Heart of Space

Chapter 405 Savage Way to Meet One Update

On the mainland, not everyone knows the organization of dark night, but in those professional circles, the legend about dark night has never been broken.

When it comes to the dark night, we have to say their terrible declaration: "When the night comes, it will be our world."

Moreover, as a killer organization, the power of the dark night is not comparable to that of other assassination organizations. He is a well-deserved boss, and he is a paradise for killers. And almost everyone who is targeted by the dark night rarely escapes. If the fee charged by the night had not been too high, maybe the three leagues would have joined hands to eliminate the night long ago.

Although the dark night has existed on the mainland for so many years, its nest has never been found. Some people say that the nest of the night is on the sea, others say that the nest of the night is under the ground, and some people say that the nest of the night is in the sky. There are many outrageous statements, but no one knows where the night is.

Wang Fan doesn't know either.

Alice walks in the passage of the base, and every killer who passes by can feel the chill on her body. Even if it is a killer, there is rarely such a deep and murderous atmosphere as Alice. It's like crawling out of hell, and it can make people collapse at a glance. What's more, the current Alice is no longer Alice a few days ago, and the gap between the sixth and eighth levels can't be calculated. Alice walked in the passage, and her breath was undisguised, making those former colleagues look sideways.

However, because Alice has always been indifferent, even if those people know Alice, they feel strange that Alice has suddenly become so powerful, but no one came forward to ask.

Alice came directly to the center of the base.

"Hung, I don't know if this is the president's office?" Two indifferent killers standing in front of the silver-cured door blocked Alice's way.

Looking at these two people, Alice recognized them. One is a member of the organization called Orwell, who is said to have a good relationship with the head of the base. The other is Tell, a half-old man with a thief's eyebrows. That is, the elf in Amy's original base who escaped from Wang Fan. At that time, Alice got the news of Wang Fan from the conversation between the two people. Speaking of this, Alice has to thank them. But now? In order to thank you, I will send you to hell.

Alice snorted coldly, raised her hand rudely, and a strong red murderous spirit burst out, and the two were very frightened. Seeing the red murderous spirit, they wanted to avoid it, but found that they had already been imprisoned. I can't even move. The red murderous spirit comes to the body. The two of them didn't even scream, but turned into a piece of flying ash.

The two turned into flying ash, and Alice didn't look at it. With another slap, the silver steel gate was suddenly smashed to pieces. With a bang, the whole gate disappeared. The power of the eighth-order strong is powerful.

"Who is so presumptuous!" An old voice inside shouted. Before the person appeared, a sharp arrow shot at Alice at the door. The sharp arrow showed a red murderous spirit, which was the same as Alice's fighting spirit. The sharp arrow flew fast. When it shot, the powerful murderous spirit also stared at Alice. Like a living thing. This is a killing arrow, which is unique to the night organization.

Unexpectedly, Alice just snorted coldly, but the killing arrow that shot close to the front "c" and broke into two pieces and fell down. The strong murderous atmosphere on the arrow was eliminated at all.

"Mr. President, I haven't seen you for a few days. I'm all right!" Alice said coldly and walked in.

In the gorgeously decorated hall, an old man in his 70s and 80s was staring at the door angrily. His snow-white beard was upturned, obviously angry. Orwell and Tell at the door were his confidants, but they were killed all of a sudden. How can he not be angry? That's why when Alice smashed the door, she immediately launched the hidden weapon on the wall - the killing arrow.

Seeing that Alice lightly broke the killing arrow, the old man opened his eyes wide and seemed to be a little disbelief. You should know that the power of killing arrows can't even resist ordinary seventh-order strong men.

"Alice, the king of the new generation of killers, you are so majestic that you dare to kill my two subordinates. What do you want to do? Is it a rebellion?" The old man said angrily.

Alice showed a sneer at the corners of her mouth. She waved her hand as if she was chasing a fly and said disdainfully, "Sonder, these two people are usually cunning and treacherous. They are two shameless villains. With them around you, it's a cancer. I'll kill them for you. You have to thank me."

Hearing this, the old man said angrily, "Well, Alice, the person who killed me even wanted me to thank you. Who gave you so much courage? Now you kneel down, and I want to teach you what the rules of the dark night are.

Alice said disdainfully, "Old man, are you confused? Do you think you can control me with your ability? I'm here to ask to meet the members of the Presbyterians. Report it to me quickly. I don't have time to gossip with you."

The old man's face turned red, and he was about to lose his temper. But suddenly I felt a strong murderous atmosphere that suddenly filled the whole room. The room suddenly cried and howled, and the gloomy ghosts came one after another. At the same time, the gloomy wind penetrates the body and the murderous atmosphere lingers. The room turned into a ghost in an instant. In the murderous atmosphere, a man full of evil will pressed down on him fiercely.

"Drink!" The old man roared, and his body also rose with a blood-red evil spirit. Fight against this will.

Unfortunately, the evil spirit of an old man who looked at him was completely suppressed, and the murderous spirit that had just left the body was suppressed by the evil will and retreated into the body. I dare not come out again. The old man seemed to be under a thousand pounds of pressure. His teeth clucked, his face was twisted into a ball, and blood flowed out of his facial features, which looked very ferocious and horrible.

