Heart of Space

Chapter 337 Detective

"Hey hey!"

Looking at the little hair ball with a silly face, Wang Fan felt for the first time that there was a very vulgar heart hidden under the cute appearance of the little hair ball.

"Master, I didn't finish it last time. There are still some scattered gems there." The little hairy ball said again. With that, he flew over.

Entering this huge underground space from the passage, Wang Fan saw that there were a lot of moss-like vegetation in the cave, which emitted a bright light in the dark cave and lit up the cave. Some mushroom plants are all over the low parts of the cave. At the top of the cave is a wet black irregular stone, dripping some drops from time to time. Just in the west of the cave, a deep pool is full of water. The two vulture-like giant birds perched on a protruding rock above the deep pool.

Seeing the little fur ball flying in, the hair of the two vulture giant birds exploded, staring at the little fur ball warily and chirping. The sound is very rapid.

The little hairball grinned angrily, and a layer of blue and white electric light suddenly lit up on his body. With a sizzling, a thick bolt of lightning hit it. The speed of the lightning was so fast that the giant bird could not react, and it hit a giant bird in the blink of an eye.

"Ping!" The giant bird that was hit screamed and was cut off a few gray feathers by lightning. A few drops of blood flowed, and it has been injured. Fortunately, the giant bird's skin is rough and thick, and the small fur ball is not murderous, so the injury is not serious. After the giant bird was hit, it screamed and retreated. He escaped from this huge cave in a few breaths.

"Haha, stupid bird, let's see if you dare to provoke me." The little fur ball laughed proudly. Wang Fan was speechless for a while.

Suddenly, the little fur ball turned around the deep pool below, looking for something anxiously.

"Oh, no, last time I saw that there were still some gems here. Why isn't it there?" Xiao Maoqiu muttered doubtfully by the pool. Very depressed.

Wang Fan also flew over and landed on the edge of the pool. The pool was very deep. From the top, it looked dark, and the bottom of the pool could not be seen with the naked eye. Wang Fan's heart moved and used all his spiritual strength to explore the bottom of the pool. The density of the pool is different from the density of the air, and the accommodation of spiritual power is also different. Therefore, Wang Fan's spiritual diving is relatively slow. But even so, in a moment, Wang Fan's spiritual power went down hundreds of meters. But to Wang Fan's surprise, although the bottom of the pool is bottomless, there is nothing but some strange fish.

Three hundred meters... four hundred meters... five hundred meters!

"Oh, what is this?" Wang Fan suddenly "sw" a strange picture. When he went down 500 meters, the deep pool finally changed. From a narrow passage only 100 meters wide, it suddenly opened up to a rapid underwater current.

"A huge underground river network!" Wang Fan decided.

Wang Fan was amazed at the huge underground river network. With the deepening of his spiritual power, he found that it was a huge underground network, stacked, tortuous, and pure water flowing in the stone path. While Wang Fan was looking at it carefully, the exclamation of the little hair ball suddenly came to his ear.

"Ah, master, come and have a look. There are footprints here."

Wang Fan was shocked and immediately withdrew his mental strength and turned his attention to the place pointed by the little hairball. It is on the other side of the deep pool, next to a piece of bright green plants.

"Let me see." Wang Fan noticed that there was indeed a pair of shallow footprints under this plant. If you don't pay attention, you really can't see it. And the plant also has traces of folded leaves.

"Master, the last time I came, there was no one here. How can there be footprints here?" The little fur ball is very confused.

Wang Fan narrowed his eyes and suddenly sneered at the corners of his mouth: "Sir, you've been watching for so long, it's time to come out."

With that, Wang Fan suddenly took action and slapped it out. The magnificent giant fingerprints with unparalleled power hit a clump of vegetation in the corner of the cave in one fell swoop. Boom!" With a sound, the plant was smashed by the giant palm, and the cave shook like an earthquake. Gravel water stains splashed all over the ground.

