Card Alchemist

Chapter 362 The Story Behind

"The first assassin guild, although the old guy is a little wrong with you, I didn't expect him to be so active." Quiles followed Staus, with two chain knives inserted in his waist, and the tattoo on his face became more and more sharp, spanning half of his face. Because the born mercenary licks blood on the blade all year round, even if what he said was humorous, he still had that unsmiling expression.

Quiles's words caused Kaninagi's extreme dissatisfaction. She stared at Quiles fiercely and quietly got closer to Star. My tutor is not as good as you think at all. He is actually very good!"

The old man didn't come, and Star naturally didn't know why.

But he more or less guessed that it was the strength he showed when he solved the so-called Gler in front of the Alchemy Guild yesterday. Maybe it's because the thorn alchemist is Uncle Kaninage, but who knows?

Sta shook his head helplessly.

Except for Quiles and Caninaji following him, of course, there is no shortage of Alice and Old Billy.

As a well-known alchemist, he was actually confused by a potion, which can become a stain that is difficult to wash off in old Billy's life, even more embarrassing than the apprentice he once taught. Since he was rescued by Star, old Billy has been silent no matter how he was arrested no matter how others ask him.

And Alice is also silent at this moment. No one knows what he is thinking, and no one asks. It's just that she didn't seem to intend to leave Star, so she followed silently.

"It's here!"

Star stopped and reminded in a low voice.

Everyone also stopped one after another. The place where they came was not the Assassin's Guild, and even just looked like a randomly determined wilderness. The trees on both sides are staggered and extend all the way to the end. The wind through the forest sounded bleakly, bringing a loud noise. Although it is only early spring, thorny birds can be seen everywhere.

A trace of happiness flashed in Kaninage's eyes.

"Where is it?" Quiles couldn't help asking. It was true that he didn't see anyone at all.

In fact, as a mercenary who is only one line away from the Holy Land, Quiles's strength is quite terrible. In a sense, it is not even inferior to Star. And he has also encountered an ambush, but the gap between the two is really too big. As soon as the words fell, the air in front of him rippled violently.

"There is only one person?" Quiles couldn't help frowning.

"The third tree in front of the left!" Starr said in a low voice.

Quiles was stunned, and his right hand quickly took out the chain knife around his waist. There was a layer of red fire on the knife. Before the knife was thrown out, the fire left the knife, forming a burning blade in mid-air and cutting off the big tree beside the road with a bang. With the roar of collapse, more than a dozen figures quickly flashed from the tree.

"The sixth tree on the right hand!" Star continued.

Quiles said that he was thrown away again.

Before and after, Quiles fell ten knives, and more than a hundred people have appeared.

"Papa!" The first assassin who appeared couldn't help but applaud and only listened to him. I'm sorry, Mr. Star. This is the test given to you by our president. Now that you have passed, then a thousand assassins from the Assassin's Guild will soon gather to follow you. The president also ordered that the thousand assassins would be handed over to Miss Kaninage.

"Test?" Star couldn't help frowning.

"Yes, that's true. 309 top assassins will hide on this path. Even if you don't find one, your test will fail.

Star sneered twice. He didn't expect the old man to talk about cooperation, but in fact he played these little tricks.

However, these little tricks are harmless. Although the old man nominally handed over the control of all the assassins to Kaninagi, it is actually equal to giving it all to himself.

"Star, don't be angry. The meaning of the tutor's intention is that he doesn't want you to send these assassins to the battlefield to death, but that you can give full play to the greatest combat power of these people. Kaninage looked at the expressionless Star and whispered.

Sta smiled and nodded with satisfaction.

As for the remaining 1,000 people from the magic guild and the alchemy guild, it is much more convenient. There are not so many flowers. These are all people who have witnessed the strength of Star. They can fight against the Holy Land without falling behind, and even have the opportunity to destroy the other party in their own hands... With this strength alone, alchemists and magicians can follow without hesitation.

The mercenary union and the knight guild are the simplest. By the time the people arrived at the gate of the mercenary union, a thousand mercenaries and a thousand knights had gathered. Fighting all year round, they are like a weapon that has never wiped off the blood on the blade. As long as it does not rust, they can fight at any time. And the mercenaries make a living by fighting. It is no exaggeration to say... Where there is a battle, you can see the mercenaries!