"Humph!" A cold hum sounded in the room, and the pressure of the evil will suddenly doubled.

"Puff!" With a sound, the old man finally couldn't support it, and his body had a close contact with the ground. The old man suddenly looked up and shouted, "My lord, stop it. I conceded defeat."

Seeing that the old man admitted defeat, Alice stopped killing pressure. She just looked at the old man coldly with a cold look.

The old man was sweating profusely and stood up from the ground. He looked at Alice with fear, which was like looking at a monster. Of course, he knows Alice. This little girl has shown great talent since she was trained. In only a year, she chose to enter the purgatory of hell. As soon as she appeared, she was the third level. After coming out, he was promoted quickly. Growing up in the killing. It will soon break through the fourth level. After that, it was even more out of control. He even made a breakthrough. Recently, even he didn't know what Alice's strength was. But he never thought that it was only a few days. Alice rose to a level that he couldn't even resist.

"You, have you been promoted to the eighth level?" The old man gritted his teeth and said rudely.

Alice said indifferently, "What? This is not what you should care about. I'm here just because I need someone to introduce someone to the Presbyterian for me. I need to see the elder.

The old man gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, okay, since you have become the eighth-order master, I really can't take care of it. However, the elders are usually in retreat. I'm afraid you can't see them. Let me introduce you to the four elders. Most of the organizational matters are managed by the four elders. What do you have? It's the same as what the four elders said.

Alice nodded and said, "Okay."

The old man turned around, walked to the edge of the table, took out a purple pill the size of a longan from a wooden brocade box, and ate it in one bite. In a moment, the old man's face became much more rosy. After taking the medicine, the old man came to the wall and pressed the wall with one hand. The wall of the original golden wallpaper suddenly rippled like a water pattern. The golden Warcraft pattern on it suddenly trembled and turned into nothingness. After that, there was only a "c click" sound, and a two-meter-high opening suddenly cracked on the wall. Just let one person in.

The old man didn't look back and said, "Come with me!" After saying that, I went in first.

Alice looked at it and her eyes narrowed slightly. When the old man walked in, it was like walking into a water curtain, and the wall rippled. After just looking at it, Alice no longer hesitated and followed in.

And when she also went in, the wall clicked again and changed back to its original appearance.

Alice walked in with the old man and found herself in a dark space. The old man stood in front of her. Only the place under the old man's feet is bright. It is a three-meter-diameter round altar, or not an altar, but a magic array. When Alice entered, the old man had begun to inlai the magic crystal on the magic array. The red, blue and green magic crystals the size of three fists were placed in three directions by the old man. The magic circle lit up.

A breath of space rippled.

Alice's eyes lit up and seemed to recognize what the magic array was.

The old man looked at Alice's expression and immediately explained, "You're right. Our nest in the dark night is indeed in other planes. The last time you were called by your ancestors, you should have a little impression of this magic array.

Alice nodded in silence. Just carefully observing the magic array, as if remembering something.

The old man is not surprised. The killers have their own hobbies. He doesn't have the time or the mood to care about this. When the magic array was fully opened, the old man waved and said, "Let's go!"

The two stood on the magic array. After a whirlwind, the scene changed. Their eyes lit up and they had already arrived in a strange place.

This is a completely isolated world. This is a paradise-like valley. The birds in the valley are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and the rare birds and beasts walk freely and peacefully on the hillside. They are not afraid to see human beings, but watch them with interest. In the middle of the valley, there is a row of simple huts. It complements the valleys like a paradise. In front of the cottage, a one-person-wide river was clear, and all kinds of fish were swimming in the river. Free and free.

The whole valley is like a painting.

Alice and the old man appeared on a boulder at the foot of the mountain, from which they could overlook the valley. Out of the magic array, the old man pointed to the cottages in the center and said, "Those cottages are all places where the elders live. The elders are also there, but usually they are practicing and are not allowed to disturb us. The four elders we are looking for are in the house at the top of the mountain. Let's go.

Following the direction pointed by the old man, Alice saw a magnificent palace built on the top of the mountain behind her. It was a golden palace, shining in the sun. It's very beautiful. The magnificence of the palace on the top of the mountain is in sharp contrast to the simplicity of the huts in the valley.

Suddenly, Alice asked, "Is the ancestor here?"

The old man smiled and said, "Of course. But the ancestors never show up. Do you want to see your ancestors? That's also simple, as long as you practice to the ninth level. Your ancestors will naturally call you. However, if you do something that has a big impact, maybe your ancestors will also summon you. Just like the last time you won the title of King of the Night. I said you..."

Before the old man finished his words, he was surprised to see Alice suddenly rise into the sky and fly over the valley. His hands condensed a huge blood sword of dozens of meters. Jiao shouted and suddenly waved her sword and cut it down.


The bloody sword bombarded the dozens of simple huts. The humble hut was attacked by this great power and broke into powder one after another. The original harmonious picture was turned into nothingness by Alice's sword. The rare birds and beasts in the grass were roared by the explosion, and the fish in the river also fled in panic. Just as the cottage was destroyed, several people flew out of the cottage in confusion.

Looking at the familiar figures, the old man recognized that they were all elders in the dark night. He grew his mouth, looked at the majestic Alice in mid-air, and said hoarsely, "The impact is really great."