Card Alchemist

Chapter 354 The Story Behind

The field has always been a force that the strong can meet but cannot be sought. How many strong people have reached the strength of the Holy Land without a field, but do not have the strength of the Holy Land.

For many people, the Holy Land is an insurmountable line, just like gods and ordinary mortals. Perhaps there is no field that can barely reach the strength of the Holy Land, and it can be comparable to that of other strong people in other fields, but it can't go further.

Therefore, there are many strong people who have no territory in the history of the mainland but have reached the Holy Land. After all, these people have stopped at this level.

However, the field is not so easy to understand. There are countless people who are smarter than Star for thousands of years, and they still can't touch the corners of the field. Even Star has only touched the fur of the field until today, but it is still too far from understanding the field. Although through the power of the 'Hradic Magic Box', you can use time to make a boundary similar to the field, it is not a field after all. Compared with the field, it consumes more magic and physical strength, but it is not as powerful as the field.

And when Greer said that he would tell Starr his problems in the field word for word, Starr could no longer stay calm. This is the best gift for him.

Everyone has a selfish mentality, and few people are willing to tell Star about their experience in the field. If Starr is just an ordinary alchemist, it may be okay. But Star's strength progress is really amazing. It only takes less than two years to reach the strength that is only one line away from the Holy Land. This progress is enough to frighten any strong person who owns the field.

No one wants to teach an enemy who may become his opponent in the future, and the enemy's potential is extremely strong, not even Star.

This is also why Star is happy.

Glear spoke for two hours, and gradually, Star's understanding of the field became more and more thorough. The vague shadows of the field in my mind became clearer and clearer. Until the end, Star dared to say rudely that he had fully understood the field.

Of course, this is only for Star and Greer.

Looking all over the continent, who can understand the field better than Greer? He grew directly from an ordinary person to the point of a god. He can pick out the most critical issues in the field and give a detailed explanation. And Starr is also an extremely smart person, otherwise he would not quickly understand Greer's words and quickly correct himself accordingly.

As soon as Glele's words fell, there was an unreachable ripple around Star's body.

Although the ripples lasted for a very short time, it still surprised Gle. Your intelligence is beyond my imagination. I was only going to teach you my experience, and then after you go back, you will go through it in two or three years, and the field will be completed. I didn't expect you to be able to release the field!"

Star opened his eyes and looked at each other gratefully. This is because you teach well, otherwise I can't understand it. It's just that this field is really different. I don't even feel the consumption of power in my body. In the past, when I controlled time, I could only control a very small range of time, and I couldn't maintain it for too long.

"So you haven't fully understood the field yet!" Glear said with a smile. If people are a bowl, then the power in their bodies is the water in the bowl. The strength of power is also related to the amount of water in the bowl. And the field is just that the water in this bowl has overflowed, and there is no need to consume the energy in the body at all. Generally, those who can fill this bowl of water have reached the Holy Land.

"What about the people in the Holy Land? Like you?" Star asked doubtfully. As long as the strong man in no field fills this bowl of water, he can become a holy place. And what about the Holy Land? According to your statement, after reaching the Holy Land, can't you be promoted anymore? And I haven't reached the Holy Land yet. Why can I release the field?

Gler shook his head with a smile and said, "It's not as simple as you think. Not everyone can find a way to make the water overflow the bowl. Many people have been in the Holy Land for most of their lives and have not been able to understand the field. And if you want to go further when you reach the Holy Land, you can't just keep practicing. It is likely that in the end, it did not overflow, and the speed of water growth did not evaporate faster! In addition, the human body is a container. There are many ways to make it contain more things. As for those methods, you have to understand them by yourself!"

"As for you, you have not reached the Holy Land yet, but you can release the field." Gleton paused and continued. This is because you have found a way to overflow the excess water in the bowl!"

"So that's it!" Star nodded with a sudden realization.

"To reach the Holy Land is only the depth of the understanding of power. It is not linked to the field at all! But if you understand the field, you will have a deeper understanding of power and laws in the future. Glele said patiently.

By this time, Greer's figure has become more and more dim, and even his voice is out of reach. Star sat outside the fire mushroom forest like this, and I don't know when Glaire completely blended with the background...

The wind blew through the fire mushroom forest, and the mushroom forest after the war has become a mess. The cold wind blew the flame outside the mushrooms and brought a hot wind. There was a desolate wolf howling in the forest, which resounded throughout the cell.

I don't know when the sky in the cell cracked, and the dark clouds seemed to be manipulated by a pair of invisible big hands, stirring out a whirlpool. The center of the whirlpool seems to be full of infinite sunshine, which is extremely dazzling from a distance.

Sta stood up slowly, and a figure in the fire mushroom forest was walking towards him.

"Brother Star!" Jian Mang stopped outside the mushroom forest and looked at Star. There were still tears that had not dried up in the corners of his eyes.

"Can you talk?" Star was stunned.

"Yes, it's Kesya who has passed on the rest of the power to me." Jian Mang reluctantly turned his head. Behind him, there was a corpse that was losing body temperature in the distant fire mushroom forest, and she was rapidly weathering. Every wild wind will take her away until it disappears completely. She told me to go back to the main plane with you.

"Revenge for her?" Star sighed deeply, "I already know who made this cell. Gler told me everything before he died! Well, when we return to the main plane, we will kill the heaven!"

"Brother Star, everything is up to you!"

The sword awn shook his body and gave birth to two wings under his ribs.

These two wings are stronger and larger than the previous one.

"Brother, sit on my back and I'll take you out." Jian Mang said.

"Haha, this is not necessary." Star shook his head with a smile, pointed to the whirlpool of natural choice and said. I also want to try my strength. Why don't we compare and see who can get there first?

"It goes well, I must be there first!" Jian Mang hit his nose excitedly, and his wings fluttered quickly. With such a gentle swing, there was a hurricane around. Countless mushrooms that were about to break suddenly tilted around, and the dust on the ground was blown up in bursts.

"What a fast speed!" Star couldn't help but be surprised. Just in the blink of an eye, the sword light had flown out. Looking from afar, there was only a black spot left in the sky. But I can't lose to you!"

Star put away the god-sling. He just tapped his finger gently, and the air under his feet shook violently. At first, it was not very obvious, and then it became bigger and bigger. The ripples in the air are almost connected.

This is also alchemy.

After Greer's guidance, Starr opened his hair. It turns out that alchemy is not limited to attack, but can be used at any time.

Just like now, Star only uses the oscillation of the air to activate these wind elements with alchemy, forming a vacuum belt. This vacuum belt is enough to make Star fly into the sky easily, even surpassing the sword.

It's just a blink of an eye that Star has kept pace with Jian Mang.

"Man, I've surpassed you!" Star said with a smile, and in a blink of an eye, he had surpassed the sword.

"Brother, you are cheating!" There was a dissatisfied voice from the sky. I will definitely surpass you!"

In the sky, the two figures are getting smaller and smaller until they have disappeared in the whirlpool formed by clouds.

However, they didn't know that just as Star had just entered the whirlpool, the peak in the middle of the cell began to collapse, where a pair of eyes stared straight at the direction Star had left.

His eyes were full of anger.

"Damn Glear and Keith, how dare you ruin my good deeds. As long as you wait another 300 years, I can completely take away your deity and strength. The voice said. But this is also good. Even if the gods are strong to a certain extent, they will be lonely. I'd like to see how these two little guys can escape the palm of my hand.