Card Alchemist

Chapter 409 Gru Ruins

The ruins of the Gru Tower are very well preserved and have not been vented by the stupid outrage of the angry demons.

And the collapsed obsidian is perfectly constructed into an arc, which on the other hand ensures that the foundation of the Tower of Gru is not too damaged.

After Glele's detailed introduction, Starr realized that the real part of the Gru Tower does not only exist on the surface, but is buried deep in the ground. The tower buried deep in the ground is also part of the basement, which is Greal's real laboratory.

Star, who came here for the first time, did not notice this. He always pursued the path of his predecessors, but ignored the most critical place. Fortunately, the basement was not destroyed because of this, otherwise Starr would have blamed it.

Maybe it's because the demons have been scrupulous about the afterglow of Glyre, which is why they didn't destroy the whole ruins. The whole ruins were kept quite well, and Star quickly found the original location of the gate. It's just that this former gate has been perfectly buried by more than a dozen boulders!

Star, who wanted to smash these obsidian boulders, couldn't help but stop his movements. He remembered that Gle had reminded himself that even if the Tower of Gru was destroyed, don't try to destroy every piece of its original gravel. With a helpless shrug, Star had to work hard to lift these messy boulders.

It's just that a boulder has just been removed, and countless gravel has rolled down, quickly filling the passage that has been hard to clean up. With a sigh, Star shook his head with a wry smile. Why did he suddenly become confused?

"Although Glele said that he was not allowed to destroy any part of the Gru Tower, he did not say that he could not change the shape of the raw materials here!" Star knocked his finger and poured his spirit into the largest boulders in the ruins. Since I have come specially for the treasure in the Tower of Gru, it is necessary to clean up the ruins in memory of the legendary alchemist.

Several obsidians injected with magic quickly twisted and turned into humanoid puppets.

After giving them a casual order to clean up the rubble, Star sat still and closed his eyes. The previous battle with Faschi consumed too much physical strength and strength. In this unknown world, he must always maintain the peak state to meet all dangers.

Star's spiritual power was slowly released, quickly covering the whole ruins. But that's all, because the distance of the ruins is the distance that he can ensure his absolute safety. Thinking of this, Star couldn't help sneer. The guys hidden in the thorns don't seem to be planning to come out, but they are just four upper demons who dare to come to peep. However, no demon left, so that Star could sit on the ruins at ease to restore his strength.

As long as it takes half an hour, you can recover at least half of your strength. At that time, dealing with them is just a matter of action.

The longer they drag on, the worse they will die!

Star couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth.

The puppets worked very hard, and they moved stones comparable to their own bodies out of the ruins without any complaints. Although the puppets had cleaned up the original door very early, Star still did not let them stop working. But surprisingly, the two floors on the surface of the Tower of Gru were not destroyed. Starr remembers that a lot of precious plants were placed here by Greer, and these things have long been extinct on the main plane. In the potion made, as long as a little grinding liquid is added, its power will be doubled.

These are also Gryor's rare legacy.

Although it doesn't help much for the current Starr, it is not the same for his only apprentice. Star couldn't help but feel a little guilty at the thought of Uthel, his own apprentice. Maybe becoming your own apprentice has a great honor for the outside world, but it's not the same for Uther. Under his own aura, there is only infinite pressure on Uther!

Many people will point to Uther and say - look, this is the apprentice of the Star Alchemist. He is still a waste, and his mentor is not much worse. Unexpectedly, he seldom taught him alchemy. Instead, he let him exercise his body like those knights every day.

Star has heard a lot of accusations like this. Although he doesn't care, for Uther, it may not be like that.

I should have compensated him!

Sta couldn't help smiling. If it's too late to return to the main plane this time, if you have time, you must teach him well. At least, you can't let your only apprentice down.

And the child's intelligence is enough to make many people jealous. With his wisdom, he should soon be able to learn all his theories.

