberately bypass it, and they will not walk in and see what's going on.

It is obvious that this young man is not from within the Holy See.

Angry, he has a strong demonic atmosphere! It's even so strong that people can't breathe.

"I'm the one who came to kill you for the goddess!" Star smiled, and then the smile on his face turned cold.

Star looked at this group of disgusting guys and gently touched the ground with his feet. Suddenly, the ground trembled, as if it had raised a wave. Rhythmic ups and downs!

Just suddenly, a wisp of sword with cold light and cold breath stretched out from the ground.

The speed is so fast that it is simply imperceptible. In the blink of an eye, these people have been penetrated by swords!

The faint smile on Star's face was as terrible as death in their eyes. Every step will be accompanied by the fall of another life. The wailing and crying have become the main theme of this dirty area. More and more blood gathered, slowly flowing back as if attracted by some kind of force, and returned to the blood pool.

Seeing such a murderous Star who did not change his face, someone was finally afraid.

They gave up their resistance and fled to the next room one after another. Is it just that they can escape the judgment of fate? It's impossible, Star is death! He just waved his hand gently, and several wind blades gathered in their hands and flew around. The noble goddess statue was cut off at the waist and fell into the blood pool, and large areas of blood waterfalls spilled out. The wall has also become mottled...

No one can survive.

"Dead people, rest in peace. I took revenge for you... and sent these cruel tycoons to hell. Star closed his eyes and prayed silently in his heart.

The wailing gradually stopped. Star sighed heavily. He looked at the scaffold around him, which was full of people who had just been exterated. I don't know what crime they have committed, and they are going to be punished by such a heinous punishment.

Star clenched his fist, and these iron scaffolds slowly deformed under the power of alchemy and turned into a pile of scrap iron. This disgusting thing should not appear in this world!"

After burning all the bodies on the scaffold, Star looked at the next door. He was a little worried about whether what would happen in the next room would be more cruel than here. If so, then kill it!" Star was cruel.

As for these people who have committed great sins, they only have a part of the corpse wilderness!

Just as Star was doing all this, he was about to continue walking down, but suddenly he was stunned.

Because of the anger just now, I ignored the most important thing. The dark breath he planted on Sethirs has been staying for a long time, and what surprises Starr most is that this breath is in this blood pool.


The crisp applause sounded from behind, accompanied by very rhythmic footsteps, made Star stand in front of the blood pool. I didn't expect you to be so angry when you saw this scene.

"As long as it is a human, it will be like this!" Star replied slowly.

The weapon had appeared in his hand. Star slowly turned around, looked at the figure, and slowly raised the sword in his hand. Sethus, you led me here on purpose. As you wish, I have come. I believe that you will be buried here soon! Like this group of disgusting people, lie here!"

"Do you think the Holy Land is so easy to deal with?" Sethus smiled instead of anger and asked Star.