Card Alchemist

Chapter 423 Kill it all

When Star saw the angel's appearance, a burning anger broke out in the air!

With electric eyes, he suddenly stared at the Rose next to him!

And at this time, Rose's body was also rapidly cracking. It was not until two pairs of wings with holy light were exposed that another angel appeared. Star couldn't help narrowing his eyes. He quietly knocked his finger, and the alchemy was driving these dense trees in the forest to grow crazily. He is making a home court for Tarina. As long as there are shadows in this forest, these angels can't deal with Tarina.

And Tarina's eyes almost spewed out flames, which made these angels almost unbearably suffocated. You damn bastards, these damn invaders. Wearing the cloak of human beings, he seized the human body.

"Oh, you mean the original owner of this body?" When Rose smiled, the smile on his face seemed to be as soft as a childish, but the eyes were cold and terrible, and the dark golden pupils were more or less strange. What do you think we will do? That human soul is naturally assimilated by me. It's their luck to assimilate with angels!"


Sta couldn't help laughing.

What a ridiculous explanation! What a cold word this is! What a high-sounding word!!

As the smile on his face became brighter and brighter, Star's eyes became colder and colder. He looked at the so-called angels, and the murderous intention kept flashing in his eyes. You, in the name of faith, kill the warriors who are loyal to you. Take away their bodies, is this the so-called coming? What you have done is worse than the devil! Deceive those ignorant people, and after getting their support, they are taking away their homes, everything, and even their bodies!"

"Star!" Rousse's voice couldn't help but bring a trace of ridicule. His whole foot was floating in mid-air, with half of the sword missing in his hand, pointing to Star from a distance. A fool like you doesn't understand at all! To tell you the truth, these people voluntarily give their bodies to us. You think it's so easy to come. As long as this body resists a little, we will all fail because of it! And the consequence of failure is to disappear forever!"

"Voluntary?" Starr sneered. That's also deceived. The Holy See has brainwashed these children since childhood. Will they not want to?

After listening to Star's words, Rose couldn't help laughing strangely. At night, this kind of laughter is particularly creepy. And it doesn't seem to come from the body of an angel at all!

"Star, you should feel honored. The order we received was not to kill you, otherwise, you would have died many times now. Demons like you are not qualified to survive on this continent at all!" Rose narrowed his eyes and said word by word to Star. Return to Nanyao Forest as soon as possible, before we go back on our word. Otherwise, we will kill you here at all costs!"

Stain looked at each other's smile, full of angels**. But this sound fell into Star's ears, but it was indescribably ugly!

"Well, it seems that I'm lucky!" Staping raised his god and shook gently at the group of angels who had already shown their bodies. The golden fighting light sandwiched between the flames on the blade of the god-sold sword suddenly flashed crazily, like a bright light in the night! As you know, I am the Cardinal of the Holy See. Have you ever heard of people who retreat without a fight?

Star returned the words that the other party had just thrown to himself to the other party quietly.

In fact, in this speech, Star and Rose are also constantly changing their bodies to find each other's flaws. But with the change of his body shape, Star seemed to be aware of it. His eyes always accurately locked Rose and stared at his flaws.

It was not until then that Rose knew that he underestimated Star's strength. From the beginning, he almost succeeded in sneaking on himself, and quietly bullied behind him before he was noticed by himself. I'm afraid it takes three angels to deal with him!

At this moment, although the battlefield situation has been in a calm state, it is extremely dangerous. Because the number of people is an absolute disadvantage, Star does not intend to take the lead. And he is still constantly making home for Tarina. As long as Tarina's home court can be fully mastered, it may not be a problem to solve these angels!

After several temptations, Rose finally crossed his heart, quickly grasped the sword with both hands, shouted loudly, and rushed to Star! The milky white angel fighting spirit lit up like the scorching sun in an instant! It's like a scorching sun rising on the ground in the dark night! The light of fighting spirit almost enveloped the distance of several meters around, and finally turned into countless meteors, shooting at Tarina standing behind Star from all directions!

