Card Alchemist

Chapter 398 The Arrival of the Great Devil

Nanyao Forest soon ushered in a second day. Although the soldiers in the station looked lazy, Star, as the highest officer, did not accuse them of negligence.

One is that there has been a fierce battle the night before, and the other is that the sun is extremely bright today.

Even if it is far away from each other, you can still hear the sound of fighting in the Nanyao forest outside the station, and the wailing that has never stopped.

The demons really began to fight as Star imagined. Under the scorching sun, the residual fire in the Nanyao forest even showed signs of rekindling. Most of the originally dense branches and leaves were almost burned last night. Even the tallest plants in the Nanyao Forest could not find a complete shade under them.

The demons scrambled to hide in the shade of the trees, trying to avoid the sunlight that would never appear in the abyss plane. But today, it seems that there are a large number of demons coming out of the abyss plane, and large groups of them crowded out of the cracks in space. Originally, they thought that they would be greeted by a dense and dark forest, but when they really reached the main plane, they were dumbfounded.

Is this still the wonderful forest mentioned by other demons? Why does it become so messy? The trees everywhere are emitting unburned smoke, and the temperature generated by the residual fire is even better than the abyss plane. And where is the shade that should have been able to block the sunlight? Even under the largest tree in Nanyao Forest, there is no shade that can accommodate a tree the size of an ass.

Countless demons stood in the sun stunned, and the sun shone almost all over their skin. The skin surface, which was like a pustules, suddenly cracked and flowed out of the unpleasant pus. Large groups of mosquitoes and flies smelled the fishy smell and buzzed towards here, stinging up rudely.

A half-human demon with two horns, the upper body is like a human, but the lower body is like a standing goat. The huge sheep's hoof stepped on the ground that had been extremely dry, leaving a row of deep footprints on the road he walked. It stared at a pair of eyes that could hardly get along with its face, and glanced at the demons sitting under the largest tree in the forest to hide from the sun.

Qualified to sit here is undoubtedly the strongest demon in the Nanyao Forest. Perhaps their strength may not be strong in the abyss, but after last night's battle, even the polluted demon of the middle demon may not be more powerful than a sinking wizard demon.

The half-body demon narrowed his eyes and walked slowly around the tree. Suddenly, he found a sinking demon in the figure of many demons.

"Damn it, even the devil with the lowest plane in the abyss dares to compete with us for the shade?" The half-body demon was so angry that he immediately took two steps forward and grabbed the sinking demon hidden behind other demons. How can this thing, which is not even tall enough to reach its waist, be qualified to hide in the shade of trees?

The half-body demon thought angrily, like throwing garbage casually, throwing the sinking demon out rudely. The half-length demon thought he could enjoy the coolness of the shade, but who knew that his action just now had touched the hornet's nest!

The shade under the tree has been occupied by the sinking demons, because they are numerous and have not participated in the battle. Of course, it occupies the largest shade in Nanyao Forest. As for other more powerful demons, they did not dare to offend, so they had to give up some shade to other demons. And the half-body demon just hit the muzzle of the gun. When he just threw out a sinking demon, the other sinking demons suddenly surged out and rudely pressed the half-body demon on the ground.

The power of dozens of sinking demons cannot be underestimated, especially after a night of war, their nerves have become extremely fragile. When this half-length demon made a provocation for the first time, even the sinking little demons who could be infinitely resurrected through the sinking wizard finally couldn't help it. They exert the most instinctive fear from creatures. When the fear reaches its limit, it becomes fearless madness.

They rushed to the half-body demon like crazy, ruthlessly biting with their sharp teeth and claws. Pieces of flesh and blood were bitten from the body of the half-body demon, and the blood splashed on the ground, extinguishing the sparks under the root of the tree.

The sound of stinging came from the inside of Nanyao Forest again. Except here, there was a small-scale battle under the shade of almost every tree. There were all kinds of demon screams under every tree. Some weak demons were driven out of the shade of the tree and could not regain their original position... They turned their eyes to the barracks outside the valley.