And before the giant palm print was taken, a white shadow narrowly escaped from the bush.

Without saying a word, the white shadow flew away to the exit. The speed was so fast that it almost rushed to the exit passage in the blink of an eye.

Wang Fan shouted, "Do you still want to leave?! "Oh!" With a slap, the power of vast space burst out, and the surrounding space was completely frozen all of a sudden. The figure was also fixed in place when he crossed the mouth of the cave.

As soon as Wang Fan pulled his hand, the white shadow was photographed by Wang Fan.

The man in white wears a white shirt with obvious characteristics of the Holy See. The tight samurai suit with golden lace is engraved with simple religious patterns, like white leather armor to protect his chest and limbs, and the man also holds a soft sword in his hand. Judging from the way he fled, he was still very alert when he ran away. However, he underestimated Wang Fan's strength.

As soon as Wang Fan and Xiao Maoqiu came in, he felt the strength of this man and beast. So I don't have the idea of being the enemy. After being drunk by Wang Fan, his only thought was to escape.

"The Holy See of Light!" Wang Fan's eyes narrowed slightly and bloomed with cold light.

"Little hair ball, check the footprints to see if it's this person's." Wang Fan said, imprisoning the man in white in the air to the edge of the cold pool.

The little hair ball said doubtfully, "Master, this footprint is not his."

"Oh?" Wang Fan was a little surprised and thought for a moment. Wang Fan sneered, pulled the man in white to his side and gently touched the man in white's forehead with one hand. He shouted softly, "Great Soul Search."

The man in white was fixed by Wang Fan and couldn't move at all. He could only watch Wang Fan's hand nod on his forehead. Just as Wang Fan's fingers touched the forehead of the man in white, the man in white fell into a coma like a mountain.

After a moment. Wang Fan opened his eyes. As soon as the hand was loosened, the man in white withered on the ground. Seven orifices bled to death.

"Haha, I didn't expect that we caught a big fish. The Pope of Light and the Pope of Darkness also came here. They actually joined hands to attack Nepne. Unexpectedly, this was the old nest of Nep Nep. Hahaha, Xiao Maoqiu, let's go. If you go late, you won't see a good show."

Xiao Maoqiu was a little confused: "Master, are we going to find the treasure?"

"Go, of course, there is treasure where we are going. Let's go and go into the cold pool." Wang Fan said, jumped and jumped into the deep cold pool.

The little hair ball jumped in, and a chill made the little hair ball's hair explode. It quickly wrapped its whole body with thunder and lightning to prevent the attack of this chill. With a flash of lightning, the little hairball fell on Wang Fan's shoulder. One person and one beast dived away.

"Master, those babies are not in this cold pool!" Where are we going?" Xiao Maoqiu asked.

Wang Fan smiled and said, "Don't worry, let's take a shortcut."

As the diving became deeper and deeper, the surrounding water temperature became colder and colder, 300 meters... 400 meters... 500 meters. Soon, Wang Fan came to the underground river network. Suddenly, Wang Fan was surprised to see that the bottom of the river was covered with a layer of colorful stones. These stones emit a bright light, showing the slender light of the underground river. The crystal river is pure and transparent, and a layer of slowly glowing stone is also inlaid on the stone wall of the passage. Make this underground river colorful and very beautiful.

"What a beautiful place!"

"Ah, master, there are a lot of gems here. Let's move them away." Xiao Maoqiu laughed and jumped and shouted excitedly.

Wang Fan shook his head: "The stones here are worthless and useless. Let's go to the treasure house."

The underground river is clear and cold, and it is colorful on Thursday and Friday. It travels in the waterway, just like entering the kaleidoscope. It's overwhelming. After seven turns and eight turns, Wang Fan entered a wide water with a small fur ball. The originally narrow waterway suddenly became wide. A huge space with a radius of thousands of meters is presented in front of them.

"Master, it's here, it's here." The little fur ball pointed to the distance excitedly and shouted.