Card Alchemist

Chapter 411 Block

A puppet who has completely become a Star-like puppet is guarding in front of the Tower of Gru.

However, Star himself had to withdraw his mental strength at this critical time. The magic array seems to have been activated, but Star must devote all his attention.

Just like the games played in the previous life, this strange magic array's non-stop 'demand' needs a fire element contained in the primary magician-level magic for a while. After a while, a senior magician was asked to release the water element of magic... This strange magic array is beyond Star's understanding.

But it's still not a problem,

No wonder Glele reminded Star before that if you want to unlock this magic array, you must ensure your safety.

It's just... There is also a upper demon outside the Tower of Gru. This greedy magic array is constantly asking for different elements from Star's body! If Star is replaced by any person, this person will definitely become a meat husk... No magician will release so many kinds of magic, not to mention that after the water element is just needed under the elemental theory, it must be injected with the fire element.

Only the alchemist can unlock this magic array.

Because only the alchemist can avoid the elemental conflict theory and constantly inject all kinds of elements needed by the magic array. But at the same time, the level of the alchemist can't be too low... Gle really deserves to be a legendary alchemist, and such a complex magic array is used in a basement. However, Star thought about it and was immediately relieved. After all, the things in the basement can't be known to others at all, otherwise it will not only lead to the drastic change of the whole abyss plane, but also directly affect the main plane.

So Greer didn't want anyone to open this magic array long before he designed it. And the only person who can open it is Greer himself and Greer's disciples... Although Star is not Greer's apprentice, Greer at least told Sta how to unlock the magic array.

In the face of this situation, Star had to devote all his attention to the magic array, and in order to delay the time when the upper demon entered the Tower of Gru, he specially divided a little soul into the puppet. Although this is a loss for power, as long as you can get those things in the basement, Star's power will make a qualitative leap!

He quickly closed his eyes. What Star wants now is to untie this magic circle quickly!

And Caesar outside, leave it to the puppet injected into his soul to deal with!

Caesar couldn't help narrowing her eyes. She carefully looked at the puppet who had become a humanoid, and there were unpleasant smiles in her mouth, which was in response to the puppet's anger. I really didn't expect that you would separate your soul in order to stop me! It seems that you found something great in the Tower of Gru. You don't want me to know!"

After saying that, Caesar slowly opened his hands.

As her hands were raised, a rippling black translucent magic barrier quickly enveloped the whole Gru Tower.

"It seems that since you have the confidence to separate your soul, you may have figured out a way to escape. I don't want to be dragged here by your little soul!" Caesar walked slowly to the puppet with a treacherous smile.

The puppet injected into the soul now has all of Star's consciousness. Now it can be said that it is not an excessive for him to be the split of Star! The puppet now has almost the same wisdom and mind as Star. Except for a slight difference in power, there is no difference!

Sta didn't say anything. In fact, the puppet's body could not make him open his mouth. The only thing he could do was to let go of his anger. Tell Caesar that such behavior is not a wise choice!

"Are you angry?" Caesar asked rhetorically and did not flinch from it. Indeed, it is not a wise choice to be an enemy of a guy who can kill the big devil, but Caesar has no way out now. Once she chooses to give in, and when the other party recovers, her life may come to an end. It's better to gamble honestly than to die.

When he said this, Caesar had begun to run. Her whole delicate figure suddenly became strange, as if she had used some wonderful body method. When she ran, it was not along a straight line, but difficult to figure out, left and right. Even the distance of each step was short, and she couldn't guess which point she would step on next.

And at this time, Star once again felt the arrival of the threat. He became more and more absorbed, staring at Caesar's every move, and his mental strength was concentrated together!

But the power gap makes him unable to distinguish Caesar's confusing body, let alone judge the other party's footing place.

Just as the distance between the two became more and more between you, Caesar's speed was about doubled, and his whole body was like a vigorous leopard, killing Star. At such a fast speed, Star couldn't react at all. The heavy body that originally belonged to the obsidian increased the speed of Caesar's dodging after approaching!


Star was firmly hit, and the huge force made his whole body fly backwards, and his feet left two very deep marks on the ground. And there was a huge hole in the position where the chest was hit just now, and the mottled hole kept releasing spider-like cracks.

"Hey, is your body quite strong?" Caesar couldn't help laughing.

Star stood up slowly and glanced at the big hole in his chest. Although there was no touch, he couldn't help shivering. If you really stand here, you may not be able to stop this blow!

"You're just like this!" Star slowly put his hand across his chest, and with the brush of his hand, the big frightening hole in his chest quickly shrank. Fortunately, I chose to inject my soul into this strong obsidian body. It seems that it may not be a problem to delay another hour. If you have the ability, let's have a good competition! I took your blow just now, and now you should take my blow!"

"Haha, do you have a brain!" Caesar couldn't help laughing loudly, and the black tail behind him swayed excitedly up and down. When did I say I was going to take your blow? Even the big devil died in your hands. I want to beat you. What else can I do but sneak attack? You puppet is just a waste to delay time with me!"

Star shook his head with a wry smile. It was the first time he was scolded for having no brain.

"Okay, it's hard to die! I have nothing to say about you and your puppet, but I want to taste what your soul tastes like!"

Sta quickly sent out a sense of disdain.

Caesar shouted and answered, and immediately rushed forward. The weak and boneless feet suddenly stepped on the ground, and immediately kicked out two deep footprints on the ground. Then with this terrible jumping force, he jumped three yards high and jumped in front of Star in an instant. Both hands grabbed his head, and the tail behind him flashed like a scorpion's tail!

In an instant, Star only felt a pain in his head!

The puppet guarding outside the Tower of Gru was killed in an instant!

At this time, the magic array has reached a critical level. The magic array absorbs the magic in its own body almost unlimitedly. This bottomless hole is becoming more and more greedy, and it absorbs all the power in Star's body almost regardless. Star only felt dizzy for a while and almost fainted to the ground.

However, in Star's vision, there is still a color based on obsidian, and there is no vision or any danger.

Sta suddenly heard footsteps! It was like the sound of a crisp heel tapping on the road, stepping on a steady pace and coming slowly.

At this time, although there was no wind at all, Star's blonde hair floated in an instant, which was when he felt the most extremely dangerous. However, Star couldn't turn his head at all. He knew that the danger was behind him! But the footsteps in my ears are getting closer and closer, as if they are stepping on the heart every time, which is obvious from far to near!

The footsteps stopped abruptly!

He didn't have any reaction, because he knew that no matter what he did, it was too late.

That guy has come behind him!

Star took a deep breath and didn't expect that he would overturn the boat in the ditch and die in the hands of a superior demon. Maybe his soul will be swallowed up by the other party... Or maybe the other party will transform to the level of the big demon after devouring his soul.

But Star can't resist at all, and the magic array is still continuing. He has even felt that the magic array has given up absorbing its own magic power and changed it to absorbing vitality!

"Your soul is still unexpectedly delicious. I can't believe it. It's comparable to the taste of the purest soul among human beings. Does the soul of the great devil smell like this? Caesar stood behind Star, his proud tongue gently licking his red lips, with infinite desire in his eyes! Are you a human?"

Star slowly closed his eyes!

He could feel that the life in his body was slipping away quickly, which made him unable to even breathe. In the face of Caesar's provocation, he could not even respond!

Caesar quickly walked to Star's side, and her slender hand had been pressed against Star's back!

"No matter who you used to be, now your soul is about to belong to me! The only pity is that your life does not belong to me... I can clearly feel that your vitality is passing rapidly. It seems that you have found a good place! But don't worry, after you die, this place will belong to me!"