Card Alchemist

Chapter 393 Test

Twenty or so strong men with thick and round waists surrounded Star, and the thin clerk was pushed aside one by one. Old Billy and Jian Mang wanted to do it, but they were stopped by Star's eyes, because Star understood that in this case, he had to show his strength to convince Tarina and this group of soldiers.

Otherwise, even with Roland's token, he can't order these soldiers with eyes on his head. Not to mention the reputable Flogging Legion of the God of War!

So Star has decided now, let's take these people to Liwei! Don't they look down on themselves? For so long, let them open their eyes wide. What does it mean to look down at people?

Thinking of this, Star looked at the strong man in front of him and couldn't help laughing loudly.

"Mr. Tarina, are there only these rookies in your barracks? Well, if you insist that they are the strongest soldiers in the barracks, then I hope you won't feel sorry for these guys in the end!"

"What, how dare you underestimate us!" The soldiers around Star couldn't help but be furious. A few days ago, they had seen that their count was in a bad mood. The reason is precisely because the boy sent by His Majesty Roland. Originally, these soldiers spoke lightly and did not have any intersection with Star. Even if they wanted to give the count a bite, there was nothing they could do. But now, this boy dares to send him to his door and beat him so hard. I'm really sorry for the cultivation of the count.

Star couldn't help laughing. We can try it!"

"Okay, boy. I don't care whether you are the celebrity in front of your majesty or not. I think I should tear up your annoying mouth and then twist your head. Stuff it into your crotch!" A naked soldier clenched his fist and stood in front of Star. He also carried a huge axe on his shoulder. The handle of the axe alone was one person high, and the blade of the axe was covered with blood. **'S chest is full of scars, but his back is extremely smooth.

This means that the soldier has never exposed his back to the enemy. He is very powerful when fighting head-on!

"Ky, I want you to regret coming here!" The warrior carrying a huge axe strode to Star, grabbed Star's skirt with his huge fist, and then suddenly lifted it. Then to his surprise, he couldn't lift up the seemingly thin teenager with one hand.

Star put his hand on the other party's hand with a smile.

However, with such a gentle match, the other party's connection turned red in an instant. He never thought that there was such a great power in such a small body. His hand was like an iron hoop, and his wrist was firmly locked and could not move at all. And it seems that the other party doesn't use any strength at all.

"What's the matter, Bull. You don't like this boy, do you? By the way, this boy is thin-skinned and tender... It's nothing for you to like him. At worst, don't kill him, drag him into the military tent, and do whatever you want!" The soldier behind him laughed. In their opinion, even Star, whose height is far from the Bulls, will not be his opponent at all.

"What, haven't you admitted defeat?" Star said with a smile, slowly using his strength in his hand. As his hand tilted slightly, the whole body of the bull was tilted and almost stuck to the ground.

'Bang!' The bull fell to the ground with a click, and the injury on his hand made him unable to help his whole body**. I can't say a word...

This scene fell into the eyes of others, just like a bull accidentally fell down. And the defeat of the bull made these rough soldiers involun't help but get angry and scold Star. Bull, get back to your **. It's time for you to wash your ass tonight!"

"Roar!" The fallen bull was so angry that it suddenly roared and struggled to get up from the ground. Without saying a word, he picked up the huge axe in his hand and cut it at Star.

"No, the bull can't kill him!"

The Bull's attack was so powerful that it didn't leave any room for Star. Tarina, who had been fighting in appearance, suddenly cried out. She didn't want to kill Star in the first place. At most, it's enough to humiliate this boy who doesn't know the depth of heaven and earth here, and let him know that it is difficult to leave here and go back to the imperial capital. He is not only the imprisonment of your majesty, but also the favor of many forces. If a person like this dies in his own barracks, even if your majesty wants to save himself, there is nothing he can do.

But the result was still unexpected. Starr easily clamped the bull's huge axe that usually took three or four people to hold with his own hand.

"What's going on?" Everyone couldn't help opening their mouths. They looked like a suffocating fish.

