Card Alchemist

Chapter 437 The Good Don't Come

From the abyss, the most vicious thorns.

This plant usually likes to stay on the body of the organism and constantly absorbs it with the host's body as a nutrient. Because it depends on the host, it is even more impossible for the host to die easily. Even if an ordinary human has a life expectancy of only 100 years, after being parasited by thorns, his life expectancy will be abruptly tripled or even more than five times.

The pain of being sent to the body is even more uncontrollable.

There are many precedents of human beings in the main plane being parasitted by this plant, but their end is death without exception - self-understanding.

But Rose, with the help of the goddess's blood, he has become immortal. In this case, it is not even possible to self-detonation. Only by this kind of thorn forever until your mind collapses. And the parasitic thorns will not make their host lose consciousness. They will constantly secrete a kind of ** similar to 'doping', constantly inject into the host's body, and always keep the host awake.

As long as this parasitic thorn does not die, Rose will not have the possibility of death.

In history, there has hardly been a single parasite thorn of normal death. Perhaps until the plane collapsed, Rose was suffering from this inhuman pain.

Let Rosse continue to bear this inhuman pain... Star returned to the imperial capital alone.

Perhaps this return is his last return to the imperial capital. Because Star has an ominous foreboding, and as he gets closer and closer to the imperial capital, this feeling becomes clearer and clearer. In addition to death, the angels hidden in the Holy See, and the demons from the abyss plane... are all ready to move. It is still a question whether the main plane that is pointed to the spearhead can overcome this difficulty.

Moore elves and Zhuoer elves have come out of the underground cave. As soon as these guys came out, they occupied the nearest forest near the Thunder Mountains.

However, when they knew that this plane had become the fat of many strong, they had to face this situation... These elves who often fought in underground caves did not forget their talents and built a position on the edge of the forest at the first time - the so-called strict defense!

After another two days, Star returned to the imperial capital.

And he was surprised to find that the imperial capital had completely changed... On the city wall, the original golden thorn flower flag fluttering in the wind unexpectedly lowered the flag at half. This sign means that there has been a major accident in the empire. In the imperial city of the imperial capital, and above the gates of the city wall of the imperial capital, there are various locations representing the administrative execution of the imperial capital. Those golden thorn flower flags have been replaced, and one side is a special black thorn flower!

When I saw this scene, there was almost a thunderstorm in Star's mind.

Is Roland dead?

Only when the imperial emperor dies will these black thorn flower flags be raised in the imperial capital. Even if Star doesn't believe it, these have become a fact. All the soldiers in the imperial capital, even those ordinary patrolmen, wrapped their armor with some black silk cloth. The cold sword at the waist looks more and more dazzling in the sun.

From the conversation of passers-by in the imperial capital, Star knew that he had only come back one night late.

Just last night, Roland died.

It was also the early morning when Star returned to the imperial capital.

In the open gate, countless elite knights changed into heavy black clothes and ran away from the gate. They carried an emergency document sealed with black leather paint. These knights came out of the gates of the imperial capital and galloped all over the mainland. Their task is to convey this sad news to the cities of the empire.

In this coming winter.

A letter of mourning from the imperial capital spread throughout the human empire.

The young emperor reigned for only more than three years from the time he seized the throne through a coup until his death. Although in this long history, three years of emperorship can only be called short-lived. And the emperor should have been scolded for his absurd behavior, such as pulling an unknown boy to the position of the prince of the empire.

But this is not the case.

The last thing Roland did before his death was to start a war with the Holy See. Half of the ownership of the whole imperial capital has now fallen into the hands of the Holy See. In order to take all the rights from the gods, Roland received the most deadly punishment - divine punishment!

The night before his death...

The gloomy sky has long been covered by the moonlight. The night sky should have been full of stars, but there was no starlight in the sky, which made the night particularly quiet.