"Be careful!" Star couldn't help but be shocked. He didn't expect that these guys would take Tarina first. But Rose and the others didn't forget! Although Tarina is just a woman, she has the strength of the Holy Land after all, and her identity as a 'sinner' makes these angels have to pay attention to it.

Tarina's pupils suddenly turned dark gold, and her eyes suddenly contracted. In the face of these strong angels who are also holy land, she did not dare to underestimate. She opened her arms and quickly whispered a few strange notes in her mouth, and then a black fog quickly enveloped her body. Almost in an instant, he covered up the strong light that rushed to him! And she also mastered the home court in an instant!

In the dark, it does not mean that there is no shadow, but it is impossible to determine the location of the shadow. As a result, Tarina's strength will be greatly improved!

And these holy lights seem to be very similar to the sacred fighting spirit practiced by the paladin, but the intensity is not known how many times higher!

As soon as the black fog enveloped these milky white light, I saw countless white meteors bombarding the white holy light. The scene was like a pond on a rainy day in summer, which was stirred by countless ripples by raindrops, and the black fog of Tarina was torn in an instant!

In the roar, Rose slammed the ground under his feet. With a bang, the ground collapsed into a deep hole with his foot! He quickly spread his wings, and his whole body rushed to Tarina like an arrow!

The long sword suddenly turned into countless stars in his hand, and it was like forming a dense net in the night, covering towards Tarina


Rosse suddenly made a strange voice, and the holy light vibrated again. He was determined to kill Tarina at once. But his body was suddenly fixed in place, as if he had been caught by a pair of hands. These angels did not know that if the light could not drive away all the darkness, then Tarina would always occupy the home court. As long as Taarina occupies the home court, she will not fail!

But even so, the milky holy light still shot away from Rose's body. At the same time, Tarina also quickly released a black photosphere. The two collided with each other without mercy, and suddenly, the sky and the earth seemed to fall into a silence... But the silence at this moment. But it is a sign of the outbreak!


A huge round sound wave suddenly dispersed from the center point where the force of the two people hit the ground, and then quickly scattered around in the shape of a circular shock wave!

Suddenly, the roar shook, and all the trees were crooked, and the knights in the distance couldn't even hold their weapons!

Then the shock wave was like a huge whirlwind. I saw the figure flying. The soldiers around were immediately blown upside down, and some people had already flown out!

Under the sound wave, I saw that the bodies of Tarina and Rossé seemed to have frozen in mid-air.

Rose's long sword was cut down, but Tarina's hand had an extra black gun! The length of the black war gun is only about half the length of the ordinary knight's spear, and the lightning flashes on the tip of the gun, covering a dazzling breath of death!

And at this moment, Tarina is holding a gun in both hands, holding up Rose's earth-shaking split!

Just around the two people's ground, within about dozens of meters, the angels who were still facing Star had already tried to avoid the explosion, and on the ground, there was a huge round pit with a terrible diameter of dozens of meters!

And Rousse and Tarina are in the center of this round pit!

Just as Rose was about to continue to attack, he was suddenly stunned. He couldn't help looking back angrily, only to find that his original body had disappeared. Instead, it was Star standing there. Not only that, the bodies used by the other seven angels had been destroyed.

"Damn it!" Rose cursed.

The angels in heaven are almost composed of pure energy bodies. In heaven, there is no energy flow at all. Because in heaven, the lost energy will be quickly replenished. It's just that on the main plane, there is too little pure energy to supplement your body. Once the body is destroyed, they have been told that no matter who wins the battle, several of their angels will die because of the dissipation of energy!

It was because of this that Rose left an angel to guard the body before the battle. But now this angel has completely dissipated in the main plane!

"Haha..." Rose's laughter oscillated in everyone's ears. He gave up the pursuit of Tarina and pointed his long sword at Star! Starr, you really surprised me. Unexpectedly, you are the first person to annoy me in the main plane. But I have decided that I will kill you completely!"