When all the members of the five major guilds gathered, only the Holy Church knights were left.

To be honest, Star doesn't want this group of knights at all. Because there are arrogant guys like the Holy See, they always deliberately make some trouble for themselves. But if he doesn't go, Feigran will find an excuse and grab his own handle by the way. Anyway, Starr still holds the title of Archbishop of the Red Cross. And this is extremely dazzling and noble for outsiders, but it is a burden for Star.

Because this has always symbolized that Star belongs to the people of the Holy See. And sooner or later, the Holy See will always come up with all kinds of excuses to rectify itself.

"It's really a headache!" Star pinched his swollen temples.

In fact, the place where the Knights of the Holy Church gather is not the huge square in front of the Holy See. Although the Holy See's role in propaganda and demagogueration of believers is much less, it seems that Feigrand has always insisted on it. Star really couldn't figure out what Feigrand was thinking, but when he came to the so-called gathering place, he understood everything.

A thousand knights in red standard full-body armor were ready to go, and the dragon gun with handguards was neatly held in the right hands of the knights. They wore white gloves on their left hand and proudly put them on their waists. And the fingertips of their left hands always stay on the sword at their waist. If the enemy dares to approach, they will definitely pull out the sword at their waist without hesitation.

Even the ** horses in this group of guys seem to have been uniformly dyed, pure white. Everyone's saddle is also equipped with a square shield. The shield has obvious teeth, and each shield can bite each other.

"You can fight alone and attack together!" Quiles said.

Star saw this army full of murderous intent from afar. But how can this be regarded as the Templar Knights? This is obviously a fanatical judge knight! Star shook his head angrily, which was troublesome. The Holy See threw this hot potato to itself...

That's not the only thing that gives Star a headache. The leader is actually Sethers!

Sethirth rode a jujube-red horse in the same uniform as yesterday. She was talking and laughing with Feigrand. Feilang tilted his head and signaled that someone was coming, and then Sethus turned his head.

Obviously, Sethus was very surprised when he saw Starr. Especially the old Billy and Alice who followed Starr...

"Damn it!" Sethus looked at the Star coming here and waved his hand. Soon, someone in the team came forward.

Sethirs's every move fell in Star's eyes. After he didn't know what Sethirs said to the man, the man turned his head and withdrew from the team. Star looked away in the direction of the man's departure, and he couldn't help laughing. It seemed that he had gone to the Holy See Temple.

"Let's go!" Star tilted his head and led the crowd forward.

"Dear Miss Sethers, it's a pleasure to see you again. Thank you for your hospitality last night. I will always keep it in mind. Star politely saluted a gentleman's etiquette, and then deliberately looked around, "Are you the head of this Holy Church Order?"

Feigran sat aside, always smiling and silent.

Instead, she could see a trace of anger in Sethus's eyes. Obviously, she did not know the fact that Star had escaped from the prison of the gods. After staring at Fergran fiercely, Sethose looked at Star.

"I'm glad to see you again. I didn't expect that the hospitality last night didn't satisfy you. Otherwise, you wouldn't have left in such a hurry and took your friends by the way." Sethus endured a smiling face and said to Starr. However, we have a lot of opportunities and time to cooperate in the future. I hope the next reception will make you more satisfied!"

Who can hear the thorns in these words, but Star doesn't want to care about it.

As Seyce said, there are many opportunities for cooperation in the future. Last night's hatred, that can't be forgotten!

Jian Mang couldn't help arching his back. The bright breath emanating from this guy really made him a little uncomfortable.

" As you can see, I am the head of this fanatical trial knights, but from today on, they will be in charge of you, and I will be your deputy!" Sethus turned around and said with a smile.

"Whose idea is this?" Star couldn't help frowning and asking.

"Of course, who else can I have!" Fergland bowed to Star without concealment. Now that everyone is ready, please ask my cardinal to leave immediately.

"Well, I'm not busy, I still have some things to finish!" Star snorted coldly and said.