Madness is blind, especially when death is approaching. These demons without the shade want to rush to the barracks, because now only human flesh and blood and their souls can help themselves reduce the pain from the scorching sun. When the demons rushed out of the forest, they suddenly found that they had ignored the distance between Nanyao Forest and the barracks. With their strength, they can't support themselves to rush to the barracks. Moreover, there are three intact positions formed by human beings outside the barracks. In addition to death, there is only death left waiting for them!

The soldiers so boldly exposed their bodies outside the station, which was unimaginable before.

Because there is a kind of hatred for porcupines among the demons who come to the main plane. This kind of porcupines are sharp thorns harder than steel needles. They are long-range shooters among demons. Although it is not big, it can shoot out the steel thorns outside your body. The soldiers of the Third Army learned to be obedient and knew how to hide their bodies under high positions after suffering a lot.

However, from the moment the sun was born, the figure of this hate porcupine has disappeared in the Nanyao Forest. In the past, no matter what, there would be a place for these hate porcupines under the shade of trees. And their role is to teach human beings who dare to underestimate demons, but now... they have already turned into a pool of pus.

The damage of sunlight to low-level demons is unimaginable to ordinary people!

"It's really surprising that it took you only one night to save the situation that our Third Army has been at a disadvantage. It seems that Roland value you not only your body and your strength, but also your brain!" Tarina followed Sta step by step, attracting a crowd of soldiers to watch. In particular, the scene of Tarina's untidy clothes coming out of Star's military tent made Kaninage furious.

But the careful Alice still knew the real information from Star's less obvious actions. Star didn't pay attention to Tarina at all...

The position is still carrying out the tasks that should be carried out in an orderly manner, as if just like Star, almost everyone regards Tarina as air. Of course, if the unexpected person is Sethus, I'm afraid it's the woman.

This woman from heaven always seems to be out of tune with Tarina. Fighting is also a common occurrence, but it is precisely because of the existence of Sethus that Starr has the only time to breathe.

Just as I was preparing for the demons to attack again tonight, no one knew that the interior of Nanyao Forest, which was originally in full swing, quietly stopped.

The demons who were fighting with each other on the ground suddenly stopped, and they raised their heads coincidentally. Looking at the inside of the forest and bypassing the layers of trees that are enough to block the view, the interior of the forest is still shaded. It seems that this shade is the largest in the whole Nanyao Forest, but few lower demons or even middle demons dare to perch here.

I walked around a big tree and turned into a small mountain not far away. There is not enough sunshine here, but the trees are lush enough to block all the sunshine. A small spring flowed down from the rock wall of the mountain like flying flowers and jade. This is already the periphery of Nanyao Forest near the canyon... Just above the forest, there is a rainbow-like faint aperture, and inexplicable notes are swimming in the aperture.

This aperture is the so-called "space cracks", which are everywhere in the whole continent, and the demons come here from the abyss plane through these space cracks. However, the 'space cracks' in the Nanyao Forest have accounted for more than 80% of the cracks in the whole continent. And the space cracks here are bigger than those outside. Therefore, if you want to come from this kind of space crack to the main plane, it is actually very dangerous.

At least half of the demons did not die in the sun or at the hands of human beings. Instead, they died when they passed through the space channel and were torn alive by the storm contained in the space cracks. The more huge the space crack in the exit, the stronger the space storm contained in it will be.

But today, when all the demons have passed through the space crack, this crack, which the demons called 'exclusive channel', should have been honest, but it became abnormally restless. The runes shrouded in aperture rotated rapidly. They rushed up into the crack, and then were shaken out by another larger force.

This scene made all the demons who were unwilling to be shot by the sun stop their movements and kneel to the ground coincidentally. Facing the cracks in the space, his body couldn't help trembling slightly.

The big demon finally came!