Above the wall of the imperial capital, the thorny flag representing the imperial flag was rustled by the wind, and a murderous atmosphere had already permeated the whole imperial capital. In this case, there have been a total of three times in the Continental Chronicles of the whole empire, and these three times were caused by rebellion. But the current situation is not very obvious, because there is no sign of soldiers coming to the city outside the imperial capital.

People who thought it was just a military exercise quickly gave up this wrong guess. Because they saw that even the soldiers in the army hung a circle of black steps on their foreheads to show unforgivable killing. Through the various manifestations of the imperial temple, these people finally guessed the reason of the matter - the rebellion of the Holy See?

Although it is not correct, it is very close to the truth.

In the quiet night, in the imperial city in the imperial capital, Roland still did not sleep. Instead, stand in the yard. Looking up at the sky... Although there is no starlight in the sky, he seems to be divine. There is a little complexity in the eyes. I don't know what I'm thinking. His letter has been sent to Nanyao Forest as fast as possible. Even at the slowest speed, Star will come back this morning, but why hasn't he come back yet?

Roland's heart was a little uneasy.

When these uneasy troops came back from the Nanyao Forest, Roland's heart was already there. And when he learned that Tarina was not following the return troops, the feeling became more and more obvious. Roland knew that there was not much time left for him. Every day, the holy light falls into the temple of the Holy See, which is the harbinger of the arrival of angels... In just half a month, at least a hundred angels have come to the main plane.

This made Roland's heart even more uneasy - the heaven finally launched an attack!

The attack of heaven is not very obvious. If it hadn't been carefully detected, even everyone would have thought that these days had not changed as before.

Every morning, the hymns and prayers organized by the Holy See are still carried out as usual.

But the differences hidden in these normal ones are discovered by others. Feigran, who should not have appeared, plays the role that only needs an ordinary priest to play. It is undoubtedly a great honor for believers to pray for a pope. For Pope Feigland, this is a real humiliation.

From the past, the Pope has never had a precedent of praying for ordinary people. Even the contemporary emperor has no right to let a pope willingly hold prayers and sing carols for himself. But Feigrand did this... And because of this, the difference between the Holy See was quickly discovered by people of intention.

The Pope, whose original strength has reached the Holy Land, can no longer see any energy fluctuations on his body.

"How can it be!"

When I heard these news, not only the alchemy guild, but also the assassins' union, the mercenary union... and other rich forces in the imperial capital had a little doubt. How strong should it be that the strong man in the Holy Land can't detect the fluctuation of the other party's energy?

But in fact, this is not the case. Feigrand did not suppress all the energy in the body because his strength was too strong, making a phenomenon of returning to nature. But there is no more energy fluctuation in his body, which means that he is no different from ordinary people except for his superior status!

When this kind of thing spread all over the senior management, no one saw Fergland again.

Maybe he has been imprisoned or secretly executed, but no one can know about this. The only thing we can know is that there has also been a coup within the Holy See. After knowing the reaction of this matter, Roland immediately sent someone to mobilize Star back from Nanyao Forest. And now the only person who can help him solve this problem is Star. one expected that the Holy See's action was so fast. Almost too fast to cover up, he immediately launched an attack on the four guilds at the same time. In just one night, the venue of the four guilds turned into powder, and four consecutive explosions almost overturned the whole night of the imperial capital. No one knows why, no one knows the reason, but the disappearance of the four major guilds is always a fact in front of them, which is undeniable and indelible.

The only one who escaped was Doriel... And since someone claimed to have seen Doriel, Doriel has also disappeared.

It seems that there has never been this person.

On the contrary, Greer began to appear... The appearance of Greer has brought Roland's alertness to the greatest extent. When he knew that the angels of the Holy See had blocked the whole imperial capital, he instantly knew that the Holy See had begun to fight tacit.

More than a dozen masters of the Holy Land have been guarding the imperial city of the imperial capital, which is the only power that Roland can mobilise now. And the army in his hand has long been transferred out of the imperial city. Even if he wants to mobilized them back, he can't quench his thirst.

In the dark, a small figure slowly walked into the light and stood in front of Roland.

"You're finally here!" Roland didn't look back.