How is that possible? Countless questions jumped from the eyes of the onlookers like a picture. The Bull is a rare warrior in the whole Third Legion. With his axe, even the towering ancient tree will be cut in two without mercy and smashed, not to mention this little white face that seems to be able to play with his mouth.

Man Niu himself was stunned. After a brief loss of distraction, he found that he had made a great mistake. Because his opponent is coming towards him, and never be distracted when facing the enemy... This is what the instructor said to him when he was a recruit. A pair of arms as powerful as spider crabs quickly clasped his neck, and his instantly tightened fingers were like a giant stone octopus under the sea, squeezing out more than half of the air from his throat.

"Damn it!" The bull's heart had just scolded, and then he felt that he had only felt that his body was light and had been held by someone's arm and swang to the air.

In the attention of the pupils of the soldiers around him, the huge bull was raised in the air with one hand by Star, an inconspicuous little white face. Just as he was about to struggle, his whole body seemed to be weightless and flew backwards.

"Kh-ta..." A crisp sound.

The bull was thrown out from afar, like a nucleus thrown out casually, flashing through everyone's vision. He hit a big tree in the barracks fiercely, and the tree broke straight into two pieces.

There was no longer a trace of anger in the arrogant but already lax eyes of the bull, and the huge body slowly slipped from the trunk of the tree.

The soldiers around them were still watching and laughing at the stupidity of this little white face. In the blink of an eye, the soldiers they were proud of had been killed in the hands of the little white face they had been contemptuating and insulting. This huge contrast made their brains blank and suffocated.

Every soldier looked at the hateful little white face and the bull lying under the tree with unbelievable eyes. How is this possible? Without a ping-pong fight or a splash of blood, a soldier weighing more than 200 pounds was killed casually? Countless questions popped up from the almost oxygen-deficient brains of the soldiers.

Is this little white face still like the guy who is rumored to rely only on his body to confuse His Majesty Roland?

Can the little white face that can kill the strongest warrior with bare hands be called the little white face?

Even in the face of the most powerful demons hidden in the Nanyao Forest, the Bull will never be killed so easily!

Are our eyes dazzled?

Questions one after another, like bubbles in the sea, kept rolling in the heads of the remaining soldiers.

All the soldiers' bodies trembled uncontrollably. Their bodies were like air balloons, which obviously swelled up. Impulse and hatred brought their minds close to the edge of the explosion.

Their pride makes them unwilling to admit that a noble warrior of the Third Legion who has experienced hundreds of battles actually died so easily on a little white-faced hand who relied on his body to gain the appreciation of His Majesty! And the way to die is so strange and unbearable, which is simply a shame!

Revenge has made this group of proud soldiers lose their due reason. Several soldiers have begun to look for their own weapons and are ready to kill this guy for revenge!

"Posebsiden! Stop it, all of you!" There was a faint anger in Tarina's voice: "Your Highness, your strength does not match the rumors at all. I hope you can give me a satisfactory explanation why you killed the soldier in my hand so hastily!"

The soldiers around Star tried their best to calm their breath. They were afraid that they could not help string the bastard with their hands.

"I didn't kill him, I just let him be quiet for a while. I think these noisy guys around me will also try to offend a prince like him, and I will also use this means to make them quiet!" Star couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth. What's the matter, Count Tarina? You just said that as long as I can beat these rookies, you are willing to sign a handover agreement. Well, please hurry up... The sun is setting, and the demons are **. I don't want to be caught off guard by the demons before the handover!"

"No matter how strong your personal strength is, you can't deal with these demons at all. My soldiers are all elite, and they are destined to be the best soldiers from birth. And the whip of the God of War is just some well-fed guys. The imperial capital has never experienced the flames of war, and they are not suitable for fighting at all!" Count Tarina was still resisting tenaciously. She and Ben did not believe that Star could block these demons inside the Nanyao Forest.

"If they only care, they will become the best soldiers from today. In addition, I have a force that can reverse any war situation!" Star said with a smile, "Where are the warriors of the dragon clan?"


The sound of dragons sounded from the sky, shaking through the mountains and forests.