Another hour passed, and the ruins were completely cleaned up. But the demons hidden in the thorns did not move, never showing up.

However, Star did not mean to bother them. He did not want to use his precious physical strength to deal with them.

However, in order to ensure that there is no mistake, Starr chose to let several puppets patrol the ruins of the Tower of Gru. Attack all creatures who dare to enter their patrol area. If the intruder is killed by these puppets, there is no need for Star to worry about it. Even if the invaders are too strong to get rid of their puppets, Star can get the news and be vigilant as soon as possible through the connection with the puppet.

With a squeak, the gate of the Tower of Gru was pushed open by Star again after two years.

It was not until Star's back disappeared in the Tower of Gru, and the demons hidden in the thorns began to **.

"What should I do? That guy went in?" A sharp voice in the thorns sounded first.

"Kill in!" At the same time, there was a thick and deep voice.

"It's impossible. He killed a big demon before. We're just going to die!" The shrill voice sounded again.

"Huh, stupid human. Fighting against the big devil, I'm afraid he is seriously injured now. We are waiting here now. Even if the Tower of Gru collapses, there must be some mechanism or something. Then hit it when he is in the middle of the organ. At that time, his soul will be divided equally between the four of us!"

The ** in the thorns quickly calmed down.

At this time, Star's figure has completely hidden into the tower of Gru.

Gru's Tower is indeed a laboratory that can make Greer linger. Only the remaining plant species in the remaining two-story tower shocked Starr. Because the base of the whole Gru Tower is made of obsidian, it is more than a certain degree of hardness. But at that time, the battle between Blue-eyed White Dragon and Dios also exceeded the limit of the whole Gru Tower, which led to the collapse of Gru Tower from top to bottom.

But the bottom still maintains the greatest degree of integrity.

Almost every individual room is placed with a plant that is extinct on the main plane, and even Glele has arranged different environments for the growth of these plants. For example, the 'Ice Lotus' in front of Star, the whole room perfectly presents the cold in the polar regions, and it can't stop the cold gushing out through the closed iron door. After a moment of hesitation, Starr did not uproot these plants, but chose to pick only their stems, leaves and some seeds. And quickly record the environment in which the plant lives. If there is a chance, Star will choose to replant these plants when he returns to the main plane.

However, the plants here are really beyond Sta's imagination, and the temperature, humidity, and even the pH in the soil required by each plant have different requirements. After recording more than a dozen different plant species, Starr found the marked nameplate from the bottom of the flower bed used to grow plants... This made Starr too annoyed.

It took three hours in the first layer before Star collected all the plants.

The second layer of the Gru Tower is mainly placed on processed materials. Due to the protection of the alchemy array, these raw materials have not been consumed too much. All that Star didn't leave was included in the space ring.

After all this, Star was ready to enter the basement.

At this time, he also had a special perception of the outside world. The patrol puppet did not find the intruder. It seemed that the four demons had retreated.

Star smiled and turned his eyes to the basement he was about to enter.

"The sixth floor under the bookcase is to start the magic array!"

This is what Greer said to Starr at that time. It's just that the bookcase has long been smashed by falling boulders, and now it can only be found piece by piece. It was not until the thirteenth floor was opened that Star found that the magic array had been activated.

It's just a fingerprint. You just need to put your hand into the sunken fingerprints and enter the magic.

Although it seems so simple to start the magic array, Star has to admire old Billy's meticulousness.

At least this magic array can only be opened by humans!

The demons below the middle demon strength don't know what magic is at all. Even if they find this magic array, they can't start it. For guys above the middle demon strength, their bodies will also become bigger as their strength increases, and their palms can't be put into this fingerprint at all, let alone input magic.

As for being able to control his body size, I'm afraid there is only a demon king with strength like Dios.

And only his two brothers are as strong as Dios. And Dios did not dare to return to the Tower of Gru at all. No wonder Greer assured himself that no one could open his basement in the whole abyss plane. That's why!